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A publication of Saxifrage Christian Ministries. UK. www.scmuk.

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Wisdom for Today

Matthew A Daniel

The Laodicean Church This was the last church written about in the book of revelation and many agree it depicts the state of the church preceding the return of Jesus. Let us compare some of the pointers with our churches today. : He started by introducing himself; Rev 3:

This was undeniably referring to Jesus and this was confirmed in the last verse of this chapter. : This is definitely referring to the spiritual state of the church not being hot

for God and not being switched off either. This describes the state of not being totally sold out whilst hanging on to a form of godliness. As a pastor, I see many people come through the door that are not committed. They are interested in God solving their problems but not interested in doing much for God. Many flock to places where there is a show on display continually and are not asked to make any sacrifice of their time or talent to serve God. : This is the natural reaction to lukewarm liquids; you instinctively spew it out of your mouth. Jesus says this is what awaits those who refuse to change. You are either Hot for the things of the kingdom or you are not. There is no acceptable in-between. You can start to make a difference today. This is the richest the church has been in the history of world. Many of the churches are now multi-million organisations and the pastors are like CEOs. This has given many the impressions that we lack nothing. Rev 3 It is obvious God measures wealth in a different way. - Jesus gave us a way out. He counsels us to buy from him, this refined in fire to be rich which is

suggests to us to subscribe into his ways. He also counsels us to buy

symbolic of all the things that will be left with us after serious tests; tenacity, patience, humility, generosity, compassion, mercy, love.. These are true riches. He asked us to get to cover our naked-

ness which is indicative of righteousness. We have to subscribe to the finished work of the cross and stay there. Finally, Jesus advised us to get in order to see, this is indicative of the spirit of prophecy. We

are all meant to desire to prophesy in these days in order to fulfil the prophecy in book of Joel, to edify the church and to bear the testimony of Jesus (Rev 19:10). -No matter, what you have done, Jesus is

willing to correct, chastise and restore you. Open the door of your heart to him today and be restored to heavenly places with Christ. Rev 3:17-22. Rev 3: 22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Shalom.

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