Cornwall SSE Graduation Booklet 4

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The Cornwall School for Social Entrepreneurs Board Members:
Charlotte Chadwick (Chair) Anna Peachey (Vice Chair) Charlotte Hill Sally Heard Dan James (Corporate Seat, Eden Project) Leah McPherson (Corporate Seat, Central SSE)

Cornwall SSE acknowledges our partners and supporters who helped make our students journeys so successful in Cohort 4. Experts/Witnesses:
Matthew Barton (Cornwall Council) Paul Brown (Smart Savings) Tim Cocks (Active Plus) Hilary Desousa Caroline Driver (Llamarama) Gareth Hart (Iridescent Ideas) Chris Hines (A Grain of Sand) Matt Hocking (Leap) Andy Jasper (Eden Project) Sue Morrish Tamsin Radford (Maker Junction) Matthew Thomson (Fifteen, Cornwall) Lucy Thornton (Perfect Balance Marketing) Clare Webb (Cornish Cutting Garden) Janie Wilson (Action Learning Centre) Robert Woolf (Sea Communications)

The Cornwall SSE Team:

Sally Heard (Development Manager) Jane Hicks (Learning Manager) Jennifer Bennetto (Finance & Programme Co-ordinator)

We would also like to extend our gratitude to our fabulous Action Learning Set Facilitators and Tutors:
Debbie Croucher Eva Seymour Jim McKenna Lizzie Larbalestier


Charlotte Chadwick (Chair Cornwall SSE CIC) Sanjay Kumar (School Of Cornish Sardines (SOC) Michelle Roberts (Green Energy Library (GEL) Diana Padwick (byEthicals) Lynne Hadley (AACETS) Richard Brown (The Street Outreach Project) Lea Ferrar (Computers4Homes) Anna Jenkins (Naturale Living) Julie Pattison (The Hills) Catherine Hayes (Community Hub) Lynne Dyer (The Soul Food Project) Anne Longthorp (Life at Meadowside) Kevin James (Big Bang Day) Robbie Pearson (Unique Lives) Carla Almeida (All Together in Cornwall) Tamzin Wood (Doing Good Locally) John Scattergood (H.E.A.L.) Sharon Cooper (Little Eden Green Living Project) Rene Chorley (Noahs Ark Family Project) 03 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38

At the cornerstone of every successful social enterprise is a person..a very special person who usually has taken incredible risks, given an inordinate amount of time, devoted themselves totally to pursuing their dream, and that is why today is so important. Today marks the culmination of a programme of learning for our Cornwall SSE students, who have been driven by their passions to make their dreams a reality..we pay tribute to them all as they set sail on their journey of discovery, into the big world of social enterprise! Thank you to all the people who have supported these Cornwall SSE students throughout the journey, all the tutors, action learning set facilitators, experts and witnesses, the Cornwall SSE team and of course the friends and families of our students, who have all devoted time, energy, commitment and have given ounces and ounces of morale support when it is needed most! Congratulations on your graduation and we hope you enjoy the celebrations. In the future, we hope our Fellows from todays event embrace the SSE network and come back to help future Cornwall SSE students benefit as they have done! This has been a very memorable year for the Cornwall SSE as we have ventured into new and exciting pastures by incorporating as a Community Interest Company. I thank my fellow board members and of course the amazing Cornwall SSE staff team led by the irrepressible Sally Heard!





SOCS is a social enterprise which encourages people to share their skills for mutual benefit. It takes its inspiration from the vibrant sardine industry which used to be such a feature of Cornish life and which brought whole communities together in a way which is seldom seen today. The business aims to spread the inspiration of cooking, engaging the hearts and minds of locally trained chefs and cooks and working with enthusiastic individuals of the community, while making a positive contribution towards the planet. The goodwill and revenue generated by SOCS will be used to create a living, interactive online museum chronicling the rich fishing heritage of Cornwall.

Email: Web:

Mission: Lets put the oo back into cooking! Target Audience: Residents of Cornwall with an interest
in cooking whatever your level of knowledge and ability from beginners upwards. In the future SOCS aims to spread the joy of cooking through podcasts, video recipes and tutorials to enthusiasts across the globe.

