Zakat - Fiqh Issues

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Conditions for Zakaah Being Obligatory

Questions about zakaah on jewellery and how it should be paid and who should pay it

ar - en - hi - es - zh - fr - id

I got married in December 2005 and I was given a considerable amount of Gold jewellery by my parents and in laws on which zakat is wajib. When I came to Canada I brought some gold jewellery with me and the big ones are back at my home. My father is paying zakat for the rest of my jewellery since the time they were bought. Now my question is 1)Can my father pay my zakat or does my husband has to pay my zakat as I have no source of income? 2) I sold gold [jewellery] that I used to wear for some time but I did not pay zakat on it. What I should do about its zakat, given that I sold it for about $2000. 3) As my husband is a student so he doesn't have any income either. But is it possible for me to pay my zakat all together after he gets a job or do I have to pay my zakat by my income (I don't have any income as I'm a housewife)? 4)Now the month of Ramadan has passed I did not pay zakat. Did I have to pay in Ramadan as I have not , can I pay now? Please clarify in detail what will be the calculation procedure?. Praise be to Allaah.

Firstly: Zakaah is obligatory on the owner of the wealth and the owner of the gold, but it is permissible for someone else to pay it on his behalf with his permission. Based on that, your husband or your father may pay zakaah on your behalf with your permission and he will be doing an act of kindness. It is only stipulated that it be done with your permission and your knowledge, because zakaah is an act of worship in which the intention is essential. So you may form the intention to pay zakaah through your father or your husband. Secondly: If the time for paying your zakaah comes in Ramadan, for example, and you sold some of your gold during the year, if the cash stayed with you until Ramadan, then you have to pay zakaah on it at a rate of one quarter of one tenth (2.5 %). If you spent the money before Ramadan, then you do not have to pay anything. If one year had passed for the gold and you had not paid zakaah on it, then you sold the gold, you have to pay the zakaah that you did not pay because it is a debt that you owe. Thirdly:

As we mentioned above, the owner of the wealth has to pay zakaah on it, but it is permissible for someone else to volunteer to pay it. If you have gold but you do not have cash and your husband or father does not volunteer to pay zakaah on your behalf, then you should pay it from the gold itself or sell part of it in order to pay zakaah. Fourthly: Zakaah does not have to be paid in Ramadan; rather it has to be paid when one year has passed (since it was acquired and every year thereafter). If you took possession of the gold in Ramadan, then the time for the zakaah is in Ramadan. If you took possession of it in Muharram, then zakaah must be paid in Muharram, and so on. If we assume that the time for paying your zakaah is in Ramadan, but you were late in paying it, then you have to pay it now, because zakaah is a duty that must be fulfilled immediately and it is not permissible to delay it beyond the time when it is due. How to pay zakaah: Work out the value of the gold when one year has passed, then pay 2.5% of this value. This is done by seeing how much the gold would be sold for in the market if you wanted to sell it. This takes into account the quantity of the gold, the carat and whether it is used gold. If the gold that you have is worth 100,000 for example, then you have to pay 2.5%, i.e., 2,500. And Allah knows best.

What is the nisaab on paper money?

ar - en - es - fr - ur

How much is the nisaab for zakaah with regard to paper money? Is it possible to calculate the nisaab for money on the basis of the nisaab for gold or silver? Praise be to Allaah. The value of the nisaab [the amount that determines whether zakaah is obligatory; anyone who has more than this is obliged to pay zakaah] for dollars or other currencies is whatever is equivalent to the value of 20 mithqaals [a unit of measurement] of gold or 140 mithqaals of silver at the time when the zakaah is owed. It should be based on whichever of the two works out better for the poor, because the prices of gold and silver vary from time to time and from country to country (Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daaimah, 9/257) and because this will be more beneficial to the poor. (Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daaimah, 9/254). Given that currently the price of silver is lower than the price of gold, the nisaab should be based on the price of silver, so if a persons wealth (in paper money) reaches the nisaab on that basis, he has to pay zakaah. The nisaab for silver is roughly equivalent to 595 grams of silver, so the one who has wealth has to pay 2.5% or 25 out of every 1,000 that he has in currency, after one year has passed). And Allaah knows best.
A student is asking about zakaah; her income is $400 per month

ar - en - es - fr - zh - ur

I am a student who wishes to know when Zakat is due? If I make about $200-$300 dollars every two weeks do I have to pay Zakat? What is the minimum money a person has to make in order to pay Zakat? Where do I give Zakat to? Does it have to be to a muslim/ and please give me examples of places in Kaafir countries where I can give Zakat (ex. mosques) Praise be to Allaah.

1- The time when zakaah is due is when you have kept the money for a whole year. Then zakaah becomes due, and the rate is 2.5%. This amount that you get every two weeks is not subject to zakaah unless you have kept it for a whole year, or it is income from a business for which the time has come to pay zakaah. 2- Pay your zakaah in the country in which you live, if there are poor people there. If there is another country where there are poor people who are in greater need than people in your country, then it is OK to give your zakaah to them.

3- Yes, the one who receives the zakaah has to be Muslim, except in the case where there is a kaafir whom we want to encourage to become Muslim. If we think that that is most likely to encourage him to become Muslim, it is permissible for us to give zakaah to him. Shaykh Sad al-Humayd. This applies if that kaafir has a high status among the kuffaar and we hope that by his becoming Muslim his people, tribe or clan will also become Muslims.
The lowest amount at which zakaah becomes due varies according to the type of wealth, whether it is gold or silver. You are undoubtedly asking about an amount of currency such as dollars. It appears that the amount mentioned in the question will be subject to zakaah if it is kept for a whole year, because it is more than the nisaab. For more information on the nisaab see Questions #2795 and 64.

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