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Wyoming Wings

June 2012

Encampment is around the corner!

Wyoming Wings
The Wyoming Wings is an authorized magazine published three times a year in the interest of the members of Wyoming Wing, Civil Air Patrol. The printers are a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or Civil Air Patrol. Opinions expressed by the publishers and writers are their own and not to be considered official expression by Civil Air Patrol or the Air Force. The appearance of advertisements in this publication, including supplements and inserts, does not constitute an endorsement by Civil Air Patrol or the Department of the Air Force of products and services advertised.

Commanders Corner
Col. John E. mitchell, CAP, Wyoming Wing Commander

Wyoming A Land of Opportunity

Wyoming is a great state for commerce. One day, while sitting in the Cheyenne airport, I came across the magazine, Wyoming Business Images, sponsored by the Wyoming Business Council, which has an associated web site: http://www. The Wyoming Business Images magazine presents the Cowboy States economic profile as exceedCol. John E. Mitchell, ingly positive, especially in these Wyoming Wing CC harsh economic times. According to the 200 Census, Wyoming had a population of 563,626 people, up from approximately 494,000 a decade before. The largest cities (towns in other states) are Cheyenne (59,500), Casper (55,400), and Laramie (30,800). The smallest, of course, is Buford (). The States Gross Domestic Product, the market value of all goods and services produced in a year, was $38.5 billion in 200, or more than $68,000 for every man, woman, and child, with retail sales totaling $9 billion. The top five government employers in Wyoming last year were
Continued on page 7 . . . 

Wyoming Wing Civil Air Patrol Bldg. 233 Warren AFB (307) 773-4519 Fax (303) 302-1530

Wyoming Wing Civil Air Patrol P. O. Box 9507 Cheyenne, WY 82003-9507 Wing Commander Colonel John E. mitchell Editor Diane Walbeck For information on advertising rates and space, please call 1-800-635-6036

Wyoming Wing Welcomes New CAP Members

Senior Members
Dwight L. Burrows Justin E. Heidenreich Sam E. House Steven A. Hulett Aaron Todd Kamm Alan R. Matson Jeremiah Pankowitz Christopher G. Smith Susan K. Wells Aaron G. Woslager

Nathali B. Brecke Dalton J. Brening Bryce W. Brimm Garrett T. Burrows Walker J. Coulter Brandon M. Daly Alexis Danielle Mckynzie L. Fahrmeyer Dyllon T. Heilig Olivia Rhyanne Hulett Alexis T. Maki Sabe M. Sarason Peter D. Syvanen Clayton W. Scott John L. Scott Joshua M.L. Thiel Drew L. Weathers Johnathan G. Williams

CALLING ALL CADETS! Encampment is Around the Corner!

By Lt. Col. BJ Carlson, CAP Never been to an encampment? Want to know what it is like? Want to see how Wyoming Wing does it? Log on to Facebook and check out the pictures of the fun at the 20 Encampment at: You will see all sorts of activities from Aerospace Jeopardy, PT, and Huey rides to Firearms Training Simulator, Obstacle Course and other classes that will make you glad you chose to attend the 202 Wyoming Wing Encampment. If these activities dont encourage you to attend, how about the fact that cadets will be busy learning new information, making new friends, and developing team and individual skills. As well as the previously mentioned exciting activities, all cadets will learn how to make hospital corners for their beds and perform precision drill moves! The WY Wing Encampment will be held on 4-2 August 202 at Camp Guernsey in Guernsey, WY. Staff will report on 2 August to set up and do the required training. Colonel Stanley Skrabut will be the commander again this year, and he has been busy working to make sure that this encampment will be even better than past encampments. You might say, How can encampment get any better?, well, if you want to know more, follow the link to the registration information on our Facebook page or access the link below through your internet browser for the WY Wing website encampment page:
4 org/wywgcap/members/encampment Encampment is not a craft camp or a walk in the park; it takes dedication and willingness to work hard. Also, attending an encampment is required to be able to advance into the officer ranks in CAP, and a way to hone your skills, learn new information, and make lasting friendships. For your efforts, you will come away with more knowledge about CAP, hone your leadership skills, and amaze yourself with all you will learn and accomplish during the short 8 days of training (more than you would have ever dreamed possible).

The deadline for trainee applications is 9 July, 202 at the $70 price, so sign up soon because space is limited. I hope to see everyone at encampment this yearit is always a great experience!

By Lt. Col. Ed Binkley, CAP, sE, and Capt. mel Dunn, CAP, DoV


Two years ago, the NTSB released the results of a study comparing the safety records of comparable light aircraft having conventional versus glass cockpits. The study looked at accident information, accident rates, and aircraft activity. To eliminate the age factor, only airplanes produced in the same years (2002-2006) were included in the study. Airplanes made by Cessna, Cirrus, Diamond, Lancair/Columbia, Mooney, Piper, and Beechcraft met these requirements. More than 8,300 airplanes met the criteria 2,848 with conventional panels and 5,56 with glass panels. Statistical comparisons were made of accident flights (severity, time of day, planned length, weather, flight plan, phase of flight) and accident pilots (age, certificate, instrument rating, flight hours, size of crew). The NTSB accident investigation data base for all U.S. registered aircraft showed 266 total accidents involving airplane models included in the study during 2002-2008. There were Conventional 4 total, 23 fatal Glass Cockpit 25 total, 39 fatal This sample was adequate to make statistical comparisons. The study showed that glass technology had not significantly improved the safety record of light airplanes. While aircraft equipped with glass panels had fewer accidents, that total was accompanied by a higher fatal accident rate and a higher number of total fatal accidents. During 2006 and 2007, the fatal accident rate for the airplanes with round-dial panels was 0.43 per 00,000 flight

