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Here is a short summary of the book VACCINATE FOR DEATH that precedes another interesting topic as is the religions. All throughout history, at least for those who know about it, there have been many Gods in the hearts and minds of people. The Egyptians had their god Ra some 3000 B.C. Then, it was Ammon and now Allah. The South American Indians believed in the Sun, the serpent, the moon and others. The same was true for the Greeks, Hebrews, Babylonians, Christians and Muslins, etc. These peoples believed that their god or gods were the only and authentic ones; the gods and prophets outside their beliefs were simply made up and pagan. WHATS RELIGION? The word religion can be described in different ways. To some, it means believing in divine supernatural spiritual beingsa godwho communicate with us, giving us messages and commands of every kind to obey. Examples of these are the Judaism, the Christianity and the Islam. For others, Religion is a set of teachings and rules created by earthly men who were wise and enlightened. They dealt with philosophical moral and social matters; sometimes, they even dealt with legal topics. Examples of this kind include the Confucianism and the Buddhism. Some religions have bizarre and incomprehensible rites while others are very colorful lively and nice. MONOTHEISTIC RELIGIONS The term monotheistic religion means that such religion worships or believes in only one divine god. This is the case of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This god is known by the three religions above as Abrahams God. ABRAHAM Here begins the controversy as Jews, Christians and Muslims claim to be Abrahams children, or state that he was the start of their churches. Abraham is believed to have been born 2000 B.C. Lets read why they claim the above: Judaism: Because they are Isaacs descendants, Abraham and Sarahs true son. As God said to Abraham in Genesis 17:21 But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you by this time next year. God says it again in Genesis, 21:12

because it is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned As a result, Jews, by being Isaacs descendants, are Abraham and Sarahs true children. Moses, who later on advances the history the Jews in the Pentateuch, is one of Abrahams children that gave his fellow citizens laws and commandments. Christianity: by the promise or news God revealed to Abraham, Genesis 22:18 And through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed... According to Christians, by the writings of Paul, this offspring is Jesus Christ, Galatians, 3:16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say and to seeds, meaning many people, but and to your seed, meaning one person, who is Christ. In the verse above, Paul is right, but what follows is certainly not: Galatians 3:7 Understand, then, that those who have faith are children of Abraham. It is certain that Abraham was spoken about the salvation of this world, and that such accomplishment would be fulfilled through one of his descendants: the Jewish Virgin Mary, who is one of such descent. In her womb grew the true Knowledge or the Word that later on was born into a human being. But the Word that took on a human body already existed before Abraham; therefore, that Being is not the son of Abraham or his seed. What happened to Virgin Mary is what we know today as surrogate motherhood. Lets see what Jesus says about His own existence, John 8:58 Very truly I tell you, Jesus answered, before Abraham was born, I am! (Exodus 3: 14) So, Abraham announcement does not mean that Christians are his children, but children of the Word that created Himself inside Maria. In other words, Jesus fathered the Christians through His word. Islam: Muhammad presents his arguments that coincide with Abrahams, reciting in Surah 3:60, Abraham God's chosen one was neither Jew nor Christian... And it is said that Abraham had his own religion which he preached to his own illegitimate son Ismael. In the book of Genesis something related to this is mentioned, Genesis 17:26: Abraham and his son Ishmael were both circumcised on that very day. So, Muhammad promotes following the first pure religion that Abraham and his first-born son were given (Muhammad claimed to have perfected it in the Koran) that is, he obeyed God just

like Abraham had done; and those who follow in his footstepsthats what Islam meansare regarded as loyal; some even like brothers and sisters, regardless of their being Arab or not. Lets look at another passage from the Koran, Surah 2:118, 119 And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham was tried by his Lord with commands and he fulfilled them. [ Allah ] said, Indeed, I will make you a leader for the people. [Abraham] said, And of my descendants? [ Allah ] said, My covenant does not place of] security. And take, [O believers], from the standing place of Abraham a place of prayer. And We charged Abraham and Ishmael, [saying], Purify My House for those who This religious analysis made by Muhammad on blood relationship revives a past jealousy between Abrahams legitimate and illegitimate sons. As said above, they spread throughout the Middle East which added to the Palestine-Israel conflict, especially over Jerusalem, as both religions claim it as their Sacred City. As can be observed, Jews, Christians and Muslims alike use Abraham to validate their religions. SACRED SCRIPTURES These three Religions claim that they are favored and protected by God. To prove it, they show a sacred book (unchangeable books), in which God speaks through His prophets. These sacred books are: Judaism: Torah or Pentateuch. It is composed of the first five books of the Christian Bible, written by Moses. These books are the foundation of the Bible. Besides, there are 24 books in the Bible called Tanakh which is like the Christian Old Testament. The Talmud is another book of Judaism that explains, executes and perfects the Tanakh; however, it must not contradict the Torah. This book, throughout history, provided guidance on civil and religious aspects for the Jews in a clear wayracism is very noticeable. Nowadays, because the Jewish people are under occident influence and living in democracy, these laws cant be applied. However, Satans blessing if it is preached by Judaisms preachers to the Jewish people. Christianity: the Bible. It is divided into two parts, and each part is composed of several books. The Old Testament is a series of accounts about the creation of all the living things on the planet. It also contains the history of the Jews. Finally, it announces the coming of a Messiah who would bring peace and salvation to all the nations in the world. The New Testament starts with a narration of the birth, life and words of Jesus (in the four Gospels), who is the promised Messiah in the Old Testament according to Christians.

