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INSTRUCTIONS. Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 2 only. 1. Nurse Ethellyn educated a client with tuberculosis about the disease, and its treatment. After a week, she asks questions related to the disease, and supervises how the drugs are being administered. Nurse Ethellyn does which nursing care delivery framework? a. The structural element c. The outcome element b. The process element d. NOTA 2. It is a type of disease pattern that continuous occurrence throughout a period of time, of the usual number of cases in a given locality: a. Sporadic occurrence c. Epidemic occurrence b. Endemic occurrence d. Pandemic occurrence 3. The major components of the communication process are: a. Message, sender, channel, receiver and feedback. b. Speaker, listener and reply c. Facial expression, tone of voice and gestures d. Verbal, written and nonverbal Definitions for health evolved overtime. Florence Nightingale defined health as:


a. The state of being free from illness or injury. b. Being well and using every power the individual to the fullest extent. c. A state of complete biopsychosocial well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. d. A state or process of being and becoming an integrated and whole person. 5. In consideration of the steps in applying the bag technique, which side of the paper lining of the CHN bag is considered clean to make a non-contaminated area? a. Upper tip c. Inside surface b. Outer surface d. Lower lip 6. Which of the following is not included on the activities to be done in the event that an imminent Malarial epidemic occurs: a. Focal spraying c. Mass Blood Smear collection b. Intensive IEC campaign d. Community subject to immunization Which diagnostic test is used to identify H-fever? a. Slit skin smear c. Nocturnal blood Exam b. Rumpel Leads Test d. Direct sputum smear microscopy The following are the laws that protect the infants and young children feeding, except: a. RA 8976 b. EO 51 c. RA 7600 d. RA 7875



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9. Which law disallows the sale, administration, delivery distribution and transportation of prohibited drugs? a. RA 4073 c. RA 6425 b. RA 8504 d. RA 6675 10. This is a data gathering method used to obtain health history? a. Physical Examination c. Records Review b. Diagnostic Tests d. Interview 11.Which of the following factors must not be considered when deciding for appropriate score for the preventive potential of a health condition or problem in priority setting? a. Current management b. Gravity of the problem c. Availability of resources d. Duration of the problem

Situation I. The fuctions of the PHN are related to management, supervision, provision of nursing care, collaboration and coordination, health promotion and education, training and research. Given the function, questions from 12-16 identify which role the PHN performs. 12.Nurse RN administers the midwives and the other auxiliary health workers in the catchment area: a. Health promotion and education functions c. Management function b. Supervisory function d. Nursing care function 13.Public health nurse, Charity does disease surveillance, wherein she has a continuous collection and analysis of data cases and deaths: a. Research function c. Nursing care function b. Management function d. Supervisory function 14.Nurse Ezra is the public health nurse of Binalbagan health care unit in Negros Occidental. She designs training programs, conducts them in collaboration with other resource persons, and evaluates the outcomes of the training: a. Supervisory function c. Management function b. Training function d. Collaboration and coordination function 15. Nurse Tiffany makes home visit to her clients 7 days after check-up. She does the public health nurse function as: a. Management function c. Health promotion and education b. Nursing Care function d. Supervisory function 16. A PHN establishes linkages which enables her to appropriately refer patients to other health personnel, health facility or government agency: a. Training function b. Research function function c. Management function d. Collaboration and coordination

Situation II. The DOH is the Philippines authority on health that provides technical and other resource assistance. Questions 17-20 describe the different specific roles of the DOH as the health sector of the country. 17.The DOH tries to evolve the standards of health care delivery system in the Philippines to its optimum level by innovating new strategies in health and disseminate policy research outputs: a. Leadership in Health b. Enabler and capacity builder c. Administrator of specific services d. Active community participation

