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Research methods

Competency-based work force is considered the best human resource. After all, Level 3 of PCMM is focused on the competency framework in an organization. Is the underlying principle of competency mapping just about finding the right people for the right job? The issue is much more complex than it appears, and most HR departments have been struggling to formulate the right framework for their organization. "The competency framework serves as the bedrock for all HR applications. As a result of competency mapping, all the HR processes like talent induction, management development, appraisals and training yield much better results," states well-known HR consultant Ullhas Pagey. He however points out that the competency movement has caught on much better in the non-IT sector than the IT sector. Only a few IT organizations which are at the higher end of the HR value chain are known to be doing some work in this area; most are more busy handling recruitment and compensation-related matters. "Unless managements and HR heads have holistic expectations from their HR departments, the competency movement is unlikely to succeed as it requires lot of time, dedication and money," he adds, pointing out that before an organization embarks on this journey it has to be very clear about the business goals, capability-building imperatives and core competencies of the organization. The competency mapping process needs to be strongly integrated with these aspects.

Research Rationale:

Experts agree that the competency mapping process does not fit the one-size-fits all formula. It has to be specific to the user organization. "My suggestion is to develop models that draw from but are not defined by existing research, using behavioral interview methods so that the organization creates a model that reflects its own strategy, its own market, its own customers, and the competencies that bring success in that specific context (including national culture). Start with small, discrete groups or teams, ideally in two directions-a 'horizontal slice' across the business that takes in a multi-functional or multi-site group, more or less at the same organizational level, and a 'vertical slice' taking in one whole department or team from top to bottom. From that, the organization can learn about the process of competency modeling, and how potential alternative formats for the models may or may not fit the needs of the business," explains Stephen Martin, an international authority in the field who is also the president of ITAP Europe. Martin believes that it is important to focus on one or two key areas of implementation rather than the whole HRD agenda in one scoop. "So if recruitment and selection or performance management are the key strategic needs of the business, and where the pain is being felt, then start there," he advises, adding that competency mapping can be rather good at providing organizational pain relief when applied effectively-and so making the case for extending it. Further, it is advisable to begin with a 'horizontal' slice of the management or senior-most team as the benefits will percolate down to the whole organization.

Methodology for designing

The following methodology for designing and developing competency frameworks is suggested: " the most effective route is to employ recognized best-practice internal research methodology using

behavioral event interview (BEI) techniques to selectively sample the target population (supplemented with expert panels and 'Competency Requirement Questionnaires' to engage wider population samples) and so build up the models from the data that emerges. This data should be triangulated against clear top-down input in terms of organizational strategy and business objectives, and also against external research relevant and analogous to the organizations situation-not as a driver, but as a reference point." adds that once the behavioral data is collected, it should be sorted, categorized and leveled carefully to create models that are concise and comprehensive, simple and sophisticated. Developing BEI skills within the organization has the added benefit that once the model is complete, it can be used more effectively by transferring these skills to selection interviewing, development assessments, and so on.


To study the employee perception on competency mapping. To study the feasibility to implement the competency mapping

To study the benefits of competency mapping To suggest about the implementation of competency mapping



This is the exclusive study to check the feasibility to implement the competency mapping in HCL BPO To improve the competency of the employees To find and retain the potential employees.


The researcher acquires more information about competency mapping which can be used as core process in every department of the company.



A Research Design is purely and simply the frame work or plan for the study that guides the collection of the data. A good research design has the following characteristics namely 1. Problem definition 2. Specific methods of data collections and analysis. 3. Time required for research project. 4. Estimate of expenses to be incurred.

In this study, the researcher has adopted Descriptive Research Design.

Descriptive Research Design.

A Descriptive Research Design is the one that simply describes something such as demographic characteristics of certain people who use something. The descriptive study we typically concerned with determining frequently with which something occurs or how two variables vary together. This study is typically guided by an initial hypothesis. A descriptive study requires a clear specifications of who, what, when, where, why and how aspects of the research.

Period of study is 50days.

The universe or population is the specific group of people, firms, conditions, etc., which form the pivotal point of research. Therefore, the total population (employees) of the company is 800

SAMPLING PROCEDURE: Convenience sampling:

A convenience sample chooses the individuals that are easiest to reach or sampling that is done easy. Convenience sampling does not represent the entire population so it is considered bias. The researcher makes no attempt, or only a limited attempt, to insure that this sample is an accurate representation of some larger group or population.

A survey is conducted in HCL Technologies BPO Services.

The sample size for the survey is 100.

In this present study both primary and secondary data were used.

Primary data:
Primary data is information obtained from original sources by the researcher. A structured questionnaire was prepared to collect relevant primary data from employees of the company and personal interview with HR Executives.

Secondary data:
The secondary data were collected from the published sources such as books, magazines, journals, web sources and company records.


The collected data were analyzed by applying tables.

Percentage method,

Chi square test and

TOOLS FOR ANALYSIS Statistical Tools:

This collected data had been subjected to analysis by using appropriate tools namely percentage analysis and chi-square:

1. Percentage analysis:
Percentage analysis can be calculated as follows: First the frequency (i.e.) no. of responses is noted in a tabular form, and then the percentage is calculated by dividing the frequency by total no. of respondents multiplied by 100. Then the values are noted in column as valid percent.

2. Chi-square test:
The objective of the Chi-square test is to determine whether real or significant difference exists among the various groups. Chi-square test involves comparison of expected frequency (Ei) with observed frequency (Oi). To determine whether the difference between the two is greater than which might occur by chance. There are five steps is using Chi-square test.

a) b) c)

The difference between each observed frequency and each expected frequency. The differences are squared. Each squared difference is divided by its least expected frequency. This computed value is then compared with tabulated chi-square value.

d) Their quotients are added together to obtain the computed chi-square values.

If the computed chi-square value is greater than the tabulated chi-square value at the pre-determined level of significance and degree of freedom, the hypothesis is rejected. On the other hand if calculated chi-square value is less than the tabulated value, the hypothesis is accepted.

