El Toro October 2012

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Spanish Ranch #1 Information

RESIDENT MANAGERS/OFFICE Manager: Teresa Cruz, Rutherford Investment Co. Office address: 28400 Granada Circle Phone: 510-783-5535 Office hours: 9-12 and 1:30-4 Monday-Friday. Rent may be dropped in mail slot in office door (next to laundry room). Jeffrey Stoops, Assistant Manager On-call for emergencies Sat.-Sun.-Holidays In an emergency, call 510-783-5535. Call will be directed to pager (510-312-0277). ORGANIZATIONS The Spanish Ranch #1 Association and the Spanish Ranch #1 Ladies Club are automatically comprised of park residents. There are no dues. MEETINGS of the Association Board are the FIRST THURSDAY at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse. Residents welcome. LADIES CLUB meets the SECOND THURSDAY of each month at 12 NOON in the Main Clubhouse. The LUNCH BUNCH meets the THIRD THURSDAY of each month to go out to lunch at various area restaurants. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH meets the SECOND TUESDAY of alternate months at 7:00 p.m. in the clubhouse BINGO is the FIRST and LAST SATURDAY of each month. MISCELLANEOUS The Clubhouses are available to residents for private affairs. Contact the Office, 510-783-5535 SWIMMING POOL / HOT TUB Pool open May-October. Hot Tub open year round. The POOL ROOM inside Main Clubhouse is available for residents to use. See the office for a key. COMPLAINTS/SUGGESTIONS/REPORTS are to be submitted to Park Management in WRITING and must be SIGNED. For any complaints or suggestions concerning safety, maintenance, replace/repair, notify the Executive Board as well. This may be done through the website at www.spanishranch1.org, RESIDENT SUGGESTION/COMPLAINT FORM ON PAGE 14. Bus transportation information on page 15.

SR-1 Association & Community Contacts

ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President: Pat Smith 784-0105 Vice President: Dawn Plaskon 887-2199 Secretary: Jeanie Schultz 784-1997 Treasurer: Peggy Nichols 782-8950 ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE BOARD Marvin Daley 783-0360 Clint Dean 266-0979 Brenda Glover 303-2308 Jerry Higgins 410-6893 Barbara Sacks 783-8176 Spanish Ranch I Association Officers and Executive Board Members meet the FIRST THURSDAY of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse unless otherwise announced. ALL RESIDENTS WELCOME Annual Membership Meeting held each April. COMMITTEES Dime Bingo . . . . . . . . . . Lorraine Schmuck, 783-7294 HMOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open Lunch Bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ruth Horton, 732-6671 Welcoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open COMMUNITY CONTACT CHAIRPERSONS Bingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ron Gomez, 782-5183 Neighborhood Watch . . . . Peggy Nichols, 782-8950 N.E.R.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dawn Plaskon, 887-2199 EL TORO Jeanie Schultz 784-1997 e-mail: eltoro.editor@comcast.net Deadline for all submissions to the El Toro is the 10th of each month for the following month. WEBMASTER: Rev. Charles Eldred webmaster@spanishranch1.org EL TORO MAGAZINE
is published monthly by Mobile Home Park Magazines and distributed by volunteers around the first of the month. Dates and times of activities are noted on the calendar therein. Special activities will be announced in the regular pages. Extra copies of the magazine (or replacement copies if you got missed) are available in the Main Clubhouse after distribution is complete.

Residents are welcome at the meeting of the

SR1 Association Board



October 4, 2012 7:00 p.m.
in the main clubhouse
The Executive Board meets on the first Thursday of each month. Residents are invited to attend.
A special meeting will be called any time there is a need to gather park residents for anything other than routine business.
Proudly waving once again, new American and California flags have been installed atop the flagpole in the courtyard in front of the main clubhouse, replacing the worn out set.

Weve had some response (thank you), but we still need YOU!
The Social Committee is brimming with ideas for fun things to do in the park but they cant do it without help! If you have an event to suggest and are willing to help put it on, let us know that too. To volunteer, contact Association President Pat Smith, 784-0105, or VP Dawn Plaskon, 372-2420. You can also call the association voicemail, 274-1771. Lets get the party started!


