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Impact 1: Health problems A continuing lack of sleep is linked to chronic effects on health problems in the means of medium and

long time effects such as elevated risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and shortened life span. A short sleep duration will lead to impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity. This will increase burden on the pancreas due to insulin resistance, overtime, this compromise organs function and lead to diabetes. Other than that, sleep restriction can reduce the hormone leptin which suppresses appetite and increase hormone ghrelin which increases appetite, related to hunger and appetite. Low level of leptin will affect students appetite by stimulating the brain of getting more food to fulfill the satiety. As this condition continues, students may experience weight gain constantly and thus lead to obesity problems. Other than that, insufficient of sleep can increase the risk of suffering a stroke or developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack. Lack of sleep is known to raise the blood pressure and even lead to irregular heartbeats which are precursors to coronary disease. In a long term, sleep deprivation will eventually lead to range of disorders which often result in shortened life span. Impact 2: Brain and cognitive functions Sleep deprivation may cause short term effect on brain and cognitive function of students. Insufficient of sleeping hours will cause students more difficult to concentrate optimally and therefore difficult to receive information during learning process, especially during the earlymorning class. Besides, sleep deprivation can result in memory loss and reduced mental capacity. Students who are insufficient of sleep often find themselves are unable to remember and recall important information from memory. Neuroscientist believed that sleep is necessary to convert new memories into long-term memory codes and consolidation of memories which is essential for learning new information. Without adequate rest, over-worked neurons are unable to coordinate information properly, and thus, the ability to access previous learned information is impaired. Due to this, students will face difficulty in making decisions and solve problems as they unable to accurately assess the situation and make a wise judgment regarding problems encountered. All of those effects will influence the performance of students in academic as well as dealing problems in life.

Impact 3:emotional&behavior Regarding to medium and long-term effect of problem, sleep- deprived students may suffer from minor to serious extent of metabolism disorder. Due to the shutdown of prefrontal lobe which normally controls emotions, emotional disturbances may occur among students. Without a good rest, the brain reverts to more primitive pattern of activity and becoming unable to give emotional experiences for producing controlled and appropriate response. As a result, irregular behavior of the patient can be observed such as sudden hot-tempered, impatient and so on. Meanwhile, the emotional fluctuations affect the students personal behavior in their daily life causing interpersonal communication or relationship problem. As this happens, they may involve in undesired argument and conflict in social interactions. Furthermore, alterations in mood also affect students ability to acquire new information and subsequently to remember that information. Hence, emotionally disturbed students are hardly to focus in lecture time and understand the syllabus at that particular moment. Moreover, long term sleep deprivations are closely related to some psychiatric disorders particularly involving emotions such as paranoia and hallucinations. Those sleep-deprived students are more likely to develop depression as their emotional capacity not replenished by sleeping.
Impact 4: Stress level

Sleep difficulties and stress are interrelated as stress can be a cause of sleep difficulties which in turn elevates the level of stress. The increment of stress level belongs to short and medium term of effect caused by sleep deprivation. Stress hormone such as cortisol and corticotropin-releasing hormone, CRH are present to prepare the body to fight or flee from danger. Nowadays, most of students are dealing with stress as they find it is difficult to cope with frustration and problems during the day. When they are stressed, higher amounts of a stimulating stress hormone are released which will cause them difficult to get into sleep. Even a single night of disrupted sleep leaves them irritable, less productive and easier to anger, all of which will generate further stress. Students who are chronically sleep-deprived are at higher risk for depression. This is a particular problem for people who don't get enough deep sleep, also called slow-wave sleep. This seems to be the phase of sleep that is easily disrupted by the stress hormone CRH.

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