The formula is

X^2 = [(Oi-Ei)-0.5] ^2 ______________ Ei

X^2-chi-square O- Observed frequency E- Expected frequency



Hypothesis is usually considered as the principal instrument in research. A Hypothesis may be defined as a proposition or a set of proposition set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of

some specified group of phenomena either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to guide some investigation or accepted as highly probable in the light of establishment facts that relates an independent variable to some dependent variable. For example, consider statements like the following ones:

The automobile A is performing as well as automobile B Null Hypothesis:

If we are to compare method A with method B about its superiority and if we proceed on the assumption that both methods are equally good, then this assumption is termed as the null hypothesis. Null hypothesis is generally symbolized as H0.

Alternative hypothesis:
If the method A is superior or the method B is inferior, we are then stating what is termed as alternative hypothesis. Alternative hypothesis is generally symbolized as H1. In this study Testing of hypothesis is done by using percentage analysis method and chi-square.


The following are the various limitations of the study,

The study is conducted within three months so time acts as a limiting factors The company did not disclose all documents as they consider the documents to be legally important The employees were not free enough to express their view due to some personal bias.

Since the study is conducted in a particular company, the results of this study cannot be generalized to other companies, seniors or industries.


Hence, the present study is framed to check the feasibility to implement the competency mapping. It also emphasizes on identifying the significant measures to increase the potential employees.


Chapter 1: Introduction of the study includes introduction to the study, Objectives of the
study, Scope of the study, Research methodology, testing of hypothesis, Limitation of the study and chapter scheme.

Chapter 2: It includes Industry profile, Company profile. Chapter 3: It includes Review of literature. Chapter 4: It includes Data Analysis and Interpretations. Chapter 5: It includes Findings and suggestions.




Delegation of one or more business process to an external provider who, in turn, owns, administers, and manages the selected process (es) [together with the IT system that support it], based upon defined and measurable performance Gartner

BPO Industry in India:

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a broad term referring to outsourcing in all fields. A BPO differentiates itself by either putting in new technology or applying existing technology in a new way to improve a process. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the delegation of one or more IT-intensive business processes to an external provider that in turn owns administers and manages the selected process based on defined and measurable performance criteria. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is one of the fastest growing segments of the Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) industry.

Few of the motivation factors as to why BPO is gaining ground are:

Factor Cost Advantage Economy of Scale Business Risk Mitigation Superior Competency Utilization Improvement

Generally outsourcing can be defined as - An organization entering into a contract with another organization to operate and manage one or more of its business processes.

Different Types of Services Being Offered By BPOs Customer Support Services:

Our customer service offerings create a virtual customer service center to manage customer concerns and queries through multiple channels including voice, e-mail and chat on a 24/7 and 365 days basis.


Technical Support Services:

Our technical support offerings include round-the-clock technical support and problem resolution for OEM customers and computer hardware, software, peripherals and Internet infrastructure manufacturing companies. These include installation and product support, up & running support, troubleshooting and Usage support.

Telemarketing Services:
Our telesales and telemarketing outsourcing services target interaction with potential customers for 'prospecting' like either for generating interest in products and services, or to up-sell / promote and cross sell to an existing customer base or to complete the sales process online.

Employee IT Help-desk Services:

Our employee IT help-desk services provide technical problem resolution and support for corporate employees.

Insurance Processing:
Our insurance processing services provide specialized solutions to the insurance sector and support critical business processes applicable to the industry right from new business acquisition to policy maintenance to claims processing.

Data Entry Services / Data Processing Services: Service Example:

o o o o o o

Data entry from Paper/Books with highest accuracy and fast turn around time (TAT) Data entry from Image file in any format Business Transaction Data entry like sales / purchase / payroll. Data entry of E-Books / Electronic Books Data Entry: Yellow Pages / White Pages Keying Data Entry and compilation from Web site


o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Data Capture / Collection Business Card Data Entry into any Format Data Entry from hardcopy/Printed Material into text or required format Data Entry into Software Program and application Receipt and Bill Data Entry Catalogue Data Entry. Data Entry for Mailing List/Mailing Label. Manu scripting typing in to word Taped Transcription in to word. Copy, Paste, Editing, Sorting, Indexing Data into required format etc. Conversion of data across various databases on different platforms Data Conversion via Input / Output for various media. Data Conversion for databases, word processors, spreadsheets, and many other standard and custom-made software packages as per requirement.

o o o o o o o o

Conversion from Page maker to PDF format. Conversion from Ms-Word to HTML format Conversion from Text to Word Perfect. Conversion from Text to Word to HTML and Acrobat Convert Raw Data into required MS Office formats. Text to PDF and PDF to Word / Text / Doc Data Compilation in PDF from Several Sources. E-Book Conversion etc.

Scanning, OCR with Editing & Indexing Services:


Service Example:
o o o o o o o o o o o

High speed Image-Scanning and Data capture services High speed large volume scanning OCR Data From Scanned page / image Scan & OCR paper Book in to CD. ADOBE PDF Conversion Services. Conversion from paper or e-file to various formats General Ledger Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payable Financial Statements Bank Reconciliation Assets / Equipment Ledgers etc.

Form Processing Services: Service Example:

o o o o

Insurance claim form Medical Form / Medical billing Online Form Processing Payroll Processing etc.

Internet / Online / Web Research: Service Example:


Internet Search, Product Research, Market Research, Survey, Analysis.


Web and Mailing list research etc.

Challenges for a HR Professional in BPO:

Brand equity: People still consider BPO to be "low brow", thus attract the best talent.

making it difficult to

Standard pre-job training: Again, due to the wide variety of the jobs, lack of general clarity on skill sets, etc, there is no standard curriculum, which could be designed and followed.

Benchmarks: There are hardly any benchmarks for compensation and benefits, performance or HR policies. Everyone is charting their own course.

Customer-companies tend to demand better results from outsourcing partners than what they could actually expect from their own departments. "When the job is being done 10,000 miles away, demands on parameters such as quality, turn around timeliness, information security, business continuity and disaster recovery, etc, are far higher than at home.

Lack of focused training and certifications Given this background, the recruiting and compensation challenges of HR departments are only understandable.

Key to Success
The key to success in ramping up talent in a BPO environment is a rapid training module. The training component has to be seen as an important sub-process, requiring constant re-engineering.

Business Process Outsourcing: The Top Rankers

WNS has emerged as the top BPO in India, pushing Wipro Spectramind to the second position, according to a survey done by NASSCOM. The basis of ranking is the revenues generated by the BPO companies, as per US GAAP. A list of top fifteen BPO companies in India is given below.