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18.In 2011, typhoid fever morbidity rate had significantly increased and caused an alarm to the country. The DOH with the help of the local governments implemented a vaccination program with the theme, Iligtas sa Tigdas and Pinas to reduce this increasing morbidity rate. The DOH functions as: a. Leadership in health c. Administrator of specific services b. Enabler and capacity builder d. Intra- and intersectoral linkages 19.The DOH spearheaded the policy of RA 7600 to be implemented among hospitals in the Philippines to ensure that breastfeeding is practiced by the mothers. The DOH functions as: a. Leadership in health c. Administrator of specific services b. Enabler and capacity builder d. Support mechanisms made available 20.The DOH manages selected high-end national health facilities and hospitals that will serve as national referral centers. a. Leadership in health c. Administrator of specific services b. Enabler and capacity builder d. Use of appropriate technology 21.This serves as the road map for stakeholders in health and health-related sectors: a. FOURmula ONE c. NOH 2005-2010 b. Health Sector Reform Agenda d. National Health Insurance Program 22. The key feature of the FOURmula ONE for health implementation strategy is the: a. FOURmula One c. NOH 2005-2010 b. Health Sector Reform Agenda d. NHIP 23.This was adopted to implement critical interventions as a single package following a sectorwide approach and will also serve as the implementation framework for health sector reforms: a. FOURmula ONE c. NHIP b. NOH 2005-2010 d. HSRA 24.All of the following but one are the pillars of primary health care: a. Active community participation c. Use of appropriate technology b. Intra- and intersectoral linkages d. Good governance 25.In order to build a health district that will ensure quality health service at a local level, some factors must be considered. According to WHO, the ideal health district would have a population size of: a. 100,000 500,000 b. 200,000 600,000 c. 300,000 700,000 d. 400,000 800,000

Situation III. Nurse Juan and Nurse Neneng are conducting a family assessment in their barangay. The process of assessment in community health nursing is vital to indentify and categorize the clients health problems and needs that can be met through nursing intervention. Questions 26-30 refers to categories of health problems. 26.Nurse Juan was able to identify that their assigned family has no regular health check-up, and history of repeated infection. Nurse Bhem will classify this as: a. Health Threat c. Foreseeable crisis b. Health Deficit d. Salience 27.Nurse Neneng found out that the eldest child of the family is about to enroll in college. What category this situation classifies? a. Foreseeable crisis b. Health threat c. Salience d. Health deficit

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28.When the nurse assesses the perception of the family to a health problem, the nurse is prioritizing health problem according to its: a. Preventive potential c. Salience b. Nature of the problem d. Modifiability of the problem 29.After the assessment, Nurse Juan and Nurse Neneng were able to identify that four from the five children of their assigned family were inadequately immunized against preventable diseases. They will categorize this as a: a. Health threat c. Foreseeable crisis b. Health Deficit d. Stress point 30.This refers to the probability of success in minimizing, alleviating, or totally eradicating the problem through nursing intervention. a. Preventive potential c. Salience b. Nature of the problem d. Modifiability of the problem 31.Otherwise known as the Magna Carta for disabled persons: a. RA 7277 c. RA 9262 b. RA 9288 d. RA 6675 32.Which of the following principles involved in preparing for a home visit? i. Planning and delivery of care involve the individual and family. ii. The plan should be firm and rigid to ensure stability. iii.We should consider and give priority to the essential needs of the individual and his family. iv.Planning for home visit should make use of all available information about the patient only through family records. v. A home visit must have a purpose or objective. a. i, ii, iii, iv c. ii, iii, iv b. i, iii, v d. i, ii, iii, v 33.Mrs. de Juan is a staff nurse in the Emergency Room Complex of a private medical center. A patient was brought by a tricycle driver from a motor vehicular accident. The patient did not have any identification card and looks financially incapacitated. The resident physician on duty suggested that they transfer the patient to a government hospital. What should nurse de Juan do? a. Give emergency treatment to the patient. b. Call the attention of the Hospital Ethics Committee c. Agree with the resident physician anyway he is the captain of the ship. d. Remind the doctor of the provisions of RA 8344 34.If you wanted to find a list of the violations that can result in disciplinary actions against a nurse, you should read: a. Philippine Journal of Nursing c. Nurse Practice Act b. Nurses Bill of Rights d. Code of Ethics for Nurses 35.When a state attorney decides to charge a nurse with manslaughter for allegedly administering a lethal medication order, this is an example of: a. Civil law c. Criminal law b. Public law d. Divine law 36.Aling Marina, 67 years old has a daughter with mental illness. She is the only one who is taking care of her daughter while working as a barangay health worker during the day. She frequently complaints of role strain and her earnings is not enough to accommodate both the everyday needs of their family and the maintenance drugs of her daughter. In addition, the health unit is far from their house making the situation more difficult for Aling Marina.
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Considering all these factors, she is more likely to experience which facet of mental health problem? a. Defined burden b. Undefined burden c. Hidden burden d. Future burden

