A Review of Key Networking Concepts

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A Review of Key Networking Concepts

Dr. Arjan Durresi The Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210 Durresi@CIS.Ohio-State.Edu These slides are available at: http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~durresi/cis777-03/
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Telecommunications tools to improve communications ! ISO/OSI Reference Model ! Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 LANs ! Interconnecting Devices All these concepts are taught in CIS677.
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Exchange of Information (Communication), makes possible the Human society and the civilization ! Improvements in communication - milestones in the history of civilization " Language " Writing " Books " Electronic communication, Internet

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Tools created to increase and enhance our capabilities: " Cars, Airplanes, Microscopes, Telescopes " Telegraph , Telephone to communicate " Computers born to store and process information " Computers to communicate; Network - more than two computers ! Each epoch in human history is dominated by one tool: " Industrial Revolution: Steam engine " Information Age: Computers and networks ! The Internet is the universal medium of communication
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Communication with computers

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In 1890 simple telephone networks with manually operated switches circuit switching ! Operators replaced by mechanical switches and 100 years later by electronic switches

Evolution of Networks

Electronic switches and exchange control information using the common channel signaling (CCS)
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Evolution of Networks
Since 1980s Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) for the transmission links of the telephone networks ! Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) integration of data and voice ! Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) > 1.5 Mbps downstream

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Up to 38kbps over short distances (less than 30m) ! Serial transmission one character at a time ! Each character => 7 bits + 1bit parity

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Synchronous Transmission

The first computer networks designed to share largescale computers ! HDLC family ! Packet based => header + data + CRC

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Store-and-forward Packet Switching

To interconnect many computers ! Statistical multiplexing more efficient than timedivision multiplexing ! ARPNET late 1960s " The network is peripheral

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Evolution of Networks
Emergence of LANs ! In the 1990s Internet becomes a commercial success ! Internet has been doubling is size every nine months ! From If a company is important it is online to If a company is not on line it doesnt exist ! The impact of Internet: " Economic, Education, Government, etc.

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Local Area Networks

Emergence of LANs ! Ethernet 10Mbps, 100Mbps, 1Gbps, 10Gbps ! Ethernet everywhere: LAN and WAN

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Token Ring better performance than Ethernet ! Avoid collisions ! Handle priorities ! FDDI up to 100Mbps ! Data + Real time traffic

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Asynchronous Transfer Mode

Switched technology total throughput much larger than shared medium ones ! 53 bytes cell. Integration of data and voice. ! Very good QOS ! Complex, less scalable than Ethernet and IP, no native applications
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Always more speed


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Cable Television Networks

! ! ! ! !

CATV delivers TV in more than 50% of US households High Speed Internet Access. Cable modems: 45 Mbps downstream, 1.5 Mbps upstream Sharing Security issues No cable in offices But new revenue for providers
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Historical Maps of Computer Networks

http://www.cybergeography.org/atlas/historical.html ! The pioneering research of Paul Baran in the 1960s, who envisioned a communications network that would survive a major enemy attacked. ! Donald Davies, a pioneer in networking in the 1960s ! A good book Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet, by Katie Hafner and Matthew Lyon

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Trend: Convergence
Entertainment Video Games Publishing News Cable TV Advertising Digital Media Production


Computer Digital Media Storage/ Handling

Video Voice Transport Transport

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Convergence (Cont)
Content Computing Communications ! Merging of Content Providers and Content transporters ! Phone companies, cable companies, entertainment industry, and computer companies ! Single department for telephone and computer networking ! LAN/WAN convergence
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Social Impact of Networking

From : To be important should be online to: To exist should be online


No need to get out for " Office " Shopping " Entertainment " Education

Virtual Schools ! Virtual Cash ! Virtual Workplace ! 165 Million US online users
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Cave Persons of 2050

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Networking Trends ?
Networking Bottleneck Bandwidth bps more important that CPU speed ! Networking Age - Internet-based Economy ! Internet Growth - High ! Data > Voice Networking and Telecom Merger ! Quality of Service Holy Grail for the research ! Optical Networks The promise for unlimited bandwidth ! The Internet - the universal medium of communication
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How Fast is the Internet Growing?