RESIDENT INFO www.spanishranch1.org
The El Toro and the Bylaws of the Spanish Ranch 1 Association are posted here.

Voicemail phone number for the association is: 510-274-1771


Soliciting donations or work, door-to-door sales of any kind, door-knob hanging or distributing ads or flyers by entities outside the park is

Please do not flush:

Plumbing issues:

DONT let anyone into your home!
TELL the intruders that soliciting is not allowed and if they do not leave the park immediately, call the police! Then report them to the office. Help keep our residents safe!

baby wipes disposable diapers feminine supplies Depends or large amounts of rice, potatoes or GREASE!

S PA N I S H R A N C H 1 L A D I E S C L U B Open to all par k women

Join us for

You like to eat, right?

Join the Lunch Bunch

Come join our group of park women as we visit area restaurants. Youll get acquainted with some great gals! LUNCH BUNCH SCHEDULE
The Lunch Bunch meets on the third THURSDAY (unless otherwise announced) of each month at 12 noon. All are welcome to join us as we visit area restaurants. Call Wilma, 397-5701, to let her know youre coming (so we know how many to tell the restaurant). Lady friends are welcome. 2012 Oct 18 Nov 15 December Mimis Elephant Bar Christmas Party Hayward Hayward

First and Last Saturdays of each month,


Questions, Ruth 732-6671 or Myrtle 786-1182 If you are interested in joining us and want to carpool, please call Ruth, 732-6671, or Jeanie 784-1997.

Snack bar open before play and during breaks serving nachos, hot dogs, sodas, snacks. Residents are welcome to stop by the snack bar and get lunch, sodas or snacks (but no one under 18 after play starts).

NOON TO 3:00 P.M.

Ron Gomez, coordinator 782-5183

Volunteer help is appreciated, call Ron for info.


Join the Ladies Club at noon on the second Thursday for

Per state law, no one under the age of 18 is allowed in the clubhouse during Bingo


Ladies! Bring your lunch and lets get together. Dessert provided. Costs only a dime a game, winner take all! + .25 for the bank which gets raffled back to somebody at the first gathering in January.

Notices from Neighbor MH Parks

10/27/12Eden Gardens Flea Market 9-3 10/20/12New England Village Womens Club Christmas Holiday Boutique Saturday, October 20, 2012 9 A.M. 2:30 P.M. New England Village Mobile Home Park
940 New England Village Dr (Off Huntwood between Industrial & Tennyson) Crafts Jewelry Household Items Christmas Decorations/Gifts

Come to the Main clubhouse on the Second Thursday, at noon!

For more information call Lorraine Schmuck 783-7294
Dime Bingo 2012 Dessert Schedule:
October: Lorraine November: Irene December: Christmas Party

White Elephant Sale and Bake Sale Lunch will be available for purchase. For more information call: Bev Palma (510) 785 7831 Barbara Dias (510) 782 - 9361

Come help keep our neighborhood pleasant and clean by joining our bimonthly

Saturday, October 20, 2012 9:00 a.m. - noon

[Rain Cancels]
Meet on Folsom Street at the gates to the road along the wall paralleling Miranda. Hotel soaps and shampoos like this donated bagful are a vital part of HaywardCANs outreach to the homeless and needy in South Hayward. Please donate today! Direct questions to Dawn at kdplaskon@sbcglobal.net or Jeanie at eltoro.editor@comcast.net. Or just show up and ask the nearest worker. WE NEED MORE HELP! Many hands make light work... If youre not free all morning, come for just an hour. Even a half-hour of picking up trash or painting out graffiti would help! Canvas gloves, trash picks, garbage bags, paint and rollers are provided. Bottled water also.