37.What is the designated immunization day adopted in the Philippines? a. Every Monday c. Every Wednesday b. Every Tuesday d. Every Thursday 38.Vaccines are substances very sensitive at various temperatures. To avoid spoilage and maintain its potency, vaccines need to be stored at correct temperature. Which among the following vaccines are most sensitive to heat? a. DPT and Hepa B c. Measles and Tetanus toxiod b. OPV and BCG d. OPV and Measles 39.All of the following but one are false contraindications to immunization: a. malnutrition c. low grade fever b. diarrhea d. convulsions 40.Inday has a 9 month old child and is about to receive measles vaccine on Wednesday. Nurse Mila is aware that measles received at 9 months will provide protection to the child against measles infection at: a. 80% c. 90% b. 85% d. 95% 41.We consider a fully immunized child when he was able to receive complete doses of the vaccines before his first birthday: a. 1 BCG, 2 DPT, 2 OPV, 3 Hepatitis, 1 measles b. 2 BCG, 3 DPT, 3 OPV, 3 Hepatitis, 1 measles c. 1 BCG, 3 DPT, 3 OPV, 3 Hepatitis, 1 measles d. 1 BCG, 3 DPT, 3 OPV, 3 Hepatitis, 2 measles 42.The most common cause of visual impairment in the Philippines is: a. Cataract c. Retinal detachment b. Errors of Refraction d. Macular degeneration 43.Based on the statistics of the Philippine Renal Disease Registry (PRDR) of the Department of Health National Kidney and Transplant Institute Renal Disease Control Program (DOH-NKTIREDCOP), the leading cause of end-stage-renal-disease in the Philippine population arises from complication brought by: a. Obesity c. Hypertension b. Diabetes Mellitus d. Chronic glomerulonephritis 44.According to the Integrated Community Based Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Program, the following are the major non-communicable diseases in the country, except: a. Hypertension c. COPD b. Cancer d. Pneumonia 45.Aling Nena is concerned about the risks associated with the development of coronary artery disease. She is frequently experiencing headache and dizziness that made her visit the health clinic. Upon assessment vital signs revealed: BP:150/90 mmHg, PR: 110 bpm, T: 37.4C, RR: 20 cpm. In addition to these, the nurse further assess Aling Nenas height: 158 cm, and she weighs 70 kilograms. Based on the measurements given, Aling Nenas body mass index is: a. 26 c. 28 b. 27 d. 29 46.The National Prevention of Blindness Program of the Department of Health has a vision of:
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a. All Filipinos enjoy the right to sight by the Year 2020 b. Preservation and Restoration of Sight to indigent Filipinos. c. Promotion of eye health and prevention of blindness. d. Eliminate avoidable blindness in the Philippines. Situation IV. As a community health nurse, it is our vital role to educate the community locals of their misconceptions regarding diseases and its treatment. This is to ensure proper management and referral if needed. Questions 47-50 refer to health education. 47.Mang Ramon, with diagnosis of pneumonia, has just been discharged. Upon home visit, a community health nurse provides health instructions to the patient and his family. Which misunderstanding by the family indicates the need for more detailed information? a. The patient should continue the use of the incentive spirometer to keep airways patent and free of secretions. b. The patient should resume a normal diet emphasizing small, frequent, wellbalanced diet. c. The patient may resume normal home activities as tolerated but should avoid physical exertion with rest in between these activities. d. The patient may discontinue the prescribed course of oral antibiotics once free of signs and symptoms. 48.The mother of a 5 year-old child reports to the nurse that her child will not fall asleep at night without a bottle of milk in the crib and often wakes during the night asking for another. Which of the following instructions that if given by the nurse would benefit the client? a. Allow the child to have the bottle at bedtime, but withhold the one later in the night. b. Put juice in the bottle instead of milk. c. Give a bottle of water at bedtime. d. Do not allow bottles in the crib. 49.A 65 year old client frequently complaints of constipation. She asks you to recommend strategies to minimize the occurrence of constipation. Which of the following statement if given by the nurse would not be helpful? a. Take a laxative everyday to promote regular bowel movement. b. Eat foods high in fiber. c. Drink 6-8 glasses of water each day. d. Get moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. 50.A nurse is counseling clients at a health clinic about the importance of completing the course of immunizations for their children. Which of the following is the most accurate and desirable to educate by the nurse to the clients? a. Immunizations provide natural immunity from certain diseases. b. All infectious diseases can be prevented with proper immunization. c. Immunization provides acquired immunity from some specific diseases. d. All infectious diseases can be prevented with proper immunization. Situation IV. Primary Health Care is defined by the WHO as essential health care made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to them, through their full participation and a cost that the community and country can afford at every stage of development. Questions 51 55 pertain to primary health care. 51.The first international conference on Primary Health Care was held in: a. United States of America b. United Soviet Socialists Republic 52.The following are elements of PHC except: a. Environmental Sanitation b. Control of Communicable Diseases c. United Nations d. United Arab Emirates c. FHSIS d. Provision of Essential Drugs