Business Profile: SOCS is a mobile cookery school, offering

low cost, practical cooking lessons to individuals and groups who are keen to improve their cooking skills and learn more about the benefits of healthy eating.
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The Department of Energy and Climate Change target states - that by 22 November 2016, as far as is reasonably practicable, no person in England should have to live in fuel poverty. ( GEL aims to provide up to date, independent information and guidance on energy savings and renewables, offering money saving tips and free energy saving products. Whilst there is an abundance of information on line, this is not accessible to all. For those people who do access this information, identifying the appropriate grants and tariffs often requires hours of research or lengthy forms to be completed. GEL aims to be the first step to identifying appropriate products and incentives by providing a drop-in resource centre with access to information without the sales. GEL aims to give an overview of renewables and to signpost and support those individuals and households keen to save energy and help sustain the UKs energy resources.

Email: Tel: 01209 832 182 Service: Taking energy savings and renewable energy
information to the High Street by providing a resource centre offering face to face advice and a signposting service.

Target Audience: Individuals who are concerned about

energy price rises and the environment, but are unable or unwilling to access internet based information.

Business Profile: Approximately 4 million households in

England are classified as being in fuel poverty with rural properties, low income and very inefficient homes being at the highest risk of fuel poverty.
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Diana is inspired by the way something old or unwanted can be transformed and loves using up, re-purposing and not throwing away. byEthicals is sincerely passionate about not using landfill or incineration for waste disposal; this drives our procurement and waste policies that are at the core of our ethical approach. byEthicals guarantees that every product is made with a minimum 75% recycled textiles and that any residual waste (if any) is responsibly disposed of. Our approach to making bags is definitely low tech and ensures that age-old craft skills are not lost forever and minimises our carbon footprint. This way of sourcing fabrics, trimmings and notions means that no two bags are the same. byEthicals will also tailor any of its products to the customers specific needs, offering a unique quality and hand worked, bespoke product. As the business expands I wish to provide employment to increase production capacity whilst offering the opportunity for people to work from their homes, enabling them to schedule their own working hours around their caring responsibilities. My absolute aim is to set up a co-operative, to give employees a personal stake in the companys growth.

Service: Individually designed and made handbags and

soft furnishings from re-purposed textiles in a zero waste environment.

Target Audience: People who want a beautiful, one-of-a

kind product and are purchasers with an environmental and social awareness.

Tel: 07832 300 104 FB:

Business Profile: Every fabric holds a story

Every Bag carries a unique combination of stories Every new owner unlocks future stories
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The key worker for AACETS is Lynne Hadley. Lynne is an exspecial needs tutor who has worked specifically with Autism and Aspergers for the last six years. AACETS is dedicated to improving opportunities for people with autism, as well as giving help, support and training to people who need it. Our service is available to parents who need help and advice about how to get a diagnosis, availability of services, education and social events. We offer guidance to help with putting in place the daily structures needed to promote individuals independence and empower families to stay together. In addition to empowering parents, training is also offered to schools and other services. This can be a very effective way of utilising the skills and knowledge of teachers, classroom assistants and other support staff to help children with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) in the classroom and other school contexts. This can be offered in the form of workshops or as additional support in the classroom. AACETS is a more than profit social enterprise, a business with a social purpose and social aims. It trades in a competitive market and uses profits for community benefit.

Service: Promotion of Autism awareness, training, support,

advocacy and empowerment.

Email: Tel: 07928 160 776

Target Audience: Anyone who has or is affected by Autism

including individuals, parents, carers, schools, health care professionals and social groups.

Business Profile: AACETS provides a range of services to

support, advocate, help and empower anyone with Autism as well as offering support to the wider community to raise Autism awareness.
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management and animal husbandry. At the same time the young people are being helped to build self-confidence, develop teamwork skills and explore business start-up possibilities. For example, clearing trees from the land to make more accessible areas, and cutting and selling the logs produced. We look to provide volunteering in a structured way, setting out clear goals and expectations and keeping records so that the young people develop a good work ethos. The Street Outreach Project is already successfully working with local schools, offering an alternative learning environment for young people who have been excluded. In order to reach more young people in rural villages in mid-Cornwall, The Street Outreach Project has acquired a van, which will be equipped with a kitchen and small sound system. A mobile service will provide entertainment for young people in the villages visited, whilst teaching cooking skills to promote healthy eating, and to enjoy the food prepared. Such group activities meet our aim to serve the needs of young people in the community by spending time listening, responding to needs and providing resources, support and mentoring to empower young people to take control of their own lives.

