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Dear Libertarians: We are anarchists, and we love you. We love your push to social liberalism and fiscal conservatism.

We love your beliefs in limited government. We still think we can do better than that. Libertarianism vs. Anarchism First, we must discuss the difference between libertarianism and anarchism. Traditional libertarianism is another name for Anarchism. American-style libertarianism is the belief that a limited government works best, but still necessary. Anarchism is the belief that all governments, no matter how small, still exists on some amount of violence and theft and is therefore illegitimate. This is not to say that anarchists dont want rules or boundaries for people in their interaction with others. The opposite is true. Anarchists want a humanity based on free association, non-violence, and true liberty. But Dont You Guys Throw Bombs? Not at all. This is a false media stereotype of anarchists. Unfortunately, this idea has found its way into the mainstream after the actions of a few self-proclaimed anarchists in the early 20th century. The stereotype continues in modern because our message is dangerous to the existing power system. During the recent protests, more than one action has been linked to undercover policemen acting as agent provocateurs. Even the plans of the so-called Cincinatti 5 to blow up a bridge was concocted and run by an FBI agent working undercover. Most anarchists just want to live peacefully with the rest of humanity. Real anarchists dont throw bombs.

The Non-Aggression Principle The Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) is the belief that no person has the right to initiate violence on any other person, regardless of the situation. This is the principle which drives most libertarian thought. Unfortunately, Libertarians tend to build an exemption for those in the government. Most Libertarians accept that some kind of theft or violence is a necessary evil to prevent violence and theft. As anarchists, we are pushing for people to understand the NAP and help apply it at all levels of society. The only way we can do that is by abolishing governments. Government is such a great idea, its mandatory. What is Voluntaryism? Voluntaryism is another term for anarchism. It is a philosophy which states that all human interaction must be free, voluntary, and free from coercion. Governments inherently violate this idea by stealing from people through use of taxation. Taxation is a coercive enterprise. It uses the threat of violence to make people give them money. It is inherently violent. If you refuse to give them what you have earned, they threaten you with violence and kidnapping to get you to pay up. Experience shows that if something is going to go really wrong, predictably waste your time, annoy you and attack your dignity, and finally just prove to be totally ineffective at accomplishing the task, theres a good chance that it involves the government. -Jeffrey Tucker, Anarcho-Capitalist

Non-Politics is the Future of Politics As libertarians, you understand that the smallest possible government is ideal. This is philosophy as known as minarchism (minimal government). As anarchists, we believe that coercion and aggression are not allowed by anybody. That includes the government. As libertarians, you may or may support the concept of government. If you do, we are going to explain why libertarianism is the future. And why anarchism will be the future after that. Anarchists and American style libertarianism are very close. Anarchists believe that self-defense can be selfmanaged. Instead of viewing everybody in a collective known as American, liberal, conservative, Hindu, Black, Protestant, child, and adult. All people deserve the chance to live a healthy, productive life. The only way we can ensure that chance is by creating an equal playing field, in which nobody has special privileges, special rules, and a monopoly over anything. By having a government, we have created a system which, while formed with almost the best intentions, has become the most authoritarian system on earth: not just over its own people, but over every other person on earth. That is why the concept of the US as a world police is dangerous and laughable. To withhold our consent in a non-violent way is by using gray and black markets, the only truly free markets on earth. ANARCHY. AGORA. ACTION.

What is Agorism? Agorism as a philosophy was founded by Samuel Edward Konkin III. His books are available online at Agorism is the revolutionary left-libertarian philosophy which encourages withdrawal from the traditional white market, which is taxed and regulated, such as Wal-Mart, Target, Starbucks, and even thrift stores. Move to gray markets and black markets, the markets which are not taxed, which have the only freedom. Use classified ads and purchase from individuals instead of from corporations. Set up your own service business based on donations. Create gray and black markets yourself. ANARCHY. AGORA. ACTION. Anarchist philosophy is not about performing a violent revolution to overthrow the government. Its about performing a peaceful revolution by using channels that the government cannot control. The premise of being non-political is important in anarchism. At the very least, we must . Instead of voting, try withholding consent for once. You cannot choose to vote for the lesser of two evils if both are evil. Vote For Nobody. Establish freedom in your own lives to help establish freedom in others. Start your own business and bypass the government. They cant arrest us all.

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The black and yellow flag is the symbol of anarchist capitalism, which professes belief in free markets and free people. The black symbolizes a negation of all governments. The yellow symbolizes gold, a in reference to free markets.

Message to Libertarians #1 Written by Mark Van Gelder of Agorism Voluntaryism The Non-Aggression Principle The Future of Politics

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