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Elite University Preparation Workshop

for Year 10-12 Students and Parents By NIST Secondary Counselors 9 October 2012

How many NIST students have the counselors got into Elite Universities around the world the last 5 years?

Students get themselves in. They are the ones that should receive the credit. They have studied hard for many years. They have clarified their own preferences and personality traits, completed the university research, and filled out the applications on their own. The counselors dont get students into university. We guide them in the process, and support them in their work.

What is a good match university?

The Competitive Nature of Oxbridge

International Students at UK Universities

Oxford 15 % Cambridge 13 % Edinburgh 15%

Nottingham 20%
St Andrews 30% LSE 51%

Very Competitive for International Students

Average Outside the UK EU Non EU 20% 11.8% 11.1% 12.2%

Why are the success rates lower for international students? Like all UK Universities, medicine has a government imposed quota for International students. Students cluster around the most competitive subjects.

Oxbridge Entry Requirements

Excellent grades will not guarantee a place at Oxford Specific subjects may be required for some courses Extra curricular activities are often not taken into account - Purely academic criteria. However some extra curricular activities will show that the student is a balanced person and able to cope with the stresses of work and still have time for other activities. Anything subject related is always a bonus.
All entry requirements can be found at:

What is considered?

Academic achievement Predicted grades UCAS Personal Statement UCAS Teachers reference Pre-Interview tests (where applicable) Written work (where applicable) Written tests at interview (where applicable) Interview(s)

What do they look for in applicants

They have chosen a subject that truly engages them They have a strong record in examinations They are strongly backed by their school They have the potential to succeed at the highest academic level Vocational commitment (where appropriate)

Applicants are invited to interview in December Usually applicants will be informed 7 to 10 days in advance Normally with 2 academic tutors Usually 20 30 minutes each Be open to discussing and exploring your passions and interests with others

How to Prepare for the Oxbridge Application

Passion and Action

Make sure it is really a course you want to study. Show evidence of exceptional passion for the subject. Explore the subject at a higher level beyond IB:
Internships Research journals Field trips Books Personal projects Community service Shadow a research student at a local university Work experience in a laboratory

No matter how great the passion for a subject, theres no point applying to Oxbridge unless you are extremely well qualified academically.

Students need to read beyond the course requirements in high school

To prepare for the interview Content for the Personal Statement
Searching for the subject of interest on the BBC website will bring up hundreds of news articles relating to the subject. Subscribe to scholarly journals within your field

Will be used by the teacher(s) writing your UCAS reference

Groundbreaking texts
Use primary sources: not books about books, but the original books themselves.
For scientists: lab reports and journals to get firsthand research information For arts students: historical texts and important contemporary thinkers should form the basis of your reading. If a theologian: read the Bible or other Holy books. If an English student: read Shakespeare.

Oxford and Cambridge pre-entry reading lists are found on the internet

Internships and competitions

Write letters to relevant companies and ask for internship opportunities
The counselors have a long list of workplaces

Take part in local Math and Science competitions if relevant to your field
Talk to the Exceptional Learners Department about competitions

Choosing DP Courses
The subject choices students make when in Year 11 can have a significant impact on the course options available to them at Oxbridge. Oxbridge consider not only the individual IB subjects taken but also the combination of these. They generally prefer applicants to have taken certain subjects, or combinations of subjects, because they believe that they are more likely to provide an effective preparation for study at the University. E.g.: If students think they would like to study a science course at university but they are not sure which one, then they are advised to take at least two, and ideally three, of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.

Learn from previous Oxbridge Applicants experiences

This site is administered by a group of students who have all gone through the admissions process for either Oxford or Cambridge.

3 highly selective state universities
What matters? IB Scores (A good IB Diploma = 40+) SAT 1 and 2 SMU: A score of 1900 or more will be minimally sufficient for applicants to make a competitive application. Admissions decisions can be made almost exclusively based on the SAT results Outstanding performances at international competitions or events in the fields of sports, science, arts or culture Examples of such achievements include International Science Olympiad medals, top national awards, national team sportsmen

The Bond
NUS: We want your brains not your money 50-75% scholarships Have to work 3 years for a Singaporean registered company after graduation

Similar to UK Applications Different from US Applications

Participation in activities and achievements at intra school, house or class level (e.g. best student, most courteous, science/arts/cultural projects, etc.) do not, usually, have a strong bearing on the outcome of your application.

