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A Publication of the University of the West Indies, Mona- Western Jamaica Campus Guild of Students UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013 Copyright 2012

Amended from


UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

This document comprises the policies of the University of the West Indies, MonaWestern Jamaica Campus, Guild of Students Campus Committee. This Revised document, hereafter referred to as the WJC Constitution was enacted by the Constitution Committee during the Guild Council Year 2008 2009. The Campus Committee of 2012 2013 had deemed it necessary to amend and revise the WJC Constitution. This is in an effort to facilitate the continued development of the policies and guidelines of the Guild Constitution. The WJC Constitution is a mandate from which we can measure the success, stagnancy or failure of the Guild Council and the Guild of Students. The WJC Campus Committee of 2012-2013 hereby commissions this document into action, on this the 1st day of June, 2012. From henceforth the WJC Campus Committee, present and future, pledge to uphold the Constitutional rules, Bylaws and Guidelines as laid down therein. The Committee also reserves the right to amend aspects of the constitution as deemed appropriate and in keeping with the convening of the Constitution Committee.

UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

a) In this Constitution, and its bylaws and rules, the following words and expressions shall have these meanings assigned to them: i) Absolute majority means at least three quarters of those present and voting. ii) Bylaws means the byelaws of the Guild for the time being in force. iii) Council means the Council of the University of the West Indies, Mona. iv) President means the President of the Western Jamaica Campus Guild of Students. v) Senate means the Senate of the University of the West Indies. vi) Simple majority means majority for, over votes against, abstentions notwithstanding. vii) Semesters means semester 1 and semester 2, as indicated by the University Calendar. viii) WJC Guild means the Guild of Students of the University of the West Indies, Mona-Western Jamaica Campus ix) WJC Guild Council means the committee of the Guild of Students established under Section 13 (1) below. x) WJC Guild Executive means the branch of the WJC Guild Council that is responsible for the execution of such orders, laws and byelaws, as deliberated by the WJC Guild Council and as established under Section 15 (1) below. b) Reference to this Constitution shall include all bylaws and rules made under powers conferred by this constitution. c) The Constitution Committee as established under Section 25 (1) shall be the authority for the interpretation of the Constitution and its ruling shall be subject only to appeal to the Guild Council.

a) In pursuance of Statute 45 and Ordinance No.1 of the Universitys Charter, there shall be an association of the students of the University of the West Indies, Mona- Western Jamaica Campus, which shall be called the WJC Guild of Students. b) In accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 1, the Guild Council shall be the recognized means of communication between the students as a body and the authorities of the University.

a) For the avoidance of all doubt, this Constitution derives its validity from University of the West Indies Mona Campus Guild of Students Constitution.
UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

b)The WJC Guild is hereby authorized to make rules for its internal management and administration, the election of its officers, the alteration of its rules and all other matters requiring regulation, but no rule shall be effective until it has been approved by the Mona Guild Council.

a) The Objectives of the WJC Guild shall be: i) The furtherance of the educational and social purposes of the University of the West Indies ii) The furtherance of the common interest of members of the Guild iii) The advancement and promotion of unity and fraternity among members of the Guild. b) The objectives of the Guild shall be pursued through the following activities: i) The organization and maintenance of the Students Union as a recreational facility. ii) The advancement of the interests of the Guild Standing Committees as provided for in Section (25) below and which shall be under the auspices of the Guild. iii) Such other activities as shall from time to time be decided by the Guild in the exercise of the powers conferred by this Constitution.

a) Members of the Guild shall be divided into the following classes: i) Full Members ii) Associate Members iii) Honorary Life Members

a) All matriculated students of the University of the West Indies, Mona shall be full members (Students with either Full-time or Part-time status) of the WJC Guild and shall remain members for so long as they are actually pursuing a course of study approved by the Senate. b) Full members of the WJC Guild shall have the following privileges: i) The right to frequent the Union and to enjoy all its facilities and amenities ii) The right to vote at all WJC Guild Elections and to stand for election for any office in the WJC Guild except when debarred by lack of any special qualification, iii) The right to wear the official University colours, iv) The right to frequent the games field and to enjoy all the facilities and amenities offered, v) The right to use/access any University facility provided that rules and regulations are adhered to, and vi) Such other privileges as by this Constitution or by any future amendment of it may be conferred on members of the Guild.

UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

a) The following shall be eligible to apply for Associate Membership: i) Any other person not eligible for full membership under Clause 6(1) pursuing a course of study approved by the Senate of the University. ii) Any person, member of an organization or any organization deemed by the Guild Council as having fraternal ties with the Guild. iii) All Guild employees registered and working with the Guild.

a) Subject to Section 9, The Guild may from time to time on the recommendation of the Guild Council by an ABSOLUTE MAJORITY VOTE, elect persons to be Honorary Life Members of the Guild in recognition of services rendered by such persons to the University or to the Caribbean Community.

a) The privileges of Associate and Honorary Life members shall be the right to frequent the Union and to enjoy the amenities and facilities provided by the Guild Council. Such members will not have the right to vote.