Please Donate:
August through October we are collecting

Hygiene Supplies,
(Diapers, toilet paper, tissues, powdered laundry detergent)

(soap, shampoo -like you pick up from your hotel-, razors, shaving cream)

food staples
(beans or canned chili, rice, canned meats, chicken and fish, oatmeal and low-sugar cereals)

to benefit South Hayward Parish of


About SR-1 Charity Drives

In addition to the ongoing Food Drive for the Alameda County Food Bank food barrels, residents have an opportunity to contribute to other worthy causes throughout the year. February-April: We collect for the Animal shelter in time for their spring influx of puppies and kittens. May-July: School supplies are gathered to benefit Haywards Tools for Schools which distributes them to needy families in August before school starts. Aug-October: Hygiene and sanitary supplies and food staples for HaywardCAN (Community Action Network) which coordinates donations and volunteerism to help local residents in need and for homeless outreach. November-January: One Warm Coat drive

(Community Action Network)

Donations go to shelters and homeless outreach in our South Hayward area.
To make a donation as part of our drive, please call 510-274-1771 and leave a message or e-mail president@spanishranch1.org to request a pickup of your donation. Donations may also be dropped off at the Bingo snack bar on Bingo Saturdays or with managers any time the office is open.

Comedy Corner

contributed by S. Higman (no. 200)

(most copyright info unknown - web-exchange)

Parking in New York

A gentleman walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. He says he is going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for such a loan. So the gentleman hands over the keys to a new Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the bank. Everything checks out, and the bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. An employee drives the Rolls into the banks underground garage and parks it there. Two weeks later, the gentleman returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41. The loan officer says, We are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is why would you bother to borrow $5,000? The gentleman replied, Where else in New York can I park my car for two weeks for 15 bucks?

When you get to heaven, are you stuck for eternity wearing the same clothes you were buried in? Why are actors IN movies but ON television? Can you cry under water? Why do we say we slept like a baby when they wake up every two hours?

Job Test Cheater

Two young engineers applied for a single position at a computer company. They both had the same qualifications. In order to determine which individual to hire, the applicants were asked to take a test by the Department manager. Upon completion of the test, both men missed only one of the questions. The manager went to the first applicant and said, Thank you for your interest, but weve decided to give the job to the other applicant. And why would you be doing that? We both got 9 questions correct, asked the rejected applicant. We have based our decision not on the correct answers, but on the question you missed, said the Department manager. And just how would one incorrect answer be better than the other? the rejected applicant inquired. Simple, said the Department manager, Your fellow applicant put down on question #5, I dont know. You put down, Neither do I.

When Beethoven passed away, he was buried in a churchyard. A couple days later, the town drunk was walking through the cemetery and heard some strange noise coming from the area where Beethoven was buried. Terrified, the drunk ran and got the priest to come and listen to it. The priest bent close to the grave and heard some faint, unrecognizable music coming from the grave. Frightened, the priest ran and got the town magistrate. When the magistrate arrived, he bent his ear to the grave, listened for a moment, and said, Ah, yes, thats Beethovens Ninth Symphony, being played backwards. He listened a while longer, and said, Theres the Eighth Symphony, and its backwards, too. Most puzzling. So the magistrate kept listening; Theres the Seventh... the Sixth... the Fifth... Suddenly the realization of what was happening dawned on the magistrate; he stood up and announced to the crowd that had gathered in the cemetery, My fellow citizens, theres nothing to worry about. Its just Beethoven decomposing.

NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Spanish Ranch I September 11, 2012 7:00 pm

Welcome & sign in (9 In Attendance) Gale Bleth : Crime Prevention Specialist, Hayward Police Department (Out Of Town/Not Available) Police Officer: Not Available NATIONAL NIGHT OUT: The event was a great success with entertainment, water balloon toss and door prizes. We served over 200 residents and guests and told By all accounts more fun than ever, Best NNO BBQ and It was a Blast Crime in Park : OPEN FORUM * 7-8-12 Kids broke 21 tiles on building of small clubhouse. Management informed parent of responsibility to replace. *7-23-12 Assault & Battery on Macatera 911 was called and 2 units responded. *7-28-12 A resident after coming through the back gate was stopped by 4 teenagers standing in the middle of the street without moving. They were very much challenging/daring the resident. Police were dispatched and an incident report taken. * In August three (3) 911 calls were made regarding a red SUV speeding/peeling through-out the park and not one police officer showed up per residents. *9-7-12 White with dark red roof older model sedan car with 4 males were driving down Macatera using a red lazar light to look into driveways. Police dispatched but were unable to locate vehicle. * Solar lights have been stolen from the yards of many residents in Spanish Ranch1. * Management reported via e-mail that there have been several instances of bicycles being stolen from residents lots. Hayward Neighborhood Alert Next Hayward Neighborhood Alert meeting is September 26, 2012 7pm at Southland Mall Block Captain Meeting SPEAKER: Desi Calzada, Communications Supervisor-Hayward Police Dept. If anyone has anything about dispatch or what you have experienced with dispatch that they want addressed, let us know so we can take it to the next HNA meeting. Oct 6th: Public Safety Expo at Southland Mall 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please check City website for info: http://www.ci.hayward.ca.us/ Next Spanish Ranch 1 Neighborhood Watch meeting: October 9, 2012 7pm Tuesday,

