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Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association Board of Directors Meeting August 2, 2012, 8:30 a.m.

Kaiser Center 2nd Floor Conference Room, 300 Lakeside Drive Present: Deborah Boyer, Robert Wilkins, Lorie Alemania, Aliza Gallo, Michelle Lane, Mike Brown, Indrajit Obeysekere, Laurie Cooperman-Rosen, Andrea Kirkpatrick

Excused Absence: Michelle Mansfield-Hicks, Chris Curtis, Nola Montgomery, Steven Douglas Staff: Steve Snider/District Manager, Andrew Jones/District Services Coordinator, Fiona Simms/Administrative Assistant Elizabeth Clark/FAB Nancy Amaral/Gallen.Neilly

General Counsel: PR Consultants: Guests:

Joe Keyser ACTION?

Discussions held and decisions made by the Board of Directors SUBJECT DISCUSSION Call to OrderDeborah Boyer, the President, called Deborah Boyer, everyone together at 8:37 a.m. and President Introductions were made Approval of the minutes Lorie Alemania and Laurie of June 6, 2012 Cooperman-Rosen noted that they attended the meeting, but were not listed as present on the minutes. Aliza Gallo noted that she called to excuse herself from the meeting.

Laurie moved and Andrea seconded the motion to approve the minutes of June 6, 2012 contingent upon the addition of Laurie Cooperman-Rosen and Lorie Alemania as present, and the addition of Aliza Gallo as an excused absence. The motion was approved


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unanimously. Public comment and announcements Aliza explained the Citys next steps in regards to the ULI/Daniel Rose Fellowship. Aliza also noted that she has made headway with the Public Works Agency and stated that work on the encroachment permits can begin. Joe gave an overview of the financial report, and highlighted a few significant areas. It was explained that because some expenses are paid one time in the full amount budgeted, they show a variance, for example the Free B Shuttle Sponsorship. Several edits to the language were suggested including the removal of the words as intended in the first sentence. Elizabeth Clark explained that the inclusion of that phrase indicates that the board responsibly reserved that money and did not neglect to spend that amount. Indrajit suggested that the board send staff comments after the meeting. Deborah noted that comments must be submitted by the end of business Friday. Andrew reported that SOBO expenses are within budget. He also noted that there has been an increase in cell phone snatches. The Ambassadors have been distributing a new informational flyer from BART to increase awareness of this issue. Andrew explained that the RFPs for Security, Maintenance, and the CCTV program are almost completed and should be out in September. Hanging plant installation is almost complete. Steve explained the new format of Art & Soul including a kick-off party Friday evening. He also explained the latest

Financial Report

Discussion of recommended language from ORG committee or Annual Report assessment increase request

Indrajit moved and Robert seconded the motion to approve the financial report as presented. The motion was approved unanimously. Indrajit moved and Robert seconded the motion to grant Board President, Deborah Boyer, and District Staff final approval of the proposed Annual Report Assessment Increase language. The motion was approved unanimously. No action taken.

SOBO Committee

DISI Committee

No action taken.

Gallen.Neilly update


developments with First Friday management and the Citys involvement. Nancy highlighted the most notable points on the Gallen.Neilly update. She noted that Gallen.Neilly has been in communication with the Kapor Foundation, and Gallen.Neilly has offered to help spread the word when the Kapor Foundation is ready. The board also discussed Andrew Jones appearance on KTVU. The board was presented with the letter from Board President Deborah Boyer to the district property owners notifying them of the assessment increase. Aliza suggested that the letter be posted on our websites. It was noted that the districts do not have a table at Art & Soul, but Aliza offered some space at the City of Oaklands Table for some district promotional material. Deborah asked Aliza about the most recent developments with OPD and the federal monitoring of OPD activities. Laurie Cooperman-Rosen noted that National Night Out is a good opportunity to get some positive press regarding OPD. City staff discussed district relations with OPD. There was discussion with issues revolving around Frank Ogawa Plaza including graffiti and loitering. October 4th, 2012 The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m.

No action taken.

Next Board meeting Adjournment

Minutes taken by Fiona Simms, Staff Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association of Oakland

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