a) The Guild Council shall have the power, on the recommendation of the Constitution Committee, to suspend for good cause or misconduct, any Full or Associate member of the Guild. b) Misconduct means: i) Unauthorized removal of Guild property and/or assets, ii) Misappropriation of Guild funds, iii) Theft of Guild property and or assets, or iv) Any other action or activity not listed above but deemed inappropriate by an absolute majority of the WJC Guild Council. c) A member may be suspended for a period not exceeding three (3) months, and in addition to suspension shall lose all or any of the following rights at the discretion of the Guild Council: i) The right to use the Union and/or the Universitys playing fields, ii) The right to be a playing member of any Club under the control of the Games Committee, iii) The right to participate in the activities of any Club or Society under the control of the Inter-Clubs Committee, or
UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

iv) The right to hold office under the Guild or to be a member of the Guild Council or any Committee thereof. d) Prior to suspension the Guild Council shall forward to the student body, the Chairperson of the Constitution Committee and to the member whose suspension is being considered a report in writing stating the grounds for such suspension. e) On receipt of a written report from the WJC Guild Council the Chairperson of the Constitution Committee shall cast lots from among the members of the Committee to select a subcommittee of three to investigate the report. f) The subcommittee shall elect its Chairperson and determine its own procedure, but shall, in any event, provide an opportunity for the member whose suspension is being considered to present his or her case before them, with the assistance of another Guild member, if requested. Such presentation may be oral or written. g) The decision of the subcommittee shall be in writing, addressed to the Guild Council, and stating the grounds for recommending the enforcement or non-enforcement of the suspension. A dissenting member of the subcommittee shall be entitled to submit his/her reason(s) for dissent. h) In the event of disagreement, the decision of the subcommittee shall be by majority vote. i) The WJC Guild Council shall act on the recommendation of the subcommittee in relation to the enforcement or non-enforcement of the suspension. j) Copies of the decision of the subcommittee and of any dissent shall be given by the WJC Guild Council to the member whose suspension is being considered or sent by registered post to his/her last known address. k) Should the subcommittee decide that the suspension be enforced the suspended member may appeal to a meeting of the Guild. l) The Guild Council shall, on receipt of written notice of intention to appeal from a suspended WJC Guild Councillor, summon a Special General Meeting of the Guild within two (2) weeks for the determination of the appeal. m) The suspended member shall be entitled to attend, circulate written material on his/her case and speak at the Special General Meeting but shall not be entitled to vote. n) The issue as to whether the decision of the subcommittee should be supported or reversed shall be decided by a simple majority of the members present at the Special General Meeting and such determination shall be final.

UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

a) The membership fees for members of the Guild shall be as follows: i) For Full Members, an annual sum approved from time to time by the University Finance and General Purposes Committee (hereinafter F&GPC), after consultation with the Guild Council. ii) For Associate Members, one half the sum determined under Clause 11(1) iii) For Honorary Life Members, no fee. iv) For organizations, two times the sum determined under Clause 11 (1).

a) The Guild fees are a part of the Universitys Miscellaneous Fees, which are paid by students annually at the beginning of each Academic Year. The Guild fee that is paid is the Universitys allocation to the MONA Guild Council. b) The MONA Guild Finance Committee decides to allocate the Guild Fee among the MONA Guild Council portfolios after each and every Guild Councillor presents his/her budget proposals at the annual Guild Retreat. c) The WJC Guild Council Finance Committee will then determine the allocation of funding for its various portfolios. d) The budgetary allocation should be tabled by the WJC Guild Council Finance Committee Chairperson in a meeting of the WJC Guild Council no more than four (4) weeks after the Mona Guild Council Retreat has concluded.

a) Responsibility for property of the WJC Guild shall be conferred on the President, or any other person deemed eligible by the WJC Guild Council. Such person shall submit to the Council an inventory at the beginning of the first Semester and prior to the end of the second Semester, at the last General Meeting of the Guild of Students. b) All property of the Guild must be insured. c) All the property of the Guild (other than cash in hand and cash at the bank) shall be vested in the University of the West Indies, Mona, upon trust for the Guild and shall be used for the furtherance of the objects of the Guild as defined in Section 4 of this Constitution. d) The property of the Guild shall be controlled and managed by the WJC Guild Executive, and shall be used for the furtherance of the objectives of the WJC Guild as defined in section 4 of this constitution. e) In no circumstance shall the property of the WJC Guild or any part thereof be distributed among members of the WJC Guild or appropriated by any of them.
UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

f) All subcommittees of the Guild shall in the first three weeks of Semester 2 and before the end of their year of office submit to the Guild Secretary copies of a complete inventory of each recognized Club, Society and Committee.

a) The government, control and administration of the WJC Guild (except as, otherwise provided by this constitution) shall be entrusted to a committee which shall be known as the WJC Guild Council. b) The WJC Guild Council shall promote, foster and develop the educational, social, cultural, political and economic interests of Guild members in the University community and on the national and international level.

a) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Guild Council shall have the following powers: i) To set up Standing, Special or Advisory Committees. Such Committees shall be under the control of and make reports to the Guild Council except in the case of the Public Accounts Committee, which will not be under the control of the WJC Guild Council but will make reports to the Guild Council as well as the student body. All other Committees shall be under the control of and make reports to the Guild Council at least twice per semester. The first report shall be within the first three weeks of each Semester and the second report within the last three weeks of each Semester. ii) To give approval to the Constitution, Rules and By-Laws of any club or society in the University of the West Indies, Mona Western Jamaica Campus. This may apply from time to time for recognition by the Guild. iii) To make By-Laws as hereafter provided. iv) To make, vary and terminate contracts for and on behalf of the Guild within the parameters of the Guilds financial code. v) As far as community life in a hall of residence is concerned, (resident or nonresident), the WJC Guild Council shall recognize a student Hall Committee, properly constituted within the framework of that Hall of Residence. This Hall Committee shall be the representative organ of the Guild of Students in that particular hall, provided that the constitution of the Hall Committee is acceptable to the WJC Guild Council. vi) Such other powers as are not therein specifically conferred, but which are necessary for the good performance of the Guild and are not conferred by this Constitution on any other body.

UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

a) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the WJC Guild Executive shall have the following powers: i) The management of the daily affairs and operation of the WJC Guild and the Guild Office. ii) The fulfilment of directives and decisions made by the Guild Council.

a) The elected members of the Guild Council shall be: i. The President ii. The Vice President iii. WJC Guild Secretary iv. WJC Guild Treasurer v. The Public Relations and Publications Chairperson vi. External Affairs Chairperson vii. The Male Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Chairperson viii. The Female Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Chairperson ix. The Male Sports Committee Chairperson x. The Female Sports Committee Chairperson xi. The Commuting Students Representative xii. The Part-time Students Representative xiii. Social Science Faculty Representative xiv. Humanities and Education Representative xv. Law Faculty Representative xvi. Medical Faculty Representative xvii. Pure & Applied Representative xviii. Hall Chairperson xix. Deputy Hall Chairperson b) The following positions shall be appointed by the Guild Executive: i) The Auditor ii) The Returning Officer iii) The Guild Advisor

a) The following shall be members of the Guild Executive: i. The President ii. The Vice President iii. WJC Guild Secretary iv. WJC Guild Treasurer v. The Public Relations and Publications Chairperson vi. External Affairs Chairperson vii. The Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Chairperson viii. The Deputy Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Chairperson ix. The Games Committee Chairperson x. The Deputy Games Committee Chairperson
UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

a) PRESIDENT The President shall: 1. Be the Chairperson of the Guild Council, WJC Campus Committee. 2. See to the efficient running of the Guild Council and the Guild of Students. 3. Prepare and present monthly reports from the WJC Guild Council to the Mona Guild Council, the WJC Guild and the University of the West Indies Mona-Western Jamaica Campus Office of Student Services and Development. The report shall include the progress or concerns of all members of the WJC Guild Council, Standing Committees and other specially appointed committees. 4. Prepare summaries of all reports from the WJC Guild Council and present these at general meetings, as well as have these posted, with the assistance of the PR & Publications Chairperson. 5. Present monthly financial reports to the Mona Guild Treasurer. 6. Represent matters of the WJC Guild on the Academic Board. 7. Coordinate and successfully implement at least one campus wide student activity as decided upon by the council. This project must be national in scope. 8. Be the ex officio member of all Standing Committees. 9. Be responsible for discipline and chair the Campus Students Disciplinary Committee. a. Be responsible for the custody and safety of all Guild property and shall take steps to ensure that such property be secured.

b) VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President shall: 1. Be the Deputy Chairperson of the WJC Guild Council and the Guild of Students. 2. In the absence of the President, chair meetings of the Guild Council and Guild of Students. 3. Chair the Transportation Committee. 4. Be responsible for ensuring the terms and conditions of the Guild Bus 5. Be responsible for the communication of the operations of the Guild Bus Service 6. Be responsible for Security and chair the Campus Students Security Committee. 7. Co-Chair the External Affairs Committee 8. Be responsible for planning, coordinating, organizing and overseeing all External (off campus) and outreach events and activities, including all Community Outreach Programmes, of the Guild of Students. 9. Food, Health & Security Services 10. Maintain, manage and improve existing student services and seek where most needed to create effective and efficient services as ratified by the Council. 11. Be the chief liaison officer for the Guild Needy Students Fund and chair the Needy Students Fundraising committee. 12. Plan, organize, implement and work with relevant committees on projects.

UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

13. Be responsible for Clubs and Societies and chair the Clubs and Societies Presidents

Association (CASPA).
14. Any other initiatives undertaken by the Guild Council.

c) SECRETARY The Secretary Shall: 1. Be the official head of the Secretariat of the Guild of Students. 2. Be present at all types of Meetings of the Guild Council except in cases of emergencies. 3. Responsible for organizing, managing and maintaining proper records of the Guild and its Business (e.g. reports), and shall guarantee the effectiveness, efficiency and authenticity of such records. Example organizing and recording files, reports and archives. 4. Be responsible for managing and maintaining an effective information storage and retrieval system. 5. Be responsible for recording and taking notes of such minutes, resolutions and motions as are passed by the Guild Council and the Guild of Students. Minutes should be circulated to Guild Council members no later than seven (7) days after each meeting. 6. Be responsible for organizing Correspondences and preparing the written material for notices and updates, which includes the writing of all letters of the WJC Guild and the designing of letterheads as the WJC Guild may see necessary. 7. Be responsible for gathering all the various information of the Standing Committees, Advisory Committees and Sub-Committees of the Guild Council, in addition to the documentation of information as it relates to the queries and grievances of members. 8. Be responsible for keeping the Guild Council abreast of all important dates, events, notices, deadlines and usual occurrences associated with the Guild Council. 9. Liaison with other Associations, Clubs, Organizations and Societies of all the three campuses of the University of the West Indies: Mona, St. Augustine and Cave Hill, and outside of the University Campus if needs be with the main purpose of retrieving information that would be of concern to the Guild Council/Guild of Students. This will allow the Guild to establish and maintain longstanding relationships with these other organizations. 10. Perform such other functions that are assigned under the Constitution and its bylaws. d) TREASURER The Treasurer shall: 1. Chair the meetings of the Finance Committee. i. In the absence of the Treasurer, the President may convene a meeting of the Finance Committee. 2. Along with the Finance Committee be held responsible if there are any misappropriation of funds and/or if there is evidence of any financial negligence by him/her. 3. Be responsible for managing all the Finances and Accounts of the WJC Guild Council. 4. Be responsible for opening and maintaining all types of financial accounts or any other type of savings or investment instruments, with a recognized Commercial bank or any other Financial Institutions as approved by the WJC Guild Council
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Be responsible for the financial activities of all fundraising events and/or ventures of the Guild Council. 6. Prepare and present monthly financial reports to the WJC Guild Executive. i. Issue a statement of Financial Affairs to the WJC Guild Council at least seven (7) days before the next WJC Guild Executive. ii. Issue a report of all the Profit and Loss Accounts and present Balance Sheets at every Guild Council/Executive Meeting. 7. Be responsible for documenting all Financial Information for it to be published in the Publications of the Guild Council. 8. Be responsible for all Financial Documents of the Financial Institution/s that the WJC Guild Council has business dealings with. (Eg. Bank Statements) 9. Be responsible for securing all source documents from any business transactions conducted on behalf of the WJC Guild. (Cheques, Vouchers, Receipts etc.) 10. Make his/herself available at anytime to the University Bursary, the University Auditors and the University Accountants, if those entities so request. 11. Make vouchers for receipts, disbursements and all Financial Documents available to the University Bursary, the University Auditors, and the University Accountants at anytime, when required. 12. Ensure that the signing conventions and spending protocol is adhered to. 13. Perform such other functions that are assigned under the Constitution and its bylaws. e) PUBLIC RELATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS CHAIRMAN The Public Relations and Publications Chairman shall: 1. Be responsible for all matters relating to the Public Relations of the WJC Guild of Students. 2. Be responsible for all the Publication of the WJC Guild Council. 3. Chair the Public Relations and Publications Committee. 4. Be responsible for the construction and putting up of posters, flyers, notices and all information paraphernalia (miscellaneous articles) that is geared at transmitting information from the WJC Guild Council to the WJC Guild of Students. 5. Seek to ensure special broadcasting facilities in national media. This includes publicizing by the utilization of the electronic media (by television, by radio, by cell phones, by internet etc), the print media, and all other ways and means by which the Public Relations of the Guild of Students will be carried out effectively. 6. Be responsible for maintaining effective communication between the Guild Council and the Guild of Students. 7. Be responsible for the maintenance of the Guild Website. 8. The Public Relations and Publications Chairperson has the power to authorize subcommittees for the effective functioning of the committee. Subcommittees shall focus on: 9. WJC Guild Council Publications i) Media/Communication ii) Fostering good relations between the U.W.I. Administration and the Guild iii) Maintaining the Guild website
UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

