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Sales Evaluation System Software Requirement Specification E-Students

Version 1.0 Date: 31-Jan_2012

E-Students JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida

Software Requirement Specification

Version 1.0

FACULTY GUIDE: MRS. Rosey Chauhan TEAM MEMBERS Vivek Kumar Tarang Sikarwar (1009113906) (1009113904)


JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida

DEPARTMENT NAME Information Technology STATE Uttar Pradesh

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Sales Evaluation System Software Requirement Specification E-Students

Version 1.0 Date: 31-Jan_2012

Revision History

Date 27-Nov-2011

Version 1.0



Software Requirement E-students Specification

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Sales Evaluation System Software Requirement Specification E-Students

Version 1.0 Date: 31-Jan_2012

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 1.4 References 1.5 Tools Used 1.6 Technologies to be used 1.7 Overview 2. Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective 2.2 Software Interface 2.3 Hardware Interface 2.4 Communication Interface 2.5 Product Function 2.6 User Characteristics 2.7 Constraints 2.8 Architecture Design 2.9 Structural Diagram 2.9.1 Class Diagram 2.10 Behavioral Diagram 2.10.1 Use-Case Model Survey. 2.10.2 Activity Diagrams 2.10.3 Sequence Diagrams 2.11 Database Design 2.11.1 ER Diagram. 2.12 Assumptions and Dependencies
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5 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 15 16 17 18 20 21 24 24 28 28 31 49 67 67 71

2.11.2 Schema . 68

Sales Evaluation System Software Requirement Specification E-Students

Version 1.0 Date: 31-Jan_2012

3. Specific Requirements 3.1 Use-Case Reports 72 3.2 Supplementary Requirements..80

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Introduction 1.1 Purpose

To develop a website for providing the information about sales of company, Management personals and workers about the daily routine functions of the organization. It is a replacement of the physically EVALUATION of sale with an online web application. It will also help the management personnel in decision making regarding any employee, project and client and conducting meetings. Also to enable the users workspace to have additional functionalities which are provided under conventional business software.

1.2 Scope Information relating to a company day to day business. It the step to enhance customer satisfaction so as to increase the throughput of the company. We can easily get the details about any client, project or executive. Objective/ vision: Greater speed of processing ,Better accuracy, faster speed of information, collection and distribution. Integration of data

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

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This section describes the definitions, acronyms and abbreviations used in the SRS.

SES Sales Evaluation System Admin Administrator has the authority to add/delete records and has the overall right on the Server controls. WAS Web Sphere Application Server is an application server that runs and supports J2EE and web service applications. DB2 A database management system that provides a flexible and efficient database platform Maintain records of employees. JSP Java Server Pages is used to create dynamic web content. J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition. A programming platform which is a part of java platform for Developing and running distributed java.

AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is a group of interrelated web development methods used on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications
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UML Unified Modeling Language is a standard language for writing software blueprints. The UML may be used to visualize, specify, construct and document

XML Extensible Markup Language is a text based format that let developers describe, deliver and exchange structured data between a range of applications to client for display and manipulation.

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a service protocol. RAD Rational Application Developer is a development tool that helps to design web pages and also helps to design the diagrams like ER, Database schema diagrams and to generate DDL.

1.4 References

Object Oriented Modeling and Design with UML by Michael Blaha, James Rambaugh. IBM TGMC Sample Synopsis. IBM . Java - Database Management Systems by Navathe. Complete Reference by J2EE Keogh.

1.5 Tools Used

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This section describes the tools that have to be used in development of the system. Web server WAS Web Sphere Application Serve (from now on WAS) is a free, certified Java EE 5 server for building and managing Java applications. It is IBM's supported distribution of Apache Geronimo that uses Tomcat for servlet container and Axis 2 for web services. Over 15 WASCE developers are committers in the Apache Geronimo project. Development tool RAD IBM Rational Application Developer for Web Sphere Software (RAD) is an integrated development environment (IDE), made by IBM's Rational Software division, for visually designing, constructing, testing, and deploying Web services, portals, and Java (J2EE) applications. Database platform DB2 DB2 Database is the database management system that delivers a flexible and cost effective database platform to build robust on demand business applications and supports the J2EE and web services standards. Design tool Rational Software Modeler IBM Rational Software Modeler, (RSM) made by IBM's Rational Software division, is a Unified Modeling Language UML 2.0-based visual modeling and design tool. Rational Software Modeler is built on the Eclipse open-source software framework and includes capabilities focused on visual modeling and model-driven development (MDD) with the UML for creating resilient, thought-out applications and web services.