hours, while the fatal rate for glass-paneled airplanes was .03 per 00,000 flight hours. Along with these accident rate differences, the NTSB found the nature of flights varied between the two kinds of aircraft. Accidents involving conventional panels were more likely to take place during ground phases, like taxi, takeoff, and landing. They tended to involve more loss of control on the ground and hard landings. Alternatively, accidents involving glass-cockpit airplanes more often took place during flight phases like climb, cruise, and approach. They also dominated mishaps attributed to loss of control in flight, collision with terrain, and weather encounters all having high fatality probabilities.

The pilots also differed, depending upon the kind of cockpit:

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Commanders Corner
Continued from page 1. . .

the University of Wyoming (5,225), F.E. Warren AFB (4,40 not counting our own Diane Walbeck, who will shortly be leaving us to move with her family to Utah), the State of Wyoming (3,840), Campbell County School District (2,646), and the Federal Government (,747). The top five nongovernment Wyoming employers were in the energy and medical fields: Rio Tinto Energy America (,795), Powder River Coal Co. (,459), Thunder Basin Coal Co. (,00), Cheyenne Regional Medical Center (,324), and Wyoming Medical Center (946). In 200, the total civilian labor force numbered almost 293,000 people with an average annual pay of $38,450. The median household income was $53,800. By sector, 23% of Wyoming residents work for the government, 2% are in leisure and hospitality, % in banking and finance, % in retail trade, 0% in natural resources and mining, 9% in construction, 8% in education and health services, and 6% in everything else. Furthermore, Wyoming has three interstate highways, two large rail carriers (BNSF and Union Pacific), and 36 public use airports. Did you realize that 0 of these airports offer commercial air service? Can you name them? This magazine painted a vibrant picture of Wyomings economic profile by stating:

graph from google Public Data April 2012.

With no personal and corporate income taxes, low energy costs, low operating costs and educated workforce, Wyoming offers significant advantages for business investment and expansion. Easy commutes, open spaces, spectacular natural resources, low crime rates and a technologically advanced infrastructure give Wyoming a superior quality of life. The State government is run conservatively, in a way that promotes entrepreneurship, and historically ends every fiscal year with a budget surplus. In 20, the surplus was $437 million. This business approach to government helps the State and the Wyoming Military Department financially support the Civil Air Patrols three missions emergency services, cadet programs, and aerospace education. Results of such a favorable business climate can be easily seen. Employment is historically at or below 5%, a rate considered by economists to be full employment. During the recession we have all experienced,

Wyomings employment stayed below 5.5% until April 2009, and this January dropped back below that rate again. In early April of this year, Governor Matt Mead announced that Microsoft will build a $2-million data center near Cheyenne, Wyoming, bringing high-paying, technology jobs to the state. Governor Matt Mead was quoted in the magazine as saying, I believe Wyoming is positioned to be a leader in the technology sector and data centers will be a catalyst for growth. The Governors remarks are backed up by The Atlantic magazine, which last year selected Wyoming as one of the top three states in America for growth and innovation. These remarks only exemplify what we already know, Wyoming is a great place to work and live. Obviously, mining and minerals play a vital role in Wyomings economy, and this great state is the nations leading producer of uranium, coal, cola, bentonite, and soda ash. Uranium production is expected to surge with increasing conContinued on page 9 . . . 7

Safety Corner Continued from page 5

Authors of the NTSB study reached the following conclusions: Lower total accident rates for glass cockpit aircraft Higher fatal accident rates for glass cockpit aircraft Differences in accident severity might be explained by differences in aircraft use Results do not show a safety benefit for glass cockpit aircraft during the study period. As a result, NTSB recommended that airman knowledge tests be revised to include information about glass panels, information in aircraft manuals include abnormal and failure modes of the panels, and that training be designed to improve pilot understanding of glass-panel system functionality. Deborah A.P. Hersman, NTSB Chairman, stated the following at the reports release: To maximize the safety potential of [glass cockpit] technology, we must give pilots the information they need to understand the unique and operational details of the technology specific to their aircraft. Yet, as this study revealed, pilots may not have this vital information. How do the results of the NTSB study relate to Civil Air Patrol? If you look at the flight and crew characteristics, we represent a mixture of both old and new. CAP flights are generally conducted locally and under VFR, but their purpose is business (i.e., training). CAP pilots tend to be older, but all have at least a private pilot certificate and often fly with a crew. Empirical observations from the National Vice Commander, BG Joe Vazquez, provide evidence that new CAP pilots lack the basic stick-and-rudder and instrument skills needed to easily transition from round-dial airplanes to the Cessna 82T G000. Consequently, the National Boards will likely approve a plan this summer to replace the Cessna FITS G000 transition with one being devised by CAP/DOV. The new CAP FITS program, when enacted, will provide for significantly different objectives for VFR and IFR flying in the G000. There will no longer be a continuum between the VFR and IFR FITS qualification. Accordingly, the requirements for maintaining instrument qualifications in our glass-paneled airplanes are being more aligned to show instrument proficiency using the flight management system (FMS). A close working knowledge of the G000 FMS is essential when flying in instrument conditions, as well as being able to correct for failures and improper operation. Pilots transitioning into the C-82 G000 quickly discover that obtaining and maintaining instrument proficiency requires constant training in the airplane and using the simulator. Throughout the history of CAP, aviation safety and stan/eval have worked together to conduct effective flight training programs. However, there is always room for improvement. Never hesitate to forward your comments and concerns about anything related to flying safety to your commander, safety officer, or stan/eval officer. H

