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Chinese Cinema and Politics CMLT 4660 POLITICS-FILM-LIT Class Time: 9:30AM-10:45AM Tuesday & Thursday Class room:

113 Joe Brown Hall Screening room: 220 Joe Brown Hall Screening time: To Be Arranged Dr. Harrison Huang Email: Office Hours: By Appointment

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Course Description This course is designed to introduce Chinese cinema and contextualize it within the political movements, institutional changes, and cultural shifts of the 20th century. Screenings At least one film will be screened each Tuesday evening at. The exact time will be announced after time conflicts have been resolved. Missing a screening counts as a full absence. Course Readings All course readings are available for download on eCommons: You are encouraged to either print out the readings, or bring your computer notebook or ebook reader to class, so you can reference the materials during discussion. Please restrict your use of electronic devices to course-related materials only. Grade Attendance Class participation Response papers Class presentation Mid-term assignment Final paper 10% 10% 20% 10% 25% 25%

Attendance (10%): Two unexcused absences are allowed before it affects your grade negatively. Missing a film screening counts as a full absence. Being tardy for 15 minutes counts as a half absence. Each absence after the second will result in 2 points being deducted from your attendance grade. Absences are excused only in the case of chronic illness and other serious extenuating circumstances. Documentation by the university health center is required to an excuse a healthrelated absence. The instructor reserves the right to make a judgment about excusable absences in other circumstances. Class Participation (10%): Remaining silent for multiple class sessions can seriously impact your grade, so you must overcome your discomfort and embarrassment about speaking. To get full points for participation, you must be actively involved in raising questions and responding to discussion topics in class.

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Not being prepared when called upon to discuss the reading or screened film will negatively affect your participation grade. Response Papers (20%): Each Thursday, you must submit a response paper about BOTH the reading and screening. The response paper should be dated for that Thursday, and should be half a page in length in single-spaced print or a page in double-spaced print. The paper must be printed instead of hand-written. Class Presentation (10%): Each Thursday, one student will be responsible for preparing a 7-minute presentation about the course reading and screened film. The presentation should further class discussion. An outline of the presentation must be emailed to the instructor by 5PM on Wednesday. Mid-term assignment (25%): Details be announced. Final paper (25%): Details to be announced.

Week 1 Beginnings to 1930s Reading: Yingjin Zhang, Cinema and National Traditions 18961929 in Chinese National Cinema (New York: Routledge, 2004): pp. 1357. Peter Brooks, The Melodramatic Imagination (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976): pp. 123. Screening: Yuan Muzhi, Street Angel (1937) Week 2 Film in the 1940s: The End of the Civil War Reading: Wen-hsin Yeh, Shanghai Besieged, 193745 in Wartime Shanghai (New York: Routledge, 1998): pp. 112. Yingjin Zhang, Cinema and the Nation-People, 19301949 in Chinese National Cinema (New York: Routledge, 2004): pp. 58112. Screening: Zheng Junli, Crows and Sparrows (1949) Week 3 Film in the 1950s: Representing Lu Xun

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Reading: LU Xun, New Years Sacrifice (1924); and his Preface (1922) to his first collection of short stories. Both texts available on eCommons. Screening: Sang Hu, The New Year Sacrifice (1956) Week 4 Film in the 1960s: Pedagogical Cinema Reading: Yingjin Zhang, Cinema and the Nation-State in the PRC, 194978 in Chinese National Cinema (New York: Routledge, 2004): pp. 189224. Screening: Xie Tieli, Early Spring in February (1963) Week 5 Film in the 1960s Reading: Chris Berry, Writing on Blank Paper: Pedagogical Cinema 19491976 in Postsocialist Cinema in Post-Mao China (New York: Routledge, 2004): pp. 2286. Screening: Xie Jin, Stage Sisters (1965) Week 6 Lust, Caution: Revolution and Playacting Reading: Eileen Chang, Lust, Caution (1979) Screening: Ang Lee, Lust | Caution (2007) Week 7 Films in the 1970s The Cultural Revolution Reading: Mao Zedong, Talks at the Yan'an Forum on Art & Literature, in Kirk Denton, ed., Modern Chinese Literary Thought (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1996): pp. 45884. Screening: The Red Detachment of Women (1971) Carma Hinton, Morning Sun (2003)

Chinese Cinema and Politics Week 8 - Films in the 1980s: Assessing the Cultural Revolution

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Reading: Paul Pickwicz, Melodramatic Representation and the May Fourth Tradition of Chinese Cinema in Ellen Widmer (ed.), From May Fourth to June Fourth: Fiction and Film in Twentieth Century China (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1993): pp. 295326. Screening: Xie Jin, Hibiscus Town (1986) Week 9 Chinese Film Enters the World Stage Reading: "Yellow Earth: an Unwelcome Guest" in Seeds of Fire: Chinese Voices of Conscience (New York: Hill and Wang 1988) pp. 251-269. Screening: Chen Kaige, Yellow Earth (1985) Week 10 - The Roots Movement Screening: Zhang Yimou, Red Sorghum (1987) Zhang Yimou, Ju Dou (1989) Week 11 New Chinese Documentary Film Reading: Chris Berry and Lisa Rofel, Alternative Archive: Chinas Independent Documentary Culture in The New Chinese Documentary Film Movement (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Univ. Press, 2010). Screening: Zhao Liang, Petition (2009) Week 12: To Be Announced

Chinese Cinema and Politics In the Heat of the Sun (1994) Dust in the Wind (1986) Woman Demon Human (1987) Vive LAmour (1994) Platform (2000) Edward Yang. Yiyi: A One and a Two (2000) Spring Subway (2002) The World (2004) Sunflower (2005) Still Life (2006)

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