1.7 Technologies to be used

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This section describes the technologies that have to be used in development of the system. JAVA Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems a company best known for its high end UNIX workstations. Java language was designed to be small, simple, and portable across platforms, operating systems, both at the source and at the binary level, which means that Java programs (applet and application) can run on any machine that has the Java virtual machine (JVM) installed. J2EE Java Platform, Enterprise Edition or Java EE is a widely used platform for server programming in the Java programming language. The Java platform (Enterprise Edition) differs from the Java Standard Edition Platform (Java SE) in that it adds libraries which provide functionality to deploy fault-tolerant, distributed, multi-tier Java software, based largely on modular components running on an application server.

EJB Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology is the server-side component architecture for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE). EJB technology enables rapid and simplified development of distributed, transactional, secure and portable applications based on Java technology. AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is a group of interrelated web development methods used on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications

UML Unified Modeling Language is a standard language for writing software blueprints. The UML may be used to visualize, specify, construct and document
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XML Extensible Markup Language is a text based format that let developers describe, deliver and exchange structured data between a range of applications to client for display and manipulation.

1.8 Overview This section describes the pre-existing system , the proposed system and the our plan of development.

2. Overall Description

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E-Students This section will describe major components of the system, interco1-Existing system provides

functionality only for uploading and downloading files and uploading and viewing a notice. Modules in the existing system a-Login b-Feedback c-contact us d-Admin 2-The system under development will deal with not only these functionalities but also some additional functionalities. Modules in the system under development a-Login b-product information c-File d-Admin e-Employee Profile Management f-Communication g-Project h-Client i-Reporting j-Email Updates
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The following subsections describe how the software operates inside various constraints.
2.1 Product Perspective
Figure 2.1 describes the product perspective.

Fig 2.1: Product Perspective

2.2 Software Interface: This section describes all the software required on all the tiers.

Client Tier : Web Browser, Operating System (any)

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Data Tier : Database server , Application server , Defined interfaces for services

Application Server: WAS, Operating System (Windows and Linux) Data Base Server: DB2, Operating System (Windows and Linux) Development End: JEE, Java, HTML, Java Script, CSS,XML

2.3Hardware Interface: This section describes all the hardware required on all the tiers. 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 System requirement for all tiers Intel Pentium-4 RAM 256 MB HDD 10 GB

Data Tier: Computer System must be able to handle multiple requests simultaneously Connection to the internet. Middle Tier: RFID Reader connected to Serial Port Computer System must be able to run H/W interfacing application and connect to the internet. Client Tier:
Computer System must be able to run a web browser and connect to the internet.

2.4 Communication Interface: This section describes all the communication required on all the tiers. Client on Internet will be using HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

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Client on Intranet will be using TCP/IP protocol.

2.5 Product Function This section describes all the functions supposed to be performed by the system. Setup the basics: The basic details of organization such as working hours, number of working days per month to calculate the salaries will be set up.

Automatic mailing: There will be provision of sending automatic mails to employees regarding salaries, attendance, holidays. Automatic messaging: There will be provision of sending messages to mobiles if employee absent or issued salaries or general messages regarding holidays wishes etc. Reports should be available in different text formats and graphical formats. GUI will be available in minimum two languages.

): 1.The visitor has to fill up the registration form. 2.he will get a registration number 3.Interested visitor to join our company 4.if he is selected ,he became the valid 5.Greater speed of processing 6.Better accuracy 7.Integration of data 8.Large capacity of storing data with reduced cost Non-functional requirements

2.6 User Characteristics This section describes Characteristics of all the users of the system. Visitor

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Can login and view the basic information related to the organization Employees (HR) Departments Products Services Carrier

Employee All the functions of the visitor Update his personal record View the profile of all the employees Communicate with other employees through Chat and SMS Access to Discussion forum Search the employees View his salary report and attendance report Customize the GUI Access to RSS feeds

Operator All the functions of the Employee Send the SMS manually and Schedule the SMS Send the Emails manually and Schedule the Email Add employee record Update employee record Send the wishes through SMS Add the RSS feeds

Administrator Add, view, edit, and delete records Calculate salary Generate salary report and attendance report

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Generate usage statistics report Specify working hours holidays Generate pay slip Translation of the complete GUI

2.7 Constraints This section describes the constraints implied on the system. GUI is in English and in at least one local language.

2.4.1Regulatory Policies

Any person that have experience in the field of website management can regulate this website.

Limited to HTTP/HTTPS.

2.4.2Parallel Operation

This website works on the client-server model.At a time the simultaneous connections to the server should not excced 100.

