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2011 -13


Submitted To: Prof. Ravi Chatterjee

Submitted By: Vikram Jeet Singh

It was nearly 10o clock in the night, it was winters and people usually preferred to stay in the house. The temperature almost dropped down to 2 degree. I got a call from one of my friend planning a night out trip to Chiklod. Almost everyone gathered and was waiting for me to reach the meeting point as soon as possible. I quickly got ready for the trip as exams were yet to start after 2 days, presuming to be the last relaxation trip with friends before exams. It was 11 in the night and as usual, we were late. I decided to drive. We started our journey with great excitement and were presuming the trip to be quiet mesmerizing. We reached the gas station and filled in the gas, then began the journey. By the time it was 11.30 and we were enjoying to the fullest. Friends, loud music, never ending roads and excitement. It was near about 12 in the night, we left the city and were on the highway. Everyone was like enjoying to the core, we stopped at a dhaba nearby to take some water and wafers. Finally we were almost near about Chiklod. Prior to reaching the destination, there was a bridge which is to be crossed to proceed further. By the time we reached the narrow bridge, we noticed it was all broken and damaged from all over and we stopped, were staring at each others faces, that would it be ok to drive through. Somehow we managed to cross the bridge. The night was amazing, wind was cold, music loud, unending forest besides, and friends. The night was very mesmerizing as we almost

forgot about the exams, which were yet to start the day after. Suddenly one of my friends shouted, you idiot take a right. We stopped by to notice whether, was there actually any right turn or not, because it was so dark, that hardly the car headlights were even not able to cut through the darkness. We saw a right turn, presuming it to be the final turn for the Chiklods palace and went onto it. I was enjoying a lot, and so were everyone else. By the time it was 1o clock, in the night. I was driving continuously from past few hours. The road was so rough that it was hard to drive. It was completely dark and there was no sigh of even a single species. Suddenly the person sitting next to the drivers seat shouted, WATCH OUT, and I stepped onto the brakes with all the power I had, and everyone in the car was falling over one another. Everyone got so angry with me and the person sitting next to me, but when we actually stepped out, there was no way beyond as there was a small lake over there. Now all of us got a little paranoid as to where have we actually reached. There was no space to turn the car, and we have actually travelled 5 kilometers, in a straight line. We were actually 5 KMS inside the jungle where we could not turn the car even as the road which we travelled was quiet high from the ground. All were now tensed, but as usual there were 2

devils present in our car that were still enjoying. The devils were me and one of my friends. Now were discussing how to get back when I got a call from my girl friend. There was not much network so I roamed a bit hoping to be able to tell her about my situation and to assure her that, baby I would talk to you as soon as I reach home, but not now. But as usual, girls. And she started fighting that you dont have time for me. Meanwhile, my friends found me missing and one of them came in search of me. I hung up the call and when one of my friends approached me to ask, SIR, CHALEN. We were on our way back to the car when we saw some lights flashing by. Now this friend of mine who came to call me was fond of smoking and had forgot to bring the lighter. So he asked me to accompany him to found some lite for his cigarettes. Few seconds after, we were shouting like hell, RUN RUN, START THE ENGINE YOU IDIOTS. Now as soon as the people waiting for us heard our voices, they smashed their way into the car started the engines, but unfortunately forgot to keep the gates open. We both were running like anything, we just jumped into the car form the window, and the person on the drivers seat started running the car backwards.

5 KMS the car was run backwards. All were in tension presuming it to be the last night of our lives. So much of tension was built, all were sweating and just praying to god, GOD PLEASE SAVE US. One of my friends was so much tensed who started enchanting HANUMAN CHALISA, as if there were millions of ghosts running after our lives. We finally somehow managed to come out of the jungle, went to a nearby Dhaba. Stopped the car, all drank some water and started questioning, what was it, was it some animal, did you guys saw a spirit or what and much more. Then me and my friend starred on to each other, and fell off laughing on the ground. All were surprised to see the reaction, and the reason was just, I slapped my friend on the face in the dark and he was just running to hit me back, when I shouted, RUN RUN RUN, START THE ENGINE YOU IDIOTS. And all got tensed and believed that we are been surrounded by some thieves, or animals or perhaps the so called SPIRITS. ***************************************************

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