10. Be

a member of the WJC Guild Executive, although being an appointed Officer, because of the nature of his/her responsibilities. The responsibilities involves Publications for the entire Guild of Students and not just sections of the Guild of Students. 11. Be responsible for providing information to the Mona Guild Publications Committee Chairperson and Public Relations Officer for the publication of the traditional Freshers Guide, the Guild Calendar and The Eagle Eye (Campus Newsletter). 12. Liaison with CARIMAC. 13. Be responsible for the production of such other newspapers, books, magazines, articles, etc. as the WJC Guild Executive shall desire to publish. 14. Foster relationships between neighbouring tertiary institutions. f) EXTERNAL AFFAIRS

The External Affairs Chairperson shall: 1. Chair the External Affairs Committee 2. Promote, foster, and develop the cultural, educational and social links with, and develop meaningful programs in the wider community, both national and international. 3. Seek to enhance and encourage the broadest of possible participation by students in such programs. 4. Act as the liaison body between the WJC Guild and other unions both national and international. 5. Be responsible for making contact with University of the West Indies Alumni (Past Students) who reside overseas. 6. Be responsible for making contact with Regional and International Students at overseas Colleges. 7. Be responsible for making contact with any type of external Organizations whether locally, regionally and internationally. 8. Be responsible for making contact with International Organizations, Associations and Institutions such as the United Nations, UNICEF, the World Bank, PAHO, the World Health Organization (WHO) and others. 9. Organize subcommittees for the effective functioning of the committee. Subcommittees shall include: a. External Affairs b. Outreach c. Special events 10. Establish a Maintain and develop fraternal ties with the International Union of Students in other countries and the Guild of all the Campuses of the University of the West Indies. Additionally, he or she shall develop and foster international fellowship and understanding between youth and students in the Caribbean and other parts of the world, by developing programmes of mutual benefit. 11. Chair the Special Initiatives Committee. 12. Propose Special Initiatives that must be ratified by the Guild Council. These shall complement existing initiatives. 13. Seek to obtain student discounts in the commercial and public sectors (, pursue employment opportunities for students, and attend to other matters which affect students and students interests (e.g. housing, book prices and other related matters)
UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

g) CULTURAL ENTERTAINMENT AND AFFAIRS CHAIRPERSONS (C.E.A.C.) The C.E.A.C. shall: 1. Be responsible for the planning, coordinating, organizing, screening and overseeing of all Cultural, Entertainment and co-curricular activities with the exception of Sports and Games) of the WJC Guild of Students. 2. Chair the Culture Entertainment and Affairs Committee 3. Be responsible for organizing the annual Guild Orientation Cultural and Entertainment activities. 4. Be responsible for organizing the annual Freshers Fete (Induction) in semester one (1) i) Be responsible for organizing the annual Miss UWI WJC pageant ii) Be responsible for organizing an annual gospel concert iii) Be responsible for organizing an annual Carnival Party in semester two (2) iv) Be responsible for organizing an annual Final Fete. 5. Perform such other functions that are assigned under the Constitution and its bylaws.

h) SPORTS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS The Sports Committee Chairpersons shall: 1. Be responsible for planning, coordinating, organizing and overseeing all Sporting and Gaming events and activities (with the exception of Cultural and Entertainment events and activities) of the WJC Guild of Students. 2. Work in collaboration with the WJC Office of Student Services and Development to advance student welfare through sporting activity. 3. Be the main liaison officer between the WJC Guild and the University Sports Department. 4. Chair the Sports Committee. 5. Be responsible for organizing Sporting and Gaming competitions of various types among all the Departments of the University of the West Indies, Mona- Western Jamaica Campus. 6. Represent the interests of the WJC Guild at meetings convened by the Sports Department. 7. In conjunction with the OSS&D, coordinate the sporting activities during the Universitys orientation programme. 8. See to the efficient running of UWI Mona-WJC Tribal Games a. See to the planning and execution of all Guild TEAM initiative activity 9. Submit monthly reports to the WJC Guild Executive and OSSD Manager 10. Perform all other functions as may from time to time be conferred on him/her by this constitution or its Bylaws. i) FACULTY REPRESENTATIVES The Faculty Representatives to the Guild Council shall:
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1. 2.

