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EBS (Electronic Bank Statement) - Not Clearing automatically in FI

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Ganesh Mohan 09-Jun-2009 16:39 Hi Experts, I am having an unique problem. I have uploaded the Electronic Bank Statement for my client in BAI2 Format in FF_5. I have used External Transaction 195 (Incoming Money Transfer) and Algorithm - 001 in my configuration settings. The Posting Rule defined was as follows PA 1, 40 Bank, 50 Bank Sub account, P Type 1. PA 2, 40 Bank Sub account, 50 No entry, P Type 8 Clear Credit Sub ledger account. The statement upload triggered the following entry: 1) Bank a/c Dr To Bank Sub account 2) Bank Sub account Dr To Customer a/c It had cleared the open item in Customer Ledger, I could see Green indicator in FBL5N (Customer Line Item). But in G/L in Bank Sub account. The Credit (resulting from entry no 1) and the debit (resulting from entry no 2) remains as uncleared open item with Red Indicator in FBL3N. But when I do a test run of F.13 by selecting the G/L Account option, am getting these items in list of clearing transaction and finding no error message. My question to the forum experts is 1. I assume that if upload of Electronic Bank statement can clear the open customer line item, it should also clear the open GL Line items and there is no need for running F.13. 2. If answer to question no 1 is yes, then what could be an possible fix for my issue. Thanks in advance!


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Re: EBS (Electronic Bank Statement) - Not Clearing automatically in FI

Ravi Sankar Venna 09-Jun-2009 16:50 (in response to Ganesh Mohan) Hello, The first question answer is NO. You need to run F.13 to clear your bank sub account entries. Your bank statement will not automatically clear the bank sub account entries. You need to run F.13. Check your settings in OB74 Though the following text is for manual bank statement, how this may be useful to you. GO THROUGH SAP NOTE 48854 for algorithms. Have you completed the configuration. Please follow the following steps: IMG => Financial Accounting => Bank Accounting > Business Transactions => Payment Transactions => Manual Bank Statement Create and Assign Business Transactions: Here you give your external ID provided by the Bank, is it a plus or minus to your bank account, posting rule and Text. (Make sure before you have posting rules in place) Define Bank Keys and Posting rules for your Manual Bank Statement: Give your chart of account. 1. Create Accounts Symbols (Freely definable) 2. Assign Accounts to Accounts symbols (Account symbol / Account modifier, normally +, your currency, masking rule of the GL account) Hope you are familiar with Masking rule. Means, if you have bank main account ending with 0, for example 180000, cheque outgoing with 180001 and check incoming with 180002, then outgoing symbols you need to maintain +++++0 and for incoming symbols you need to maintain +++++0, by which your sub account and main account gets linked when you upload bank statement. 3. Create Posting Keys - Freely definable 4. Define posting rules - Most important, based on which your postings get happened. Posting Rule, Posting area, Posting Key, Account Dr, Posting Key, Account Cr, Document Type, Posting Type. The most important things are posting area, document type and posting type. Posting area 1 - means that it gets posted to GL Accounting Posting area 2 means it get posted to Bank Sub Ledger Accounting

Document Type: this is important when you are posting to posting area 2, use KZ for vendors and DZ for customers, when using posting area 1, use normal document types or customized document type like ZR. Drop down Posting Type: Configure based on your requirement. 1, 2, 3 is for posting 4,5,7,8 for clearing and 8 is for reset & reverse clear. Hope this is useful to you. Regards, Ravi

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Re: EBS (Electronic Bank Statement) - Not Clearing automatically in FI

Ganesh Mohan 09-Jun-2009 17:24 (in response to Ravi Sankar Venna) Hi Ravi, Thanks for your help. I have checked OB74 and it has following entry for -

1. S G/L Accounts: Acc Ty S, From acct 0, To acct 9999999, C1 PRCTR, C2 ZUONR. 2. D Customer Accounts: Acc Ty D, From acct 0, To acct 9999999, C1 ZUONR, C2 XBLNR, C3 BELNR & Acc Ty D, From acct A, To acct Z, C1 ZUONR, C2 XBLNR, C3 BELNR -

This actually futher adds to my doubt. Since the configuration for D - Cusotmer and S General Ledeger seems to have ZUONR assignment number and there is no difference but why the clearing is happening automatically in Customer Ledger FBL5N and not happening in FBL3N?

Edited by: Ganesh Mohan on Jun 9, 2009 5:16 PM

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Re: EBS (Electronic Bank Statement) - Not Clearing automatically in FI

Ravi Sankar Venna 09-Jun-2009 17:52 (in response to Ganesh Mohan) Hello, The ZUONR maintained in OB74 is nothing to do with you clearing of customer at the time of electronic bank statement upload through FF_5 or FF.5 The customer clearing is happening because of the algorithm you have used for the purpose of EBS configuration and the document type that has been used in your posting rule (DZ you might have used). Based on algorithm, it is picking up the open item already exists in the customer account and clearing the same. (here you have given 8 in your configuration) When it comes to bank sub-account there is no open item, it is just posted (because you have given 1 in your configuration - just of posting entry) Please refer the SAP note that I have mentioned in my earlier reply. Regards, Ravi

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Re: EBS (Electronic Bank Statement) - Not Clearing automatically in FI

SAP FICO 09-Jun-2009 18:01 (in response to Ganesh Mohan) Your posting type in posting area 1 should be 5 not 1. keep credit side blank except the account symbol. enter document type SA, posting key 5 and posting on account 50. Keep in mind even though this is the right setting but for clearing you need to provide right document or refrence document number in note to payee filed and use correct variant for file upload and post.

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Re: EBS (Electronic Bank Statement) - Not Clearing automatically in FI

Ravi Sankar Venna 09-Jun-2009 18:05 (in response to Ganesh Mohan) Hello, You can try with SAP FICO's suggestion in combination with algorithms. Please let me know if you still have any issues. Regards, Ravi

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Re: EBS (Electronic Bank Statement) - Not Clearing automatically in FI

Ganesh Mohan 09-Jun-2009 20:27 (in response to Ravi Sankar Venna) Hi SAPFICO/Ravi When I tried posting with Posting Type 5 and Document Type SA, FF_5 Throwing out the following Error message in Bank Accounting F5 263 - The difference is too large for clearing. Regards, Ganesh

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Re: EBS (Electronic Bank Statement) - Not Clearing automatically in FI

Ravi Sankar Venna 09-Jun-2009 20:55 (in response to Ganesh Mohan) In that case, you use 1 only and clear with F.13 Regards, Ravi

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Re: EBS (Electronic Bank Statement) - Not Clearing automatically in FI

Chander Oad 09-Jun-2009 22:24 (in response to Ganesh Mohan) As I already mentioned that clearing will not occure just with configuration setting, it needs correct amount and document numbers for clearing. It is practicaly impossible that bank will provide the required data. the best way is to keep this setting which will allow system to post the amount on sub accounts and then user can clear when ever needed.

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Re: EBS (Electronic Bank Statement) - Not Clearing automatically in FI

Ganesh Mohan 04-Aug-2009 16:58 (in response to Ganesh Mohan) I was able to get the direction to solve the issue and understood the cocept of automatic clearing with respect to EBS Posting

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Re: EBS (Electronic Bank Statement) - Not Clearing automatically in FI

Shailesh Deshpande 03-Aug-2010 21:39 (in response to Ganesh Mohan) Ganesh, How did you resolve your issue with respect FBL3N? Are you doing thru F.13?

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