ISKCON News Dandavat Balaram Young Maker Event-1

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Lil Balaram 8 Yr.

old presents Vedic Cosmology @ Young Maker Faire, San Francisco Bay Area
Young Makers ( is an organization promoting the young talent to make something special. It is a well-established organization in United States and very popular amongst the youngsters. This is a quite innovative program to untap the hidden talents of the youngsters. Everyone has some creative power similar to Brahma in a different degree so as the current youngsters. All of them are interested to make something special so that it can bring a massive change in the society in terms of energy, mobility, and technology or fun aspects. Kudos to youngsters who have such a deep thinking in creating, making and presenting to the broader audience for their satisfaction. This event is organized every year by the Youngsters group. In 2011, few students got the national award from Barack Obama (President of United States of America). It was well recognized by the broader community as the most scientific way to cater the needs of the society to bring the early innovation for a better change. Balaram is such an enthusiastic young maker, who likes to make something interesting, to present the society of our ancient Vedic values, the most practical but most forgotten knowledge of this age. It was a humble attempt to synthesize the technology and Vedic views and present to the advanced community (in terms of modern civilization). The event took place in San Mateo Convention Center, San Francisco Bay Area, California for 2 consecutive days. Generally the visitors to the event are almost 50,000. Balaram submitted his idea to the Young Makers committee for the Vedic perspective views and got selected in the first screening process. His zeal to make something new, creative but spiritual was incredible even though he was 8 years old, he did not lose his patience to do something to preach about Krishna in a systematic manner. Lastly he thought of doing something on how Krsna used to do biking, or how ancient ages uses the energy to light up the city and bring a revolution. At the same time it should be feasible. With due consideration and consultation from his parents, and blessing from Guru & Guaranga, he opted for a cosmology topic which can bring some different insight to the modern generation of youngsters. He devised a layout on how to present the Vedic cosmology and submitted his proposal to the steering committee, luckily it got approved and he was excited to carry out his plan on how to demonstrate in a real world situation. Topic was Lunar Eclipse Model. According to Vedic theory Lunar eclipse happens by the Rahu planet coming in between earth & moon. As per the modern theory it is defined as sun, moon, and earth in a symmetrical single plane. Both the theory stands right on its own perspective. If you view the modern theory, it sounds logical, but a little different way to view the Vedic view, that sound fair sruti praman.

Anyway, with different conflicting ideas on how to present these concepts, how people will appreciate etc. the Little Balaram started his project with the support from parents and his brother Abhay. The goal is to make people aware that Veda exists and it has solid ground to make us believe something scientific and logical. Lunar Eclipse Model project is to show the movement of earth, moon and sun in a lunar eclipse period. We will have the detail planets stationary in a cardboard with different layer of electrical algorithms switches connected to each other. This will give a hint about the position, shadow, and the visualization of lunar eclipse. It will attract the mind of the young kids to understand the cosmology picture in a simple and nimble planetary model. Rahu planet will be demonstrated during the presentation and provide a comparison of both the theory with the help of lighting & other offshoots.

Now presenting the view from Vedic standpoint, you need to orchestrate the double theory of understanding and present the essence of Vedic view of similarity & difference. Many kids including parents visited the booth and asked about the lunar eclipse model, some of them even do not understand the current eclipse model; it is easier to communicate the real message of Veda directly. In anyway such event definitely inspires the young kids to do something new for the pleasure of Lord Krsna & Srila Prabhupada.

BIO of Balaram Balaram D Behera is a homeschooler (inspiration from H.G. Aruddha Mataji from Boise temple) in second grade. He lives with his parents Ananda Vrndavan DD & Balimardan Das and brother Abhay charan. Balaram is very much interested in Arts & Science. He used to love innovative project and has varied interests in cosmology. He wants to demonstrate the lunar eclipse into a graphical model with the position of the different planet in a fun way. He attends the Lil Krishna Kidz program at SFO Bay Area.& also attends the Sunday school at ISKCON Silicon Valley (ISV). ISV is operated under the able guidance of H.G. Vaisesika Das.

Author Balimardana Das Disciple of H.H.Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj

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