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NAME: John A. PAul JOB TITLE: Field Service Tech.

DIVISION: Compressor DEPARTMENT: Field Service




POLICY: A performance review will be completed for each office employee at least once each year, by January 31st.

OBJECTIVES: The performance review process is designed to:

• Evaluate performance and results achieved
• Review and clarify job duties, responsibilities and objectives
• Clarify strengths, areas that need improvement and developmental needs
• Open communications between the employee and the supervisor

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: The performance review process applies to all employees designated as office employees.
For the evaluation process to be fair and effective, considerable preparation and objective analysis of all aspects of an employee’s performance is


FULLY MET: The measurable outcome detailed in the goal has been fully achieved or exceeded.

PARTIALLY MET: Significant progress toward the goal was realized but the measurable outcome was not completely achieved, even
though portions of the goal were met.

DID NOT MEET: The measurable outcome was not achieved and no significant progress was made toward the achievement of the goal.

INDIVIDUAL GOALS – Current Year Results

2007 Individual Goals Due Date 2007 Actual Results Rating
Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met

Fully Met
Fully Met

2007 Development Objectives Due Date 2007 Actual Results Rating
Fully Met

Fully Met
Fully Met

EXCEPTIONAL - This rating is reserved for those few employees who far exceed the manager’s expectations and whose contributions have a
significant impact on the Company.

EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - This rating applies to an employee who consistently performs at a level that surpasses the manager’s
expectations. It is important for a manager to set expectations that are a stretch for each employee. This means exceeding expectations could be
accomplished by only the highest performers of a group.

MEETS EXPECTATIONS – This rating applies to employees who fulfill all expectations of the job and meet all requirements of the position.
The employee who earns this rating is a valued performer, is fully competent and achieves the high standards set by Gardner Denver. Most
employees, who are performing their job effectively, will fall into this category.

MISSES EXPECTATIONS - This rating applies to employees who have not performed up to expectations in all aspects of their job and
improvement is required. Employees who receive this rating will be placed on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), which will detail specific
performance expectations that were missed, what performance needs to be exhibited and a deadline when improvement should be evident.

UNACCEPTABLE – This rating applies to employees who fall far short of the minimum requirements for the job. A Performance Improvement
Plan (PIP) will be created for all employees who receive this rating. Performance must immediately improve and be sustained at an acceptable
level for the employee to remain in the organization.


JOB KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Worked on the resent VST project with little to no problems. Constant Phone trouble Meets Expectations
Demonstrates technical and professional expertise shooting with distributors and end users.
to perform the required functions of the job
without supervision and directions.

QUANTITY & QUALITY OF WORK Started the Field Service Parts Inventory with little to no help. Assigned Bins and areas Meets Expectations
Completes all assigned tasks on time and within for parts inventory. Also worked on cleaning the field service " cage " on multiple
the established standards of accuracy and occasions. On the VST prject insured work was completed with myself and customer
precision. Executes several jobs, projects, or tasks satisfaction. Also worked on compressors at the Quincy plant. With that has a new
at one time. Handles large workloads with project of starting a new Library historical information with little to no help.
minimal signs of external stress. Takes
responsibility and ensures others take appropriate
responsibility for actions, decisions, and goals.
Sets and applies high standards of success for self
and others

INITIATIVE Took charge of all work to include the parts inventory, transfer of parts from the pump Meets Expectations
Performs work with a sense urgency; highly build up area to the field service area for the recent inventory worked weekends due to
motivated to get things done; seeks out new the changing problem of transport of large Items to the training area. worked 31 hour
challenges and responsibilities; acts on day and night for the recent VST project in New York and Drove from Washing DC to
opportunities; generates new ideas; adapts rapidly insure it was done on time due to flight cancellation. Extended the " cage " area to
and easily to changing demands and present size for conatant in-flux of parts. Took the Idea of getting a belliss unit for the
circumstances; open to new ideas; ; initiates training area to Rob for consideratin.
positive change in the work environment,
challenges the status quo and strives to find better
and more effective ways to operate.