Competitive application: IB 41+ and SAT 2100+

Hong Kongs oldest university - 1911 British oriented education HKU has consistently been ranked as one of the best universities in Asia. 22000 students (including post-graduate) 7000 international Very Selective <20%, <5% for medicine

Students need to have 1900+ on the SAT (otherwise dont send results) IB score 39+ to be considered Students need to have an outstanding student profile, special achievements, references, extracurricular activities All students are top of their class in high school

Educational services 4th largest export - $9.8 billion/year

240,000 (25%) international students

The University of New South Wales

Monash University

The Australian National University

The Group of 8
Most prestigious universities in Australia

University of Western Australia

The University of The University of The University of Sydney Adelaide Queensland

Admission decisions are based on IB scores

Not the scores that students earn in class at NIST, but on Predicted IB scores (October of Year 13) and final IBO scores (summer after Year 13) Most offers will be conditional upon final IB scores No Essays No SATs

Minimum International Baccalaureate scores (University of Melbourne)

The following are the guaranteed entry scores for international students completing the International Baccalaureate in 2012. Course name Guaranteed entry score

Arts Biomedicine Commerce Environments

31 37 35 31

USA Selective Universities

The Ivy League

How to best position myself for a strong application

High School Transcript

Most Challenging Courses High grades in all IB courses IB Diploma is Well Respected and Highly Regarded GPA Conversion given by NIST 4.5 HL 4.25 SL 4.0 NIST HS course

Average Ivy League SAT I/ACT Total

2176 Out of 2400

32 Out of 36

SAT Subject Tests Required as well

With Writing

SAT Preparation
Beginning in Year 11 at NIST SAT taken in Semester 2 of Year 12

Present Meaningful and Long Standing evidence of involvement in ECAs in and out of NIST More is not better Depth before Breadth

Recommendations Teachers/Counselor

Establish good learning and classroom habits Adhere to Deadlines Show interest and enthusiasm in learning Be attentive and engaged in classroom learning Share your passions and interests with your teachers/counselor Be a good role model Be Responsible for your own learning Assist other students Be genuine


This is the one part of the application that the student has FULL control over This is the avenue that needs to be used for the student to tell the university Who They Are! Ideas for topics/essays should begin to form in Year 12 even as early as year 11 Authentic must be your voice

Warning from Brown and UPENN

Use of Outside Application Consulting Agencies

Summer Experiences/Learning/Touring
Learning should continue past June Students get a feel for what competitive universities are like Can justify in your application of your strong interest based on first hand experience Tours are helpful ways of getting a feel for the type of campus Information available on university website

Ability to Finance

Other Selective US Universities

Will require a similar profile

FACT Brown/Penn/Stanford

There is no common application for all universities in Korea. Each university has its own application process. General Eligibility: There are so many variations of the eligibility and admission process for the special category of Korean students educated abroad among universities that careful research for each university is strongly recommended If attending a Hagwon: It is important to choose a Hagwon that provides a program aimed at some specific university examinations students plan to take.

Entrance Examinations: Each University sets its own examinations. Usually, universities require different sets of subject tests according to applicants department Supporting Documents: High school transcript TOEFL SAT I/Subject Tests Awards IB Diploma TOEFL Academic excellence Leadership

There are 3 categories for Overseas Korean Application
1) Korean Students who studied abroad for the whole academic period; 2) Korean Students who studied abroad for more than 3 years, including 1 year of the grades 10-12; 3) Korean students who have graduated from foreign/international schools after completing more than 2 years of study from gr. 10 - 12.

Become an Expert in the Different Universities

TOP Japanese Universities

National 7 Universities

University entrance is based largely on the scores that students achieved in entrance examinations Japanese Universities visit NIST often presentation is often in Japanese Language Secondary Transcripts Recommendations SATI/SAT II TOEFL if applying to international program

Kyoto University Kyushu University Hokkaido University Nagoya University Osaka University Tohoku University University of Tokyo

Canadian universities operate much like those in the USA Applicants are evaluated on their high school academic preparation as well as SAT and SAT Subject test scores in some cases. IB course work and diplomas are well received in Canada.

2 different post secondary philosophies in general

Focus on the Course Focus on the overall Profile

Singapore Australia

Canada Korea Japan Hong Kong

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