Service: Providing opportunities and support for young

people to grow aspirations and turn them into reality.

Target Audience: Young people aged between 11 and 25

in mid Cornwall and beyond.

Web: Tel: 07747 343 637

Business Profile: Working with small groups, The Street

Outreach Project aims to encourage young people into voluntary opportunities, training, employment and starting their own businesses. We are based in 3.5 acres of woodland on the outskirts of Lostwithiel. This offers great opportunity to work on a range of projects to learn skills in woodland
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from the project. Service provider Lea Ferrar is passionate about providing a service to bridge the gap for many who simply cannot fulfil their independent learning tasks. The five founding principles behind the project are to improve the educational opportunities of children in full time education and to provide access to on-line training opportunities for adults who are seeking to improve their employment prospects. Access to the internet will provide financial benefits through online shopping for products and services like groceries, household goods, utilities, insurance and banking products. It also encourages social inclusion through using social media to stay connected to family and friends. The project also provides training opportunities for under-employed members of the community through learning practical refurbishment skills. By following this ethos we are delaying the wasting of precious resources by recycling equipment. When youre living on a low income, every penny counts and having access to the money saving deals available on-line, coupled with improving your educational chances, makes a real impact on your quality of life now, and makes a positive change to your future.


Service: We accept donations of end-of-life computer

equipment and refurbish the equipment so we can provide it to low-income homes, to help with education, social inclusion and personal financial control.

Target Audience: Low income homes Business Profile: The Computers4Homes project provides
refurbished end-of-life computer equipment sourced through donation, to low income homes, whether that is a family with children, a couple, or a single person living alone; anyone in receipt of a social security benefit can apply to receive support

Web: Tel: 01726 339 518/07969 002 411




Homeopathy is based on the principle that treats like with like, that is a substance which causes symptoms can be used to treat those same symptoms. For example, coffee can cause sleeplessness and agitation but when used as a homeopathic medicine it can be used to treat people with these symptoms. This concept is also sometimes used in conventional medicine; for example, the stimulant Ritalin is used to treat patients with ADHD. However, one major difference with homeopathic medicine is that the substances are harmless and non-toxic. Anna has personal experience of the benefits of homeopathic treatments, which helped her overcome a serious illness after she had suffered adverse effects from treatment using conventional medicines. The impact of homeopathy on Annas life led her to study for 4 years to gain a qualification at the Contemporary College of Homeopathy to enable her to offer medication to others. She strongly believes in the merits of integrating both the conventional and homeopathic treatment. Naturale Livings aim is to establish a homeopathic clinic and an online service offering treatments at affordable prices. Links will also be developed with local health related charities and organisations who would like to support their clients to access the homeopathic services on offer. Anna would be delighted to hear from anyone interested in this exciting new project.

Service: Naturale Living will be an inclusive homeopathic

service. Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats the individual by triggering the bodys natural system of healing.

Target Audience: People who are seeking health and relief

from illness through alternative medicine, and in particular those individuals and families who may not be able to afford homeopathy.

Email: Tel: 07872 325 400

Business Profile: The aim of Naturale Living is to raise

awareness of and access to homeopathy, particularly to people who might ordinarily find the cost to be prohibitive.
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be a safe place to stay when the chaos of life gives a young person the urge to run away from it all. It is intended that there will be bespoke accommodation provided. This will allow each young person their own space, while having areas to mix with others within the group. There will be space on site for developing a sustainable food growing area and the location will afford access to the surrounding countryside, to allow them to develop a new perspective and more positive outlook, in an inspiring place. The young people will be identified primarily in conjunction with Childrens Services. Dependent on the identified needs of the young person, there will be access to appropriately trained and accredited staff. We will be respectful of privacy and considerate of the reasons behind the need for escape. The team will be on hand, creating an understanding environment and facilitating a supportive community within the retreat, valuing the differences each individual will bring. Opportunities will be available to take part in activities that connect to the individuals needs while identifying strengths and overcoming the difficulties faced. The Hills will be a Community Interest Company with a board of directors and will seek to re-invest surplus income generated back into the business. It is intended that The Hills will be open by spring 2014. If you are interested in being a part of this inspirational project please contact Julie Pattison:

Service: The Hills will be a retreat for young people who are
unable to cope with the challenges of their daily life and who have been identified as in need of some supported time away.

