Alpha and Womega

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JESUS (PBUH) WAS ALPHA AND OMEGA Jesus claimed divinity when he said, "I am Alpha and Omega".

Answer:JESUS (PBUH) SAID "I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA" REVELATION, CHAPTER 1 VERSE 8: Jesus(pbuh) said in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 1 verse 8: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending". [Revelation 1:8] REVELATION, CHAPTER 1 VERSE 11: He repeated this statement in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 1 verse 11: "I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last" [Revelation 1:11] REVELATION CHAPTER 22 VERSE 13:Jesus (pbuh) says in the Book of Revelation chapter 22 verse 13: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end." It means a law for that time, every Prophet for his time is the authority. What does it mean by when he says that he is the beginning and he is the end. We know that he was born in a stable in the womb of his mother, he was circumcised in the 8th day and from the Gospel we come to know that he was ascended to Heaven when he was in the age of 33, and he was put on the cross and crucified according to Christian explanation. He was so and so days and he was alleged crucified when he was supposed to 33 years and he was dead and raised up again in the third day according to the description of the bible. REVELATION CHAPTER 1 AND VERSE 11:If you read Book of revelation chapter 1 and verse 11:- here God Almighty is telling I am the beginning and I am the end. So what is that mean of. As we know and informed by the Gospel writers that the book Revelation was a dream of the author of Revelation, and we know from this western society, when a man drinks a lot he dream a lot, so we should seek the help of the narrator what he saw in his dream. The way you drink in Friday and Saturday night, you can make anything on dream. So it needs of an understanding of the reader that what he is reading. If Jesus(pbuh) would ever tell people that believe me that I am you God than it would have a different issue, but we know from the Bible that he never made such a statement and it is a concoction of the Christian believer and they invented something which is not in the Bible. SURAH MAIDAH CHAPTER 5 VERSE 72: The Quran testify his statement and it says that in Surah Maidah Chapter 5 Verse 72:-

72. They do blaspheme who say: "(Allah) is Christ the son of Mary." but said Christ: "O Children of Israel! worship Allah, My Lord and your Lord." Whoever joins other gods with Allah,- Allah will forbid Him the garden, and the Fire will be His abode. there will for the wrong-doers be no one to help. GOSPEL OF MATHEW CHAPTER 6: VERSE 9 TO 10: As you also Pray in your Prayer which is mentioned in Gospel of Mathew chapter 6:verse 9 to 10: After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. You Pray it but you have lost the message. That is why we have to correct you, he never claimed divinity. The God that you worship is the father of all creation. JOHN 20:17:- WHO IS MY GOD AND YOUR GOD Jesus said to marry Magdalene that I ascend unto my father and your father, unto my God and your God. So God Almighty is the Father of all creation as Jesus(pbuh) says in this verse.

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