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QUANTISATION Q1. Q2. The dual nature of photons is decribed by: (A) Interference (B) E = mc2 (C) Diffraction (D) E =hv

Light, a well-known from of energy, is treated as a from of matter, by saying that it consists of: (A) Photons which are bundles of energy (B) Electrons or a wave like matter (C) Neutrons, since electrically neutral (D) None Which is not the property of the photons : (A) Momentum (B) Energy A quanta will have more energy if : (A) The wavelength is larger (C) The amplitude is higher (C) Velocity (D) Rest mass

Q3. Q4.

(B) The frequency is higher (D) The velocity is lower


The energy of electromagnetic radiation depends on : (A) Amplitude and wavelength (B) Wavelength (C) Amplitude (D) Temperature of medium through which it passes The maximum wavelength of radiation that can ionise a sodium atom is 2414 A0 . The ionisation energy of sodium per mole shall be (A) 241.4 Jmo11 (B) 497.7 Jmo11 (C) 241.4kJmo11 (D) 497.7 kJmo11


Photoelectric Q7. A photon-sensitive metal is not emitting photoelectron when irradiated. It will do so when threshold is crossed. To cross the threshold we need to increase: (A) Intensity (B) Frequency (C) Wavelength (D) none The photoelectric effect is described as the ejection of electrons from the surface of a metal when : (A) It is heated to a high temperature (B) Electrons of suitable velocity impinge on it (C) Light of suitable wavelength falls on it (D) It is placed in a strong magnetic field Photoelectric effect shows : (A) Particle-like behavior of light (B) Wave-like behavior of light (C) Both wave-like and particle-like behavior of light (D) Neither wave-like nor particle-like behavior of light The photoelectric effect occurs only when the incident light has more frequency than a certain minium: (A) Frequency (B) Wavelength (C) Speed (D) Charge When the frequency of light incident on a metallic plate is double, the KE of the emitted photoelectrons will be : (A) Doubled (B) Halved (C) Increased but more than doubled of the previous KE (D) Unchanged A surface ejects electrons when hitted by green light but not. When hitted by yellow light. Will electrons be ejected if the surface is hitted by red light: (A) Yes (B) No



Q10. Q11.


(C) Yes, if the red beam is quite intense (D) Yes, if the red beam continues to fall upon the surface for a long time Q13. The work function for a metal is 4 eV. To emit a photo electron of zero velocity from the surface of the metal, the wavelength of incident light should be : (A) 2700 (B) 1700 (C) 5900 (D) 3100 Photoelectric effect is the phenomenon in which (A) Photons come out of a metal when it is hit by a beam of electrons. (B) Photons come out of the nuclues of an atom under the action of an electric field (C) Electrons come out of a metal with a constant velocity which depends on the frequency and intensity of incident light wave. (D) Electrons come out of a metal with different velocities not greater than a certain value which depends only on the frequency of the incident light wave and not on its intensity. In photoelectric effect, the photocurrent (A) Increases with increasing frequency of incident photon. (B) Decreases with increasing frequency of incident photon (C) Does not depend on the frequency of photon (D) Depends both on intensity and frequency of the incident photon Photoelectric effect shows (A) Particle nature of light (C) dual nature of light (B) wave nature of light (D) neither of the natures of light





When light is directed at the metal surface, the emitted electrons (A) are called photons (B) have random energies (C) have energies that depend upon the frequency of light (D) have energies that depend upon the intensity of light (E) have energies less than the energy of incident photons

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