1. WNS Group 2. Wipro Spectra mind 3. HCL Technologies 4. Daksh e-Services 5. Converges 6. Zenta 7. ICICI One source 8. MphasiS 9. EXL 10. Tracmail



HCL- as Indias largest IT conglomerate-is actively involved with the growth of the India ITES industry. As an experienced global software outsourcing enterprise, HCL has extensive and understanding of the critical issues and concerns related to offshore outsourcing. At a macro level these can be broadly categorized in to: Risk Mitigation Value Addition

Risk Mitigation: The key components of Risk Mitigation are as follows:

Process Migration in the first phase of outsourcing, seamless and timely Process Migration is critical for building first level comfort in the outsourcing initiative. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity The infrastructure to effectively mitigate local and geographic disaster scenarios. The ability to ensure rapid resumption of process delivery operations. Establishing business presence in prime secondary locations. Existence of management and infrastructure resources in the target locations. Expertise to recruit and train large number of new employees in location. Demonstration ability to successfully manage cross culture Manpower Attrition and Cost Control

Partner Profile and Provenance

Value addition:
Strong financials to support large contracts

Strong balance sheet/nil debt company Committed $ 40 M for Contact centre and BPO businesses.

Experience of creating and managing large-scale infrastructure and Resource Base:


Demonstrated experience of managing large heterogeneous hardware/software installation base. Creating and managing multiple Offshore Development Centres. 4000+employee base. Access to a about 150 locations within India In two years the majority of new Customer Service Centers in India will need to be located in category B and C towns. HCL has over 20 years experience in servicing these towns with locally present management and infrastructure. Capability to hire and train large work force locally. Ability to risk mitigate operations through business continuity and Disaster tolerance State-of-the-art facilities in Belfast (Ireland) and Salt Lake City (US) in addition to India.

Demonstrated capability in global development and support of it service

Extensive experience of migrating complex development processes offshore. Proprietary offshore delivery methodology-Off sourcing End-to-end services delivery capability HCLs suite of outsourcing services span the entire life-cycle of an organizations IT services requirements: Concept, design, development, implementation and maintenance of applications and enterprise solutions. Systems Integration, Networking and Network management services. BPO and Multi-lingual Contact services.

HCL BPO Services: The Right Staff

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) has the potential enabling power to vitalize Businesses and energize Economic growth. BPO benefits are significant, sustainable and strategic-or rather, they can be. To ensure that customer expectations are consistently met and often exceeded requires a BPO Service Provider with the Right Stuff- starting off with: HCL BPO Services: The Right Parentage


HCL BPO Services represents HCL Technologies most significant strategic business extension and investment to date. HCL BPO Services currently operates out of various locations in India, Malaysia and Northern Ireland. The focus on and commitment to BPO is based on the following assets and attributes: Global Client Base & Relationships - HCL-Ts global relationship base consists of approximately 454 clients, including 61 Fortune 500 organizations, in such high propensity to and potential of outsourcing Sectors as IT / I.S / Insurance/ Financial Services / Retail. Global Presence & Reach - HCL-T operates in 15 Countries across 20 locations between U.S.A, Europe and Asia-Pacific, deploying over 100 Customer Relationship Managers (over 70 of whom are located in the U.S.A). This network ensures effective and responsive Client Relationship Management. Related Technology Domain Expertise - HCL-T has developed extensive expertise in a wide range of emergent and mainstream Technology Domains. Some of these Domains bear a direct relationship to a wide range of B.P.O services - e.g. CRM/ ERP/ SCM/ Imaging & Workflow etc. Relevant Industry Practices - In addition to Technology Domain expertise, HCL-T has also developed a number of Industry Practices, including Banking / Funds Management / Insurance / Retail Funding & Scalability - HCLs BPO Services operations have been totally funded from internally generated resources, enabling the rapid ramp-up of delivery infrastructure in diverse locations and countries as well as significant enhancements in delivery Reliability, Security and Quality



The BT Connection:
In October 2001, HCL Technologies entered into a strategic alliance with British Telecom by acquiring a 90% stake in BT's award winning Apollo Contact Centre, located in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Now operating as HCL Technologies BPO Services, the Belfast facility is a four-year-old purpose built Contact Centre. In this relatively short span of time, the Centre has built an enviable reputation for Quality and Innovation - attributes that are recognized by a number of prestigious awards as well as kudos from Clients and Industry Experts. British Telecom continues to be active in a range of collaborative initiatives with HCL in both India as well as Northern Ireland.

Sento Corporation provides the latest in Web-enabled CRM (Customer Relations Management) solutions for a diversified portfolio of organizations. These services include self-help, live chat, Web collaboration, e-mail, and telephone. These Solutions give customers access to customer service at anytime using any media. Sento deploys skills-based routing; customer-data screen pops, and customer-centric applications to provide the best in customer care and support. HCL BPO Services works closely with Sento to deliver a wide range of Voice and Web-enabled services in both U.S.A and Europe.

D&B Receivable Management service:

D&B Receivable Management Services is headquartered in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in the United States, with offices throughout the US, Canada, Mexico and Hong Kong. They are a leading global supplier of receivable management services, offering their customers a full continuum of services including electronic bill presentment, receivable outsourcing, traditional collections, and bankruptcy services and deductions management. Under the terms of the alliance, D & B RMS will be HCLs preferred provider of receivable management services for accounts located in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Hong Kong. HCL, in turn, will be the exclusive provider of D&B RMS call centre services from India.



Consistently deliver value to our stakeholders and innovate to continually improve our services by review of processes, people and performance.


23 processes including Operations, Recruitment, Quality Assurance, Voice & Accent training, Marketing, Legal, Procurement, Transportation and Management documented and certified. External evaluation and certification conducted by the British Standards Institution against BS EN ISO 9001:2000 and certified as ISO compliant for BPO & Contact Centre Services.

Purdue Benchmark
HCL BPO Services is positioned in the upper right hand quadrant of the EffectivenessEfficiency grid and ranked 2nd in the Global Peer group.

