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Northamptonshire (Excerpt) Colleen Baird

INT. THE COMMONS HOUSE - EVENING DR. COMMONS, Jaspers father, is seated at the head of the table in the dining room with MRS. COMMONS, Jaspers mother, next to him. Jasper and Amelia are seated opposite her. It is a long table with golden candelabras at its center.

They are all eating quietly. DR. COMMONS You mentioned your father was where, Miss Cranston?

AMELIA In the country, sir.

MRS. COMMONS (quietly laughing) And what in heavens is he doing there? Amelia waits a moment for Mrs. Commons to stop snickering before she responds. AMELIA He has come up with a solution to help crops grow more quickly, which will increase yields for farmers. He is the only person in all of London to come up with such a method using chemicals. Mrs. Commons looks over at Jasper.

MRS. COMMONS Well, isnt that interesting.

DR. COMMONS Yes, indeed. Dr. Commons cuts into his food. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! CUT TO:

EXT. CALEBS DRIVE - LATER Felipe is counting his money while carrying the rest of the bottles of fertilizer to the side of the house. MRS. SMITH, FREDERICK and NATHANIEL watch on the front steps.

FREDERICK This could turn everything around. If we are able to get the land up and running again and Charles is able to staff it--

NATHANIEL We shant have your flight of fancy lead the way Mr. Burns as we might get too ahead of ourselves.

FREDERICK!! ! ! ! (offended) Well with such a fiery optimism as yours, Mr. Barricks, I should go prepare the church graveyard.

MRS. SMITH (shakes head) Infantile. The pair of you.

Mrs. Smith walks down to Felipes carriage.

MRS. SMITH (CONTD) Its dark, Mr. Cranston. Too dark to head home. Would you care to stay the night? Felipe looks at the fading sun.

FELIPE Yes. That would be very kind, thank you.


DR. COMMONS As I understand my son has quite the attachment for you, Miss Cranston. Jasper looks up from his meal and smiles contentedly at Amelia. Amelia is caught unprepared by the comment.

AMELIA That is a strong word, Dr. Commons, attachment.

JASPER A word with strength that which the feeling exceeds.

MRS. COMMONS What do you make of my sons affections?

The mood of the room turns serious. Amelia takes a sip of water from her glass before answering.

AMELIA Indeed I am flattered that he holds me in such respect.

MRS. COMMONS Should I assume this means there is an engagement?

DR. COMMONS Mrs. Commons! AMELIA No such assumption should be made. ! ! ! ! ! !

JASPER Not yet at least Jasper smiles at Amelia. AMELIA (to Jasper) Mr. Commons... (beat) I certainly do not wish to be thought ill-mannered but I believe that a topic as personal as thus should be given its due privacy. MRS. COMMONS! ! ! (cuts her off) Jasper is the apple of many an eye, Ms. Cranston. Given your

circumstances I assure you it would be foolish to reject his hand.


AMELIA And of which circumstances are your referring, Mrs. Commons?

The room is silent.

AMELIA (CONTD) I should go...!!

Amelia rises from her seat. up, too. ! ! ! ! !

Dr. Commons and Jasper stand

AMELIA (CONTD) My fathers expecting me. Thank you for your kind invitation. Dinner was greatly pleasing. Dr. Commons. Mrs. Commons.

Amelia bows to her hosts and leaves. Jasper follows her to the front foyer.


JASPER Excuse mother. She is quite protective. ! ! Amelia puts on her sweater hurriedly.

AMELIA Yes indeed she is.

JASPER Not to worry though. She is pleasing once you know her. She will surely adjust.

AMELIA Adjust to what, Mr. Commons?

To us.

JASPER To a future engagement.

AMELIA (laughs uncomfortably) You have left me at a loss for words, Mr. Commons.

Jasper smiles, misunderstanding her response.

AMELIA (CONT'D) And I am afraid that you may have taken my accepting your invitation to dinner as a sign of a returned affection that which you may have for me, but I assure you, Mr.

Commons, you are perfectly mistaken. My sincerest apologies if Ive led you to believe otherwise. Amelia opens the front door and EXITS.

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