Chair the meetings of the Faculty Committee. Appoint a Deputy Faculty Representative of the Committee during the Guild Transition Period. 3. Have their own respective Constitutions which shall be authorized by the WJC Guild Constitution. 4. Appoint a Faculty/Staff Advisor for their Committees. 5. Represent the views and concerns of the Faculty Committee to the Guild Council and other respective authorities in place so as to invoke swift and effective changes. 6. Communicate all directives and relevant information from the WJC Guild and WJC Guild Council to students in the Faculty. 7. Represent the views of the students in the Faculty to the Guild Council and the respective Faculty Boards. 8. Be the official Liaison between the Faculty Administration and the students in the Faculty. 9. Be the official Liaison between the Faculty Board and the students in the Faculty. 10. Represent the issues of the students in the Faculty to the Guild Council on the Students/Staff Liaison Committee. 11. Be the official spokespersons for their respective Faculty Committees at any function, event and/or activity of the Guild Council. 12. Promote maximum participation of members of the Faculty in activities organized by the Guild Council, in addition to two (2) other activities that advance the curricular and extracurricular interests of students in the Faculty. j) WJC HALL CHAIRPERSON The Hall Chairperson to the Guild Council shall: 1. Chair the meetings of the Hall Committee. 2. Represent the views of the Hall Committee to the Guild Council. 3. Have their own respective Constitutions which shall be automatically authorized by the WJC Guild Constitution. 4. Relay all directives and relevant information from the Guild and Guild Council to students in Hall. 5. Present monthly written reports to the Guild Executive on activities in the Hall. 6. Perform all other functions as may from time to time be conferred on him/her by the Hall Committee and this Constitution. k) DEPUTY HALL CHAIRPERSONS The Deputy Hall Chairperson to the Guild Council shall/is: 1. Carry out the functions of the Hall Chairperson in his/her absence. l) COMMUTING & PART-TIME STUDENTS REPRESENTATIVES Commuting & Part-Time Students Representative Representatives shall:
UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

1. Chair the Commuting Students Committee. 2. Be responsible for the interests of the Commuting students (UWI, Mona WJC). 3. Be responsible for improving the access to campus information, news, events and activities for Commuting Students, Part-time Students and all other Students across Jamaica affiliated to UWI (Mona). 4. Be responsible for maintaining the extended hours as it relates to services offered by the Guild. 5. Perform all other functions as may from time to time be conferred on him/her by this Constitution or its Bylaws. 6. Chair the PART-Time Students Committee. 7. Be responsible for the interests of the Part-Time students (UWI, Mona WJC). 8. Be responsible for improving the access to campus information, news, events and activities for Part-time Students affiliated to UWI (Mona-WJC). 9. Continue to lobby for modifications to be made to school timetables, even making it more part-time student and evening student friendly. For example, lobbying for more day and evening classes for most courses. 10. Make sure that modifications to timetables facilitate at least two (2) streams for most courses especially the more populated courses to accommodate part-time students and evening students can attend their classes more regularly so as not to constantly have to either sacrifice school or work, being that all cannot afford to. 11. Be responsible for maintaining the extended hours as it relates to services offered by the Guild 12. Perform all other functions as may from time to time be conferred on him/her by this Constitution or its By-laws.

UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

a) The President, Vice President, WJC Guild Secretary, WJC Guild Treasurer, Culture, Entertainment and Arts Chairperson, Games Committee Chairperson, Commuting Students Representative, shall be elected by secret ballot by March 31st of Semester 2. Only full members of the Guild shall be eligible for nomination. c) One representative from each faculty shall be elected by members of the faculty. d) One Part-Time representative shall be elected by part-time students. e) The newly elected WJC Guild Council shall, at its first meeting which may be held before the date when it assumes office (the Guild Transition Period), appoint the following officers: i) The Public Relations and Publications Chairperson ii) The Guild Advisor iii) The Returning Officer iv) The Auditor f) All members of the Guild Council shall be elected by March 31st of Semester 2 each year.

1. Should the office of the Guild President become vacant, a new President shall forthwith be elected by secret ballot of the whole from among the members of the Guild unless the vacancy shall occur during the last two weeks of Semester 1 or during Semester 2 in which case the Guild Council shall decide whether an election be held or whether the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President until the end of his term of office. 2. Should the office of the Vice-President become vacant, a new Vice President shall forthwith be elected by secret ballot of the whole from among the members of the Guild unless the vacancy shall occur during the last two weeks of semester 1 or during semester 2 in which case the Guild Council shall decide whether an election be held or whether the functions of that Vice President shall be performed by the President or his nominee from among the members of the Guild Council. 3. Should the office of an appointed member of the Guild Council become vacant, the Guild Council shall appoint a replacement in accordance with Section 20 (3). 4. Should a vacancy exist in any other office of the Guild Council, the office shall be filled by a member of the Guild at a Bi-election. 5. No act or resolution of the Guild Council shall be invalid by reason only of any vacancy in the Guild Council. 6. Any elected position of the Guild Council not filled within the prescribed time shall be considered by the Guild Council which, in its discretion, may do one of the following: a. Extend the prescribed time. b. Appoint a member of the Guild to fill the position. 7. Any member of the Guild Council shall cease to be a member of the Guild Council upon ceasing to be a member of the body which elected or appointed them. 8. Any member of the Guild Council who shall cease to be a full member of the Guild shall automatically cease to be a member of the Guild Council.

UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

9. Any member of the Guild Council who shall have been absent from two consecutive regular meetings of the Guild Council or a total of three for the year, shall be considered to have resigned unless reasons for such absence had been tendered at Least twenty four (24) hours prior to the start of the meeting and were considered appropriate by the Guild Council. 10. Any member of the Guild Council may resign by giving notice in writing to the Guild Secretary and the resignation shall be effective not less than four weeks after its receipt.