Major observations:
Excellent SLA performance tracking, improvement and management methodologies at all levels Team Leader to Top Management Very low rate of manpower attrition Strong organizational capability to attain and maintain high levels of manpower motivation

COPC Certification
HCL BPO Services has been awarded the prestigious COPC Certification. Globally, COPC is considered to be the most coveted certification in the CSP (Customer service Provider) industry. It is based on COPC-2000 CSP standard, which customer centric service operations. was developed in 1996 by buyers, providers and senior managers responsible for operational management of


HCL BPO Services is amongst the very few Indian BPO Service Providers to have been awarded this certification. HCL BPO Services is the First Indian CSP and possibly the third worldwide to have been certified for Collections. HCL BPO Services raises the bar yet another notch for customer service and delivery excellence.

Six Sigma
HCL BPO Services Process Improvement Program is led by a Six Sigma Master Black Belt. The Six Sigma methodology for continues improvement of its processes and performance. Tools like Fishbone analysis, Design of Experiments, Detailed Process mapping, Histograms, Pareto Charts, Control charts and many others are effectively used for such analysis.

BS 7799 Certification
Information is the lifeblood of all organizations and can exist in many forms. Recent highprofile information security breaches and the value of information are highlighting the everincreasing need for organizations to protect their data. BS7799 is the British standard for the protection of an organizations information asset. The road cannot be justified, but it can be quantified by the benefits to your business. The certification is not a one-off task; an external assessor must periodically review it. BS7799 is being tracked as an international standard HCL BPO Services is one of Indias leading Business process outsourcing (BPO) service providers. The Chennai centre of HCL BPO Services has been certified to the British security standard BS7799. HCL BPO Services is among the leading BPO firms in India to achieve this third-party certification for its quality management system. The BSI (British standards Institute) conducted audits in two stages and involved 6 working days rigorous due diligence audit. The certification is an endorsement of the processes that the Chennai centre has in place to safeguard the security of data, and also as mechanism in place for issues relating to business continuity and disaster recovery. The certification is valid for a period of 3years.


HCL BPO Services, with a committed top-level management and dedicated experienced employees made the certification possible within a short span of five months.


Top Ten Client Profiles:

Global Telecom Major U.K Fortune 500 Retail Conglomerate U.S.A Fortune 500 Retail Chain U.S.A Property Services & Insurance Major U.K Global E-integration Solution Provider U.S.A Global Retail/ Financial Automation Systems U.S.A Global Telecom Major U.S.A Global Network Security Solution Provider U.S.A Global Insurance Major U.K

HCL BPO follows process based quality management and process improvement Systems. . To be the best in the business they consistently deliver CAPABILITY+COMMITMENT



The word competency is derived from Latin word "Competere". This means to be suitable. The competency concept was originally developed in Psychology denoting individuals' ability to respond to demand placed on them by their environment. Ulrich defined competency as knowledge, skill or ability of employees relevant for organizational performance. Competence management is becoming increasingly important in today's dynamic context since it is becoming the only competitive advantage the organization actually has which cannot be duplicated easily by the competitor. Competence management will have various aspects under it like competence profiling and finding what the company is good at, competence building that is building new competence to match the market demands, recruitment based on competencies etc Competency mapping is processes of identify key competencies for an organization and a job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various process (job evaluation, training, recruitment) of the organization Competency Mapping play a significant role in recruiting and retaining people as it gives a more accurate analysis of the job requirements, the candidates capability of the difference between the two, and the development and training needs to bridge the gaps. Competencies enable individuals to identify and articulate what they offer regardless of the job they happen to have at the time so that their organization can see, value and utilize what capability is actually available. Competence management is becoming increasingly important in today's dynamic context since it is becoming the only competitive advantage the organization actually has which cannot be duplicated easily by the competitor. Competence management will have various aspects under it like competence profiling and finding what the company is good at, competence building that is building new competence to match the market demands, recruitment based on competencies etc. in this section we will briefly discuss why competence management is important and what are the features of competence management.

When we talk of competency it is imperative to know the levels of competency such as: 1. Practical competency: An employee's demonstrated ability to perform a set of tasks.


12. Foundational

competence: An employee's demonstrated understanding of what and

2why he/she is doing. 3. Reflexive competence: An employee's ability to integrate actions with the understanding of the action so that he/she learns from those actions and adapts to the changes as and when they are required. 4. Applied competence: An employee's demonstrated ability to perform a set of tasks with understanding and reflexivity.


Effectively match individual competencies to position, project team, and



Prioritize competencies by job, project, or position, and track individuals' Integrate training and administration applications to focus training efforts Run gap and match analyses between individuals, jobs, teams, and positions Increase skill sets to meet your organization's scope and growth Increase their ability to attract, develop, retain and utilize co-workers Lengthen the time that staff stay with a company by allowing staff members to Increase capacity by achieving a more holistic view of the accumulated Achieve access to appropriate competence at the right time and place Establish an overview of the accumulated resources of the organization and the Find candidates with the right profile, from anywhere in the organization, to fill

abilities to fulfil requirements

discover individual career paths within the company competence of the entire organization

demand for those resources an unexpected vacancy

Element of competence management:


Broadly the area of business and people competence management can be divided into three main subdivisions:

Resource , capacity tracking and planning:

This is more on the operational front. Various projects require different skill sets depending on the criticality of he project, the client importance and so on. Thus competence management has to consider the project modalities and accordingly allocate the resource so that the overall optimization of the people competencies can take place.

The various elements that competence management has to look into these aspects are:

Defining the competencies required for particular jobs:

Until now, the HR department used to define only the skills required for a particular job.

But as we now know, what we actually require goes beyond the just technical or soft skills requirements. We need a combination of Intelligence, education, Experience, Ethics, Interest. Hence a re-look is required at the existing job profiles to take into consideration the other parameters like interest and ethics, which were so far ignored.

Rating the performance of individual employees skills:

A person might be comfortable with say Java language but may not be excellent at

it. So the level of skill competence needs to be measured and recorded. Prepare a Skills Profile containing the core skills for their job and add appropriate historical and specialty skills. This is followed by a self-assessment against the skills glossaries describing skills on a scale from 1 (training or light experience) to 5 (industry expert; strategic skill leadership). Ability for the assigned manager, supervisor or coach to assess the person's skills separately also needs to be done.

13. Manage skills inventories as well as management and technical competencies:


Once the above steps are complete the system should have some way of maintaining the database of this information. This will help in the having the required information at the fingertips of the HR department.