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53.The WHO held a meeting in this place where primary health care was discussed. a. Almaty b. Russia 54.The recent PHC summit was held last: a. August 5-7, 2006 c. February 23-24, 2006 b. October 19-20, 2006 d. January 5-6, 2007 55.Steven is a trained community worker in the Naujan, Occidental Mindoro. Steven is identified at what level of primary health care worker? a. Intermediate level health care c. Trained Hilot b. Barangay Health Worker d. Volunteer 56.The law that required the nurses employed by the DOH to discharge their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence and to uphold public interest over personal interest is the: a. RA 6758 c. RA 8976 b. RA 6713 d. RA 8749 57.Which innovative scheme provides health manpower in doctor-less and nurse-less municipalities? a. Health Human Resources Development b. Health Manpower Resource Program c. Field Health Services and Information System d. Human Resources for Health Manpower 58.What is the program launched by former President Arroyo and DOH with a primary goal of ensuring that affordable, high quality, safe and effective drugs and medicines are always available especially to the poor: a. Botika sa Paso c. Gamot Mura Abot-kaya 50 b. Free Drugs for the Poor d. Drug Consignment System 59.In the nursing process, the nursing audit and performance appraisal are performed during which phase: a. Assessment phase c. Implementation phase b. Planning phase d. Evaluation phase 60.How many scissors are in the public health bag? a. 2 c. 4 b. 3 d. 5 61.A colleague who is interested in the position of a chief nurse in the city health office asked Mrs. Fuentes about the qualifications she must meet. Mrs. Fuentes correctly answers that the following are qualifications of chief nurse in city health departments and health offices: i. Masters degree in Public Health major in Community Health Nursing Administration ii. Doctorate degree in Public Health iii.Three (3) years in supervisor position iv. Two (2) years in the Asst. Chief Nurse position a. i & iii b. ii & iv c. i, ii, iii d. i, ii, iii, iv c. Vienna d. Geneva

Situation V. An important aspect of environmental sanitation is the provision of safe water supply and proper excreta disposal.