The books that follow after the Gospels are personal writings of the Apostlesmade with many errors and inconsistenciesthat tell about Jesuss mission, but fail to clarify who He was or what He came to do. This deviated Jesuss message Nonetheless, those inaccurate writings, by means of inflicting religious fear, awakening emotion, and promoting blind cock-eyed faith, have helped a lot of people and managed to change their lives around, i.e., drunkards, womanizers, thieves and wrongdoers. That same emotional and irrational knowledge, however, leads them into another hole that twists their understanding to the point where it is impossible to reason with them,Protestants are the worst typeand making any kind of progress in this world is nearly non-existent. The best thing that can happen to a protestant is to have a fixed wage working for a company, that stability and wage make them believe they are blessed and in the right (the same is true to the majority of non-religious people). It is commonplace to hear people say a job dignifies its performer. Based on this, they say all kinds of nonsenses. Without that salary or a type of aid, they would be poor and lacking self-esteem. Nietzsche refers to Christians guided only by faith in these words: To believe in their Savior, you should sing your best songs to me, and your disciples should look more redeemed Montesquieu in his book the Spirit of the Laws says something quite similar about the good in something bad1. Lets see: Where would Spain and Portugal be now since they lost their authority, without the power of Church, a wall against despotism? A useful wall when there isnt another to repel arbitrariness; since if despotism creates an awful evil, everything to stop it is good, even the bad Islam: the Koran.- it contains many facts and stories from the Old Testament of the Christian Bible and a few from the New Testament, analyzed, personified, and paraphrased by Muhammad. The name of Jesus is mentioned 19 times in the Koran; also is John the Baptist, among other biblical characters. Apart from the Koran, there is another book called Sunnahtraditionthat among other things, explores other deeds and teachings from Muhammad. This book deals mainly with Muslim laws. For Muhammad, the Jewish Pentateuch, the four Gospels of the Bible, and others book from the Old Testament are divine inspiration by God; but he (Muhammad) and the Koran have the last say. Surah 33:40

I mention this because the inaccurate writings by the Apostles help us to control our bad habits

40 Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah, of all things, Knowing. The Sacred Books of these three religions coincide about the origin of the world. They are very much like the accounts told in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Judaisms and Christianitys Old Testament are the same, but Koran is slightly different as Muhammad rewrote them. It is worth mentioning that their God, regardless of the pronunciation; Yahweh, Jehovah or Allah, is for all of them Abrahams God. So, these three religions do not argue about the existence of God, or whether there is one or several gods; they all believe in the same God. What is at stake is: which of these three religions does Abrahams God love, has He blessed, and is He willing to save? Also, how should His followers conduct their lives, or, what kind of life should they lead? It is like wondering what the true meaning of life is.

FAITH AND REASON To have faith is believing everything said in the sacred books. This has been a strong argument for some people who have decided to become atheists. It is widely known that faith equals belief, but this certitude must be rooted in reason, otherwise it is harmful. John Locke wrote in his book An Essay concerning Human Understanding, A lot of problems would be solved if faith were based on reason. That who does not see it this way, goes on wondering: I cant criticize the faith of others, because those others believe in pagan diabolical, bizarre, full of witchcraft religions; but these religions base their existence on faith as well. These religions also blindly believe. FAITH SEEN AS A MEANS OF HOPE IS WORTHWHILE When blind faith gets a person to believe and act wrongfully, for example, killing in an awful way, motivated by what he read in their Sacred Book regardless of whether it is true or not, that is wrong. However, blind faith that gives hope and courage to anyone to get up and continue with their life is worth a treasure. For example, there are some people whose hope is down, and without motivation to live because of different problems. In this state, their immune system fails, sometimes in such ways that medicine cant do anything to cure them. But if that person is taken to a healer or wizard, the first words to come out of the healers mouth will be: He is not guilty for anything; and instead, she will say that someone has cast a spell on him. This person, knowing that he is not responsible for his suffering, will recuperate his confidence, and medicine will take effect curing him of his disease. So, this leads us to believe that prayer, penance, lie, men, women, etc., anything that cheers us up is worth believing, even if it is not something true. It is clear that without courage he will not be able to stand up or solve his problems. In