14. Candidate Searches to find the right people for the right assignment:
A competence management system needs to be able to map the right people to the right job. For this the above steps prove very useful. We need to know what the job entails and what the capabilities of the people working for us are. The database enables us to match the profiles perfectly.

15. Organizational and Unit Skills Gap Analysis to determine recruitment needs:
2 The organization may be working on a project for which it does not have the requisite skills within the company, so they may have to hire from outside or maybe even recruit. A competence management system should be able to understand this need and also help plan how the interview should be carried out and what competencies in a desired candidate.


This is looking at the future, but at the individual level. Competence management also has to look into the aspirations of each individual and assess him/her to find out what competencies will he require to advance to the next set of hierarchies, what additional train would he require, is he fit for promotion etc. The elements of this division are:

11. Compare skills to other job titles to see what a person has to improve:
The database of job profiles will help the individual to assess where he needs to improve; what competencies are required for the next level. This will also motivate him to learn newer skills by himself and nominate himself for additional training needs. The competence management system needs to be open enough to be able to allow the employees to understand what is expected of them for being promoted.


12. Development Plan Summaries showing all of the skills people need to work on:
This provides a measurable rationale for training budgets and a means to identify people to attend course openings. Here we need to also provide individuals with the ability to view and enrol in training and development courses as well as books, developmental activities, etc. This will help individuals to be able to plan their work accordingly. The schedules of training dates and prerequisites need to be displayed so as to allow the individual to take cognizance of the same.

13. Predict Training Demand:

2 The above step will help the HR department to calculate the training staff required based on the summation of individual plans, which have come in. 1

24. Identify individuals who are eligible to be considered for promotion:

A good competence management system has to be able to determine which competencies need to be promoted and who has them so that the overall competence level of the organization can grow. Also on the other hand, we also need to know who potential replacements for an unexpected vacancy are so that planning can be done according.

15. Succession planning:

The competencies required for the top management should be completed in the job profiling, but further who should be groomed; what competencies will be needed and how to develop the same would require a good system.



This area too is looking at the future, but at a more macro level. Competence management also has to look beyond today and at the changing face of tomorrow market and identify the skills required for tomorrow. It has a more strategic outlook and is looking at the strategic position of the organization in the future THE ELEMENTS OF THIS DIVISION ARE: 11. Providing an overview of the total competence in the organization. 22. Integrating competence development with business strategies.
33. Identifying shortfalls

and surpluses in competence in addition to revealing unexploited resources

44. Assess trends and developments in competency levels over time 55. Giving support to strategic business and personnel planning 6 6. Unleashing the companys intellectual capital
77. Helping the company to attract,

develop and retain co-workers.



TABLE 4.1:


No. of Respondents 25 55 20 100 Percentage 25% 55% 20% 100%

AGE 21-25 26-30 31-35 TOTAL

The above table shows that the majority of 25% respondents belong to the age group of
921-25, 55% of them belong to the age group of 26-30, and 20% belong to the age group of

1031-35 CHART 4.1 11


120 100

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

100 NO OF RESPONDENTS 80 60 40 25 20 0 AGE 20 55


21-25 26-30 31-35 TOTAL



Sex No. of Respondents Male Female Total INFERENCE: From the above table we can understand out of 100 employees that 76 of the employees are male and 24 of them are female. 76 24 100 Percentage 76% 24% 100%


120 100 NO OF RESPONDENTS 80 60 40 20 0 G EN D ER 76 M ale F emale T otal 24 100




Experience Diploma Under Graduate Post Graduate Total

No. of Respondents 30 50 20 100

Percentage 30% 50% 20% 100%

INFERENCE: It can be inferred from the table that 30% of respondents are diploma, 50% of the respondents are under graduates and 20% of them are post graduate. CHART 4.3





60 40 20 0

50 30 20

Under Graduate Post Graduate Total



No. of Respondents



Single Married Total

76 24 100

76% 24% 100%

INFERENCE: Out of 100 employees, 24 employees are married and 76 are Unmarried.

. CHART 4.4

120 100 NO OF RESPONDENTS 80 60 40 24 20 0 76 S in g le M a rrie d T o ta l 100


Experience 5000-10000

No. of Respondents 24

Percentage 24%


10000 15000 More than 15000 Total

43 33 100

43% 33% 100%

INFERENCE: From the above table we can understand that 24% of the respondents earn between 5000 10000, 43% of them earn between 10000-15000 and 33% of them earn more than 15000. CHART 4.5

120 100 NO OF RESPONDENTS 80 60 40 20 0 IN C O M E
TABLE 4.6: KNOWLEDGE ENHANCED S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Total Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree No of respondents 19 55 14 7 5 100 % of Respondents 19% 55% 14% 7% 5% 100%


5 000-10 000 1 0000 15000

43 24 33

M ore than 1 5000 T otal



The above table indicates that 55% of the employees has agreed that employees knowledge will be enhanced, 19% of the respondents has strongly agreed to the statement, 14% of the respondents neither agree nor disagree and 7% of the employees have disagreed and 5% of employees strongly disagree to the statement. CHART 4.6

5 7


Strongly Agree

Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree


TABLE: 4.7: EMPLOYEES SKILLS S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 13 57 19 6 5 100 % of Respondents 13% 57% 19% 6% 5% 100%



The above table indicates that 57% of the employees has agreed that employees skills will be sharpened, 19% of the respondents are neutral to the statement, 13% of the respondents strongly agree, 6% of the employees disagree and 5% of the employees strongly disagree to the statement

CHART 4.7:

6 5 13 Strongly Agree Agree 19 Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree 57

TABLE 4.8: EMPOYEES ATTITUDE S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 15 51 20 8 6 100 % Of Respondents 15% 51% 20% 8% 6% 100%

INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 51% of the employees have agreed that employees attitude will be developed, 20% of the respondents are neutral statement, 15% of the respondents have


strongly agreed, 8% of the respondents have disagreed and 6% of the respondents have strongly disagreed to the statement. CHART 4.8:

8 6 15


Strongly Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree

TABLE: 4.9 CAREER DEVELOPMENT S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 8 45 47 0 0 100 % Of Respondents 8% 45% 47% 0% 0% 100%

INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 47% of the employees are neutral that the employees will have career development, 46% of the respondents have agreed to the statement and 8% of the respondents have strongly agreed to the statement. CHART 4.9:



