A Boy Named John Once Walked - Bee Attack - XII

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d. present continuous tense e. passive sentence A. Fill each blank with a suitable word in the box below.

Spotted Strange shocked mercilessly swarm faster surface aimlessly about across 15. Read the text on page 21. What type of text is it? a. descriptive b. factual c. argumentative d. procedure e. narrative 16. What is the organization of the text on page 21 (i.e. A Public Spirited Old Man)? a. identification and descriptions b. thesis, argument and recommendation c. goal, material and steps d. orientation, complication and resolution e. introduction and conclusions

A boy named John once walked ___1___along a grass field. The following day was the start of the weekend, and he was busy daydreaming_____2______the fishing trip that his father had promised him. He was swishing a stick through the air while his mind wandered. Suddenly, he heard a _____3______noise coming from behind. He stopped and looked up to the sky. He was ____4______ and terrified by what he saw. A _____5_____ of bees was flying towards him. It turned out his stick had destroyed beehive. John sped up in the opposite direction, blindly. He then raced towards a wooden bridge that stretched _____6____ a dried-up river bed. He thought that he was already running very fast, but the bees were even _____7_____ and were even closing in on him. As he began to work his way up a hill, the3 bees finally caught up with him and started attacking him _____8______. Suddenly from the corner of his eye, he ____9_____ a pond. He jumped into it and disappeared below the _____10______. He held his breath while he was in the water. A few minutes later he got out of the pond after he made sure the bees had already gone. A Public-Spirited Old Man In a quiet town In California, there lived an old man who liked the sidewalks near his house to be cleaned by a street sweeper, the results did not meet his satisfaction. Consequently, every morning the old man carried a big broom and started to resweep the sidewalk until it was incredibly clean. He had been doing this for the pass five years. Unfortunately, one day a new policewomen was on duty. She saw him dangerously standing on the road while sweeping the leaves into the scupper drain. She immediately served him a notice for jaywalking, a punishable offence in the united states of America. As a consequence, the seventy-years old man landed himself in court . When the judge heard the complete story from the old man, he was touched by the old mans public spirit. The judge said to himself: Public-spirited men are getting fewer and fewer, and I dont want to see another one disappear tomorrow morning. Finally, the judge directed the jury to acquit the old man of the offence. 11. What is the story mainly about? a. an old man who insults a new policewomen b. an old man who lives near the sidewalk c. an old man who wants a clean environment d. an old man who works in a court e. an old man who likes sweeping the sidewalk

12. Which of the statements is not true according to the text/ a. the old man lived in California b. the old man was sentenced to seventy-years in prisons c. the judge didnt punish the old man d. the new policewomen sent the old man to the court e. the street sweeper cleaned the street regularly 13. What does the word to acquit mean in paragraph 3? a. declaring someone is not guilty b. sweeping the sidewalk carefully c. standing on the road d. touching the heard of the judge e. giving a plea to the court 14. The writer mainly uses the a. simple present tense b. present perfect tense c. simple past tense

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