conclusion, if you lack motivation and courage, hold on to your beliefs. As for how you should lead your life, do good things and act wisely. HOW RELIGION INFLUENCED THSESE THREE PEOPLES TO THINK AND ACT In the Sacred Books of each of these three religions are unchangeable commandments that tell you how you must dress and pray; what days to work what days to work; how and what you must eat; even how many wives you have the right to have, including the legal-religious punishments to receive. These beliefs have long been resistant to any philosophy or new teaching to be introduced; philosophy, however, especially the Greek philosophy, has somewhat managed to convinced thinkers of almost every religion, but in general, the knowledge outside these books was considered, and still is, a mundane thing, even evil. Nowadays, for the fundamentalists of each of these three religions, things have not changed. In the countries that have a democracy, and a state of law is in effect, religious mandates are not enforced, although fanatics keep them in their minds all the time. Lets take a look at what the Jewish Pentateuch says on why it is difficult for religious people to change or give up their sacred rules; Deuteronomy, 4:1, 2 Now, Israel, hear the decrees and laws I am about to teach you. Follow them so that you may live and may go in and take possession of the land the Lord, the God of your ancestors, is giving you. 2 Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you. What does the bible say in the book of Revelations 22: 18, 19 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll. And lastly, it reads in the Muslim Koran: Surah 3: 3,29; 4:15(18) 3. And as for those who disbelieved, I will punish them with a severe punishment in this world and the Hereafter, and they will have no helpers. 29. Say, [O Muhammad], If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. 15. and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His limits - He will put him into the Fire to abide eternally therein, and he will have a humiliating punishment.

These writings have made impossible to reason with the most extremist followers, as is illustrated in this famous saying: Its not that there exist bad people, but those people have not yet understood. The human beings that have understood that the problem with the human race is ignorance have made great progress, because thats exactly why Jesus forgave everybody on this planet. And at the end of His mission He said, Luke 23:34 forgive them, for they dont know what they are doing. FIN. Here you encountered a sociological, philosophical, theological, political and economic puzzle put together, one that has been searched for millennia. With this, I have fulfilled Jesuss commandment that reads seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So, go ahead, get started, and in love, seek perfection in all scenarios, both material and spiritual, in the water, in the air, even in outer space. To the wise men who are reading this book longing for change to take place for a better world; you should not wait for someone, and then follow him or her. Every wise man must meet with their fellow citizens and, depending on their countrys specific situation, propose the necessary changes.


These are the believed approximate dates when Abraham, the Prophets and the Authors of the sacred books lived. Lamech Abraham Ishmael e Isaac Esau y Jacob Moses Jesus Muhammad 6.000 to 4.000 years B.C. 2.000 years 1.900 years 1.820 years 1.500 years 01 570 years B.C. B.C. B.C. B.C. A.D. A.D.

Freddy M.

2.010 years


BIBLIOGRAPHY The images on the front cover were downloaded from the Internet. Part of the bibliography of this book is directly mentioned in its pages. They were mainly extracted from the following books. The underlined titles are the ones that inspired the United States Constitution and its economy. Socratic Dialogues. Politics. An Essay concerning Human Understanding. Two Treaties of Government. The Spirit of the Laws. The Wealth of Nations The Bible, NIV. The Koran. Vaccinate Against Death Plato Aristotle John Locke John Locke Montesquieu Adam Smith Several Authors Told by Muhammad Freddy Mendoza

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Name: Freddy Ivn Mendoza Zambrano. Hes born in 1972, in a Catholic family, in the province of Manab, Chone. He currently lives in Manta. Both his parents are Ecuadorian. They had 8 children, of whom the author is the youngest male. Hes a self-taught person, co-founder of the Society of Writers of Manta (ASESMAN). He describes himself as a democrat both politically and economically with his mind set on capitalism, although in agreement and harmony with his socialist heart.

He invented a computer program called Globalization where kids, just by playing, can memorize in five days the location, and the political and economic data of all the countries in the world. He also invented an unconventional tennis ball-throwing machine. With it, he managed to train his daughter to be a national tennis champion when she was ten. After the tournament, they abandoned this sport because his daughter no longer liked it.

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