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School board defends tattooed teacher deemed 'too cool' for school
Published: 13 Apr 11 10:46 CET | Double click on a word to get a translation Online: Share5 The school board in Skvde in western Sweden has backed local teacher Sam Aalto after he was criticised by a local politician, who argued that his surfeit tattoos and spiky hair set a bad example to students.

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"The media circus round this has surpassed my wildest expectations," Aalto told The Local. Father of five, Sam Aalto, is in his forties and has been teaching at Vasaskolan in Skvde for eight years. He is described by the school as highly competent and is liked by colleagues and students alike. The problems started when pensioner and local politician Sture Grnwall, 70, visited the school and spied Aaltos tattoos, piercings and spiky hair across the school canteen. Can a teacher really look like that, a startled Grnwall asked, according to the Aftonbladet daily. After speaking to one of the headmasters and not getting the response he was after, Grnwall decided to write to the local school board (Skolnmnden). In his letter he questioned the example a teacher like Aalto would set for students as well as the values of the school letting someone like Aalto teach there. The school board however did not share Grnwalls view, coming out in defence of Aalto and Vasaskolan. To let our students solely see adults with no tattoos or piercings and wearing suits would

not show them an accurate view of todays society, they wrote in their response to Grnwall's complaint. Sam Aalto meanwhile expressed surprise at Grnwalls reaction as well as the 'media circus' cropping up around him. I have been working here since 2003 and the subject has never been brought up before no one has ever reacted. I never knew that Grnwall had complained before I found out about the whole thing through the local press," he said. According to Aalto it isn't the fact that Grnwall questioned his look but the way he went about it that is questionable. "In a democracy everyone has the right to ask the question, it is the moralising aspect of Grnwall's opinion which I object to," he said. Aalto said to Aftonbladet at the time that when his finances allow he will add to his existing body art. The locals in the rural town of Skvde were meanwhile split on the issue. When asked by a local TV channel, young people said there should be no restrictions whereas pensioners of a similar age to Sture Grnwall did not like the idea of a tattooed schoolteacher. Sture Grnwall is meanwhile unrepentant, expressing consternation at the flak thrown in his direction in the press. They say that politicians shouldnt meddle in what teachers wear but then who should? Grnwall asked during an interview with SR. When asked if this was merely a question of different values for different age groups, Grnwall conceded that it might have something to do with it. But brought up in the old style of schooling, I believe that school should be both morally and academically educated and properly prepare children for society and labour market, he said. If the response from the school board is anything to go by however, that is exactly what they feel they are doing by defending Aalto. "I am happy about the support that I have received since the incident and I bear no personal grudges against Sture Grnwall," Aalto told The Local. The Local/rm (

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