0 8
Strongly Agree Agree N either agree nor disagree D isagree



Strongly disagree

TABLE: 4.10 EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 13 57 30 0 0 100 % Of Respondents 13% 57% 30% 0% 0% 100%


The above table indicates that 57% of the employees have agreed that the employees can develop their performance, 30% of the respondents are neutral to the statement, and 13% of the Strongly respondents have strongly agreed to the statement. Agree



CHART: 4.10

Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree



TABLE 4.11 EMPLOYEES/TEAM S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 22 34 36 8 0 100 % Of Respondents 22% 34% 36% 8% 0% 100%

INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 36% of the employees are neutral that the employees can cooperate with in team, 34% of the CHART 4.11 respondents have strongly agreed8% 8% of the respondents have disagreed to the statement. and 0%

respondents are agreed to the statement, 22% of the


Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree



TABLE: 4.12: MEETING TARGET S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 5 69 11 15 0 100 % Of Respondents 5% 69% 11% 15% 0% 100%

INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 69% of the employees have agreed that the employees can meet the targets, 15% of the respondents disagree to the statement, 11% of the respondents are neutral and 5% of the employees strongly agree to the statement. CHART 4.12

15 0 5
Strongly Agree Agree

Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree


TABLE: 4.13 TACIT KNOWLEDGE S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 19 49 26 6 0 100 % Of Respondents 19% 49% 26% 6% 0% 100%

INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 49% of the employees have agreed that it can improve the tacit knowledge of the employee according to the company needs, 26% of the respondents are neutral to the statement, 19% of the respondents have strongly agreed and 6% of the employees strongly disagree to the statement. CHART 4.13


Strongly Agree Agree


Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree


TABLE: 4.14 PERSONALITY S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 8 55 31 6 0 100 % Of Respondents 8% 55% 31% 6% 0% 100%

INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 55% of the employees have agreed that it can mould the personality of the employee, 31% of the respondents are neutral to the statement, 8% of the respondents have strongly agreed and 6% of the employees strongly disagree to the statement. CHART:4.14

6 0 8
S tr o n g ly A g r e e A g re e


N e ith e r a g r e e n o r d is a g r e e D is a g r e e S tr o n g ly d is a g r e e



TABLE: 4.15 CONSISTENCY S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 5 56 28 11 0 100 % Of Respondents 5% 56% 28% 11% 0% 100

INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 56% of the employee has agreed that employees will be consistent to the area of working, 28% of the respondents are neutral to the statement, 11% of the respondents are dis agreed and 5% of the employees are strongly agreed to the statement. CHART 4.15


0 5

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree


Disagree Strongly disagree



TABLE: 4.16 RECRUITMENT PROCESS S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 12 57 31 0 0 100 % Of Respondents 12% 57% 31% 0% 0% 100%

INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 57% of the employees have agreed that it will be helpful in selecting the potential candidates, 31% of the respondents are neutral to the statement, and 12% of the respondents strongly agree to the statement. CHART 4.16

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree




TABLE:4.17 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 56 20 24 0 0 100 % Of Respondents 56% 20% 24% 0% 0% 100%

INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 56% of the employees have strongly agreed that it will be tool for performance appraisal, 24% of the respondents are neutral to the statement, and 20% of the respondents agree to the statement. CHART 4.17

0 24



Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree



TABLE: 4.18 INITIATIVE AND SELF-RELIANCE S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No of respondents 10 48 42 0 0 100 % Of Respondents 10% 48% 42% 0% 0% 100%

INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 48% of the employees have agreed it can increase employees amount of initiative and self-reliance towards work,, 42% of the respondents are neutral to the statement, 10% of the respondents are agreed to the statement.

CHART 4.18


0 10
Strongly Agree Agree


Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree


TABLE: 4.19 LOGICAL AND ANALYTICAL DATA S. No Parameters No of respondents % Of Respondents


1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total

0 80 20 0 0 100

0% 80% 20% 0% 0% 100%

The above table indicates that 80% of the employees have agreed it can increase employees logical and analytical ability, 20% of the respondents have given neutral to the statement. CHART 4.19


0 20
Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree


TABLE: 4.20: CURRENT DEMAND S. No 1 2 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree No of respondents 12 66 % Of Respondents 12% 66%


3 4 5

Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total

22 0 0 100

22% 0% 0% 100%

INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 66% of the employee have agreed that it will help to meet the current demands of the industry, 22% of the respondents have given neutral to the statement, 12% of the respondents have strongly agreed to the statement. CHART 4.20

0 12 22 Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree


TABLE: 4.21 EFFECTIVE PERSONNEL S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree No of respondents 10 58 21 6 5 % Of Respondents 10% 58% 21% 6% 5%





INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 58% of the employees have agreed that it will help to built effective personnel, 21% of the respondents have given neutral to the statement, 10% of the respondents are strongly agreed, 6% of the respondents have disagreed and 5% of the respondents have strongly disagreed to the statement. CHART 4.21

6% 5% 10%
Strongly Agree Agree


Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree


TABLE: 4.23 HIERARCHIES ALLOWS C.M S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree No of respondents 12 60 20 6 2 % Of Respondents 12% 60% 20% 6% 2%





INFERENCE: The above table indicates that 60% of the employees have agreed that hierarchies in an organisation allows competency mapping, 20% of the respondents have given neutral to the statement, 12% of the respondents have strongly agreed, 6% of the respondents have disagreed and 2% of the respondents have strongly disagreed to the statement. CHART 4.23





Strongly Agree Agree

20% Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree 60%



Ho: Opinion on Employees knowledge is independent of age. H1: Opinion on Employees knowledge is not independent of age.


