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When would Hindus get 'Darshan' of Sree

Sharada Devi in Kashmir?

Remnant of Sree Shardadevi's temple (photo 1)

The ancient temple of Sree Sharada Devi is in Pak occupied Kashmir (PoK). No
information is available about this temple and the Hindu youth is not aware of it.
The temple is so ancient that Kashmir was earlier known as 'Sharada Peeth'. PoK
is an integral part of India and we have to get it back from Pakistan. Hindus will
understand the significance of getting back PoK once they know the history about
Sree Sharada Devi temple. The temple is at a height of 11000 from the sea level
and is about 70 miles from Shrinagar. The length of the temple is 142 feet and
width is 94.6 feet. The outer walls of the temple are 6 ft. wide and 11 ft long. And
there are arches with 8 ft. height. It is a very good example of architecture.
Historical proof of old Sharada Devi temple.
Remnant of Sree Shardadevi's temple (photo 2)

Remnant of Sree Shardadevi's temple (photo 3)

Remnant of Sree Shardadevi's temple (photo 4)

In a poetic work composed by Mahakavi Kalhan in the year 1148, there is a

mention of Sree Sharada Devi temple and its geographic location. Matang Sage
Shandilya used to meditate in Sharada-van. Near the temple of Sree Sharada Devi,
there is 'Amarkund' lake. It is believed that Sage Shandilya got the 'darshan' of
Sree Sharada Devi there. In the first verse of 'Prapanchsar' composed by Adi
Shankaracharya is devoted to the praise of Sree Sharada Devi.

In the year 1030, the famous Jihadi historian Al-Baruni visited Kashmir. According
to him, there was a wooden idol of Sree Sharada Devi in Sree Sharada Devi
temple. He had compared the temple of Sree Sharada Devi with the Sun temple
of Multan (that time in India, presently in Pakistan), Vishnu Chakraswamin temple
at Thaneshwar and Somnath temple.

During 16th century, Delhi was ruled by King Akbar. Abul Fazal, one of the famous
'Nava-Ratnas' in his Court, has written about Sree Sharada Devi temple that Sree
Sharada Devi temple is near the banks of river Madhumati which is full of gold
particles. One can experience miracles on every eighth day of the bright fortnight
of the month.

Sree Sharada Devi temple caught in the grip of Islamic assaults

In the 14th century, the temple was attacked for the first time. After this attack,
India started losing its contact with Krushnaganga and Sharada Peeth. In the 19th
century, Dogra king of Kashmir restored this temple.

Prior to Islamic invasion, there was the world famous Sun temple in Multan. Its
existence went back to more than thousands of years. After partition, Multan
became a part of Pakistan. Today there is no sign of the temple. After a few years,
even Sree Sharada Devi temple will have the same fate. Near Sree Sharada Devi
temple, there used to be famous Sanskrit university. It is believed that in the
barbaric Islamic attacks, the university was destroyed.

The (historic undivided) Kashmir has glorious Hindu traditions

Many ancient holy books of Hindus were written in Kashmir. From the time of
Sage Shandilya, Kashmir was renowned for Sanskrit language, literature,
astronomy, astrology and jurisprudence so also as a well-known centre of arts and
architecture. In the 8th century, King Lalitaditya ruled over Kashmir. During his
time, Kashmir was known as the centre for studies of Hindu religion. There is a
mention in the 'Sankhyayan' written by Vinayak Bhatt that in those days, Hindu
students use to go to Kashmir for higher studies. In the writings of famous
Chinese traveler Yuan Shuang in 7th century, it is mentioned that many saints and
scholars lived in Kashmir.

Kashmir and Sharad Peeth are inseparable

Kashmir was known as Sharada Peeth due to the temple of Sree Sharada Devi.
Even today, the Kashmiri script is known as 'Sharada' script. Adi Shankarachrya
founded Sharada Peeth at Sharada gram in Kashmir. Sharada Peeth was as
famous as the four Peethas at Shrungeri, Dwaraka, Jagannathpuri and
Badrikashram founded by Shankaracharya. Such enriched and holy Sharada Peeth
is in the Pak occupied Kashmir due to which India has lost contact with it. But
Sharada Peeth and India are inseparable. Without Sharada Peeth, Indian
'Shangrila' is incomplete. Therefore, it is the duty of Hindus to bring the Sharada
Peeth back to India.

When will Indians get to visit Sree Sharada Devi temple?

Muslim tourists from Pakistan visit Ajmer Sheirf Dargah. The 'Delhi Transport
Undertaking' has diverted its Delhi-Lahore bus service via Ajmer to facilitate Jihadi
tourists. Therefore, Pakistani Jihadi tourists can now easily offer a 'chadar' at the
Ajmer dargah. Hindus too wish to visit Sree Sharada Devi temple in Pak occupied
Kashmir. Indian Government should discuss the matter with Pakistan. Recently,
'Panun Kashmir' members have demanded that a bus service should be started
between India and Pakistan from Sharada Devi temple like Ajmer bus service. Will
Indian Government and its intellectual foreign policy advisers take any action for
developing contact between Indian and Pakistani citizens? Will the Govt. that is so
sympathetic to demands of Pakistanis to visit Ajmer, show the same concern for
Hindus interest of visiting Sree Sharada Devi? Hindus, when will you get the
'darshan' of Sree Sharada Devi?

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