Commanders Corner

struction of nuclear power plants, worldwide. Coal is still the primary source of electricity production in the United States, and Wyoming is the countrys largest producer of coal 442 million tons of it in 200. Wyoming coal is in high demand because of its low sulfur content and clean burning characteristics. In fact, Wyoming coal is sent by rail to 35 other states. More than 6 million tons of bentonite, a clay used in absorbents, animal feed, and sealants, are mined in Wyoming annually. As we fly over the state, sometimes its not easy to figure out what type of mine is passing below our aircraft or what it is producing, but the potential for these mines to be one that processes rareearth metals is high, because they, too, are found here. Not only is Wyoming widely known for its commerce, but our state is also recognized far and wide for its spacious vistas of forests and rangelands. Needless to say, Wyomings two keystone national parks, seven national forests and grasslands, 4 wilderness areas, half-dozen national monuments, recreation areas, and wildlife refuges, and more than 30 state parks and historical areas make the Cowboy State a great place to live, work, and put into practice CAPs core values of volunteer service, integrity, excellence, and respect. Hooah!! H

Chaplains Comments
By Chaplain Lt. Col. Jeff Johnson, CAP, WyWg/HC From the beginning, Civil Air Patrol has taught leadership skills to its cadets. These skills are developed from the first meeting where cadets learn to follow and be part of a group. Leadership is much more than drill and ceremony; it includes basic knowledge, psychology, motivation, and ethics. This ethical component of the Cadet Program helps developing young leaders understand and apply the CAP core values of integrity, volunteer service, excellence, and respect. Character Development Instructors (CDI) have been part of the CAP Chaplain Corps since the mid 990s. The position was created because there was an increased demand and a lack of qualified chaplains across the nation to teach the moral leader component of the cadet program. As a chaplain is endorsed by an outside agency, the Character Development Instructor is endorsed by his or her local clergy. A CDI must have at least 60 hours of college credit and must have a recommendation from the religious congregation they attend. Once a qualified member passes Level , they can apply for an appointment as a CDI. CDI is a professional track, and all CDIs promote the same way as any other member. CDIs are assigned to squadrons with the specific purpose of preparing and presenting character development lessons for that group, but they may also hold other squadron positions, including leadership callings. A squadron CDI may be asked to help out in other squadrons, as well. CDIs are not chaplains; they do not have the right of confidentiality or of conducting a service in a chaplains absence (unless they are a qualified leader of a congregation and have been invited by the activity commander to do so). CDIs have been a great support to chaplains in promoting the ethical development of cadets. If you are interested, please contact the wing chaplain at
(Portions of this article were edited from Chaplains Corner and Ch. Jeff Williams of Colorado)

Cadet Program Tidbits

By Lt. Col. BJ Carlson, CAP Wy Wing Director of Cadet Programs The last weekend in June is scheduled for a GSAR school. Captain Josiah Pratt, along with Cadet Capt. Ezekiel House and Cadet Chief Master Sgt. Nathan Kamm have planned an extended weekend of training in ground team tasks at Vedauwoo in southeastern Wyoming. August 4-2Encampment is scheduled at Camp Guernsey. Cadet and senior member staff will report on 2 August for training and set up. Fee is $70.00

Park County Search and Rescue member, Tom Solin, of Cody, assists Cadet nathan Kamm and Senior Member Capt. Josiah Pratt to conduct a map reconnaissance of the forest west of Cody in preparation for a notional downed aircraft on April 28, 2012. (Photo by lt. Col. Samuel House)

Wyoming Wing, Civil Air Patrol members isaac Hubenthal, 17; nathan Kamm, 16; Don Coletta, 16; and Josh Kirkman, 18, of laramie, Cheyenne, Casper and Sheridan respectfully, use a locator device during a search and rescue exercise where they are looking for a notional downed aircraft near Cody, Wy, on April 28, 2012. (Photo by lt. Col. Samuel House)

Wyoming Wing Civil Air Patrol Kicks Off Search and Rescue Training at Cody SAREX
By Lt. Col. samuel House, CAP, WyWg PAo CODY, WyThe Wyoming Wing Civil Air Patrol (CAP) SAREX in Cody, WY was held on April 27-29, with 39 members from across the state participating in various exercises designed to hone their search and rescue techniques. Lt. Col. Mike Carlson, the event coordinator and incident commander from Cody, designed eight scenarios to test the capabilities of the Wyoming CAP, such as aerial photography and reconnaissance, coordinating ground and air searches, and searches for lost or overdue aircraft that incorporated visual and electronic capabilities. The CAP members who participated in this event were made up of volunteer senior members and cadets ranging in ages from 2 to 7. Lieutenant Colonel Carlson was quoted as saying: Since this was an exercise, I try to make everyone understand that we are here to train, and training always takes more time. When you deal with young adults from ages 12 to 17, you can see the progression, and when they come to SAREXs you can see growth. [These events] largely increase their skills in becoming more proficient, and you can see these individuals do something without being told. That is what

