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USHRN Southwest Regional Meeting and Human Rights Training

Building a Cross-Cultural Human Rights Movement to Support Community Struggles and Hold the US Accountable


Program Agenda

DAY 1, October 19 USHRN Southwest Regional Meeting

8:30 9:00 9:15

9:15 9:30 9:30 10:45

10:45 11:00 11:00 - 11:45

11:45 12:30 12:30-1:30pm 1:30 3:00

3:00 3:15 3: 15 4:00

Coffee and registration Opening and Welcoming Remarks Invocation Professor Lindsay Robertson, University of Oklahoma College of Law Ejim Dike, Executive Director, US Human Rights Network Andrea Carmen, Executive Director, International Indian Treaty Council Overview of the USHRN Regional Meeting Ejim Dike, USHRN Workshop: What are Human Rights? Using a Human Rights Framework to support struggles for political, racial, economic, social, cultural, gender and environmental rights. Andrea Carmen, International Indian Treaty Council Rachel Fowler, US Human Rights Network JoKay Dowell, Indigenous Peoples Alliance Break Panel: Using Human Rights processes and standards to ensure Access to Justice from the local to International levels, with focus on Prisoner Rights, Environmental Justice, Immigrant Rights, Racial Justice and Efforts to Resist Statewide Bans on Judicial Consideration of Sharia, International, and Foreign Law Ejim Dike, USHRN, Moderator Leonard Foster, IITC, Navajo Nation Prisoners Rights Program June Lorenzo, Laguna Acoma Coalition for a Clean Environment Ruben Solis, University Sin Fronteras Tia Oso, Black Alliance for Just Immigration Chandra Bhatnagar, American Civil Liberties Union Human Rights Program, Human Rights at Home Campaign Questions and discussion Lunch Breakout Sessions: To Share Struggles and Approaches to Advocacy Work, and to Network on Key Regional Human Rights, topics: Prisoners Rights and Criminal Justice Environmental Health and Justice Immigrant and Border Rights Break Strategic Discussion: Challenges, Obstacles and Opportunities in building a multi-cultural, multi-constituency human rights movement in the US to ensure political, racial, gender, economic, social, cultural and environmental justice in the US Jackie Warledo, IITC, Moderator Discussion: What USHRN can do to facilitate a multi-cultural, multi-constituency human rights movement? How can you join and strengthen the USHRN? Saki Hall, USHRN, Moderator Concluding comments and next steps Review of next day agenda Jackie Warledo, IITC and Saki Hall, USHRN, moderators Closing Invocation Closing, 1st day

4:00 4:35 4:35-4:50 4:50 5: 00

DAY 2, October 20 Human Rights Training and Discussion: Using the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) to defend Human Rights and hold the United States Accountable for Violations in preparation for the US review by the UN
8:30 9:00-9:30 Registration and coffee Opening and Welcoming Remarks, Highlights and Outcomes from Day 1 Invocation Professor Lindsay Robertson, University of Oklahoma College of Law Andrea Carmen, Executive Director International Indian Treaty Council Ejim Dike, Executive Director, US Human Rights Network Introduction to the ICERD (aka the Racism Treaty): What is the ICERD and how can we use the process to advance our struggles and hold the US accountable for Racial Injustice? Ejim Dike, USHRN, Moderator Presentations: Francisco Cali Tzay, UN CERD Committee Vice President (via Skype/interactive): What is ICERD and how does it works? Andrea Carmen, IITC: Why is ICERD important and what are the key components of ICERD? Ejim Dike, USHRN: Using ICERD as a practical tool for advancing racial justice: the upcoming US review and the National Plan of Action 10:30 10:45 10:45 11:00 11:00 12:00 Questions and Discussion Break Sharing Case Studies and Discussion: Participants share examples of racism, racial discrimination and racial injustice struggles in the region and the US Yolande Tomlinson, USHRN, Moderator Lunch Introduction to and consultation on the CERD National Plan of Action Ejim Dike, USHRN, Moderator Identifying Next Steps for the National Plan of Action and other strategies for engaging with ICERD Ejim Dike, USHRN, Moderator Evaluation and Closing Comments - Ejim Dike, USHRN Closing Invocation

9:30 10:30

12:00 1:00pm 1:00- 3:00 3: 00 3:45 3:45 4:00 4:00 *

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