AdinetNewsletter Dec 2008

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ISSN 0972 - 4222

A Quarterly Publication of ADINET, Ahmedabad
Vol. 15. No. 4, October-December 2008
Editors : Ms. Rhoda Bharucha & Mr. Saroj Das

Published by: Ahmedabad Library Network (ADINET)

C/o, INFLIBNET Centre, Opp. Gujarat University Guest House, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009
Tel: 079 - 26305630, 26300368 FAX: 079 - 26300990

• MONTHLY LECTURE SERIES 9 & 10 For latest
• PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY - Libraries in 21st Century Activities / Programmes of
• TECHTOOL Visit us at:

F R O M P U B L I S H E R ’ S D E S K
Dear Friends, lenges today in this Information Age. This is largely due to
the tremendous & rapid developments in the field of Infor-
Wish you all a Very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2009. mation & Communication Technologies (ICT). This has also
created a gap between the information rich & information poor.
We had an eventful year in 2008, we conducted many activities The information needs & preferences of the users also change
and programs throughout the year. We wish to sincerely thank very quickly.
all those who were directly or indirectly involved with our activi-
ties and hope that the support and participation continues. All this has lead to the need to make LIS Students aware about
The latest program conducted was the Awareness Program the developments in ICT & in management strategies to enable
for MLIS Students in Gujarat, organized in collaboration with them to cope with the changing times & to bridge the gap
INFLIBNET and LIS Dept., Gujarat University on 30th Decem- between the theoretical aspects taught & the practical skills
ber 2008. The objectives of the program was: required to serve the users community successfully.

>To make the students aware about the relevant advancements ADINET has started a web based Student Group for all MLIS
in the field of ICT (those which have affected the field of LIS) Students of various universities in Gujarat. This Student Group
>To enable students to appreciate useful changes in manage provides support & opportunities for all MLIS Students. It en-
ment strategies. ables them to interact with each other & also with the Faculty
>To enhance the understanding of the students about the re Members.
quired Information Literacy Skills. A directory of current MLIS students of different universities
>To inform the students about the necessity of supplementing have also been created.
traditional learning with e-learning.
>To make the students aware about the importance of quality Details of the program will be given in our next issue.
work, especially quality information products & services, the
requisite qualities of an individual & the need for an attitudinal In the year 2009...
change. Let’s READ and inspire others towards READING
Let’s LEARN and help others in LEARNING
A Library is the heart of any institution & the Librarian or the Let’s KNOW and radiate KNOWLEDGE
Information Manager of any Library, plays a very crucial & piv- Let’s SHARE and GROW together...
otal role in dissemination of information & improving the qual-
ity of life of the citizens. Let us resolve to collaborate and work together towards a suc-
cessful professional year ahead.
The field of Library & Information Science is facing many chal-
--Editors 1
ISSN 0972 - 4222

Monthly Lecture Series 9 & 10

Monthly Lecture # 9 1878 at Berne. This was followed by a Berne convention in
FRBR: Conceptual Model for Bib- Rome in 1886.
liographic Universe by Mr. Rajesh
Chandrakar, INFLIBNET England was the first to adopt to adopt CR in 1709. India
Owing to rapid changes in publica- adopted CR in 1914 almost similar to England with little
tions, information explosion and its changes and continued for 10 years even after independence.
availability in different formats either India made its own CR in 1957 with 15 clauses. As time
in same location or in different loca- passed it saw revisions in 1883, 1884 and 1999 covering
tions, the expectations from the us- computer programs/software.
ers changes.
This together with reduction of library budgets and influence CR is basically exclusive rights to copy and make use of
of technology on library automation, has created the need one's creation and prevent others from enjoying such rights.
change the cataloguing practice and a suitable environment It is for the specific period but can be bought, sold, licensed
for the current system. Accordingly, an International Study and assigned. It comes into existence as soon as the work
Group was formed by the IFLA to look in to the matter. The is created. Its registration is not compulsory but can be use-
Study Group studied the consequences since 1992 to 1995 ful in case of dispute. Even manuscripts can be registered
and developed entity-relationship model. The final report of with the copy right office at Delhi
the study group was submitted during 1998 as a Functional
Requirements of Bibliographic Records (FRBR). The entity- Usually original author enjoys CR during the whole life time
relationship model for the bibliographic universe is intended plus 60 years after his death. In case of joint authors, this
to be independent of any cataloguing code or implementa- period is counted after the death of a last surviving author. If
tion. The FRBR is pronounced as fer-ber sometimes as ef- the work is anoymous or under pseudoname such period is
aar-bee-aar includes a description of the conceptual model counted from the date of the publication of such work.
based on the entities, relationships, and attributes or
metadata. It is a proposed national level bibliographic record Broadcast (Communication to the people) and performing
for all types of materials, and user tasks associated with arts like Singers, Musicians enjoy CR for 25 years.
the bibliographic resources described in catalogues, bibli-
ographies, and other bibliographic tools. Howsoever, without any reasonable cause owner of the CR
FRBR offers a fresh perspective on the structure and rela- can't stop reprint of his work if it is needed for the society.
tionships of bibliographic and authority records and also a Copyright Board can authorize applicant to undertake the
more precise vocabulary to help future cataloguing rule de- reprint. But in such case the royalty will go to the original
finers and system designers in meeting user needs. The owner.
conceptual model is based on the entities such as work, CR does not protect Ideas/Concepts unless they are mani-
expression, manifestation and item, which creates close fested in some form. Of course, CR has several exceptions
relationship with their attributes. The relationship is defined namely the use of reasonable portion for research, personal
between the entities and the attributes keeping in view the study or reviews, quoting short phrases, citation while com-
specific user tasks that bibliographic records are intended paring, talking or writing reports on corrent problems, con-
to fulfil i.e. find, identify, select, obtain. FRBR also provides tents from newspapers, war facts, myth, legend, discovery,
conceptual foundation for RDA (Resource Description and answer books by the students from the text books, charity
Access), where RDA will include the FRBR terminology for show or drama by amaterurs or students provided it is free.
bibliographic descriptions. The lecture dealt with the over-
view of FRBR and the understanding of its terminology. Works on India or by any NRI in foreign countries are pro-
*** tected.