I try to depend on, is making sure people have enough background in the areas that we trained in so that I can say here is what I want done, here is a piece of information, go get it done. This event is the first of four in 202, which will culminate, according to Col. John Mitchell, the Commander of the Wyoming Wing, in an Air Force operations evaluation in September in Sheridan, Wyoming. Colonel Mitchell stated that training like this is important, and You cant support the mission if you dont train for it, especially a complex mission like a search and rescue operation. Other training this year will include glider orientation rides in Wheatland; aircraft training in Steamboat Springs, Colorado; and ground team training at Vedauwoo in the Snowy Range Mountains near Laramie while conducting aerial operations training at Camp Guernsey 28 June to  July. Search and rescue exercises will also be held later in the year in Gillette and Pinedale. This fiscal year, the Wyoming Wing has been credited with six finds and nine lives saved during actual search and rescue missions throughout the state of Wyoming.

What do you mean Im not Qualified any more!!

Then how in-the-heck do I get Re-Qualed?!!

submitted by Lt. Col. mike Carlson, CAP Once you become qualified to do a particular specialty job within the Emergency Services sector of CAP (whether Mission Scanner (MS), Ground Team #3 (GTM3), Incident Commander (IC), etc.) you have a 3 year period of operation. At some point-in-time, to be extended for another 3 years, you must go through an evaluation. So . heres how to go about it .. According to CAPR 60-3 you need someone to evaluate your performance for that selected specialty job, i.e. a Mission Scanner (MS). Its kind-a-like taking a Fm5 each year like pilots have to do, except this is once every 3 years. So .... during a Mission, at a SAR Ex, using a B2 setting for training, or even an National Cadet Special Activity (NCSA) like the National Emergency Services Academy (NESA) .... go over with your qualified Evaluator those selected

tasks that you could demonstrate (I would suggest you have a blank SQTR to record the information). After going through the re-eval process have the Evaluator date & sign the SQTR .... have that copy inserted to your E/S file for evidence. Better yet scan the SQTR as a pdf file and upload the document to the E/S side of Ops Quals. Call it, for example, Re-Qual_MS_ Apr202. Then after the Evaluator Approves you will need to go into Ops Quals and select the appropriate SQTR for MS, and at the bottom, where you see Exercise Participation-Mission in either the (Recurring or #2) spot plug in the date, Evaluator CAP ID, and Mission #. Also ... do the same for each of the Tasks that you were evaluated for. Save that data and then go back and

Continued . . . 5

Re-Qualed Continued
re-submit for up-date. Thats all that is needed ...... This then heads for the electronic approval process generally to the Squadron E/S Officer, or the Squadron Commander. After they pass-iton it comes to me. I look it over to see if it meets what is expected in the Regulations. If all is in order, I approve, if not, then I have to decide what comes next you and I may end up looking like the above picture Heres the section of CAPR 60-3 that speaks to this CAPR 60-3, 2-4. Renewal of Specialty Qualification. a. Most specialty qualifications generally expire 3 years from the date the qualification was attained. Exceptions are listed in table 2-. Wings will develop plans to ensure that the majority of their qualified members will not expire at the same time. b. To renew an expiring specialty qualification, the member must: (a) During the evaluation, candidates will be required to demonstrate their ability to perform and/or evaluate annotated tasks on the SQTR required to qualify in that specialty. Not all tasks are required to be demonstrated; generally only advanced level tasks are required to be re-demonstrated. Most formal courses do not have to be re-accomplished though some are recommended like first aid training. (b) This evaluation does not have to be completed on an Air Force approved training mission, and courses that must be re-accomplished need not be completed at the same time as the evaluation. (c) The evaluation is meant to be a practical check of a members currency and proficiency to serve in a specialty on a mission. (d) CAPF 9, CAP Mission Pilot Checkout, check rides will be considered equivalent to this evaluation for all aircrew positions for mission pilots. A separate evaluation is not required. (3) Have satisfactorily completed applicable parts (see paragraph 2-3e) of the current CAPT 6, General Emergency Services Questionnaire. (4) Have satisfactorily completed the current CAPT 7, Emergency Services Continuing Education Examinations. CAPT 7 is conducted in three parts: one for aircrew members and flight

line personnel; one for ground and urban direction finding teams; and one for mission base staff. (5) Have satisfactorily completed current OPSEC Training. (6) Have satisfactorily completed current NIMS training as applicable. 2-5. Re-qualification Procedures for Expired Specialties. a. Individuals previously qualified in various specialty qualification areas may re-qualify without re-accomplishing all initial training requirements. These personnel must demonstrate proficiency in the specialty to re-earn their expired qualification by: () Accomplishing any tasks not previously completed on the current SQTR, (2) Being evaluated by a qualified supervisor on at least one mission (training or actual) in each specialty (or equivalent specialty as outlined on the NHQ CAP/DOS website), and (3) Satisfactorily completing applicable parts of the current CAPTs 6, 7, OPSEC Training, and NIMS Training. b. The wing commander or his or her designee will approve re-qualifications. Its pretty simple . Then we both can have Happy faces. Welllllll . Maybe . Sorta. H