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62.The nurse should know that the examination of drinking water by the government or nongovernment must be coordinated by the municipality through RHU. Certification of an existing water source is issued by the: a. DOH b. Mayor c. Municipality d. Representative of the secretary of Health

63. Food establishments in the community shall be appraised as to their sanitary conditions. Which of the following is important for the chef or his helper to have? a. Inspection c. Updated health services b. Approval of all food sources d. Compliance to health certificate 64.Water system and deep well construction require the approval of: a. Mayors permit c. Rural sanitary inspector b. Secretary of health d. City health engineer 65.Which of the following is level 1 approved type of toilet facility? a. Water-sealed c. Pit latrines b. Flushed type d. Water carriage type 66.Mrs. Peralta came to the health center 6 days after her last visit. In her previous visit, you advised her to give her 6 year old son Niyug-niyogan. She says now that she has already given the herb to her son but it seems to have no effect. Your response to her would be: a. Give your son 4-5 seeds again. b. It usually takes 3-4 weeks before the medicinal effect is observed. c. The herb is not effective for your son, let us ask the doctor to prescribed a more effective drug. d. We need to have a laboratory test to find out if the drug has been effective. 67.Mrs. Peralta asked if she can also give the same remedy to her 3 year old daughter who has the same problem as her 6 year old son. You should tell Mrs. Peralta that: a. She gives her daughter 2-3 seeds taken after breakfast. b. They must consult with the doctor first if its alright to give the same remedy to her daughter. c. She should wait first if it is effective to her son before giving her daughter. d. It is contraindicated for her daughter. 68.You conducted a health teaching about herbal plants in a community that can be reached by a 5 hour banca ride only from the town proper. You gave them the following instructions when using herbal medicines except: a. Consult the doctor if the herb is not effective after the 3rd dose. b. Do not cover the plant when boiling it. c. Do not use insecticides when growing the plants. d. It is okay to combine up to 3 herbs only. 69.Mang Sendong who has a heart disease, asked the nurse about possible benefits of acupressure on him. The correct response of the nurse would be: a. No foods are prohibited or recommended during the treatment. b. He should eat plenty of peanuts and seafood during the treatment to help with the circulation. c. He should have it 2-3 times a week at least once a day to be effective. d. Acupressure is not an advisable alternative treatment for him. 70.Which herbal plant has been turned into a tablet form and marketed under the name of Ascof? a. Blumea balsamifera c. Mamordica charantia

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b. Mentha Cordifelia d. Vitex Negundo L. 71.A good source of affordable medicines for the elderly is the Botika ng Barangay which is licensed to sell the following drugs except: a. Paracetamol c. Ascorbic acid b. Aspirin d. Morphine 72.The primary intervention to halt the progression of cancer is: a. Healthy lifestyle b. Chemotherapy c. Screening d. Pain management

73.A couple with 14 children asked you about vasectomy. Which of the following will you not include in your discussion about this method? a. It is a permanent method b. The man will still ejaculate c. Does not affect spontaneity of sexual intercourse d. Sterility is immediate 74.Mrs. Claudine has a schedule for Pap Smear. She has a strong family history of cervical cancer. This is an example of what level of prevention? a. Primary prevention c. Tertiary prevention b. Secondary prevention d. Health Screening 75.Mang Nene, 45 years old wants to donate blood to the nearest blood collection unit in a government hospital. He is in a good health condition. He weighs 110 lbs., and his hgb level is 120 g/L. Upon assessment, vital signs reveal: T- 37.4C, RR- 21 cpm, PR- 92 bpm, BP- 170/80 mm Hg. Based on these results, what will you instruct as a nurse to Mang Nene? a. You are eligible to donate blood. Please come and we will start the blood extraction. b. Please eat regular meals and increase fluid intake before you donate blood because your weight is not in the acceptable range to qualify you for blood donation. c. I am sorry but you have history of diabetes. We will not allow you to donate blood. Anyway, thank you! d. I am sorry but certain results of your assessments did not meet some of the requirements for blood donation. These include your hemoglobin count and blood pressure. 76.All of the following criteria must be met to establish a Botika ng Barangay, except: a. Managed by an established community organization or cooperative which is duly recognized as a judicial body. b. Community-sourced funds at least of the initial capital requirements. c. Commitment from a licensed pharmacist to supervise Botika ng Barangay. d. Identification and selection of at least 2 accredited Barangay Health Workers or Community Volunteer Health Workers trained as BnB Aides. 77.Project NARS aims to improve delivery of health care services to our population. This was launched by former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo during the Multi-Sectoral Summit with the theme: a. Joining Hands With the Global Crisis b. Joining Hands Through the Global Crisis c. Joining Hands Against the Global Crisis d. Joining Hands In Public and Private Places 78.The criteria for selection of nurses under the Registered Nurses for Health Enhancement and Local Service or the RNHEALS include all of the following but one: a. NARS project dropouts are still accepted.
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b. Medical certificate issued by a government hospital c. Valid PRC license d. Resident of conditional cash transfer program 79.Project ENTREPRENURSE is an initiative of both government and non-government entities to promote nurse entrepreneurship in the country. This was first realized in: a. Cebu City b. Davao City c. Iloilo City d. Bagiuo City