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2.4.3 Audit Function

The system can perform updating of database i.e system can be audited time to time depending on the situation. Database can be audited according to the event like new user addition,deletion,file upload,notice upload.

2.8 Architecture Diagrams This section contains all the diagrams that describe the architecture of the system.

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Figure 2.8.1 describes the overall system architecture.

Fig 2.8.1: Overall System Architecture

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2.9 Structural Diagrams This section contains all the diagrams that describe the structure of the system. 2.9.1 EJB Class Diagram It represents the class diagram of EJB classes that have to be used as a web services.

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2.10 Behavioral Diagrams This section contains the diagrams that describe the functional behavior of the system. 2.10.1 Use Case Model Survey Figure 2.10.1 represents the overview of all the users and use cases in the system.

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Fig 2.10.1: Use Case Model Survey

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2.10.1 .1 Admin 2.10.2 Operator Operator will have the right to add records in the database and will be responsible for the site it is operating. 2.10.3 Employee Employee can update only his profile and can communicate to other employees via SMS and Messages. 2.10.4 Visitor Visitor can only view the information related to the organization. 2.10.2 Activity Diagrams This section describes all the activities in the project.

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1. Login Figure describes the login activity.

Fig2.10.2.1: Login

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2. Add Product Figure describes the Add Employee activity.

Fig Add Product

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3. Chart Generator Figure Fig describes the Chart Generator activity.

Fig Chart Generator

4. E-Mail Figure describes the Add E-Mail Query activity.

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Fig E-mail

5. Update GUI Preferences

Figure describes the Update GUI Preferences activity.

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Fig Update GUI Preferences

6. Report Generation Figure describes the Report Generation activity.

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Fig Report Generation

7. Send SMS Figure describes the SendSMS activity.

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Fig Send SMS

8. GUI Translate Figure describes the GUI Translate activity.

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Fig GUI Translate

9. View Information Figure describes the View Information activity.

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Fig View Information

Fig Delete Record

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Figure describes the Update Record activity.

Fig Update Record History Sequence Diagrams This section describes sequence diagrams of all the processes in the system. 1. Login
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Figure describes all the sequences in the Login process.

Fig Login 2. Add Record Figure describes all the sequences in the Add Record process.

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Fig Add Record

3. Update Record Figure describes all the sequences in the Update Record process.

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Fig Update Record

4. View Record Figure describes all the sequences in the View Record process.

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Fig View Record

5. Delete Record Figure describes all the sequences in the Update Record process.

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Fig Delete Record

6. Send E-Mail Figure describes all the sequences in the Send E-Mail process.

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Fig Send Email

7. Send SMS Figure describes all the sequences in the Send SMS process.
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Fig Send SMS

8. Generate Report Figure describes all the sequences in the Generate Report process.
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Fig Generate Report

9. Generate Chart Figure describes all the sequences in the Generate Chart process.

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Fig Generate Chart

10. GUI Translator

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Figure describes all the sequences in the GUI Translator process.

Fig GUI Translator

11. Database Search Figure describes all the sequences in the Database Search process.
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Fig Database Search Sequence

12. Update GUI Preferences

Figure describes all the sequences in the Update GUI Preferences process.
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Fig Update GUI Preference Sequence

2.11.2 Schema This section contains all the database schemas. Client DB Database Design Figure describes the schema of the ClientDB datbase.

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Search job areawise Send information for registration

Registration information

NEW USER HistoryDB Database Design

Job availability

Figure describes the schema of the HistoryDB datbase.

Email from supplier


Per day Report from supplier

Response for selection/rejection

Gain information about company profile

On line sales evaluation system evaluation System

Send login details

Update,delete,add product information

Send mail to supplier

Product information userid and password on seleciton by admin Feedback to admin

Up da te info rm

Mail from admin

at io

Get details about registrationAnd selection/rejection



Login details

e-Students/JSS Academy Of Technical Education, Noida complaint abt Send 46 Product used by customer
Send report per day

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Version 1.0 Date: 31-Jan_2012

Fig History DB Database Design


Assumptions and Dependencies

This section contains all the dependencies and assumptions made about the system.

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2.12.1 Dependencies This section describes all the dependencies in the system. Organization policy regarding the attendance calculation and salary calculation Organization policy regarding the holidays and working hours Employee hierarchy in the organization Type of the deployment site e.g. Centralized or client site

2.12.2Assumptions This section describes all the assumptions made about the system.

Site admin must be a person from the administration. Admin and operator must have knowledge of the salary issue process. Site admin and operator must be related to the client organization. Users must have knowledge of anyone language in which GUI is available. Users must be familiar with the internet and computers.

