Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 2 Oct 2012 No Addy

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Serving Jesus by serving Others

Natalie Brown, Missionary to Nicaragua October 2012 Volume 1, Issue 2

About Me

Someone I Met
If the richest in the world lived for a week with the poorest in their homes, I dont think there would be much poverty left afterwards. Unfortunately, the people that could do the most good are blind to the horrors of poverty. One man I met while I was here told his story about how God changed his life. He said he used to be a drug addict and for twenty-five years he was in and out of prison. After he had enough of that, he decided to start a business. The business grew and he ended up making 40,000 a month. He was wealthy, he had everything he wanted, but he was not where God needed him to be. God told him to sell all the cars he had, his home, his business, everything and make feeding centers in Nicaragua. He now owns his own land, he farms it and the food he gets goes directly into feeding centers for the poorest in Nicaragua. It is a great work this man and his wife are doing, and I think we all need to ask God what He wants for our lives.

How You Can Help

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Me and some of the girls from Sunday school class.

I am Natalie Brown. I am nineteen years old and have a passion for the Lord and serving others. While in Nicaragua in July, I felt God calling me to serve His people and help those who cannot help themselves. I fundraised while in the States and spread the word about my calling. I am currently living in Nicaragua. This is where I am supposed to be, what I am supposed to do, and I am thrilled to get starated!

Special Points of Interest:

Roosters crow at the crack of dawn and if youve grown up in the city, thats not a pleasant experience.

Thank you to those of you who have prayed for me, encouraged me, and sent money for support. You are a blessing to me and many others because of your kindness.

You can eat at an upscale restaurant for $5 a plate

Im back on the field...

My first full day back in Nicaragua I met a five year old girl who sold tortillas on the street. She was sweet, loved to be held, but you could tell how practically living on the street had changed her. According to my Spanishspeaking friend, this little girl often told people to give her things. Though the things she asked for were small in my opinion, they were huge in the perspective of this little tortilla vendor. The last thing my friend and I wanted was to make girls like this dependent on begging, so we bought a few tortillas, played with her, then sent her on her way. Although being a tortilla vendor isnt the best job in the world, its better than begging through life. Hopefully my friend and I will be able to minister to this little girl and show her how to be the person God created her to be.

The weather here is very pleasant if the breeze is

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Acts 20:35 I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to
remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Little Ofelia
I had just completed my first week of teaching English in El Crucero. The principal that runs the school is the sister of the husband that owns and runs the adjacent orphanage. After teaching I normally go to the house of the husband and wife team that run the orphanage. Normally there are kids running around and someone that wants to be either held or played with. I had finished teaching just in time for the kids to get up from their naps and, because it was storming outside, we decided to watch a movie. Emily, one of the orphans, was feeling sick, so we got her favorite blanket and she laid on me while we watched the show. Ofelia came, gave Emily a kiss on the forehead and crawled into my lap. I looked at Emily, who had fallen asleep, and then at Ofelia. Ofelia, I told her, You know youre my friend right? She nodded her head and then said, Yes, but you are also my sister. She gave me a kiss and then resumed watching the movie, all snuggled up in the covers. There are times I miss my family. There are times I miss my friends. There are also times when I feel lonely, and just when I do, God sends a little message for me telling me that I have a new family and new people that love me. Nothing will take this memory away from me. I have a new sister.

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