The competition at the region highlighted the cadet excellence CAP has fostered across the wings composing the Rocky Mountain Region. Teams from Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, and Utah were in fine form, but only one team could represent our region at the national competition. The Laramie color guard team placed second for the AE panel quiz

and 3rd for the indoor practical drill. Cadet Blake had the second fastest time for the mile run. Unfortunately, the team will not be going to National, with Colorado being chosen to represent the Rocky Mountain Region at the NCC. Even though the Laramie

Squadron cadets did not win the region competition, they showed excellence, determination, and spirit that is representative of the Wyoming Wing and the Cowboy State. To all the cadets who practiced and participated, thank you; all of you did an outstanding job representing the Wyoming Wing at this competition. For next years competitors, watch out! H



The Cassandra Syndrome and CyberPatriot

By Col. John E. mitchell, CAP The April 202 issue of Smithsonian contains an article that should be of great interest to many CAP members. The article Cassandra Syndrome discusses the issue of cyber warfare through a profile interview with Richard Clarke, who served three presidents as counterterrorism czar. Clarke is well-known for failing to getting President George Bushs aides to recognize the threat from al-Qaeda during the summer of 200, and he is now convinced that top policymakers are not recognizing the national security threat of cyberwar. Fittingly, the title of the article refers to Cassandra, a beautiful young woman in Greek mythology. For her exquisiteness, she was given the gift of prophecy. However, when Cassandra rejected the romantic advances of Apollo, he placed a curse on her so no one would believe her forewarnings. In 200, Clarke wrote a book, Cyber War, predicting that a cyber 9/ could be the next big attack on the U.S. The book invokes visions of disabled Pentagon computers, inactive telecom satellites, dead power plants, and closed banks. His interview, published two Cassandra by Evelyn De Morgan years later, claims we are still defenseless against a cyberattack 1898. that could bring down our nations electronic infrastructure. There are literally billions of computers and computer networks driving our military, communications, transportation, power, and financial infrastructures that are susceptible to being broken into or hacked. Moreover, Clarke believes the danger is worsened by the U.S.s use of cyberoffense because of other countries likely desire for revenge. Unlike 9/, however, a cyber attack will instead have this death of a thousand cuts. According to Clarke, the kind of cyberespionage being conducted by the U.S. likely differs from that being carried out by other entities and countries. For example, China is suspected of hacking into secure and classified computer systems to obtain secrets about advanced aerospace and computer technologies in order to give them competitive advantages in these fields. Clarke believes that every major corporation in the U.S. has already been breached by China. The U.S. uses cyberespionage to obtain classified information about other governments that the CIA used to obtain using secret agents. However, the most well-known use of cyberespionage, perhaps carried out by the U.S. or perhaps not, was the computer worm, Stuxnet. Stuxnet, spread by Microsoft Windows, was extremely sophisticated malware that was able to worm into computers at Irans nuclear fuel enrichment plant at Natanz, where gas centrifuges were being employed to separate weapons-grade U-235 uranium from the common U-238 uranium. Stuxnet took control of the computers and, without the Iranians knowing it, desynchronized their speeds, causing thousands of them to seize and self-destruct. The Stuxnet worm was designed to disappear after doing its damage, but a Finnish computer security company working for the Iranians discovered the code in June 200. The Department of Defense recognizes the potential loss of military power that can be caused by cyberespionage. In his book, Clarke cited a study published in an influential journal that showed how carrier group defenses could be blinded during a military confrontation.
Continued on page 25 . . . 2 2

Re-shaping CAP and CAP-USAF

By mr. John Flom Utah & Wyoming state Director CAP-UsAF, RmR LRADo As many of you are aware, Congress has been seeking ways to reduce our nations deficit and reduce federal spending. One of the ways this is being accomplished is through a sequestration mechanism of budget cuts. The Defense Department, in addition to an immediate budget reduction of $450 billion, will see a reduction of almost a half-trillion dollars over the next ten years. One of the military budget cuts for FY 202 is the elimination of 4,500 Air Force civilian jobs. This reduction significantly impacts the AF organization responsible for CAP oversight and adviceCAP-USAF. The reductions to CAP-USAF eliminated all of our 38 State Directors and added 6 individuals to the AF regions. The overall reduction of 22 civilian State Director will significantly impact the way CAP and CAP-USAF perform their duties. These personnel reductions will result in a leaner CAP-USAF force and will require re-tooling CAP-USAF responsibilities and duties. The 6 remaining positions will be reclassified as Liaison Region Assistant Director of Operations (LRADOs) that will report directly to the Liaison Region Commanders. The LRADOs will be strategically distributed geo23

