Manager Workers Compensation Claims in Fort Myers FL Resume Gail Krinsky

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Gail Krinsky

Cape Coral, FL 33314 Home: 239 542 0833 Mobile: 954 605 9833

Began career in the insurance industry working for an insurance carrier, then moved to a self insured fortune 500 company to manage their self administered workers compensation claims program nationwide; owned and operated a consulting company that developed and delivered training programs for claims adjusters, medical case management nurses and developed process and procedure manuals for client executives in the insurance and case management industry; joined Marsh Risk Consulting in a senior consulting role focusing on workers compensation cost control initiatives related to disability management, medical management, claim resolution strategies and Medicare and Section 111 MMSEA compliance; performed sales and customer service functions for the largest Medicare compliance firm and most recently, lead Marketing and Sales functions for a Managed Care company initiating growth into new geographic markets

B.A. University of Wisconsin, Madison

Relevant Experience
December 2011 to Present Majoris Health Systems, Inc., Vice President, Business Development Lead Marketing Program o Defined Brand for emerging and new States: identified key differentiators in business model and services delivery to define who we are for the market o Led Website Redesign project: hiring vendor, coordinating needs, desires of all departments, executives, department managers and IT group o Led growth strategy into new States; identified market needs, customer base, sales targets, and marketing strategy o Designed sales collateral o Created strategic partnerships with TPAs and managed care firms; identified potential partners, led credentialing effort, built relationships, identified areas of potential collaboration o Marketing projects are ongoing as this is the first attempt at a formal marketing strategy for the 20 year old firm; website scheduled for completion in next sixty days after which blogs, social media and press releases will be implemented to spearhead multistate growth effort Led Sales Initiatives into growth States o Introduced Majoris to national brokers, carriers, Third party administrators (TPAs) and associations through presentations and meetings with their clients o Represented Majoris at local and national conferences such as RIMS, TXANS, NCSI, AASCIF, Texas PRIMA o Sales presentations to self-insured companies, state funds, insurance companies and pools o Led RFP responses for numerous public entities in Texas including partnership responses from strategic partners o Provided customer service to existing clients and strategic partners

January 2011 to June 2011 Gould & Lamb, LLC, Vice President of Strategic Services; Responsible for sales and servicing existing client relationships including large self-insured companies, TPAs, self-administered companies and insurance companies o Negotiated contract renewals for Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting and Medicare Secondary Payer Compliance, most converting from a free service to a significant annual fee for the same service, Lost only one renewal due to fee increase Designed and delivered training for claims organizations o Small TPAs and self-administered employers benefited from updates when constantly changing administrative rules were published Established best practices protocols for Medicare compliance in claim process for Workers Compensation and Liability claims for claims organizations; o Clients varied from professional sports leagues to Fortune 100 oil companies Created compliance audit program and supporting sales strategy 2003 to January 2011 Marsh USA, Senior Vice President and Senior Consultant in the Claims Consulting Practice; Responsible for selling, managing and often executing consulting projects for large clients seeking best practices improvements in their Risk Control programs including o Process redesign, o Designing and writing training programs and o Delivering train the trainers sessions o Analyzing organizational and loss data to identify key performance indicators and positive or adverse trends o Recommending initiatives to improve or reverse adverse trending o Clients ranged from $5M in revenue to $2 Billion Practice Leader in the Disability Management and Return-to-Work practice which included o Defining distinct differences in product offerings for companies of differing sizes and complexity, o Designing or redesigning product scope, o Designing marketing collateral, o Presenting concepts to Sales and Client Executives as well as clients and prospects individually and at national meetings and conferences o Savings for clients ranged from 15% to 46% reduction of WC claim costs Practice Leader and national subject matter expert on Medicare compliance for Non-group Health claims, including o Defining the issues presented with the legislation, o Identifying areas of impact for the insurance claim industry and our client base, o Determining our space as a broker and claims consulting organization, o Devising the scope of our service offering o Creating sales strategy and collateral o Leading team to execute sales and product delivery o $900,000 in consulting revenue was realized from Medicare compliance and the practice continues to this date 1998-2003 Academy of Insurance Education, Inc. Owner and Managing Director Built consulting firm with a focus on claims adjudication, medical case management, training and improving processes and procedures to improve claim outcomes Developed processes and procedure manuals for the claims industry

Developed training programs for adjusters and nurse case managers for workers compensation and long term disability for large insurance carrier Delivered training including train the trainer sessions for large insurance carrier and self-insured companies Created new customer service program for insurance carriers client executive department including writing a procedure manual 1991 - 1998 Ryder Services Corporation; Director of Claims; Responsible nationally for self-administered workers compensation claims program for company owned TPA; Responsible for direct management of four claim offices handling 43 jurisdictions, Managed a headquarters support staff including senior claim specialists Redesigned and managed an internal medical management group performing nurse case management including a senior nurse manager and nurse in each claim office 1983 - 1991 General Casualty Co.; Director of Workers Compensation Claims; Began as a claims representative and was promoted to progressively higher positions with more responsibility until I assumed the lead of the workers compensation claims program, and the administrative lead of the Headquarters support staff Responsible nationally for the workers compensation claims program including process, authority levels, training, reserve adequacy Responsible for management of Home Office Claim Managers including supervision of large exposure claim files, reinsurance notices, settlement authority and communication to senior management Managed a headquarters clerical support staff including mail, word processing and supplies for senior claims staff, IT and claims legal staff Responsible for internal and external claim audits by actuaries, state funds, reinsurers and internal audit staff 1976 - 1983 Iowa National Mutual Insurance Co. Claims Representative Began as a clerical worker and was promoted to lead adjuster position for workers compensation claims for Wisconsin Responsible for direct management of workers compensation claims Assigned field claims adjusters to perform compensability investigations Reported claims to Home Office and to reinsurer Negotiated and settled claims up to $50,000

Other Experience
Ryders representative to two lobbying efforts toward successful workers compensation reform legislation in Pennsylvania and Florida Presented at national RIMS, local RIMS meetings in New York City and Miami Presented numerous times at the National Council of Self-insurers Served as Marshs representative to the Medicare Advocacy Recovery Coalition (MARC) Participated in numerous speaking engagements on claim and Medicare issues, Coordinated and spoke for 2 national broadcasts on Medicare compliance involving industry leaders including Gould and Lamb titled New Reality of Risk Managed 35 MMSEA vendor selection projects for reporting agents for Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting (MIR) Authored article published in Risk and Insurance, October, 2010 titled: Are there Landmines in your Return-to-Work Program?

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