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ENRYCH Berkshire

September 2012

Best of British (and Berkshire)
Wow. What a summer! Sport has been at the fore of everyones minds this summer whether you usually engage or not, you couldnt have missed the wonderful results from Wiggins in the Tour de France, the Olympic medal upon medal from the likes of Hoy, Ennis and Farah. And hot off the press, Murray following his Olympic gold with a win in the US Open. But the big story for us at ENRYCH Berkshire is the work of the Superhumansthe Paralympians. riding a horse as therapy for her cerebral palsy. And now 20 years later she has achieved so much just through a simple activity which made her happy. to achieve the best they can. Each of us needs to decide what will become our medal event for some this may be getting a Bronze for taking up a long lost passion or discovering a new skill, receiving a Silver when they achieve or create something they didnt think possible three months ago, and grabbing Gold for taking that step further and pushing the boundaries to the limit and becoming a Superhuman in their own right. Each of us has the ability to be more tomorrow than we were yesterday, and ENRYCH Berkshire will be by your side to help you reach that podium.

So if the games have spurred you on to try a new sport, we know that not everyone will be flying off to Rio to take part in the next Games, but everyone can strive

And in Berkshire we have our own local Paralympic champion in Sophie Christiansen, three gold medals in Equestrian for the girl from Maidenhead. She started

Making the Games

Seven years ago I watched London win the bid to host the Games and I knew then, despite not being a huge fan of most sports, that I had to be part of it, even if it meant cleaning toilets. Fast forward to 2012 and Id been interviewed and selected and they gave me the role of driver, of both the (in)famous BMWs and of wheelchair accessible vehicles. Over my time at the Games Ive had the privilege to drive Athletes, Officials, Coaches and foreign dignitaries and spent time in one of the most amazing venues on the planet with a great group of fellow volunteers. It was an amazing and humbling experience and one that I know I Berkshire Coordinator Lucy, outside the Athletes wont be able to repeat in this Village with one of the snazzy BMWs they foolishly lifetime! let her drive! (More photos available via ENRYCH Berkshires Facebook page)


PAMS (Personal Assistant Matching Service) is now PARCS (Personal Assistant Register and Client Support)! The change of name reflects new services for disabled people who wish to employ a Personal Assistant. Not only will we offer PAs from our approved register, if none of them is suitable we will support clients to advertise for a PA. If you need some help, for example with the interviews, putting together a contract, and running a Criminal Records Bureau check, we can help with all of that as well. A PA is employed by someone to support them with everyday tasks such as personal care, shopping, cleaning, gardening, meals or other assessed needs. For more information, contact Jill or Karen on 0118 963 5971/0844 4127581, or email We are also pleased to welcome Karen Carminke to ENRYCH Berkshire. I am pleased to be joining ENRYCH Berkshire as a part time PARCS Coordinator. I have previously been working for a local charity ABC to Read. I was a fieldworker for 7 years supporting volunteer reading mentors helping primary school children with their literacy skills. In my spare time I enjoy running and cycling. I also sing as part of a large Rock Choir group which is great fun and very sociable. Last year we even managed a performance at Wembley Arena! I am looking forward to settling into my new role.

Volunteersour Gold medalists

Despite losing the word volunteers from our name we are still an organisation dependant on and eternally grateful to the volunteers who work with us. Their dedication and enthusiasm means that our members can reach their full potential. Superstar Volunteers 1 year+ service to ENRYCH Berkshire Sarah4 years Ellie3 years Liz3 years Ruth2 years with Berkshire, (previously 6yrs with Oxon) Zoe2 years Anna1 year Next years Superstars: John Farah Linda Andrew Anuradha Rebecca Dont already volunteer with us? Want to see your name here? Contact Lucy for details of our current opportunities with members whos interests include: Fishing Swimming Reading

Model Railways Watching Football

Learning Spanish Wool Spinning

Social Meetings & Events 2012

19th September12:00-14:00 Lunch at Toby Carvery (Richfield Avenue) 22nd SeptemberStreet Collection Broad Street (contact branch for more information) 17th October12:00-14:00 Lunch at Toby Carvery (Richfield Avenue) 25th OctoberTheatre Trip Reading Between The Lines, Reading Minster * see below 16th November12:00-14:00 Lunch at Toby Carvery (Richfield Avenue) 11th DecemberChristmas Lunch Venue TBC

All social events are open to members, volunteers and supporters of ENRYCH Berkshire. Assistance with travel can be provided for members, contact for more details. A small raffle will be held at each lunch, bring some extra cash for your chance to win! In addition it would be nice if you can let Lucy know if you are planning on attending coffee or a lunch so that we can alert the venues to potential numbersbut this isn't essentialjust turn up!

A Night of Culture
We will be attending their production of Shakespeares Twelfth A large number of Night on Thursday 25th members and volunteers October that is being have been asking for a performed inside bigger outing than just Reading Minster of St the normal lunches. Mary. For those Weve investigated and interested in eating as a been offered a great deal group as well, we will be with a local theatre meeting at 5:30pm for company, Reading dinner in nearby Pizza Between The Lines. Express, or you can join us later at the church at

If music be the food of love, play on...

7:15pm in time for the performance. Tickets are 15 for standard tickets, 13 for concessions and 8.50 for under 12s. These prices are discounted for early booking before the 23rd September, so please let Lucy know as soon as possible if you (and your family) would like to attend.
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ENRYCH Berkshire
1210 Arlington Business Park Theale Berkshire RG7 4TY Phone: 0118 963 5939 E-mail: Facebook: Twitter: @enrychberkshire Charity no: 1120831 To receive this newsletter in a different format, or to be added or removed from the mailing list, please contact the branch and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Ambitious Driving for ENRYCH Berkshire

The ENRYCH Berkshire fundraising committee have just organised the 3rd Annual Golf Day at Goring & Streatley Golf Club. The event was very successful and has raised a brilliant 1,700. The charity has had an amazing amount of support from the Golf Club, Walmsley Estate Agency who entered a team, sponsored a hole and supplied the winning team with their prize of a golf shirt. It is also thanks to many companies such as:- Tess Group, Compass Leasing, B&B Developments, Leekes, Kestrel Guards and jbmp Printers that such an incredible amount was raised. The four Doyle brothers Clive, Chris, Ralph and Trevor were the winning team for the second year running. Who will beat them next year!!! Please keep in mind Friday 13 September 2013 in case you know of anyone who would be interested in entering our 4th Annual Charity Golf Day. The fundraising team would be very interested to hear from anyone who would be willing to run a fundraising event for ENRYCH Berkshire, for example a coffee morning. Please contact the ENRYCH Berkshire office or Sandy on


Doyle brothers celebrating their win!

The team from ENRYCH, gracious losers!

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