Lab1C-Guide For Lab 1

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MAE 244 Electrical Resistance Strain Gages Lab-1 c.


Experimental Procedures and Guidelines


General Background:
The electrical-resistance strain gage is the most frequently used device for experimental stress
analysis throughout the world. The strain gage can translate small changes in dimension into an
equivalent change of electrical resistance, which is subsequently converted into a voltage change
by a proper bridge circuit. The resistance strain gages have also found wide application as
sensors in transducers designed to measure quantities such as load, torque, pressure and

1. To obtain strain measurements at the surface of a cantilever beam using strain gages.
2. To determine the Modulus of Elasticity (Young's Modulus) and the Poisson's Ratio of a
material used in a cantilever beam, from strain measurements on the surface of the beam.
3. To validate the measurements from strain gages, by using elementary, linear beam theory to
calculate the corresponding values of theoretical strain.
4. To assess the differences in elastic properties between fibrous composites and metals.

Experimental Setup and Procedures

Cantilever beam made of Aluminum alloy (7075-T6)
Cantilever beam made of Graphite/Epoxy composite (AS4/3501-6)
Portable strain indicator
Switch and Balance Units
Weights for Applying Load

Experimental Procedures
1. Connect the Strain indicator and Switch & Balance Unit as shown in the Switch & Balance
Unit internal side of the cover.
2. Connect the longitudinal (top) and transverse(bottom) gages of the aluminum beam using
Quarter Bridge via the Switch & Balance Unit. Follow the wire connection (color matched)
instructions on the Switch & Balance Unit. Complete the bridges with an internal dummy
resistor by selecting 120 ohm internal resistors corresponding to the strain gages being used.
3. Turn on the Strain Indicator. (Let the system warm up at least 2 minutes).
4. Setup the P-3500 Strain Indicator: Set coarse Balance switch to 0, and lock fine Balance

MAE 244 Electrical Resistance Strain Gages Lab-1 c.2

control at 500 (mid-point).

5. Set the AMP ZERO, adjust the finger tip control to reach ±0000.
6. Set the Gage Factor on the Strain Indicator.
7. Set the Strain Indicator in RUN mode by pressing the RUN button.
8. Balance each bridge for zero output by adjusting the controls on the Switch & Balance
Unit while watching the strain indicator display to null out the signal.
9. Record position (deflection) of the beam on the vertical scale.
10. Load the beam to a maximum of 2.5 LBS in 0.5 LB increments. Record the strain and the
vertical position of the beam tip at each load increment, as indicated by the strain indicator for
each gage.
11. Repeat steps 7 - 10 for the composite beam.

Material Information

Aluminum Beam: 7075-T6

Elastic Modulus: Ex = 10.4 Msi
Poisson's Ratio: νxy = 0.3
Weight 0.12 lb

Composite Beam: AS4/3501-6 Graphite Epoxy

Lay-up geometry: [0/90/0/0/0/0/90/0/0/0/0]s
Apparent Elastic Modulus: Ex = 16.71 Msi
Poisson's Ratio: νxy = 0.0925
Weight 0.039 lb

REPORT GUIDELINES (Discussion items are indicated in italics)

Aluminum Beam
1. Calculate the theoretical bending stresses in the beam for each load increment and tabulate
the results along with the corresponding test data of longitudinal and transverse strain, as
measured by the strain indicator.

2. Using results of part (1), plot theoretical stress versus measured longitudinal strain for each
loading increment. Note: All experimental data must be curve fit through linear regression,
and the coefficient of determination must be given. See the handout on "Report Writing
Guidelines" for additional information on data analysis methods.

3. Determine the Young's Modulus (Elastic Modulus, E), as the slope of the stress-stain curve
and compare (in a table with % difference) with a textbook value for aluminum, by using a

MAE 244 Electrical Resistance Strain Gages Lab-1 c.3

table that shows the percentage differences between your results and the reference data.
Comment on the accuracy of the measurement.

4. On a separate graph, plot the measured values of transverse strain against the corresponding
values of longitudinal strain, and determine the Poisson's ratio (ν = − E trans / Elong ), as the
negative of the ratio of transverse strain over the longitudinal strain. Compare to a textbook
value. Comment on the accuracy of the measurement.

5. Use the tip-deflection data measured in the test, and the proper equation given in the notes, to
calculate the theoretical strain at the location of the longitudinal strain gage. Tabulate the
results and plot theoretical stress versus theoretical strain values on the same graph as in Part
(2) above. Comment on the results, e.g. if the strain calculated from the deflection data
matches the values measured by the strain gages? Assume that the strain measured with the
strain indicator is the baseline for an exact solution.

Composite Beam
1. Calculate the theoretical bending stresses in the beam for each load increment and tabulate
the results along with the corresponding test data of longitudinal and transverse strain, as
measured by the strain indicator
2. Plot the theoretical stress vs. measured longitudinal strain results for the composite beam.
Also plot transverse strain against longitudinal strain. Compare the approximate (measured)
values of the Elastic Modulus, E, and Poisson’s Ratio, ν, to the expected values given in the
reference handouts. Is the linear, elementary beam theory for isotropic materials a good
approximation for beams made of composite materials?

3. Compare the experimental ratios of Elastic Modulus/Beam Weight (E/weight) for the
aluminum and composite beams by using a bar chart (beam weights can be found in Fig. 1.3
of the course handouts). The property defined by such a ratio is referred to as the SPECIFIC
Stiffness of the material. Comment on the efficiency of the composite beam, in terms of its
specific stiffness.

4. Plot δ∙W versus P, where δ is the tip-deflections of the composite and the aluminum beams; W
is their corresponding beam weights; P is the applied load,. Comment on the efficiency of the
composite beam, in comparison with the aluminum specimen.

Error Analysis
In your discussion, comment on the ways in which the Wheatstone bridge can be employed to
remove undesirable effects of bending or uni-axial deformation from strain measurements. How
can the Wheatstone bridge be used for temperature compensation? Draw figures to aid your

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