graphically across the country to allow CAP-USAF maximum coverage of the country with a minimal cost of doing business. This leaner CAP-USAF will still provide oversight of CAP but the restructuring of CAP-USAF will be a major change in philosophy for both CAP and CAP-USAF. The State Director (previously called Liaison Officer) function that CAP and CAPUSAF have valued for so long will no longer exist; the 6 remaining individuals will not be assigned to cover any specific state(s), instead they will be an extension of the AF Liaison Region and AF National HQ. As CAP-USAF restructures itself, it is going to present unique challenges to both CAP and CAP-USAF never experienced before as CAP assumes a more active role in self support. To help with this transition, a Reorganization Committee (comprised of two CAP Region Commanders, four CAP-USAF Liaison Region Commanders, four State Directors, and HQs CAP-USAF staff) met earlier this year and proposed a redistribution of responsibilities and authorities within both CAP and CAP-USAF. Effective  May 202, CAPUSAF will begin implementing the new procedures and will fully implement all the changes

by 30 Sept 202. State Directors have been an integral part of the team, often acting as the go-toperson for problem resolution in each state. That function will no longer exist; instead each Wing will assume a more active role in self governing. If questions or issues arise that the individual wing cannot resolve in-house, they will first work with their CAP region for answers. If the CAP region cannot resolve the issue, the region will in-turn work with the AF region for problem resolution and answers CAP cannot resolve in-house. The old State Director/Liaison Officer is out of the picture. This re-structuring increases CAP Wing ownership of programs/process and increases CAP Regions staff involvement. A new position, filled by highly experienced CAP member, will be created within each CAP Wing to specifically interact with region and outside agencies. Decision making will be enhanced at lower levels. CAP Wings will assume ownership of the following activities that previously fell under the State Director: Execute CAP awards boards without CAP-USAF presence Coordinate non-CAP member participation requests

Re-shaping CAP-USAF Continued

Coordinating cadet encampments/administration/ post-reporting Coordinate military airfield landing permits Review/validate monthly list of qualified pilots Produce operational training mission reports Lead coordinator for wing level operational exercises Administer Spaatz award testing and conducts ceremony Coordinate/conduct/ report on communication effectiveness evaluation Assist members in filing FECA/FTCA claims Coordinate use of on-base facilities using base AF POC Coordinate host installation support A significant portion of these items were previously invisible to the CAP Wings, the State Director performed them behind the scenes, but now with the restructuring the wings will learn to interact with the CAP regions to perform these duties. A new schedule/tempo for CIs, SAVs, GTEs, and Ops Evals was also created. Each Wing will only have one of these major events per year. GTEs are eliminated, and a four year cycle was created for Ops Eval, CI, and SAV. This decreased burden on the wings will assist the wings in their self governing while still allowing the Air Force to meet its oversight with reduced manning. This transfer of responsibilities will obviously create some challenges as the wings learn to look in-house or to their CAP region for answers to issues that were previously worked by the State Directors. It is critical the wings learn to ask CAP Region questions. Since all the wings are going through this re-alignment, the CAP region may already have the answers to your question. This new process is being implemented  May, which means all wing questions will be directed to the CAP region effective  May. Direct formal communication between the wings and the Air Force will need to go through the CAP region. On a personal note: I now understand why Gary Havert always expressed such pride when he bragged about his association with the professional members of the Wyoming Civil Air Patrol. I appreciate the short time I worked with the Wyoming Wing and extend my admiration, appreciation, and thanks to all the members of the Wing. I will still attend the Wing encampment, Wing Conference, and some of the other Wing functions as a Rocky Mountain Liaison Region Assistant Director of Operations (LRADO). I look H forward to those events.

Cassandra Syndrome
Continued from page 21

Civil Air Patrol is joining the fight to promote cyberdefense through the program, CyberPatriot. What is CyberPatriot? It is a national high school cyberdefense competition created to motivate students (and more importantly for us, CAP cadets) towards training in computer science, mathematics, and engineering all careers that are critical to advances in cybersecurity. Teams of five students and five alternates, plus coaches, download representations of operating systems, and try to locate known security vulnerabilities. The competition was conceived by the Air Force Association, and it is sponsored by Northrop Grumman Foundation. Finals of the latest competition was held in National Harbor, MD in March. The over ,000 original participating teams had been pared to the top 24 teams. For the second year in a row, CAP cadets captured the top spot in the Open Service Division; this year it was our neighbors to the south, the Colorado Springs Cadet Squadron. CyberPatriot is rapidly becoming an eminent annual cadet event. More information is available at http:// Thanks to efforts like CyberPatriot, the Cassandra Syndrome will hopefully not apply to cyberespionage in our great Nation. H



Increase Training by Hosting a Mini-Mini SAREx

Written & Photos By Lt. Col. mike Carlson What the heck is a Mini-Mini SAREx? Well, that means a squadron, in this case the Cody Cadet Squadron that held one a few years ago, thought theyd try to see if they could remember what to do on a SAREx to improve their search and rescue skills. This mini-SAREx does not replace the valuable training received at the various Wing SAREx opportunities throughout the year, but it does provide an individual squadron the time to prove their metal. Cody Squadrons Mini-Mini SAREx was Mini because it only included the Cody Squadron, and the other Mini reflected that only 4 squadron members participated. The last minute Ive got something more important that just came-up kept the number of members small, but, that is OK, because smaller size means more intense training for those that participated.

hundreds of miles away. So, that meant CAPF04s and CAPF09s had to filled out on the computer and not with paper and pencil. The normal Wing Personnel and Vehicle sign-in sheets had to be filled in with paper and pencil, but then were scanned-in with the 4-in-one printer and made into jpg files to send off to the IC (if there had been one).