80.A postpartal mother wants to loose the extra weight she gained in pregnancy, so she is reluctant to increase her caloric intake for breast feeding. By how much should a lactating mother increase her caloric intake during the first 6 months? a. 300 kcal/day c. 800 kcal/day b. 500 kcal/day d. 1000 kcal/day 81.Being a supervisor, the Rural health nurse must know at least the basic concepts of leadership and management. Which is the last step in the management process? a. Planning b. Directing c. Organizing d. Controlling

Situation VI. Maternal and Child Health Services is one on the priority programs of the Department of Health that you implement in your area of assignment as a PHN. Questions 8287 are related to MCPHN. 82. The primary disorders detected in newborn screening are: a. Metabolic disorders c. Hereditary disorders b. Hematologic disorders d. Cardiologic disorders 83.To address the health needs of young people, the government has provided as Essential Health Care Package for Adolescents and Youth. It does not include: a. Management of illness, Injury and violence prevention, Counseling on substance abuse, Nutrition and diet counseling b. Mental health, Fertility awareness, family planning, responsible sexual behavior and management of reproductive tract infections c. Oral Care, Healthy lifestyle advocacy d. Developmental Screening, Psychosocial stimulation, Nutritional screening and counseling, Disability detection, Integrated management of common illness 84.Which of the following disorders is not included in the Newborn Screening Package? a. Phynelketonuria c. Galactosemia b. CAH d. Congenital Renal Hyperplasia 85.Mrs. Brainda asked if newborn screening will take awhile because she does not want her baby to be separated from her. Correct information that the nurse will provide to Mrs. Brainda about newborn screening will include the following? a. The result will be available within one week. b. Newborn screening is ideally done on the 48th hour after birth. c. Blood sample will be collected from the body by collecting blood from the umbilical cord. d. Only licensed medical technologist and physicians can collect blood sample to ensure safety of the baby. 86.Essential Health Care Package for Newborns, Infants and Children does not include: a. Foster care and rehabilitation b. Micronutrient supplementation c. Newborn resuscitation d. Birth registration

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87.One important aspect of prenatal care is micronutrient supplementation to prevent anemia and deficiencies. A pregnant woman should receive Vitamin A at what dose and schedule? a. 600 mg daily b. 100, 00 IU once on the fifth month c. 5, 000 IU once a week starting on the second month d. 10,000 IU two times a week starting 4th month

