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Research Notes IT sector update (October 9, 2012)

IT sector update September 2012 result is expected to reflect gradual demand improvement. But the strengthening USD/INR (strengthening rupee) is the new worry. Street estimates that USD revenue is likely to grow at mid-teen (around 15-16% in FY14-15, ie, at higher end our mid-term industry growth estimate. This leaves little room for upside. Meanwhile, the sharply stronger USD/INR could lead to translation losses in the September 2012 quarter and also to EPS downgrades after the results. Wipro is our top medium term pick. Buy rating is maintained on Persistent Systems and MindTree. Maintain reduce rating on HCL Tech, as the stock looks expensive. Strong Sep 2012 revenue growth is expected for TCS and HCL Tech in September 2012 but it seems that this has been priced in. Infosys is confident of its 5% FY13 organic growth guidance. But, Sep 2012 may not be the strongest quarter as normal seasonal patterns may have been disrupted this year. The Lodestone acquisition should allow Infosys to raise its FY13 revenue forecast, but it seems that an EPS raise is unlikely as the deal will not be EPS-accretive until late-FY14. A stronger USD/INR and possible wage hikes also need to be factored in. Wipro may report another weak quarter, but is our top medium-term pick given the scope to improve its revenue traction later in FY13 and inefficient cost structure. Tech Mahindras recent acquisitions and wins should boost FY13-14 revenue, but both Tech Mahindra and Satyam are running at FX-inflated margins and the combined entity is unlikely to match peer growth on an organic basis. MindTree and Persistent Systems face FX risk, but it seems that there is operational scope. (Cost improvements for MindTree and IP revenue for Persistent) This may offset some worries on USD/INR appreciation. All the above estimates are based on a USD/INR rate of Rs.51.86 for end FY13, Rs.51 for end FY 14 and Rs.50 for end FY15. Any appreciation beyond this could pose a threat to the above estimates.

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