Observed Frequency (Oi):

AGE 21-25 26-30 31-35 TOTAL S.AGREE AGREE 6 9 4 19 13 30 12 55 NEUTRAL DISAGREE S.DISA 3 9 2 14 2 4 1 7 1 3 1 5 TOTAL 25 55 20 100

Expected Frequency (Ei)


21-25 26-30 31-35 TOTAL

4.75 10.45 3.8 19

13.75 30.25 11 55

3.5 7.7 2.8 14

1.75 3.85 1.4 7

1.25 2.75 1 5

25 55 20 100



[(Oi-Ei)]2 0.5

[(Oi-Ei)]2 0.5 Ei 0.1184 0.1136 0.2857 0.3214 1.25 0.3638 0.0185

6 13 3 2 1 9 30

4.75 13.75 3.5 1.75 1.25 10.45 30.25

0.5625 1.5625 1 0.5625 1.5625 3.8025 0.5625


9 4 3 4 12 2 1 1

7.7 3.85 2.75 3.8 11 2.8 1.4 1

0.64 0.1225 0.5625 0.09 0.25 1.69 0.81 0.25 TOTAL

0.0831 0.0318 0.2045 0.0236 0.0227 0.6035 0.5785 0.25 4.2691

Degree of freedom

= = =

(r-1) (c-1) (5-1) (3-1) (4) (2) 8


Tabulated value of X2 for (5-1) (3-1) = 8 dof at (0.05) level of significance is 15.507. Calculated value X2 = 4.2691 Table value X2 = 15.507 Hence, Table value > Calculated value Accept Null Hypothesis INFERENCE: As the null hypothesis is true the opinion on knowledge enhancement of employee is independent of age 2. ANALYSIS OF SKILL SHARPENINIG WITH REFERENCE TO AGE

Ho: Opinion on Employees skill sharpening is independent of age. H1: Opinion on Employees skill sharpening is not independent of age.

Observed Frequency (Oi):


AGE 21-25 26-30 31-35 TOTAL

S.AGREE AGREE 4 7 2 13 12 31 14 57

NEUTRAL DISAGREE S.DISA 5 11 3 19 2 3 1 6 2 3 0 5

TOTAL 25 55 20 100

Expected Frequency (Ei)


21-25 26-30 31-35 TOTAL

3.25 7.15 2.6 13

14.25 31.35 11.4 57

4.75 10.45 3.8 19

1.5 3.3 1.2 6

1.25 2.75 1 5

25 55 20 100



[(Oi-Ei)]2 0.5

[(Oi-Ei)]2 0.5 Ei

4 12 5 2 2 7 31

3.25 14.25 4.75 1.5 1.25 7.15 31.35

0.25 7.5625 0.0625 0 0.25 0.4225 0.7225

0.0769 0.5307 0.0131 0 0.2 0.0590 0.0230


11 3 3 2 14 3 1 0

10.45 3.3 2.75 2.6 11.4 3.8 1.2 1

0.0025 0.64 0.0625 0.0121 4.41 0.0169 0.49 2.25 TOTAL 4.8945

0.0002 0.1939 0.0227 0.0046 0.3868 0.0044 0.4083 2.25

Degree of freedom

= = =

(r-1) (c-1) (5-1) (3-1) (4) (2) 8


Tabulated value of X2 for (5-1) (3-1) = 8 dof at (0.05) level of significance is 15.507. Calculated value X2 = 4.8945 Table value X2 = 15.507 Hence, Table value > Calculated value Accept Null Hypothesis INFERENCE: As the null hypothesis is true the opinion on skill sharpening of employee is independent of age.


Ho: Opinion on Employees attitude is independent of age. H1: Opinion on Employees attitude is not independent of age.

Observed Frequency (Oi):


AGE 21-25 26-30 31-35 TOTAL

S.AGREE 4 8 3 15

AGREE 12 28 11 51

NEUTRAL DISAGREE S.DISA 6 10 4 20 2 5 1 8 1 4 1 6

TOTAL 25 55 20 100


21-25 26-30 31-35 TOTAL

3.75 8.25 3 15

12.75 28.05 10.2 51

5 11 4 20

2 4.4 1.6 8

1.5 3.3 1.2 6

25 55 20 100



[(Oi-Ei)]2 0.5

[(Oi-Ei)]2 0.5 Ei

4 12 6 2 1 8 28 10 5 4

3.75 12.75 5 2 1.5 8.25 28.05 11 4.4 3.3

0.0625 1.5625 0.25 0.25 1 0.5625 0.3025 2.25 0.01 0.04

0.0166 0.1225 0.05 0.125 0.6666 0.0681 0.0107 0.2045 0.0022 0.0121


3 11 4 1 1

3 10.2 4 1.6 1.2

0.25 0.09 0.25 0.0121 0.49 TOTAL

0.0833 0.0088 0.0625 0.0075 0.4083 1.8487

Degree of freedom

= = =

(r-1) (c-1) (5-1) (3-1) (4) (2) 8


Tabulated value of X2 for (5-1) (3-1) = 8 dof at (0.05) level of significance is 15.507. Calculated value X2 = 1.8487 Table value X2 = 15.507 Hence, Table value > Calculated value Accept Null Hypothesis INFERENCE: As the null hypothesis is true the opinion on employee attitude is independent of age 4. ANALYSIS OF CURRENT DEMAND WITH QUALIFICATION

Ho: Opinion on current demand for competency mapping is independent of qualification. H1: Opinion on current demand for competency mapping is not independent of qualification.

Observed Frequency (Oi): AGE 21-25 26-30 S.AGREE 3 5 AGREE 17 29 NEUTRAL DISAGREE 5 12 2 2 S.DISA 3 2 TOTAL 30 50


31-35 TOTAL

2 10

12 58

4 21

2 6

0 5

20 100


21-25 26-30 31-35 TOTAL

3 5 2 10

17.4 29 11.6 58

6.3 10.5 4.2 21

1.8 3 1.2 6

1.5 2.5 1 5

30 50 20 100




(Oi-Ei)2 Ei 0.0833 0.0574 0.5142 0.05 0.6666 0.05 0.0086 0.0952 0.75 0.4 0.125 0.0862

3 17 5 2 3 5 29 12 2 2 2 12

3 17.4 6.3 1.8 1.5 5 29 10.5 3 2.5 2 11.6

0.25 1 3.24 0.09 1 0.25 0.25 1 2.25 1 0.25 1


4 2 0

4.2 1.2 1

0.49 0.09 2.25 TOTAL 5.3281

0.1166 0.075 2.25

Degree of freedom

= = =

(r-1) (c-1) (5-1) (3-1) (4) (2) 8


Tabulated value of X2 for (5-1) (3-1) = 8 dof at (0.05) level of significance is 15.507. Calculated value X2 = 5.3281 Table value X2 = 15.507 Hence, Table value > Calculated value Accept Null Hypothesis INFERENCE: As the null hypothesis is true the opinion on current demand is independent of qualification 5. ANALYSIS OF EFFECTIVE PERSONS TO CONDUCT COMPETENCY MAPPING WITH REFERENCE TO QUALIFICATION

Ho: Opinion on effective persons to conduct competency mapping is independent of qualification. H1: Opinion on effective persons to conduct competency mapping is not independent of qualification.