Clint Dean, 266-0979 Peggy Nichols, 782-8950 Judy Allen-Rogers, 785-4894 Patty Little, 783-1534
Report criminal activity the police first, but ALSO to Neighborhood Watch! Call anyone on the team!

Spanish Ranch I


TUESDAY 7 p.m.
October 9, 2012 December 11, 2012 SMALL CLUBHOUSE


h atc t! W u O

NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH TEAM: Peggy Nichols 782-8950, Clint Dean 266-0979, Patty Little 783-1534, Judy Allen-Rodgers 785-4894



w Slown! Do

Save the date! November 17, 2012 for the Spanish Ranch 1 Craft and Gift Faire.
Limited to 24 tables at $10 each. Handcrafted items, cosmetics, jewelry, and new gift items only no rummage. Contact Patty Little, 510-783-1534 for more information. 6

Saturday, October 27, 2012 6-8 p.m.
Open to all residents and their invited guests.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

There will be: Food Prizes Games for ages 0-4; 5-8; 9-12; 13+ Costume judging at 7:30 p.m. Please call coordinator Kathi Calvert 510-305-4843 if you can: donate candy HELP with the party! Come join the fun! Come in costume or be a costume judge! Adults are requested to bring munchies to share.

Trick-or-Treat on HALLOWEEN October 31, 2012 6-9 p.m.

ONLY Residents and their invited guests are allowed to trick-or-treat in the Park. NO trick-or-treating past 9:00 p.m.

Children must be accompanied by a resident and may go ONLY to those houses where residents want them to come. Residents indicate their willingness to dispense treats by leaving the porch light on AND clipping an orange flyer (distributed a week or so in advance) to their mailbox. CHILDREN FROM OUTSIDE THE PARK RECEIVE TREATS AT THE FRONT GATE

Kids! Come to the Halloween PARTY!


Christmas is Coming!
- Come to the Annual Spanish Ranch 1 -

Holiday Crafts & Gifts Fair

Saturday, Nov 17 2012 9am-3pm ,
Spanish Ranch 1 Main Clubhouse
To reser ve a table, contact

Patty Little 510-783-1534 leave message

Tables: $10.00 each (first come, first ser ved)

This is a great opportunity to sell and show your creative talents!

Sellers: Acceptable items to be sold Handmade gift baskets knitted or crocheted items paintings mosaics handmade jewelry stationery and crafty cards sewn items ceramics scrapbooks framed photos done by you and anything crafted by you! Also welcome: Cosmetics/skin care (suitable for gifts), jewelry/ hair adornments, new gift or re-gift items (no rummage). Vendors may set up tables Friday night (Nov 16) from 7 to 9 pm and Saturday morning 7 to 9am