The Guild Official Handing-Over Ceremony shall take place on the first (1st) Wednesday after the first (1st) Monday of the Month of April. If April 1st falls on a Wednesday, the official day that the Guild takes over office, then the ceremony should be held on the following Wednesday.

The Guild Council Transition Period shall be between the day immediately after the Guild Elections and May 31st. This period should be a period when the incoming Guild Council shall prepare for officially taking over office on June 1st. The outgoing Guild Council is required to guide the incoming Guild Council as it relates to all the business and operation of the Guild Council for the last year, through the Transition Period.

All elected members of the Guild Council shall hold office for one year that is from June 1 to May 31, subject to recall by his/her constituents.

The Guild Retreat shall be held during the Month of June. The incoming Guild Council shall prepare for their Annual Guild Retreat during the Guild Council Transition Period. The budgetary allocations towards the Guild Council for the upcoming Academic Year, is decided at the Guild Retreat.

Any elected member of the Guild Council shall be subject to recall on the basis of Nonperformance or misconduct according to procedures outlined in the bylaws accompanying this constitution.

1. The Guild Council shall meet at least fortnightly (including the Summer Months). 2. Officers of the Guild who are not members of the Guild Council may attend meetings of the Guild Council when invited by the President.

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3. Meetings of the Guild Council shall be chaired by the President or the Vice President in his/her absence or in the absence of both, by any member of the Guild Council elected by a majority of Council members.

1. Meetings of the Guild Executive shall be held at least once per month (including the Summer Months), provided a quorum of not less than seventy five (75) percent of the members is present.

1. All General Meetings of the Guild shall be summoned by the President, or the person acting in his/her office. 2. At every General Meeting the minutes of the previous General Meeting, if found to be correct, shall be confirmed and signed by the Chairperson. 3. The quorum shall be fifteen (15) full members of the Guild. 4. General Meetings of the Guild shall be private and no public reports shall be made of the proceedings, except with the authority of the Guild Council. 5. At a General Meeting of the Guild only Full Member shall have the right to vote. Other members of the Guild shall have the right to attend and speak but not vote.

1. There shall be the following Standing Committees of the Guild: a) The Student Faculty Committees b) The Finance Committee c) The Public Accounts Committee d) The Transportation Committee e) The Properties and Assets Committee f) The Special Initiatives Committee g) The Constitution Committee h) The Disciplinary Committee i) The Clubs and Societies Committee j) The Games Committee k) The Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Committee l) The External Affairs Committee m) The Public Relations and Publications Committee n) Hall Committees o) The Commuting Students Committee p) Part-time Students Committee q) Such other Committees as shall from time to time are decided by the Guild or Guild Council 2. All Standing Committees, except the Games Committee, shall meet at least three times per semester. 3. All decisions of Standing Committees shall be arrived at by a simple majority of all the Committee members. 4. All Standing Committees shall have the power to set up such subcommittees, as they may deem necessary for the adequate performance of their functions.
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5. All Standing Committees shall manage, control and be accountable for all the funds and equipment allocated to them by the Guild Executive. 6. All Standing Committees shall have the right to make, vary and terminate all contracts and business transactions as may be necessary for the adequate performance of their functions; unless these contracts and business transactions are made for and on behalf of the Guild. 7. The Standing Committees shall be constituted within the first fortnight of the elections to the Guild Council. All Standing Committees shall meet within a fortnight of their constitution and shall continue in office until a new committee is appointed in keeping with the respective regulations of the given area they represent. 8. Standing Committees shall make regulations for their own procedures and discipline of their members subject to the approval of the section of students they represent or the Guild Council as the case may be. 9. All Standing Committees shall be governed by the Constitution and its Byelaws. 10. All Standing Committees shall be directly responsible to the Guild Executive or to the respective sections of the student body which they represent. 11. The President of the Guild shall be an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees of the Guild.

1. The Financial Year of the Guild shall be from April 1 to March 31. 2. All monies paid under Section 11 of this Constitution shall be paid to, or in accordance with the directions of the Guild Executive. 3. The WJC Guild Council shall submit after approval by the WJC GUILD Council a budget to the Mona Guild Council. 4. An audited financial statement shall be prepared and circulated within thirty days of the end of the financial year. 5. The funds of the Guild shall be allocated by the WJC Guild Council to the following purposes: a. The general administration expense of the Guild c. All Standing Committees d. Any other purpose, which shall, in the opinion of the Guild, as set out in the Constitution, further the objects of the Guild. 6. In addition to the general requirements, all committees of the Guild shall submit to the Guild Council, as requested, estimates and accounts of income and expenditure from any source.

The Guild Council shall have power by an absolute majority to invest any part of the funds of the Guild in any securities, which shall for the time being be authorized by law as trust securities. All such investments shall be made in the name of the University of the West Indies, Mona, Guild of Students; the account/investment must be cosigned by a non-Guild Council member of the University Community.

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1. The Guild Council may from time to time make byelaws, which shall carry into effect this Constitution and shall promote the objects of the Guild. 2. By-Laws may be made, repealed or amended by resolution passed by an absolute majority of the Guild Council. 3. The Power to make By-Laws shall not be limited by or with reference to any By-Law.

This constitution may at any time be amended by a resolution passed and approved as follows: 1. (a) Passed by a General Special Meeting of the Guild by absolute majority. Copies of the proposed resolution and of the section of the constitution affected shall be posted up with every notice of such meeting not less than seven (7) days before the date is fixed for that meeting. (b) Approved by WJC Guild Council on the recommendation of the Mona Guild Counsil. 2. Such resolution shall take effect from the date specified in the resolution or from the date of the meeting of the Council at which it was approved, whichever is the latter. 3. Should an amendment providing for the election or appointment of an officer of the Guild or a member of the Guild Council or any of its Standing Committees come into effect after the first meeting of the Guild Council, the Guild Council may, at its discretion, do one of the following: (a) Make nomination (s) to the post (s) concerned, whether the post shall be normally elective or not; or (b) Make appointment (s) to the appointed post (s) only and authorize the Returning Officer to hold elections to fill the new elective posts in the manner prescribed. 4. Should an amendment providing for the abolition of an office of the Guild membership on the Guild Council or any of its Standing Committees come into effect after the first meeting of the Guild Council, the Guild Council shall make a decision on the procedure to be adopted.

In accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance made on its behalf, the Guild Council shall be the recognized means of communication between the students as a body and the authorities of the University.

(1) The Guild Council may at any time in its discretion present petitions, reports, recommendations and other communications relating to the affairs of the Guild to the Council or the Senate or any other recognized University body or authority. (2) If any fifty (50) or more full members of the Guild desire that the Guild shall petition the Council or Senate or any other recognized University body or authority on that matter, they shall first forward to the President a written draft of the petition duly signed by all of them and the President shall bring such draft signed by all petitioners to the notice of the Guild Council at its next meeting.

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The Guild Council shall at its discretion and in consultation with the Student Faculty Committees: a. Thereupon accept this form of the petition and present it to the Council or the Senate or any other recognized University body as the case may be on behalf of the Guild or, b. With the approval of the members signing it, amend the draft petition and forward it to the appropriate body, or c. Direct the President to summon a special General Meeting of the Guild to consider the petition. (3) If any one hundred and fifty (150) full members of the Guild shall present in due form a petition, as in paragraph one of subsection (2) of this section, to the Guild Council, the Guild Council shall straightway following due procedure forward such petition to a Special General Meeting of the Guild. (4) Where a Special General Meeting is summoned, it may resolve either that such petition shall be presented with or without amendment, or that it shall not be presented.

(1) All Faculty Committees shall be responsible to the students in their respective Faculties and accountable to the Guild. (2) COMPOSITION Faculty Committees shall be composed of: (a) The Faculty Representative to the Guild Council. (b) All class representatives. (c) A postgraduate representative, where applicable (d) Any other member as the Committee deems fit for the proper functioning of the Committee.

(1) COMPOSITION The Finance Committee shall be composed of the following members: (a) The Treasurer of the Guild who shall act as Chairperson of the Committee. (b) The President (c) The Vice President d) Three appointees (with responsibilities for Assets, Fundraising and Accounts) (e) Any other person deemed necessary by the Guild Executive. (2) FUNCTIONS The Treasurer shall: (a) Chair the meetings of the Finance Committee. (b) Officially appoint all the constituted and other members to the Finance Committee during the Guild Transition Period.

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(c) In the absence of the Treasurer, the President may convene a meeting of the committee. (d) Prepare and present monthly financial reports to the Guild Executive. The Finance Committee shall: (a) Meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the Treasurer (Chairperson of the Committee) if he/she deems it necessary. (b) Oversee and, if necessary, revise the budget of the Guild Council. (c) All business of the Financial Committee shall be submitted to the Guild Council for its approval. (d) All payments of the Guild shall be authorized by at least three quarters of the Guild Executive after approval by the Finance Committee.

The Public Accounts Committee (P.A.C.) shall be composed of the following to ensure accountability and transparency: (a) Consists of several members of the Guild who are not members of the Guild Council, Financial or any other committee. b) Act to ensure that the membership is informed by publication of quarterly and semester reports. (c) Shall have the right to convene with the financial committee after the publication of quarterly reports and access to all financial undertakings, with the consent of a simple majority. (d) Shall be responsible for following through resolutions pertinent to that Committee.

(1) The Transportation Committee was established during the Guild Council Year 2008 2009. This Committee was established so as to enable the Guild Council to effectively review and manage all matters relating to Transportation Services offered by the said Guild Council. (2) COMPOSITION The Transportation Committee shall be composed of the following members: (a) The Vice President, Properties and Special Initiative who shall act as Chairperson of the Committee. (b) The Treasurer (c) The President (d) The Guild Secretary (e)The Commuting Students Representative (f) Two (2) other members appointed by the Guild Executive

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(3) FUNCTIONS The Vice President, Properties and Special Initiatives shall: (a) Chair the meetings of the Transportation Committee. (b) Officially appoint all the constituted and other members to the Transportation Committee during the Guild Transition Period. c) In the absence of the Vice President, Commuting Students Representative may convene a meeting of the Committee. (d) Present all documentations as it relates to Transportation of the Guild Council. The Transportation Committee shall: (a) Have their first (1st) meetings during the Guild Transition Period and the Summer Months as this Committees main responsibility is reviewing the Guild Bus Service, the Guild Contract Carriage Services and by reason of the fact that the Guild Bus Tender Process and the final selection of a Bus Contractor Must be done prior to August 31. Also because this Committee is responsible for the Guild Taxi Service, UWI Taxi Policy and other Transportation issues, and these are normally entities that are active throughout the Summer Period. (b) Also meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first Semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the Vice President, Properties and Special Initiatives (Chairperson of the Committee) if he/she deems necessary. (c) Be responsible for all Transportation Tender Processes including the Guild Bus Service Tender Process and the Guild Taxi Service Tender Process. (d) Be responsible for reviewing all Transportation related Tender Documents and Contracts including those related to the Guild Bus Service and Guild Taxi Service. (e) Be responsible for the Guild Bus Service. (f) Be responsible for the Guild Taxi Services. (g) Be responsible for the Guild Contract Carriage Services. (h) Prepare a Budget Proposal for the Guild Bus Service for the Guild Retreat in June. (i) Review the Guild Bus Service Budget Proposal before it goes to Guild Retreat in June. (j) All business of the Transportation Committee shall be submitted to the Guild Council for its approval.

