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Summary of the Magicians Nephew

There was a girl named Polly that lived in London. She met boy named Digory. Digory and Polly were going to a house that was empty but they accidentally went into a different room. They went to Digorys uncles room. His uncle was Uncle Andrew. Polly found rings on the table which were yellow and green. Uncle Andrew saw Polly and Digory and asked Polly if she wanted a yellow ring. Right when she touched the yellow ring she vanished. Digory wanted to find out what happened so he told Uncle Andrew that he wants to go to the same place Polly went. Uncle Andrew said that the yellow rings will take you to another world and the green rings will bring you back. When Digory touched the yellow ring he found himself in a peaceful, wood. There he found Polly. The thing was that they couldnt remember each other. Soon after trying hard to remember who they were they remembered each other. Polly and Digory found out that they came to the woods from a pond. Digory wanted to explore but he wanted to stay there a little more. Then they went into another pond. They landed in a ruin that was deserted. They found wax sculptures and one of them was a queen. Polly and Digory found a bell. Digory wanted Polly to ring it but Polly said no. then when Digory forced Polly to ring the bell she rang it. Then the queen came to life. The queen said that she wanted to rule Earth but they didnt want her to. Polly and Digory touched the green rings which brought them back to the wood between the worlds. The queen came with them also because she was touching them. Then she came with them to London. She met Uncle Andrew and asked him for a

carriage. He got her a carriage. Digory wanted to take the queen back so they all held hands and went to the land of nowhere. Then they saw a lion singing. He said his name was Aslan. When the queen saw the animals she got scared and disappeared. Digorys mom was sick and Digory wanted to cure her. Aslan told Digory to get the apple of youth which was far away. Aslan let Polly and Digory use a horse named Fudge. Aslan gave Fudge wings so he could fly. They set out to look for the apple of youth. They reached a gate. When Digory opened the gate he saw apples. Digory picked one and put it in his pocket and then saw the witch. She told him to give that apple to his mom and not Aslan. Digory disagreed and went to give the apple to Aslan. When Digory gave Aslan the apple he took it and planted it. Then the next day grew an apple tree. Aslan gave Digory an apple for his mother. When Digory came back he gave his mom the apple. She was cure and felt better again.

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