3 Specific Requirements This section contains all the diagrams that specify the requirements of the system. 3.1 Use Case Reports This section conatins the use case reports for all users. 3.1.1 Visitor use-case report Figure 3.1.1 describes use cases of the Visitor.

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Fig 3.1.1: Visitor Use Case report

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3.1.2 Visitor use case report Table 3.1 describes use cases of the Visitor. USE CASE Visitor login Organization Information Employee Information Department Information Product Information Services Provided DESCRIPTION Visitor can login to the site of organization Visitor can view the basic information related to the organization Visitor can view the basic information related to employees Visitor can view the basic information related to department Visitor can view the basic information related to product Visitor can view the basic information related to services Table 3.1: Visitor Use Case report 3.1.3 Employee use-case report

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Fig 3.1.2: Employee Use Case report 3.1.4 Employee use case report Table 3.2 describes use cases of the Employee

USE CASE Access level Update record View profile Chat and SMS Discussion forum Employee Search Generate Report Personalized GUI RSS feeds

DESCRIPTION Employee can perform all the functions of visitor Employee can update his personal record Employee can view the profile of all the employees Employee can communicate with other employees through chat and SMS Employee can have access to the discussion forum Employee can search other employees Employee can view his salary report and attendance report Employee can customize his GUI Employee will have access to RSS feeds Table 3.2: Employee Use Case Table

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Operator use-case report Figure 3.1.3 describes use cases of the Operator.

Fig 3.1.3: Operator Use Case report

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3.1.6 Operator use case report Table 3.3 describes use cases of the Operator.

USE CASE Access level SMS E-MAILS Add record Update record SMS-wishes RSS feeds Discussion forum Chat application RFID reader

DESCRIPTION Operator can perform all the functions of employee Operator can send SMS manually and can also schedule the SMS Operator can send e-mails manually and can also schedule e-mails Operator can add employee record Operator can update the records Operator can send wishes through SMS Operator can add RSS feeds Operator will monitor the discussion forum Operator will monitor the chat application Operator will monitor the rfid module Table 3.3: Operator Use Case Table

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Administrator use-case report Figure 3.1.4 describes use cases of the Administrator.

Fig 3.1.4: Administrator Use Case report

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3.1.7 Administrator use case report Table 3.4 describes use cases of the Administrator.

USE CASE Access level Salary calculation Generate reports Usage statistic Specify working hour Generate pay slip Translate GUI Monitoring Discussion Forum Chat application RFID reader Site Control Remote shutdown History database Query commands Temporary module

DESCRIPTION Admin can add, view, update and delete the records Admin can calculate the salary Admin can generate salary and attendance reports Admin can generate usage-statistic report Admin will specify working hours, holidays Admin will generate pay slip Admin can do the translation of complete GUI Admin will monitor date, time controller and synchronizer Admin will administer discussion forum Admin will administer chat application Admin will administer RFID reader application Admin will control different sites connected to the centralized server Admin can remotely shutdown the server after approval Admin will have access to History database Admin will specify SMS and e-mail query commands Admin will create temporary modules

Table 3.4: Administrator Use Case Table

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3.2 Supplementary Requirements This section specifies the supplementary for the system. 3.2.1 Reporting Requirements

This section describes the reporting requirements of the system. Admin can export any report in different formats. Admin can export any report in different forms of charts. Any employee can export his personal report . Any employee can export his personal report in forms of charts.

The formats in which reports should be available DOC XLS PDF RTF TXT ODT HTML XML Different forms of charts 2D Bar Chart 3D Bar Chart 2D Pie Chart
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3D pie Chart X-Y Chart


Security Requirements

This section describes the Security requirements of the system.

SSL can be used for the secure communication b/w different tiers of the application Server date must not be changed during operation Proper user authentication Proper user authorization Access Control Use of Encryption Use Of captcha in the registration forms Tempering with H/W devices must not be possible


Performance Requirements

This section describes the Performance requirements of the system.

Services will be available 24 X 7. Better Component design for better performance at the peak time Multiple RFID tag processing Easily accessible Multitier Application

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Maintenance Requirements

This section describes the Maintenance requirements of the system.

Flexible service oriented architecture for future extension. Clear separation b/w different tiers Easily Customizable architecture 3.2.5 User Interface Requirements

This section describes the User Interface requirements of the system. GUI should be available in minimum two languages. Web Client should be able to open in different browsers (Mozila, IE, Chrome, Opera) Application must be able to get deployed on windows and Linux.

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Special Thanks

We convey a special thanks to our department and to our college. We also convey a special thanks to all these softwares and websites, they have been helping a lot in doing the project.

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