Lieutenant Colonel Mike Carlson, in his normal SAREx skullduggery way, had Lt. Col. BJ Carlson set out a training beacon along the way in a draw deep in the Oregon Basin BLM land. Upon entering the parking area of the Cody National Guard Armory the waiting cadets were tasked to conduct a Vehicle Inspection while Lt. Col. BJ Carlson and Lt. Col. Mike Carlson unloaded the gear and set up for the event. The idea was to set up as if the Cody Squadron was going to conduct the exercise as a satellite station using the computer to transfer files and talk to the main IC

That skullduggery Lt. Col. Carlson set up the scenario. There were some SARSAT hits on a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) in the area of Grid # of the Cheyenne Sectional. Supposedly, earlier communication between the IC and Park County Sheriff found that a hiker who had lost his/her personal PLB while hiking in the area, and it must have turned-on when it fell down. Since it wasnt a life threatening occurrence the IC convinced

all involved that the Cody Cadets could use this opportunity to locate the PLB. So, Lt. Col. Mike Carlson gave out the Lat/Long hit in the area of 4428.70N 08-54.W. While Lt. Col. BJ Carlson worked with Cadet Airman Dewey on mapping and totally got his brain spinning, Lt. Col. Mike Carlson worked with Cadet 2nd Lt. Dimock on the electronic paper stuff. With this small group, everyone was doing double/triple duties. Cadet Second Lieutenant Dimock took on a lot of administrative duties in addition to training for GTL. Utilizing a :24,000 topo this band of searchers bumped along the unimproved roads seeking out the Lat/Long position of the PLB and using the new DF equipment. Cadet Dewey handled the DF equipment with deft abilities and honed in on the signal. Locating a hidden ELT can be daunting. You are standing right over it kicking yourself why you cant see it. Then, the flash of light reveals how incredibly inept you feel. There it is!!! Sometimes you wish it would be the bright yellow color of the practice beacon that the Cody Squadron used to borrow from the Park County Search & Rescue.

Once all that paperwork was finished the Fun part started. All members mounted into trusty Squadron van 4900 and headed out to the search area with Lt. Col. Mike Carlson piloting and acting as Base Comm, Cadet Airman Dewey testing his newly found Navigating skills and working the DF equipment, Cadet 2nd Lt. Dimock testing his newly dusted off GT Leadership skills, and Lt. Col. BJ Carlson trying to print legibly into the GT Log and hoping she wouldnt have to actually practice her First Aid skills as Medic of the group.

On the RTB (return to base), Lt. Col. BJ Carlson took the cadets through the debrief process of paperwork. They ended the sortie at the Cody Terminal, looking over how all the paperwork could be sent over the computer through Skype communication software while utilizing the Terminals WiFi connection. So, was the time useful? The Cody Cadet Squadron would like to think so. H
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Rocky Mountain Regions Aerospace Education Officers School

July 29-31, 2011
Imagine three days immersed in airplanes, rockets, aviation history, and space through DVDs, classes, photos, and activities. The instructors are award-winning aerospace educators from wing, regional and national levels who have written the new cadet texts. Add to that eating dinner in the belly of a bomber remodeled as a restaurant and sitting in the pilot seats of that plane. Five members of the Wyoming Wing of Civil Air Patrol participated in all this fun at Peterson AFB in Colorado Springs last summer. Toni Brown, BJ Carlson, Robert Giese, Juthann Self and Stan Skrabut definitely recommend attending the next one of these schools.

Presenters (l-R) were Maj. Brian Smiley, RMR Aerospace Ed.; lt. Col. Kaye Ebelt, Montana DAE; Dr. Ben Millspaugh, Author of CAP Cadet Aerospace Dimensions Modules; and Crystal Bloemen, Colorado award winning science teacher who portrays Pancho Barnes.

Skit personalities - Crystal Bloemen as Pancho Barnes (l) and Kaye Ebelt as her friend (R).

Wow! And then be sure to bring a box to carry back to your squadron all the books and materials to use in your aerospace presentations at meetings. The students in this class did have the opportunity to learn the CAP Aerospace Education Officers Handbook and complete the necessary forms so they would know what to do at local, wing and national level presentations. One of the most exciting aspects of the AE School is to know all the resources available online and the vast number of free materials available to interest senior members, cadets and the general public in the history and future of aviation and space in our world. The chance to build and launch rockets, fly paper airplanes, and guide tumblers was an added benefit to the students. We didnt just sit still to
Continued on page 36 . . . 3

Attendees showing off their rockets. 3

Cadet House Represents Wyoming Wing at the 2012 Civic Leadership Academy
By Cadet Capt. Ezekiel House, CAP Thanksgiving Day started out normalturkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and apple pie, until, I received the email. Ive come to the conclusion that all emails from National Headquarters carry good news at least, Ive never received one that didnt. Therefore, when the message from NHQ arrived at 3 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day, I was excited to open it. The email read, CONGRATULATIONS! You have been selected to attend the 202 National Civic Leadership Academy. I was ecstatic. I applied to CLA in

legislation Day with Col John Mitchell, Col Bill Morton, and Cadet House with Senator Barasso.