PLANNING & ORGANIZING Set a goal of where and how to organize parts for Inventory, How to store and priorities Meets Expectations
Demonstrates the ability to set goals, courses of of parts. With help of Darin Mueller Moved the the large Items to the " cage " area.
action, priorities and coordinate activities; Organized the parts by part number location and description of Items. Saved money by
efficiently applies resources -- time, money and using unused bins in pump test area. Organized the two offices in the training center
people. and compressor lab.

PROBLEM SOLVING On VST project simplifed the process of inspection with what was on hand(IE. personel) Meets Expectations
Analyzes and simplifies complex issues; to insure unit down time was limited but, kept the same quality. Followed Paul
perseveres to find root cause of problems; uses Duesterhaus's plan of maint. set for the job with some additions of a sheet to write down
systematic approach to evaluate alternatives; owns hours,function,and problems. It ws easy to follow for the " help on hand" to assist while
problems and follows resolution to completion; inspection was in process.
keeps knowledge and skills current; turns
mistakes into learning opportunities; identifies
and actively participates in activities focused on
improving work processes, systems and quality.

MANAGING & DEVELOPING Assisted Brandon Wiewel with Phone calls and other issues with units when he hired Meets Expectations
PEOPLE on. Assisted Darin Mueller with rotory screw questions on occations. Assisted a help
Coaches and mentors by sharing knowledge, teach Jim Persinger on rotory screw and Belliss questions on occation.
providing insight and perspective and modeling
effective behavior. Sets challenging goals for
direct reports. NOTE: Supervisors should be
evaluated using the “leadership role” while others
can be rated using the “Individual Contributor
Leadership Role: Creates and communicates a
clear and compelling vision or goal for a team,
then facilitates and manages the interactions of
others to achieve these goals and visions.
Individual Contributor Role: Has an infectious,
positive attitude and is not afraid to take risks or
challenge the status quo. Helps improves the
performance of others through peer coaching and
sharing their knowledge.

TEAM EFFECTIVENESS Worked with Douglas Letoha on several occasions enjoy his knowledge and work habits Meets Expectations
Demonstrates the ability to work together as a very smart man! Enoy working with everyone At GD havent met anyone I didn't like or
team member toward a common goal. learn from. Also worked with Gary Mathis,and Paul Duesterhaus on this VST project as
Exhibits a positive attitude and cooperative spirit well.
when working with an individual or group.

COMMUNICATIONS Communicates well with end users and destributors. Clearly expresses Ideas with Meets Expectations
Clearly expresses ideas orally and in writing, using supervisors.
grammar and presentation skills. Listens
effectively. Engages in effective two way

OTHER KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Completed Quincy inventory.

List major opportunities and accomplishments
that were not anticipated when objectives were
established. Provide specific examples and data to
indicate the level of performance on these

The employee should explain his or career aspirations, including any desires to relocate or change positions.
Remaining in the current position is valid and acceptable.


OVERALL SCORE Meets Expectations

To determine the overall score for this review, the manager needs to consider the primary objectives achieved and deadlines met, as well as,
how the employee has exhibited the competencies required to achieve the results. If an employee does not meet the requirements of more than
2 goals (individual or developmental), the employee will receive a “Misses Expectations” or “Unacceptable” rating.

Goal Statement - Explicitly Description - Describe the steps that Deadline Measurable Outcome - Explain how the Approver
define the goal will be taken to achieve the goal. Provide a successful completion of the goal will be measured. Initials/Date
specific This is the proof that the goal has been achieved.
1. Work on Belliss units Perform Maint. on GD B&M units for
the new year



Competency/ Skill - Developmental Tool - Identify the Deadline Measurable Outcome - This is proof that the Approver
Identify the competency or skill methodology to be used. Examples Provide a development was successful. An assignment could be Initials/Date
that needs to be improved include training, coaching, a stretch specific completed, a report written, a feasibility study done. If
assignment, etc. deadline a class was taken it should not only include the grade
but a measurable action that could not have been
possible without the development.






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