Observed Frequency (Oi): AGE 21-25 26-30 S.AGREE AGREE 3 4 18 31 NEUTRAL DISAGREE S.DISA 5 10 2 2 2 3 TOTAL 30 50


31-35 TOTAL

2 9

12 61

4 19

1 5

1 6

20 100


21-25 26-30 31-35 TOTAL

2.7 4.5 1.8 9

18.3 30.5 12.2 61

5.7 9.5 3.8 19

1.5 2.5 1 5

1.8 3 1.2 6

30 50 20 100




(Oi-Ei)2 Ei 0.0148 0.0349 0.0025 0 0.2722 0.2222 0 0 0.4 0.0833 0.05 0.0401 0.0236 0.25

3 18 5 2 2 4 31 10 2 3 2 12 4 1

2.7 18.3 5.7 1.5 1.8 4.5 30.5 9.5 2.5 3 1.8 12.2 3.8 1

0.04 0.64 0.0144 0 0.49 1 0 0 1 0.25 0.09 0.49 0.09 0.25



0.49 TOTAL 1.8019


Degree of freedom

= = =

(r-1) (c-1) (5-1) (3-1) (4) (2) 8


Tabulated value of X2 for (5-1) (3-1) = 8 dof at (0.05) level of significance is 15.507. Calculated value X2 = 1.8019 Table value X2 = 15.507 Hence, Table value > Calculated value Accept Null Hypothesis INFERENCE: As the null hypothesis is true the opinion on effective persons to conduct competency mapping is independent of qualification.


55% of the respondents agree that knowledge of the employees would be enhanced. 57% of the respondents agree that employees skill will be sharpened more. 51% of the respondents agree that it will help to improve employee attitude. 47% of the respondent is neutral and 45% of the respondents agree that it paves way for the career development of employees. 57% of the respondent agrees it brings constructive changes in employees performance. 36% of the respondent neutral and 34% of respondents agree that it will increase Competitive advantage among the employees/Team. 69% of the respondent agrees will help to meet the target of the employees. 49% of the respondent agrees it can improve tacit knowledge of employees to meet the needs of company 55% of the respondent agree it helps in building over all personality of employees 56% of the respondent agrees employees will be consistent to the area of working.


57% of the respondent agrees that it will be help full in selecting the competitive candidates in recruitment process. 56% of the respondent strongly agrees that it will a tool for performance appraisal.

48% of the respondents are neutral and 42% of the respondents agree that it can increase employees amount of initiative and self-reliance towards work.

80% of the respondent agree that it can improve the employees logical and analytical ability what they learned can be applied in their job. 66% of the respondents agree that it will help in meeting the current demands of the industry. 58% of the respondents agree that the organisation has the effective personnel to conduct competency mapping. 60% of the respondents agree that the hierarchy of the organisation allows for competency mapping.


Competency mapping as a tool for knowledge enhancement:

5% of the respondents strongly disagree and 7% of the employees disagree that employee knowledge will not be enhanced. So the management should take steps and prove to the employees that by implementing competency mapping employees knowledge will be enhanced.

Competitive advantage with in the team of the employees:

8% of the respondents disagree that their will not be any Competitive advantage with in the team of the employees. Awareness must be created among the employees, about the benefits and competitive advantages that has been created with in the team of employees by competency mapping.


Competency mapping as a tool for performance appraisal:

The competency can be considered to measure and enhance the performance of the employees

Creating awareness about competency mapping:

Since, most of the employees were not aware of competency mapping; the company can consider conducting seminars, awareness programs or workshops to create awareness among employees

competency as a tool for retention:

The competency mapping may also be used as a retention tool. If the performances of the employees were appraisal without any bias i.e. based on knowledge, skill, attitude CM may be used as tool for retention the employees would be highly satisfied with the mechanism of performance appraisal. Therefore

The broad concept might say to be based on the frequently quoted adage: people get hired for what they know but fired for how they behave! This research describes to, check the feasibility of implementing competency mapping. Competency mapping can implemented since Competence management will have various aspects under it like competence profiling and finding what the company is good at, competence building that is building new competence to match the market demands, recruitment based on competencies. By implementing the suggestions of this study, the company may hire, develop and retain the right talent in the company.



Anntoinette.D.Lucia, Richard Lepsinger, the Art and Science of Competency Models: pinpointing critical success factor in organization

2. Wesley Vestals Knowledge Mapping: The Essentials for Success. 3. Ken Coopers Effective Competency Modeling and Reporting.

Robert Wood and Tim Paynes Competency-Based Recruitment and Selection .

5. HRM A managerial tool for Competitive Advantage 6. Dubrins Leadership research Findings, Practices and Skills fourth edition

Robert Gersts The Performance Improvement Toolkit: The Guide to Knowledge Based Improvement. V. Daniel Hunts Process Mapping: How to Reengineer Your Business Processes.





A study on implementation of competency mapping in HCL BPO

1.Name 2.Qualification: 3.Age


4.Marital status: Single Married 5.Gender: M F 6.Income

Tick the option that best suits your response to the following questions 1 2 3 4 5 STRONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAREE

if Competency Mapping is implemented. S NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PARTICULARS 1 Employees' knowledge will be enhanced Employees' skills will be sharpened Employees' positive attitude will be developed It pays way for career development of employees There will be a change in employees' performance Competitive spirit will improve among employees It helps in meeting the target of employees It can improve tacit knowledge of employees to meet the needs of the company It helps in building personality of employees Employees will be consistent in their 2 3 4 5


performance It will help in selecting competitive candidates during the recruitment process It will be a tool for performance appraisal It can increase employees' initiative quotient and self reliance towards work


14 15 16 17

Possibility of applying employees' logical and analytical abilities in their job It will help in meeting the current demands of the industry It will help built effective personnel for the organisation Will hierarchies in an organisation allow competency mapping




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