IP Traffic Growth will slow down from 200-300% per year to 60% by 2005
- McKinsey & Co and JP Morgan, May 16, 2001

98% of fiber is unlit - WSJ, New York Times, Forbes (Fiber is a small fraction of cost. Laying is expensive.) ! Nortel blamed sales decline on falling IP traffic ! Carriers are using only avg 2.7% of their total lit fiber capacity - Michael Ching, Marril Lynch & Co. in Wall Street


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The Bubble
Networking Spending Dot Coms CLECs Y2K

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

! !

Sidgmore: Internet Traffic doubling every 40 days, 30 days, Over-projection data networking equipment Nearly 1/3 of all tech IPOs over the last 21 years happened in 1999 and 2000. Source:Morgan Stanely/Chi at Opticomm

! !

CLEC - Competitive Local Exchange Carrier ILEC - Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers
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Internet Growth (Cont)

! !

Demand on 14 of 22 most used routes exceeds 70%

-Telechoice, July 19, 2001

Traffic grew by a factor of 4 between April 2000April 2001

-Larry Roberts, August 15, 2001

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Total U.S. Internet Traffic

20 Largest Tier 1 U.S. Internet Service Providers 60 50 40 Total U.S. Internet Traffic 30 20 10

3.0/yr Average Growth Rate


Jan 00 Apr 00 Jul 00 Oct 00 Jan 01 Apr 01 Jul 01 Oct 01 Jan 02

Source: Roberts et al., 2002

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Moores Law is Too Slow

70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 1 2 3 Traffic

Moore's Law 4 5 6


Moores Law: Factor of 2 every 1.5 years 60%/year ! Internet Traffic: Factor of 4 per year Need for more Networks, QoS, Optical Switching
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Voice vs Data: Traffic vs Revenue

100% 80% 60%
Aug 2000 IP Traffic IP Revenue Aug 2002 Voice Traffic Voice Revenue

40% 20% 0% Jan-00






Source: L. Roberts at Opticomm 2001

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Trend: Traffic > Capacity

"You can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much bandwidth" Expensive Bandwidth Cheap Bandwidth ! Sharing ! No sharing ! Multicast ! Unicast ! Virtual Private Networks ! Private Networks ! Need QoS ! QoS less of an issue ! Likely in WANs ! Possible in LANs
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Technology depends on the Socio-technical System " Social, Political, Economic, Institutional ! Not simply the rational product of scientists and engineers. ! Technology makes sense when seen as part of the society ! Examples: " Automobile engines: Internal combustion vs. steam " Network technologies: ! OSI vs. TCP/IP vs. ATM, Ethernet vs. Token Ring, ISDN vs. fax ! Future: Quality of Service mechanisms over the Internet
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Is Technology only technical stuff ?

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The right Trade off in Networking

Need Cost


User is the King => Pays the bill ! What does the user really need? ! Killer applications are key for the success of a particular technology ! In todays Internet the driving need is connectivity " Email and web browser killer applications, which dont need more QOS ! Future Internet, new applications + more QOS ?
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Dealing with Network Complexity

Network complexity: " Many technologies with different features " Not all standards are compatible, from different organizations " Multiple technologies to interconnect the networks " No single underlying theory that explains the relationship among the parts ! How to learn about the networking ? " Focus on the concepts, go beyond the details " When needed is easy to go from concepts to details " Concepts are borrowed among technologies.
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ISO/OSI Reference Model

3 2 1 Application Presentation Session Transport Network Datalink Physical File transfer, Email, Remote Login ASCII Text, Sound Establish/manage connection End-to-end communication: TCP Routing, Addressing: IP Two party communication: Ethernet How to transmit signal: Coding

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TCP/IP Reference Model

TCP = Transport Control Protocol ! IP = Internet Protocol (Routing)

TCP/IP Ref Model Application Transport Internetwork Host to Network

TCP/IP Protocols

OSI Ref Model Application Presentation Session Transport Network Datalink Physical
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Ether Packet Point-tonet Radio Point