Monthly Lecture # 10 In case of violation, remedies can be sought through civil,

Copyright Law in India by Shri criminal and administrative processes. While deciding the
P. V. Mehta dispute "Fair use Doctrine" is main criteria. Appeal can be
The presentation traced the evolu- made against decision to CR Board within three months.
tion of Copyright (CR) from ancient Copyright Office and Copyright Board has judicial powers.
times to an advent of paper in A.D,
105 and printing press in A.D, Infringement of CR in India has now become an economic
1436. Multiple copies became pos- offernce, it is a cognizable offence and a hurdle of time limi-
sible and creators of original works tation bar is no longer a problem now.
became more conscious of their
commercial rights when others Thus, the Monthly Lecture covered all the major library con-
started to reap the benefit of their works. Rationale of CR sortia in India which do provide e-resources & also plan to
developed and a conference presided over by Mr. Victor Hugo extend this service to entire academic community.
(renowned author of a classic - La - Miserable) was called in
ISSN 0972 - 4222

In case of violation (translation, pirated copies etc.) the printer, tion. World Federation of Consumers (London) recommends
publisher, book seller and all abettors are infringers and li- that countries should not extend the minimum limit of 50
able to be prosecuted. Punishment is mandatory and it ranges years of protection.
from 6 months to 3 years prison with minimum fine of Rs.
5,000 to Rs. 2,00,000 and in case of reoccurrence the quan- At the end of the presentation, a warning was also sounded
tum of fine and prison shall increase. that advances in digital technolgy, photocopying and Internet
facilities have virtually opened up the gates of infringements.
CR Law in India is now in full conformity with TRIPS obliga- Librarians need to be careful, lest they become abettors.