School is back in session and we would remind you and your guests to please use the upmost caution when driving in Spanish Ranch. Parking continues to be a challenge here in the park. On-street parking and resident parking in visitor parking areas is an area of concern. Please be aware that street parking is ONLY allowed when loading and unloading passengers and freight into your home. Visitor parking is for VISITORS ONLY and not for your second, third or fourth vehicle. Visitor parking is NOT for your commercial vehicle that you use for work. All commercial vehicles MUST be parked OUTSIDE the park. Drive around the park on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday evening and you might be surprised by the number of residents that use visitor parking for their vehicles. If you are one of those that are parking in visitor parking, you are doing a disservice to your neighbors by taking a place that their visitor might be using. Your attention to these parking issues is greatly appreciated. Remember, the Rules and Regulations of Spanish Ranch dictate that pets are to be in-house pets and that if they are out of doors, the animal MUST be on a leash. Any enclosures that may be used for the purpose to leave your pet out of doors unattended are not allowed. We continue to find LARGE amounts of handi-wipes (baby wipes) in the sewer system when there is a backup in the main line. Recently we observed about two (2) POUNDS of baby wipes removed in one spot from the mainline. I, for one, was simply amazed. A reminder: If your life style dictates the use of this type of hygiene products, we would ask that do NOT introduce them into the sewer system. We would recommend that you treat this type of product exactly as you would other female hygiene products. Dispose of them in the garbage. We all have uncles, cousins, aunts, brothers and sisters and lots of in-laws and outlaws. Unless someone is a resident of Spanish Ranch #1 MHP they are not authorized to use the common area facilities unless the person on the lease is accompanying them. Reserving the club house for your special events. Please plan on reserving your clubhouse based on the following guidelines: The main clubhouse typically is reserved two (2) months in advance and the small club house is about four (4) weeks in advance. The procedure is very simple, just complete the club house reservation form (located in the main clubhouse to the left of the bulletin board). Bring your completed form into the office with a $100.00 refundable cleaning deposit check or money order made payable to Spanish Ranch #1. We will then check the availability of the club house requested, and put you down for your date. Your deposit monies will be returned to you after your event if the following conditions are met: 1. All trash is removed from the clubhouse areas. This includes all balloons, banners and other celebration trappings associated with your party. 2. New plastic trash can liners are installed in all trash cans 3. The kitchen is cleaned with the floor washed 4. The tables and chairs are washed and cleaned 5. The carpeted areas are vacuumed and any spills/stains are cleaned from the carpeted areas 6. Bathrooms used are cleaned, swept and new trash can liners installed. 7. All chairs and tables are restored to their original locations according to the guidelines supplied. 8. Lastly, the outside of the building is policed and any debris in cleaned up. It is important to remember; someone else will be using the clubhouse facilities immediately after you and will expect it to be clean.

Food Bank Donations

for the Alameda County Food Bank Barrels,
an ongoing community service project,

may be dropped off in the office.

(Due to scavenging and theft, the barrels are kept in the conference room, but staff will see that all donations are put into them.)

Guillermos Corner
Please continue to clean up after yourself at the car wash area. There continues to be a great deal of trash and debris. Remember that the gutter area in front of your home is part of your space and it is your responsibility to keep it clear of leaves, garbage and other debris. Remember to clean under your driveway approach ramps. Tagging continues to be a challenge. Please report anyone seen tagging Spanish Ranch property. Jeff Stoops, SR1 Assistant Manager

Food donations must be UNOPENED, not perishable and not require refrigeration.

Thank you!


Think Like a Burglar

Case your home the way a burglar might: look for easy ways to enter your home: open windows (even partially), faulty locks, unsecure side gates, etc. Secure ladders and tools inside the garage: ladders stored on side yards can be easily used to access open windows on the second floor and your own tools can

be used as the method of entry. Trim trees and shrubs near doors and windows: burglars like to conceal themselves. Be sure valuables are not visible from the street: Items like electronic devices and artwork should be for your enjoyment and not for public view.

Get to Know Your Neighbors

One of the best ways to keep informed of local crime trends,


Or are YOU looking for something?
The El Toro will accept listings from residents for household items or furniture, pet/kid stuff, roommate wantedwhatever you might post on the bulletin boards that you want to get rid of or want to acquire. If you have a fundraiser or special event for your kids school, we can give it a few lines here. We cannot accept commercial ads like real estate or Avon, or inhome care services. (Basically anything that requires a license, be it home nursing or building contractor, must go through the publisher.) Put together what you want to say and e-mail text/pix to the editor by the 10th of the month for the following month: eltoro.editor@comcast.net. Inquire of the editor if youre not sure if your item qualifies. Be sure to include your contact information (name, phone #, best time to FOR SALE call, especially if you work), and a price, if applicable in your item. You must also Plus Size clothing provide your address to verify that you Pant - jeans and slacks, are a resident, but it wont be published shirts - t-shirts and blouses, unless you want it to be. skirts, coats - winter and casual, dresses, and FOR SALE some shoes. donated to SR1 Sizes between 20-26. Assn: 3 boxes All items are in good condi(39 sq ft) oak tion and they are looking for flooring $25.00 a happy home. I have lots of items for sale. I recently or make offer. lost weight and am no lonCall 784-1997 ger able to fit these clothes. Price range between $5 $20 and/or negotiable. If interested, please contact me to arrange for a showing; Charlotte Carter 510.825.2834. The best time to reach me is M-F after 5pm and Sat anytime after 9am. 1580 Balein Court.