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Layered Packet Format


Nth layer control info is passed as N-1th layer data. FTP FTP Data Header TCP Header IP Header TCP Data IP Data Ethernet Data
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Ethernet Header
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Ethernet Trailer
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Hour-glass model:
" " "

Internet Protocol IP

Glue of the Internet, Everything over IP, and IP over everything The single common language

Implemented at both hosts and routers ! Accommodating heterogeneity ! Minimalist approach. Best effort datagram service ! One of the main reasons of the Internets success

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Internet Architecture
! Defined

(IETF) ! Hourglass Design ! Application vs. Application Protocol (FTP, HTTP) FTP HTTP NV TFTP

by Internet Engineering Task Force


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TCP/IP Networking Architecture

Router = Intermediate Node

End host A FTP

FTP Protocol

End host B Application


TCP Protocol IP Protocol IP Protocol


IP Ethernet Driver

IP Ethernet Driver

IP Ethernet Driver

Network Ethernet Driver

Ethernet Protocol
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One or more nodes within the network

Ethernet Protocol

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OS / SO Ne wo g OSI/ISO Networking Architecture

End host Application End host Application Presentation Presentation









Data link

Data link

Data link

Data link





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One or more nodes within the network

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OSI vs TCP Reference Models

! ! ! ! ! !

OSI introduced concept of services, interface, protocols These were force-fitted to TCP later It is not easy to replace protocols in TCP. In OSI, reference model was done before protocols. In TCP, protocols were done before the model OSI: Standardize first, build later TCP: Build first, standardize later OSI took too long to standardize. TCP/IP was already in wide use by the time. OSI became too complex. TCP/IP is not general. Ad hoc.

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Coding Terminology
Pulse Bit

+5V 0 -5V

Signal element: Pulse ! Modulation Rate: 1/Duration of the smallest element =Baud rate ! Data Rate: Bits per second ! Data Rate = Fn(Bandwidth, signal/noise ratio, encoding)

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Channel Capacity
Capacity = Maximum data rate for a channel ! Nyquist Theorem: ! Bilevel Encoding: Data rate = 2 Bandwidth

1 5V 0 0 Multilevel coding: Data rate = 2 Bandwidth log2 M 10 11 01 00 Example: M=4, Capacity = 4 Bandwidth
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Channel Capacity (Cont)


Bilevel Encoding: Worst case: 1010101010 Cycle time = 2 Bit time Data rate = 2 Bandwidth

1 5V 0 0 Multilevel coding: Worst case 0011001100110011 Cycle time = 4 Bit time Data rate = 2 Bandwidth log2 M 11 11 00 00 11 00 11 00
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Channel Capacity (cont.)


Bilevel Coding: Worst case: 1010101010

5V 0 0 1 0 Time 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 Frequency 3F

Bilevel Coding: not worst case: 111000111000

0 Time 0 0 0 F Frequency

5V 0

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Shannon's Theorem
! !

Bandwidth = B Hz Signal-to-noise ratio = S/N Maximum number of bits/sec CMAX = B log2 (1+S/N) " Application of Second Law of Thermodynamic " When more than CMAX, information becomes noise Example: Phone wire bandwidth = 3100 Hz S/N = 30 dB, 10 Log 10 S/N = 30 Log 10 S/N = 3, S/N = 103 = 1000 Capacity = 3100 log 2 (1+1000) = 30,894 bps Compression : Code repetitive patterns with a shorter data set " Example: Code XXXXXX (6 bytes) with 2 bytes

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Nyquists vs. Shannons Theorem

Nyquists Theorem: " Explore ways to encode bits " Clever encoding allows more bits to be transmitted per unit time, for example multilevel encoding ! Shannons Theorem: " No amount of clever encoding can overcome the laws of physics
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Data vs Signal
Data 1010



Data: Analog (Music), Digital (files) ! Signal: Analog (POTS, Radio), Digital (ISDN) Data Analog Digital Analog Digital
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Signal Analog Analog Digital Digital

Examples Modulation AM, FM Coding/Keying ASK, FSK, PSK Modulation PCM, ADPCM Coding Manchester, NRZ
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Bit Stuffing
! ! !