Situation VI. The Philippine is composed of a majority of young people. An increase of the incidence of communicable disease is commonly observed among countries with young population. Communicable disease prevention program is an important function of the public health nurse in improving the quality of life. Questions 88-95 pertain to communicable diseases. 88.Aling Neneng is living in Albay. She has productive cough with blood streaked sputum for more than 3 weeks now with chest and back pain. She was prescribed with anti-TB medications but her body systems are not responding to the said therapy. Aling Neneng most likely has the disease that resemble PTB known as: a. Ascariasis c. Paragonimiasis b. Capillariasis d. Filariasis 89.Infectious diseases under surveillance that are laboratory diagnosed include the following except: a. Dengue H-Fever c. Typhoid fever b. Malaria d. Cholera 90.To prevent schistosomiasis, it is important to provide the following instructions to people living in endemic areas: i. Remove vegetation and use molluscicides on breeding places. ii. Immunize high risk group especially farmers. iii. Dispose feces and urine properly away from bodies of water. iv. To minimize cercariae penetration on skin, apply petroleum jelly or any oil based liniments thickly on the skin before wading on suspected contaminated water. v. Let water stand for 3 days before washing clothes. a. i, ii, iii, iv, v c. i, ii, iii, iv b. i, iii, v d. ii, iii, iv 91.As prevention for malaria, you educate people living in malaria endemic areas to do which of the following: i. Avoid going out between 12 nn to 3 am ii. Take chloroquine tablets once a day iii.Apply insect repellant on house walls iv.Use long sleeved shirts when going out at night v. Plant Neem tree in their back yards vi.Clear hanging branches near rivers a. i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi c. iii, iv, v, vi b. ii, iii, iv, v, vi d. ii, iii, iv, v 92.Mario, 17 years old, asked you if it is possible to be infected with leptospirosis while swimming in a public pools or rivers. You will answer her based on your knowledge that: a. Infection with leptospirosis is possible with recreational swimming in water contaminated with urine of human and animals having the infection. b. This is not possible as long as she has no open wounds while swimming in public pools. c. She can protect herself by applying sun block lotion before swimming. d. There is no danger during daytime because leptospires die when exposed to sunlight.
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93.As a nurse, assessment is vital in caring for a leper (patient with leprosy). The following are early signs and symptoms of the disease except: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Gynecomastia Muscle weakness Thickened and painful nerves Loss of eyebrows Ulcers that do not heal Contractures Paralysis of extremities a. i, ii, iii, v, vi b. iii, iv, v, vi, vii

c. i,ii, iii, v, vi d. i, iv, vi

94.During a health education class, Mr. Dimapalagay asked about the Mantoux test. You correctly informed them that the Mantoux test is: a. Negative test results are obtained 12-24 hours after administering the test. b. A positive skin test is determined 48-72 hours after the test is administered. c. BCG vaccination can cause false positive results. d. A definitive diagnostic tool for TB. 95.One of the strategic thrusts for 2005-2010 in HIV-AIDS prevention and other reproductive tract infections is addressing the stigma and discrimination against the vulnerable groups through prevention by caring which entails: a. Respect for human dignity b. Regular reviewing roles and responsibilities and by installing a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system. c. Research and Development d. Providing acceptable, accessible and affordable social and medical services. 96.In home deliveries of premature babies or those who need special care like babies with birth injuries and congenital anomalies, who have the responsibility to bring the baby to the hospital? a. Mother and father c. Mother and birth attendant b. Birth attendant and father d. Birth attendant 97.In the community setting after a nurse attended a home delivery, what should she do to the placenta? a. Preserve with formalin solution and donate in a medical/nursing school. b. Sell it to the cosmetologist and give the money to the mother. c. Bury in the banana tree with the father. d. Ask the parents what to do with the placenta as it is considered part of the childs life. 98.The nurse recognizes that one of the major effects of iodine deficiency is mental retardation. How would the nurse assess mental retardation? a. Ask the parents what they eat c. Let the child tells a story b. Ask questions d. Ask mother if she has history of abortion 99.Vitamin A deficiency is measured by taking the level of plasma retinol. However, clinical findings can also indicate the presence of this nutritional deficiency and these findings include: a. Eye sensitivity to bright light, dryness of skin membranes, low resistance of the body to infections. b. Delayed mental development and mental retardation in severe cases. c. Pallor, dizziness, dyspnea, anorexia, easy fatigability. d. All of these. What type of immunoglobulin is passed to the baby during breastfeeding?
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a. Ig G b. Ig A

c. Ig E d. Ig M

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