receive current crime prevention tips as well as tried and tested methods is to get involved with Neighborhood Crime Watch. A few of the benefits of Neighborhood Crime Watch are as follows: Getting to know your neighbors is a win/win. You will gain extra eyes and ears for your property, from those who live near you, for those times when you are at work, school or vacation. A neighbor of your choosing can pick up your mail and newspapers when you are out of town. They can also phone the Police Department when and if there is suspicious activity, in your absence. You will be more alert and aware of suspicious vehicles and person(s) not usual to the neighborhood. This knowledge will eliminate the hesitation you might have as to whether or not you should phone the Police about a suspicious occurrence. Report suspicious activity, as it occurs, to the Hayward Police Department at (510) 293-7000. If you believe you are witnessing a crime in progress, dial 9-1-1



Submitted by

must be submitted to Park Management in WRITING and must be SIGNED. Only the person with the problem or concern may file the complaint. None will be accepted from third parties on behalf of someone else. Forms are available in a bin on the wall next to the bulletin board in the main clubhouse AND in almost every issue of the El Toro. If you want your elected SR1 Assn leadership help you, please provide a copy to the SR-1 Assn. Give a copy to any member of the board or fill out the form on the website.

COMPLAINTS/ Suggestions or Reports

Newspaper Tubes
currently fashioned from large PVC pipe if your newspaper doesnt supply one, are used to notify residents of events via flyers and the monthly park magazine. Please call the office if you need a tube installed at your home. 783-5535

Meter Reader
Spanish Ranch I utility meters are read during the middle of each month. The meter reader is employed by an outside company that is responsible only for monthly meter readings and has no responsibility for the amount of your utility bills. Our meter reader is just doing his job. You can help him do that by keeping meters clear of obstructions and by treating him with respect and courtesy.

Free Spay or Neuter,

for feral cats living in the cities of Hayward,
Union City, Castro Valley, San Lorenzo or San Leandro

with vaccination,

Para gatos que viven en Hayward, Union City, Castro Valley, San Lorenzo o San Leandro

Vacunas y castradon femenina o macho para gatos salvaje/feral.


Phone: Hayward Friends of Animals (510) 886-7546 11

Llamar al telfono: (510) 886-7546 Hayward Friends of Animals

Minutes of the SR1 Board MeetingSeptember 6, 2012

Meetings of the elected Spanish Ranch I Executive Board are held on the first Thursday of each month (unless otherwise announced) at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse. ALL residents are welcome to attend!

Started at 7:00 pm and ended at 7:10 pm. In attendance: Dawn Plaskon, Peggy Nichols, Marvin Daley, Barbara Sacks. Guest Patty Little. Pat Smith and Jeanie Schultz were excused, Jerry Higgins was sick, and Clint Dean, Brenda Glover were absent. Approved last months minutes. Treasurers Report was approved. It was noted that new flags were put up by management, and sidewalks repaired. Spaghetti Feed Flyers were distributed by Peggy Nichols to be delivered by the following: Peggy Nichols 135 units, Patty Little 80, Dawn Plaskon 35, Barbara Sacks 27, Patty Smith 61, Kathi Calvert 60. Peggy will see to the remaining 67 units over the weekend. Patty Little and Peggy Nichols volunteered to help serve at the dinner. Notes respectfully submitted,

