Lecture 4: Middle Bronze Age Crete: The Minoans, Thera - CLA 1101

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Lecture 4: Middle Bronze Age Crete: the Minoans, Thera September 18th - 7:30pm Library and Archives Canada

Shannan Stewart, University of Illinois Bonus 5 marks - writing one page report and questions - due before first test or on the day of first test Epsilon is for Eros - a naked letter, eros is the greek name of cupid (6th letter) Effects of coming of Indo-Europeans centaur, centauromachy, Lapiths MBA changes agriculture language religion architecture: apsidal burial

pottery: Minyan, potters wheel, matt painted ware Homer: Knossos & Minos Knossos Myth: Zeus & Europa Daidalos, Pasiphae & the minotaur labyrinth Theseus & Ariadne MBA Crete Knossos, Phaistos, Mallia, Kato Zakro Sir Arthur Evans Knossos: Evans & the myth labyrinth, labrys, double axe, Hagia Triada sarcophagus/larnax religious conotation bringing young calves to an alter infront of a tree building Libation - pour religious lliquid accompanied by , music, offerings

Connects to religion, not labyrinth bulls - fresco, supplied directly to a painting on the wall three phases on leaping off the back of a bull ancestor of bull-fighting similar scenes were recorded in Egypt; but Evans thought it was unique Found in anatolia/asia minor/Turkey Evans thought he found the home of Minos throne - thought of the throne of Minos wooden benches on either sides and griffins painted on the walls - evidence to Evans of minos Architectural Features Mallia - thought were palaces a complex plan have large central courtyards - were the scene of bull leaping (Evan thought)

proven wrong - too small for bullleaping and paved with stone, making it too slippery and not suitable had large storage areas for agriculture means and manufactured items (pottery, jewllery) long narrow areas and large circular pitts - maybe for the storage of grains theatral areas - step seats; no evidence for drama probably for marketplace or meetings multi-storied NO defences Knossos - storage cists and pithoi for storing liquids and holes in the ground for dry goods stairs were thought to be used for religious procession

Horns of consecration - Evan thought they were inmitating the horns of a bull the columns are inverted - typical of minoan architecture light wells - a way to get light into the interior of the buildings frescos decorating the walls sophisticated water management - water is being collected from the palace had flush toilets - whole in the floor connected to drainage large complexes were centres of redistributive economy the grain, wine, etc. were redistributied to the workers from the countryside Centres of redistributive economy - grains, wines, weapons from countryside redistributed to workers in the centre

administration: Phaistos disk, Linear A, Daidalos, Prometheus - requires of system of writing Phaistos disk 1910 - was found clay disk size of a bread plate figures stamped on it on both sides 1st printed document 45 different symbols undeciphered no other items with these symbols have been found Linear A scratched in lines into wet clay on slabs the size of cellphones 90 symbols undeciphered non-Greek language recording quantities of things

beaureucratic use for writing - for redistributive economy found in Crete (Melos); no place else religion: peak sanctuary, rhyton, horns of consecration - connection between economy and religion as the storage storage areas are connected to areas of religion, which is connected with agriculture Diety - serveral depictions of women bare breasted has snakes in her hand snakes connected with rebirth because it sheds, seen as a kind of rebirth worshiping the diety outside chief diety female On mountain tops Peak Sanctuary Rhyton

used in religious ceremonies in libations made of stone - minoans skilled in using stone 3 alters also worshipped in caves, out in the open under trees may have been worshipping trees rooms were very close government: who ruled Knossos? throne is too small for a man, Queen? Who were the benches for on either side of the throne? who are the tributes for on the frescos? DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER industry: manufacturing Kamares ware Wheel made polychrome marine or floral motifs

found in a cave on top of a mountain finely made and beautifully decorated stoneware Rhyton - making ritual libation made of steatite eyes made with rock crystal libation came out from eyes and nose Harvestors Vase - sheep herding big agricultural past-time big textile industries in Crete sophisticated No evidence that it was residential as Evans thought Egypt: Keftiu, name of Crete for the egyptians Minoans traded with Egypt Ostritch eggs found in Crete from Egypt Minoan bringing tribute to Egyptian king copper ingot (25kg) gold rhyton

Thucydides 1.4 (p.35) - King Minos of Crete earliest of all those known to us by tradition who acquired a navy made himself master of a very great part of what is now called the Hellenic Sea Became lord of the Cyclades Islands and first colonizer of them Akrotiri: Thera - volcano erupted and destroyed have the island nothing valuable found but Crete greatly infuenced Thera Akrotiri housing - like Minoans walls were decorated with frescos like egyptian but not in style women were dressed like Minoan women similarities to Crete cultural influence but not ruled by them, still too many differences Minoans: 1st civilized Europeans - but not first civilized Hellenes

Use linear A - non greek language Words to Remember: People: Lapiths, Minos, Europa, Zeus, Minos, Pasiphae, Daidalos, Theseus, Ariadne, Evans, Thucydides Places: Knossos, Phaistos, Mallia, Kato Zakro, Crete, Thera, Akrotiri Terms: Indo-Europeans, centaur, centauromachy, apsidal, Minyan Minoan, labyrinth, labrys, double axe, larnax, sarcophagus, fresco, inverted column, light well, horns of consecration, Phaistos disk, Linear A, peak sanctuary, rhyton, Kamares Points to Ponder 1. Who ruled Knossos? Priests or kings? a. King Minos ruled Knossos

2. Why did Evans call the Middle Bronze Age inhabitants of Crete Minoan? (at least 4 reasons) a. Because of Mythological King Minos of Knossos b. 3. How did the Minoans influence the culture on Thera? a. Architecture on Akrotiri was influenced - frescoes b. Womens dress was influenced

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