Delimit with special bit pattern (bit flags) Stuff bits if pattern appears in data Remove stuffed bits at destination 0 11111 11111 11111 10010

01111110 0 111110 111110 111110 10010 01111110

0 11111 11111 11111 10010
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What Goes Wrong in the Network?

Bit-level errors (electrical interference) ! Packet-level errors (congestion) ! Link and node failures ! Messages are delayed ! Messages are deliver out-of-order ! Third parties eavesdrop ! The key problem is to fill in the gap between what applications expect and what the underlying technology provides.
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Flow Control
Flow Control = Sender does not flood the receiver, but maximizes throughput ! Sender throttled until receiver grants permission ! Methods: " Stop and wait " Sliding window

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Error Control
Error Control = Deliver frames without error, in the proper order to network layer ! Error control Mechanisms: " Ack/Nak: Provide sender some feedback about other end " Time-out: for the case when entire packet or ack is lost " Sequence numbers: to distinguish retransmissions from originals ! ARQ: Stop and Wait, Selective Reject, Go-back n
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Data entering network divided into chunks called "packets'' packets traversing network share network resources (e.g., link bandwidth, buffers) with other packets. Resource use: statistical resource sharing Resource demands may exceed available resources :

Packet Switched

A and B packets arrive at R1, destined for C : resource contention: queuing (waiting), delay are random
A B R1 R2 C

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Circuit Switched
! All

resources (e.g. communication links) needed by the call dedicated to that call for duration example: telephone network demands may exceed available resources; A and B want to call C: resource contention: blocking (busy signal)
A B R1 R2 C

! Resource

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Addressing and Routing

! Address:

byte-string that identifies a node " usually unique ! Routing: process of forwarding messages to the destination node based on its address ! Types of addresses " unicast: node-specific " broadcast: all nodes on the network " multicast: some subset of nodes on the network
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! Time-Division

Multiplexing (TDM) ! Frequency-Division Multiplexing (FDM)

L1 L2 L3 Switch 1 Switch 2 R1 R2 R3

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Statistical Multiplexing
On-demand time-division ! Schedule link on a per-packet basis ! Packets from different sources interleaved on link ! Buffer packets that are contending for the link ! Buffer (queue) overflow is called congestion

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Why statistically share resources?

Save/make money! ! Example: 1 Mbit/sec link; each user requires 100 Kbits/sec when transmitting; each user has data to send only 10% of time. " circuit-switching: give each caller 100 Kbits/sec capacity. Can support 10 callers. " packet-switching: with 35 ongoing calls, probability that 10 or more callers simultaneously active < 0.0004! ! Can support many more callers, with small probability of` "contention.''

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Inter-Process Communication
! Turn

host-to-host connectivity into process-toprocess communication. ! Fill gap between what applications expect and what the underlying technology provides.
Host Host Application

Host Application




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Network Support for Applications

Network supports common process-to-process channels; ! Request/Reply: for file access and digital libraries ! Message Stream: for video applications " video: sequence of frames " resolution: 1/4 TV-size image = 352 x 240 pixels; " 24-bit color: frame = (352 x 240 x 24)/8 = 247.5KB; " frame rate: 30 fps = 7500KBps = 60Mbps " video on-demand versus video-conferencing
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! ! ! ! !

Duplexity: " Simplex: Transmit or receive " Full Duplex: Transmit and receive simultaneously " Half-Duplex: Transmit and receive alternately Error Control: Make "channel" more reliable; Error detection and recovery Flow Control: Avoid flooding slower peer Fragmentation: dividing large data chunks into smaller pieces; reassembly Multiplexing: several higher level session share single lower level connection Addressing/naming: locating, managing identifiers associated with entities

Design Issues for Layers

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Performance Metrics-Important Concepts


" "

" " "

Bandwidth Bandwidth vs. throughput Amount of data that can be transmitted Delay per time unit link versus end-to-end Notation: KB = 210 bytes, Mbps = 106 bits per second Bandwidth related to bit width B = 1 Mbps B = 10 Mbps 10 bits Link 1

1 bit 1 microsecond

Link 2
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Performance Metrics-Important Concepts


Latency (delay) " time to send message from point A to point B " one-way versus round-trip time (RTT) " Latency = Propagation_time + Transmit_time + +Queuing _time ! Propagation_time = Distance/SpeedOfLight ! Transmit_time = SizeOfData/Bandwidth ! Queuing _time = Processing time in routers, long in case of network congestion when routers buffer the data
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Performance Metrics (cont.)