Treasurers Report For August 2012

Starting Balance National Night Out Reserve National Night Out BBQ (addl supplies) 8-3-12 Debit Card/Grocery Outlet $ 15.96 (Polish Sausages) 8-3-12 Debit Card/Food Max $ 35.70 (Charcoal, Hotdogs, Buns) 8-3-12 Debit/Walmart (door prizes) $ 35.76 8-7-12 Debit Card/Walgreens (Ice) $ 8.68 Flea Market 8-3-12 PennySaver (Flea Mkt Ad) $ 27.00 8-11-12 Amys Donuts (Donuts) $ 14.00 8-14-12 Deposit (Snack Bar sales) 8-14-12 Deposit (27 Tables sold @ Flea Mkt.) 8-23-12 Deposit (SR1 Association Table) (See details below) (Paid for by Jeanie Schultz) 8-4-12 Costco (Flea Mkt. Flyer) $ 29.91 8-4-12 AlamedaTimes(Flea Mkt.Ad) $ 28.99 8-11-12 SR1 Association Table $143.55+ Net $ 84.65 (check# 3461 $84.65 recd from Jeanie Schultz & deposited on 8-23-12) $ 746.02 $ 177.78 + $923.80

A memorial gathering was held in the SR1 main clubhouse in memory of former Association President Bill Casey, who died July 3, 2012. SR1 residents, especially Bills neighbors on lower Miranda, joined his family, including all four children and their families, in remembering his 38 years in our MH park. Above: a display of memorabilia from his Naval career. Below, Bills Miranda Street neighbors add to the array of lighted candles.

Remembering Bill Casey

$147.00 + $270.00 + $ 84.65 +

Ending Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,288.35


How to be a good witness

Tips on what to do if you witness or become the victim of a crime.
Becoming a victim and/or witnessing a crime can be a traumatic experience. Should you become an unexpected victim or witness of a crime, you should immediately call 9-1-1. While you are waiting for the police to arrive and/or dispatch to ask you questions, try and write down or mentally take note of everything you remember about the suspect and the event. In the event you dont have a pen, you could also use your smart phone. Many phones have text and note features and some even have voice recorders. If you dont have a phone, find a stick, rock or piece of tanbark and draw in the dirt. All of these tools can be helpful when police arrive. Everything you can remember is important for the identification and apprehension of the suspect(s). Here are a few questions police will ask you: What is the suspect(s) description? Height, weight, build and the color/style of hair are all very helpful. What color and type of clothing and shoes was he/she wearing? Were there any unusual scars, tattoos, or logos on the suspect(s) clothing or hat? Have you ever seen this suspect before? Was there a vehicle involved? (color, make and model)? Do you remember any part or all of the license plate? (This is when that pen, phone, stick, rock or tanbark will come in extremely valuable to police!) Did the car have any damage and/or special markings? Which direction did the suspect flee? What exactly did the suspect(s) say prior to, during or after the incident? What exactly happened, stepby-step. Are there any witnesses in the area that could help with describing what occurred? Do you remember anything seeing anything suspicious before the incident occurred? You can reduce your chance of becoming a victim by taking the following steps: Dont walk alone. Always walk confidently, directly and at a steady pace. Walk facing traffic when possible. Walk in busy, non-isolated areas where people are coming and going. Be alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. Dont present yourself as a target. Leave your expensive jewelry and watches at home. If youre out after dark, make sure you travel in well lighted areas. Trust your instincts and when possible avoid groups of suspicious people walking towards you. If you feel you are being followed, head to an occupied house or business. Share these tips with your friends and family. Be safe and always report suspicious non-urgent activity to the Hayward Police Department at 510293-7000. If you believe that you are witnessing a crime, dial 9-1-1.

Dogs can be a Deterrent

Dogs of any size offer value in home security. A dog doesnt need to be aggressive to be a deterrent. The biggest benefit is that they bark and create a disturbance when they hear something or are caught off guard. Dont want the responsibility of a dog, but want the deterrent? Think about purchasing a motion censored dog barking alarm. These small devices can be found through a simple online search. Going on vacation? Consider having someone you know care for your dogs at home instead of boarding them. This will help give the appearance that you are home. Recognizing that every dog is unique and many are very gentle and loving, wed be misleading if we said this is the perfect solution to eliminating crime. We would also never recommend purchasing a dog just for security purposes or training your dog to be aggressive. That being said, while a dog surely doesnt provide a full security protection package, it could help to deter a criminal from entering your property.

(tagging too, its vandalism)

Please call the police and
then the office if you see anyone vandalizing property in the Park such as breaking street lights, signs and back gate key pad, etc. Please report anything suspicious. Thank you, Teresa Cruz,

Please Report Vandalism



Bookshelves in the Main Clubhouse are available for the free exchange of books by park residents. Stop by and browse any time the clubhouse is open.