P r o f e s s i o n a l A c t i v i t y - Libraries in 21st Century

Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, orga- Mr.Shailesh Yagnik

nized Two Days National Conference on “Libraries in >Collection development of e-resources in 21st century -
21st Century” during 18-19 October 2008. Dharmista Patel
>Collection development of e-resources with special refer-
Sub-themes of the conference were: ence to academic libraries -Balvant Tandel & Rupam Gupta
>Philosophy of Librarianship in changing environment >Collection development in new era - Samir Chaudhary
>Role of Library & Information Professionals
>Knowledge Management Day Two – Technical Session 3
>Collection development in new era. >Mobile Learning and M-Library - Mr. Sohil Pandya
>Information policy and IPR. >IPR issues in Digital Environment - Ms.Geetaben Gadhvi
>RFID Technology and its uses - Mr. Harendrasinh.P. Gohil.
Eminent LIS professionals from different universities and or- >ERM systems: need of the 21st century - Dr.Sanghmitra
ganizations participated and presented their thoughts. These Pradhan
included Prof. Jagtar Singh, Punjabi University, Patiala, Prof.
A. C. Tikekar, Mumbai University, Mumbai, Dr. S. P. Satarkar, Day Two – Technical Session 4
Maharshee Ramananda Marathwada University, Nanded, Their were FIVE papers presented
Maharashtra, Ms. Geeta Gadhavi, Gujarat University, >Philosophy of librarianship - Dr. Shyama Rajaram
Ahmedabad, Dr. Shyama Rajaram, M. S. University, Baroda, >Role of library in 21st century - Archna Shukla, Ranjita Dash,
Ms. Rhoda Bharucha, Director ADINET, Ahmedabad, Mr. P. Kanchan Patel and Rajiv Patel presented their thoughts indi-
C. Shah, President G.G.S.S, Mr. Shailesh Yagnik, MICA vidually.
Ahmedabad, Ms. Dharmistha Patel, ISRO Ahmedabad, Prof.
C. N. Raval, Prof. U. A. Thaker and Mr. N. D. Oza of the host Mr. P. C. Shah summed up and gave an overall account of
university also presented and participated. the two days national conference, which was very informa-
T e c h Ttiveaandl interesting.
The conference was attended by more that 300 delegates
and students from LIS Departments of various universities Finally, the conference unanimously passed the resolution
and institutions. and expressed that the DLIS, Sardar Patel University
should take a lead role in the implementations of the
The conference was presided over by Dr. B. G. Patel, Vice following resolutions:
Chancellor S. P. University and the Keynote address was
given by Prof. Jagtar Singh on Organizational Learning 1. The Press & Registration Act (1867) and Delivery of Books
for Knowledge Management, which was very informative Act (1956) are amended suitably to cover electronic re-
and thought provoking. sources.

There were four Technical sessions, two each for a day. 2. The National Library Associations should undertake scru-
Day One – Technical Session 1 tiny of various Library Automation and other software’s and
>21st Century demands quality in LIS - Mr.P.C.Shah electronic security systems and guide libraries in Selecting
>Institutional Repository as an effective tool for KM in Uni- them.
versities - Mr.N.D.Oza
>Library in 21st Century - Mr. Kiritbhai Bhavsar 3. In view of rapid technological development and their in-
>Philosophy of Librarianships and Library Profession - creasing application in Libraries, DLIS should hold refresher
Ms.Vaishali Bhavsar and Mr. Suman Parekh courses for Para - professional staff working in Libraries.

Day One – Technical Session 2 4. The University Authorities should take special measures
In this session total SIX papers were presented. to modernize the university and college libraries and assist
>ADINET in the frame of Impact of ICT in Academic Library - them to transform into 21st century libraries in true Sense.
Ms.Rhoda Bharucha
>KM in IT environment - Dr. Satarkar. (Inputs received from DLIS, S. P University, V. V. Nagar)
>Image management of Libraries and Library profession -
ISSN 0972 - 4222

L i b T a l k - C O P I F A S T L I B R A R I A N
COPIFAST is an acronym devised for some highly effective pected to quickly adapt to the environment and provide value-
habits that a librarian must acquire in this fast changing en- added services to their patrons or else days are not very far
vironment to survive. when the profession would be extinct.

The Librarians of 21st century are confronted with multi-di- Letusnow EXPAND theacronym "COPIFAST"
mensional challenges of providing cost-effective efficient ser-
vices, living up to the expectation of agile and informed users C - Communicative
and their complex information needs, upgrading technical O - Organized
skills to cope with the rapidly changing technology and con- P - Proactive
stant threat from aliens (non-library professionals) entering I - Innovative
into their regime. F - Flexible
A - Approachable
Librarianship has undergone a whole paradigm shift, the con- S - Self-motivated
cept of librarianship itself has changed, they are more com- T - Team Player
monly known as Information Specialists, Information Scien-
tists, Information Officers, Information Managers, Knowledge Let us try to inculcate these habits as FAST as possible to
Managers, Knowledge Workers, Knowledge Officers, etc. save the profession from extinction.
--Saroj Das
In this changing scenario the library professionals are ex-
T e c h T o o l
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F o r t h c o m i n g E v e n t s
National Workshop on Library 2.0: A Global Informa- Contact:
tion Hub, 5-6 February 2009, PRL Ahmedabad. Ms. Nishtha Anilkumar
Workshop Coordinator
Workshop Theme: Physical Research Laboratory
>Understanding Web 2.0 Navrangpura
>Interoperability Standards and Protocols Ahmedabad-380 009, (Gujarat) India
>Network and RFID Technologies Phone : 079-26314167, 079-26314166,
>Open Source Technologies 093270 23728 (M)
E-mail :
Registration Fee: Rs. 1000/- (Without Accomodation)
Rs. 1500/- (With Accomodation) For More Information Visit:
Last date for Registration : January 16, 2008 ***

Thoughtful Thought Contribute

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Electronic Version of this Newsletter is available Online on ADINET Website.

ADINET NEWS LETTER is published by Smt. Rhoda Bharucha Hon. Director, Ahmedabad Library Network, Ahmedabad.

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