legislation Day (l-R) Col. george Mixon, Rocky Mountain Region Vice Commander; Representative Cynthia lummis (R, WY); Cadet House; Col. Bill Morton, Wyoming legislative Representative; Col. John Mitchell, Wyoming Wing Commander. 32

September 20, with low hopes of receiving a slot since only 24 of the nations top cadets are selected to attend this school. It should come as no surprise that I could barely contain myself. The next three months were filled with preparations: required homework assignments, correspondence with the activity director, making appointments with my congressional delegation, and other important obligations. Finally, in February, I departed for Washington, DC. I arrived on Saturday, February 25, but because I was one of the first arrivals, I had my choice of rooms. I had several hours to prepare my uniform, and

Cadet House with Maj. gen. Chuck Carr (national Commander, CAP), Brigadier general Joseph Vasquez (national Vice Commander, CAP), and Mr. Steven Trupp.

I took care to make sure mine was in perfect order. After the personal prep time, the CLA staff introduced themselves, and we were given a briefing (brief is a misnomer in this case) on what would be expected of us throughout the week. There were no surprises: no goofing around, lying, cheating, stealing, etc. We were expected to be model cadets. The Washington Monument. They sent us to bed early that night, saying that we would appreciate the sleep later in the week. On Sunday, we were awakened at 5 a.m. by a complimentary wake-up call. We were directed to get dressed in our Service Dress Uniform. We ate a delicious breakfast at the hotel, and then left for Arlington National Cemetery. The cemetery, in my opinion, was one of the most touching parts of the trip. Rows upon perfectly straight rows of uniform, white headstones have a way of bringing a somber air to any group. We witnessed the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and we were privileged to be able to speak with one of the guards. He told us about his job, how difficult the training is, and how much of an honor it is to guard such a prominent national monument. After the cemetery, we went to the Smithsonian Air and Space museum. Colonel Mary Feik gave us a guided tour of part
Visiting the Department of Justice. 33 33

of the museum, taking time to tell us all about the airplanes that she flew, and the ones that she helped to restore. What an amazing lady! She will be the keynote speaker at the Wyoming Wing Conference this year, and I would encourage anyone (cadet or senior member) to attend, even if only to meet Col. Feik. When she said her goodbyes, we left the Smithsonian and toured the National Mall. We went to all the war memorials, the Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial. On Monday morning, we received a guided tour of the U.S. Capitol Building, and then went directly to the Supreme Court. We ate lunch there, and got a tour of the courtroom. Following this tour, we were ushered up a flight of stairs, where we met several important individuals: Retired Lt Gen Sutter and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. It was an honor to have the opportunity to discuss issues with these distinguished people. On Tuesday, we visited the U.S. Department of State. We got a tour of the 8th floor, where the Secretary of State entertains her foreign dignitaryguests. Basically, the entire purpose of the 8th floor is to impress foreigners with American history, and it does a great job! Ive never seen such lavish rooms in my life. Wednesday we visited the Visiting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. FBI Academy in Quantico, VA. Thursday, was Legislation Day. Technically speaking, Leg day was the entire reason for going to Civic Leadership Academy. We were given information throughout the week that we were expected to use when talking to our congressional delegation. I left early in the morning with Col. John Mitchell and Col. Bill Morton, and we spent the day speaking with Representative Cynthia Lummis and Senators Mike Enzi and John Barasso. We made sure they knew how much we appreciated the work they do for CAP in congress. All three of our congressional delegation support and appreciate the work that CAP does for the state of Wyoming. On Friday, we toured the CIA Headquarters in Langley, VA. After visiting the CIA, we prepared for graduation. Major General Chuck Carr, the National Commander of CAP, spoke at the graduation ceremony. He expressed to all of us how proud he was of us. I had the privilege of speaking to him one-on-one afterwards, and he personally encouraged me in my cadet career. All the graduates of CLA received a certificate and a challenge coin after shaking the Generals hand. Overall, Civic Leadership Academy was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. The faculty challenged me to live up to Cadet House with Col. Mary my full leadership potential, and I returned from D.C. with a much



CLA 2012 Continued

better understanding of how the U.S. Government works. I would recommend that every cadet who has their Mitchell Award apply for this activity. Although the application process is daunting and the required homework is intimidating, you will not regret your decision. H

AEO School Continued from page 31

Rocket ladies (l-R) lt. Col. BJ Carlson, 1st lt. Juthann Self, 1st lt. Mary Cast from lakewood, CO, Maj. Toni Brown. ClA group Photo.

learn our materials! The AEO students were housed in base housing at the Pikes Peak Lodging facilities. Our dorm was in a cluster of buildings named for the NASA space shuttles. Each morning included a run past US Air Force planes glinting in the sunrise. It was hard not to stop and touch and imagine flying those wings. Find the next Aerospace Education Officers School and get there! It is fun, exciting and well worth the small registration fee and travel time to play in the AE world! H

ClA cadets at the CiA with Mr. Steven Trupp, CAPnHQ Cadet Program Manager. Mr. Trupp was the faculty advisor for the cadets during ClA.

Outside the lincoln Memorial. 36

RMR Commander, Col. greg Cortum poses with skit performers Bloemen and Ebelt. 36

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