Target Audience: The Hills will be a retreat for young people

who are unable to cope with the challenges of their daily life and who have been identified as in need of some supported time away. It is intended that the main target audience will be young people between the ages of 12 and 17.

Business Profile: The Hills will be a residential retreat for

young people set in the beautiful Cornish landscape. It will

Email: Tel: 07753 425 894





and the social community which exist independently from one another. Community Events Co will support groups aiming to tackle these issues by providing a template to help them optimise use of shared community space. The template enables community groups to change their focus from a reliance on grant funding, to a more self sustaining model that allows for greater local community development. Catherine is currently working with a community in St Ives to test the template model. The programme will draw on three sites with the aim to generate funds through a variety of ticketed events and workshops at each site that then subsidise, free or greatly reduced cost, community workshops and events. As a community interest business model, this could then be transported and tailored to different communities across the country. Thus increasing the scope for groups who struggle to continue delivering annual events, to extend their programmes and benefit more community members.

Service: Providing a community events template supporting

communities to operate in a sustainable way without being reliant on grant funding.

Email: Tel: 07824 701148

Target Audience: Community Groups and Organisations

(currently with a focus on those supporting the elderly and families).

Business Profile: As a society in the 21st Century we have

so much to learn from each other and yet we have become so isolated in so many ways, in particular the older members of our community and the very youngest and also the business
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introduced Lynne to the benefits of cooking and eating as a community. This concept developed into working with people within various social exclusion zones offering them the chance to experience the creation and consumption of tasty and healthy meals. Lynnes latest project in Cornwall targets new mums by offering a safe place for children to play and be noisy, whilst mums can eat well, relax and meet other new mothers. Her inspiration is drawn from the idea of food poverty and realising that most nutritional problems are a result from a lack of knowledge. Lynne has witnessed positive physical and mental changes in her clients, as they gain knowledge in how to look after themselves and their families through the process of cooking and eating. With the enormous help of Cornwall SSE, The Soul Food Project is born. The Soul Food Project hopes to enhance cooking skills, increase confidence, offer social support, improve access to food, and provide common ground for local people and professionals to work together in innovative ways. This will be achieved through workshops and short courses, a community bakery, pop up village cafs, food co-op, a new mums caf with taster sessions in weaning and toddler food, an after school cooking club for parents and their families, one-day events of community recipe sharing and cooking demonstrations, catering and entrepreneurial training. Food is so primal, so essential a part of our lives, often the mere sharing of recipes with strangers turns them into good friends Jasmine Heiler.

Service: To encourage and support people to enjoy sharing

the opportunities to access and cook quality food.

Target Audience: People and communities who feel

excluded, ranging from new mums, young people not in education, training or employment, Anyone with learning difficulties or a mental health problem and the elderly.

Business Profile: Lynne Dyers background in festival

catering and as a community artist has led her to marry the two passions of food and people. Her first Community Chef project was working with asylum seekers and refugees, which

Email: FB: SoulFoodProjectCornwall



of like-minded people can gather together to make use of, and enjoy the land. We can offer endless possibilities allotments, wooded areas, fields for camping, and a small lake, plus all the wildlife that goes with it. Whilst it is aimed that the service users, such as individuals on the autistic spectrum, will benefit from a breath of fresh air, it is important that everyone who participates in an outdoor activity at Meadowside will experience a positive effect. Achieving this for those with the special needs may come simply from this change of surroundings and routine, or it may come through their participation in one or many of the activities available. In addition, a major aim is to enable those who are active in the provision of day to day care, to both witness the enjoyment and the benefits that will be gained, and also to participate themselves. Thus not only bringing them all closer but enabling them to create for themselves those special life moments and memories. Life at Meadowside hopes to bring out the individual in everyone. It has the potential to inspire self-confidence, selfworth, wellbeing and a freedom for self-expression that can only come through relaxation and security in a closer union with nature.

Service: Life at Meadowside provides eight acres of open

countryside suitable for a wide range of outdoor activities close to the sea in rural North Cornwall.

Target Audience: Organisations, groups, families and

individuals who have an association with autism.

