Christian Fellowship Chu RCH: "Now, Our Co (, We Give You Thanks, and Praise Your Glorious Name,"

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Fellowship rch Christian Chu

"Now,our Co{, wegiveyou thanks, your glorious name," andpraise

1 Chronicles 29:13

octoberTh,2C,12 Worship Service Welcome Prayer and


regationa ing I 5ing Cong Announcements ^ ^rr L/rTenng Kid'sKorner


(Special Number)
{Ocf. l+tuilin Abrohomson)

neading Scripture
Psolm 100 Michoel.Plett
(next-Rondy Nepinok)

"TheLordis Good"

5unday 5chool
News& Notes
Nexl Sundoywe will hove communion os porl of ihe morningservice. . Insleod of o Thonksgiving potluck we ore plonning o foll polluck for Sundoy,November 4rh. . Steinboch BibleCollege is offering two evening coursesthisOciober. SuMvors AbuserunsOct. ll-13,2012 of Counselling runsOcl'. 1*2O,2012. ond Monogement Principles Thbseweekend coursesore ooen to oll ond loy person. ond will equip both fhe professionol info or to regisier. for .

Prayer Reguests
Forlhe Siockfordfomily os they ore grieving the lossof their son. ForAlicio'sfomily os her dod is nol doing well, physicolly.

Looking Ahead
Oclober 28n,RegionolFomilyGet Togelher ot HudsonBoy. Theme:"Sioying Foiihfulin Minislry" Speoker:HenryOzirney

Meetoi the churchot 2:3op.m. Oclober l4rh: we Weolherpermiiting willgo for o hike io Pike's Peok.

Lnurcn Lreantng
Woyne & Morilyn 2OI2EMCPRAYER REQUESTS AssocioieMissions Bolivio Verno Doerksen(WyclifieBibleTronslotors) -Proise for God for the two hundred Biblestories children thot Verno Thesestories finishedkonsloling inio Ploutdielsch. ore being used in Proyfor wisdom in ihe furtherdisiribulionof thismoieriol. SundoySchool. Proyfor wisdom in choosingwhich moieriolsVerno shouldtronsloie ond thol God will use these Ploutdielschmoteriolsfor Hisglory. -Proyfor effeciive ministry locol Mennonile women through io ond occosionol speciol events. Biblesludies,hospitolvisitotion, -Thelbnios' community church is converting o SundoySchool into o kitchen. hoving oheody built o new sonctuory. clossroom will This be wonderful when it isfinished.Thewomen will be roisingfunds ihe for furnishing kiichen by servingmeolsofter Sundoymorning services. is This o greol woy to roisefunds,os mony of lhose who ottend the come from long distoncesond need o ploce to eot. services Notes


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