Come Get a Book!

Main Clubhouse, Small Clubhouse and the BBQ area in the courtyard are available for your events!
Both clubhouses and the BBQ area courtyard may be reserved by residents for private events. Call the office, 783-5535, for information.

From the Editor

Mind your butts

If you smoke, please dispose of your butts properly. Dont litter by throwing them in the street, and especially dont throw them in peoples yards.

Articles that appear in the El Toro are presented as an informational service to the residents. Contents are the option of the editor but do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editor, the homeowners association or management. Reader response is welcome. Your article must be in my paper tube at 28408 Granada Circle, or posted to my e-mail address, no later than the 10th of the month. All submissions must be signed with your name/phone number included, as any article must be verified. Your name will not appear, if you so request. Editor has the right to edit for space or libel. Articles considered in bad taste will not be printed. Submissions must meet the Editorial Guidelines as set forth by Mobile Home Park Magazines. If you are submitting an item someone e-mailed to you, COPY IT and PASTE it into a NEW e-mail window to send to us: eltoro.editor@comcast.net. Thanks, Jeanie Schultz, editor


Route number 68 (which replaced line 77), a 2-directional circular route, services both the South Hayward BART station, as well as the Union Landing Shopping Center. Weekdays, going to South Hayward BART, board the bus across the street at Tampa / Folsom (where the park is) hourly from 6:32am until 8:32pm, arriving at BART at 6:46am until 8:46pm. Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:32am until 6:32pm. Weekdays, returning from South Hayward BART, board the counter-clockwise, Tampa directional bus hourly from 6:30am until 8:30pm, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:42am until 8:42pm. Weekends and Holidays, service is from 6:00am until 6:00pm. Weekdays, going to Union Landing, board the bus at the corner in front of the 2 houses at Tampa / Folsom hourly from 6:37am until 8:37pm, arriving at Union Landing at 6:54am until 8:54pm. On Weekends/ Holidays, service is from 6:37am until 6:37pm Weekdays, returning from Union Landing, Board the clockwise, Tampa directional bus hourly from 6:22am until 8:22PM, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:39am until 8:39pm. Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:22am until 6:22pm. Additional frequency (now every 45 minutes, as opposed to every 1-2 hours) has been added to the Tuesday & Friday shoppers shuttle (Spanish Ranch to Southland Route 391). Busses now leave the Spanish Ranch Clubhouse at 10:10, 10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm and arrive at Southland Mall at 10:35, 11:20am, 12:05, 12:50, 1:35, and 2:20pm. NOTE The last trip leaving Spanish Ranch at 1:55pm which arrives at Southland Mall at 2:20pm has no direct return trip back to Spanish Ranch. Return trips leave Southland Mall at 10:42, 11:27am, 12:12, 12:57 and 1:42pm, arriving back at Spanish Ranch at 10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm. Route 22: For those who wish to walk to/from Tennyson Ave, on weekdays route 22 will go to the South Hayward BART station every 30 minutes from 6:22am until 11:22pm weekdays, and hourly on weekends and holidays from 6:22am until 11:22pm. From the South Hayward BART station going down Tennyson will leave every 30 minutes from 6:04am until 11:04pm weekdays, and hourly on weekends and holidays from 6:17am until 11:17pm. Route 22 is a circular route, serving Tennyson, Hesperian (both Chabot College and Southland Mall), Winton, and both Hayward and South Hayward BART stations along Mission Blvd. Visit AC Transits web site at www.actransit.org for more information. AC TRANSIT FARES $2.00 ages 18-64, ages 5-17 and 65+ are $1.00. Transfer good for 1.5 hours is an addl 25.




BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 7 8 Columbus Day 9 10

4 SR-1 Assn Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. All residents are welcome to attend.

BINGO 12-3

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 12 13


Neighborhood Watch
7 p.m. BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m.

El Toro Deadline

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m.








BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 21 22 230 241 United Nations Day 25 BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 26

Folsom Gate 9-noon


BINGO 12-3

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 28 29 30 31 Halloween NOV 1 SR-1 Assn Board Meeting 7:00 p.m.

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. NOV 2


BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 6-9 p.m. ONLY

BINGO 12-3

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m.


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