Email: Tel: 07827 959 686

Business Profile: Life at Meadowside project is being

brought about by my belief that there is a need in everyone to be able to experience and to explore nature in a rural environment, whilst feeling safe and comfortable. Groups
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Today we still need to find meaning in the best and biggest picture of reality we have, the one provided by modern cosmology. Big Bang Day will provide an annual focus to celebrate a cosmology that for the first time in history represents an accurate and detailed account of the evolution of the Universe and will mark a day to revere that most significant event of all.. the beginning of time.. our origin story. Launched as a science and arts festival in Cornwall in 2013, Big Bang Day will introduce fascinating and inspiring science to engage both adults and children. A varied program will encourage public participation in talks with many prominent scientists, cosmologists and astronomers, together with related music, comedy, magic and art events. As a worldwide calendar day Big Bang Day will provide inspiration and resources to encourage groups in other countries to establish their own festivities.

Web: Email: Service: Establishing an international observance day

designated Big Bang Day and organising an annual science and arts festival to celebrate the day.

Target Audience: Those with an interest in how science

and reason can inform our view of the cosmos and the significance of our place in it.

Business Profile: For every traditional culture known to

anthropology a celebration of cosmology was vital because it made sense of the ordinary world by defining a larger reality.
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record of important dates, names, moments and details of their lives. This preserves their life stories for future generations, can be treasured by family together with providing a unique social history resource. The benefits for people retaining their mental agility through sharing memories are already very well documented. We provide a one to one confidential service and also group sessions assisting individuals to remember and record their own UNIQUE LIFE. Also available for all ages, we are creating a range of small books offering encouragement, hope and reassurance through the use of positive thinking, to enable individuals to believe in themselves. There are two sides to every story, and by offering the opportunity to look at both sides of situations, a new perspective can often emerge for people who may have lost their way, be it, through bereavement, getting in with the wrong crowd, or, those who just need to build on their own self-worth.

Email: Tel: 077291 09 817 Service: Covering two different services and goals. One
gives people a written record of important details, dates and moments of their lives to hand down to family and save for history with another, aiming to improve a persons selfesteem and outlook on life.

Target Audience: All ages with one capturing someones

life history and another to provide a new and more positive perspective to someones outlook on life.

Business Profile: To offer a valuable experience for older

people or those without computer skills, to have a written
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integration and independence within the different cultures who share this same geographical space. Equality and diversity within our educational programmes is a key aim to facilitate cultural understanding and social integration. Over the last 6 years, Carla has gained experience through voluntary work with many communities and individuals in the area. This work has helped many people from different origins and cultures to develop confidence and enjoyment in engaging with their neighbours in Cornwall. All Together intends to build on this, and will provide a hub to encourage communication, recognising and respecting differences and similarities, to celebrate our diversity and enhance our communities.

Tel: 07857 774 834 FB:

Service: All Together offers a variety of educational

workshops and activities, running in various local business venues, to help bring communities together.

Target Audience: Individuals from diverse origins living in

Cornwall, community organisations and local businesses.

Business Profile: There are many communities from diverse

origins such as Asian, Indian, Portuguese, Polish, Spanish, and people originating from all over the UK, living alongside one another in Cornwall. All Together aims to promote inclusion,
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their vision to regular PR agencies. The service enables social enterprises, community groups and other similar bodies, to have cost effective packages of Press, PR and social media services, aiming to showcase, profile and grow their business and campaigns in Cornwall and nationally. Specialising in launch and fundraising events, Doing Good Locally brings in many members of the community and local businesses to deliver its services. This approach helps to build community ties, raise the profile of clients, and establishes relations between local causes and businesses, to everyones benefit. Tamzin Wood has been a national press officer for environmental, educational and music festivals such as Sunrise, Big Green Gathering and Waveform. She has recently represented community interest companies and foundations such as Sirens Surfs School and The Mercedes Curnow Foundation.

Web: Tel: 07542 970 965 / 01736 361 027 Service: Event Management, PR and Press services, including
profiling and launches, representation and design.

Target Audience: Members of the public and businesses in

the South West, with a focus on social enterprises.