! Speed

of light

3.0 x 108 meters/second in a vacuum " 2.3 x 108 meters/second in a cable " 2.0 x 108 meters/second in a fiber No queuing delays in direct link ! Bandwidth not relevant if Size = 1 bit ! Process-to-process latency includes software overhead ! Software overhead can dominate when Distance is small
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Relative importance of bandwidth and latency " small message (e.g., 1 byte): 1ms vs 100ms dominates 1Mbps vs 100Mbps With bandwidth = 100Mbs => transmit_time = 0.08 micros With bandwidth = 1Mbs => transmit_time = 8 micros " large message (e.g., 25 MB): 1Mbps vs 100Mbps dominates 1ms vs 100ms " With bandwidth = 1Mbs => transmit_time = 200 s " With bandwidth = 100Mbs => transmit_time = 2 s High speed networks " RTT dominates
! !

Performance Metrics (cont.)

Throughput = TransferSize / TransferTime TransferTime = RTT + 1/Bandwidth x TransferSize


1-MB file to 1-Gbps link as 1-KB packet to 1-Mbps link

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Performance Metrics (cont.)


Delay x Bandwidth: amount of data in the pipe, important concept in network design " Example: 100ms x 45Mbps = 560KB
Bandwidth Delay

Application Needs " Bandwidth requirements: burst versus peak rate " Jitter: variance in latency (inter-packet gap)
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Connection-Oriented vs Connectionless
Connection-Oriented: Telephone System " Path setup before data is sent " Data need not have address. Circuit number is sufficient. ! Connectionless: Postal System. " Complete address on each packet " The address decides the next hop at each router
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Multiple Access Protocols

(a) Multiple Access

(b) Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection

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Multiple Access Protocols

Aloha at University of Hawaii: Transmit whenever you like Worst case utilization = 1/(2e) =18% ! CSMA: Carrier Sense Multiple Access Listen before you transmit ! CSMA/CD: CSMA with Collision Detection Listen while transmitting. Stop if you hear someone else. ! Ethernet uses CSMA/CD. Standardized by IEEE 802.3 committee.
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The diagram was drawn by Dr. Robert M. Metcalfe in 1976 to present Ethernet to the National Computer Conference in June of that year
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Interconnection Devices
Repeater: PHY device that restores data and collision signals ! Hub: Multiport repeater + fault detection and recovery ! Bridge: Datalink layer device connecting two or more collision domains. MAC multicasts are propagated throughout extended LAN. ! Router: Network layer device. IP, IPX, AppleTalk. Does not propagate MAC multicasts. ! Switch: Multiport bridge with parallel paths These are functions. Packaging varies.
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Interconnection Devices
LAN= Collision Domain Application Transport Network Datalink Physical
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Gateway Router Bridge/Switch Repeater/Hub

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Router Extended LAN =Broadcast domain Application Transport Network Datalink Physical
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IEEE 802 Address Format

48-bit:1000 0000 : 0000 0001 : 0100 0011 : 0000 0000 : 1000 0000 : 0000 1100 = 80:01:43:00:80:0C

Organizationally Unique 24 bits assigned by Identifier (OUI) OUI Owner Individual/ Universal/ Group Local 24 1 1 22 ! Multicast = To all bridges on this LAN ! Broadcast = To all stations = 111111....111 = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
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ISO/OSI reference model has seven layers. TCP/IP Protocol suite has four layers. ! Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 uses CSMA/CD. ! Addresses: Local vs Global, Unicast vs Broadcast.

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Homework 4

For each of the following addresses: indicate whether it is a multicast and whether it is a locally assigned address? 80:03:45:00:00:00 40:03:45:00:00:01 Were these addresses assigned by the same manufacturer?

From the book: ! Due: Next class

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