Business Profile: Doing Good Locally is a Press, PR

and Event Management Company, representing social enterprises, such as community interest companies, charities, foundations and other similar organisations. The aim is to provide affordable services to the social entrepreneur who has little budget, and who may have difficulty communicating
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production) as a medium which operates to improve the lives of people, animals and the nature of the environment. Operating as an international resource, this facility increases public access to digital equipment and passes on skills, functioning as a `community arts` establishment. It explores and helps to promote the special interests of groups and individuals in a wide variety of cultural situations. In total, this organisation works to bring together tried and tested approaches within the fields of education and the arts, while raising contemporary ideas about cultural regeneration, healing, and the use of imagination to enhance what we do in our everyday lives, during work, rest and play.


Web: Email:

Service: H.E.A.L utilises digital media, to enhance, support,

promote, empower, and facilitate these, to improve what they are and do.

Target Audience: This agency works with individuals,

groups, communities, organisations, animals and environments.

Business Profile: This agency is a social enterprise which is

based in an office in the South West of England. It operates an international forum, network and website, promoting the use of digital media (particularly educational video
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development and conservation studies in Africa. By founding Little Eden Green Living Project Cornwall Sharon wishes to create a centre for everyone interested in making a change to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. Sharon is developing a project that brings together local companies, institutions, and organisations such as renewable energy companies, architecture students and lecturers, and organic landscape gardeners to green-up (i.e. retrofit) an old guesthouse in the heart of Falmouth. This will include the installation of solar panels, wind turbines, and a waste and rainwater treatment system through plants, as well as the uses of recycled material for insulation, and organic garden. The house will be a showcase and offer training opportunities, led by experts, for volunteers, interns and apprentices in turning existing houses eco-friendly. Moreover, an indoor and outdoor workshop area will offer space for courses, events, and talks about environmental education. These will include for example seashore and rock pooling sessions for children, organic cooking evenings and coastal food foraging, or talks by experts on environmental issues. Parallel to this, an eco-living project will offer accommodation to students, families and professionals as well as backpackers, interns and volunteers working on the project and student/ school classes to experience living in a friendly community of people wishing to live in a sustainable and eco-friendly way.


Service: Little Eden is a green-living project providing

community living and holiday opportunities in Cornwall as well as creating unforgettable learning experience in environmental education, supporting eco-projects while operating in the greenest possible way.

Target Audience: Individuals from diverse origins living in

Cornwall, community organisations and local businesses.

Web: Tel: 07780 468 945

Business Profile: Sharon has a background in research in

Human Ecology/Political Ecology and is particularly interested in human-nature relationships and interaction, including
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with children, young people, families and individuals who have had poor experiences in life. We use an integrated method of working and all our sessions involve the use of specially trained and chosen therapy animals including dogs, ponies, chinchillas, rabbits, guinea pigs, chipmunks, chickens and ducks. Animal Assisted Therapy can bring positive results where other conventional approaches do not seem to work. Animals are non-judgemental, give unconditional love, and can be the first form of safe touch for survivors of abuse. They are an excellent aid to encourage communication and assist with non-verbal communication promote an individuals self-esteem and independence whilst building self-confidence. We work within family relationships and encourage attachment and attunement through nurturing activities. We aim to develop the playful attuned responsiveness from the caregiver to enable the development of a secure attachment which leads to the capacity for self-regulation, to understand and empathise with others and to a feeling of self-worth. The bond between animal and human is undeniable. Animals are a natural part of our world - we are surrounded by animal images from an early age. The human/animal bond is pure when witnessed and by allowing time and consideration for both, we believe we can improve the quality of life for those with whom we work. We also offer specialist training for professionals in related fields and have a welcoming training venue where animal interaction is involved and encouraged.

Service: Therapeutic work for families and individuals

using integrated therapy including Theraplay with Animal Assistance to enable positive life experiences. We also provide specialist training for professionals.

Target Audience: Social services projects, domestic abuse

refuges, schools, hospices, individuals, and homes for the elderly.

Business Profile: Based in mid Cornwall and founded by

family therapist Ren Chorley, the Noahs Ark Family Project is a unique organisation which specialises in therapeutic work

Web: Tel: 07930 829 229


Cornwall SSE Office 3 10 The Old Carriage Works Brunel Quays Lostwithiel PL22 0EN (T) 01208 871 810 (E) (W)

Central SSE 2nd Floor 139 Tooley Street London SE1 2HZ (T) 020 7089 9120 (W)

With special thanks to Lynne Dyer (Cornwall SSE Fellow) for your photography services.

Created by on 100% post-consumer FSC recycled stock.


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