(1) The Campus Students Security Committee was established during the Guild Council Year 2008 2009. This Committee was established so as to enable the Guild Council to effectively deal with all security matters and issues as they relate to the Guild of Students. (2) COMPOSITION The Campus Students Security Committee shall be composed of the following members: (a) The Vice President, (b) The Public Relations and Publications Chairperson (c) The President (d) The Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Chairperson (e) The Commuting Students Representative The Part-Time Representative
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(f) Deputy Hall Chairperson (j) Two (2) other members appointed by the Guild Executive (3) FUNCTIONS The Vice President shall: (a) Chair the meetings of the Campus Students Security Committee. (b) Officially appoint all the constituted and other members of the Campus Students Security Committee during the Guild Transition Period. (c) In the absence of the Vice President, The President may convene a meeting of the committee. (e) Also represent the Guild on the official University Security Committee Meeting. (f) Work closely with all the Security Forces in relation to student security matters. The Campus Students Security Committee shall: (a) Have their first (1st) meetings during the Guild Transition Period and the Summer Months. (b) Also meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first Semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the Vice President, (Chairperson of the Committee) if he/she deems it necessary. (d) Maintain a good working relationship with the Office of the Director of Security and all the Security Forces on Campus. (f) Be responsible for preparing all relevant SECURITY information for the Guild. (g) Be responsible for organizing Security Seminars, Workshops and/or any other instrumental facilities which aids in the development of student security awareness.

(1) The Special Initiatives Committee was established during the Guild Council Year 2008 2009. This Committee was established so as to enable the Guild Council to properly and effectively monitor all Special Initiatives proposed by the Guild of Students. (2) COMPOSITION The Special Initiatives Committee shall be composed of the following members: (a) The Vice President, Properties and Special Initiatives. (c) The External Affairs Chairperson. (d) The Guild Secretary. (e) The Part-Time Representative. (f) Two other members appointed by the Guild Executive. (3) FUNCTIONS The Vice President, Properties and Special Initiatives shall: (a) Chair the meetings of the Special Initiatives Committee. (b) Officially appoint all the Constituted and other members of the Special Initiatives Committee during the Guild Transition Period. (c) In the absence of the Vice President, Properties and Special Initiatives, the External Affairs Chairman may convene a meeting of the Committee.
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(d) Encourage members of the Guild of Students to present to the Guild Council any idea for an Initiative they may have and want to see implemented. The Special Initiatives Committee shall: (a) Have their first (1st) meetings during the Guild Transition Period and Summer Months. b) Also meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the Vice President, Properties and Special Initiatives (Chairperson of the Committee) if he/she deems it necessary. (c) Spearhead all Special Initiative Projects introduced during the Academic Year, and also to continue feasible Projects from the previous Academic Year and years even before that. (d) Prepare a small budget for miscellaneous expenses relating to promoting the Special Initiatives. The Vice President, Properties and Special Initiatives shall present this subbudget as a part of his/her budget presentation at the Guild Retreat.

(1) COMPOSITION The Constitution Committee shall consist of the following members: (a) The President who shall act as Chairperson. (b) The Public Relations and Publications Chairperson (c) The Guild Secretary (d) A Post Graduate Representative if applicable (e) Three other members appointed by the Chairperson for the efficient running of the Committee. (2) FUNCTIONS The President shall: (a) Chair the Meetings of the Constitution Committee. (b) Officially appoint all the constituted and other members of the Constitution Committee during the Guild Transition Period. (c) In the absence of the President, the Publications Chairperson may convene a meeting of the Committee. (d) Ensure that members of the Guild Council are fully aware of their functions, roles and responsibilities under the Guild Constitution during the Guild Transition Period. (e) Ensure that members of the Guild have full access to the Guild Constitution and that they are fully aware of the Constitution, and also that they (the Guild of Students) will be able to hold their leaders fully accountable and responsible. The Constitution Committee shall: (a) Have their first (1st) meetings during the Guild Transition Period and Summer Months.

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(b) Also meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the President (Chairperson of the Committee) if he/she deems it necessary. (c) Assure relevance of the Constitutions within the organs of the Guild of Students and monitor adherence to Guild regulations. (d) To supervise the piloting of all amendments to the Guild Constitution both at the student and administrative levels. (e) To supervise the piloting of all revisions to the Guild Council both at the student and administrative levels.

(1) The Guild Council and the Guild of Students is required under the Laws (Section 10) and By-Laws (Section 36) of this Constitution to adhere to the Disciplinary Codes of Conduct. (2) COMPOSITION The Disciplinary Committee shall be composed of the following members: (a) The President, (b) The Guild Treasurer. (c) The Guild Secretary. (d) The Part-Time Representative. (e) Three other members appointed by the Guild Executive. (3) FUNCTIONS The President shall: (a) Chair the meetings of the Disciplinary Committee. (b) Officially appoint all the constituted and other members of the Disciplinary Committee during the Guild Transition Period. (c) In the absence of the President, the Guild Treasurer may convene a meeting of the Committee. (d) Ensure that disciplinary measures are taken against Guild Council members and Guild members who are in breach of any disciplinary code of conduct under the Laws and ByLaws of this Constitution or any other breaches. The Disciplinary Committee shall: (a) Have their first (1st) meetings during the Guild Transition Period and the Summer Months. (b) Also meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first Semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the President, (Chairperson of the Committee) if he/she deems it necessary. (c) Have the authority to devise various forms of penalties not necessarily documented in this Constitution, to use against members of the Guild Council and the Guild of Students who have breached. (d) Observe all the breaches of the Guild Council.
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(1) The Clubs and Societies Committee was established during the Guild Council Year 2008 2009 so as to enable the Guild Council to effectively manage the responsibilities of the Guild Council to the many Clubs and Societies required by this Constitution. (2) COMPOSITION The Clubs and Societies Committee shall be composed of the following members: (a) The Vice President, (b) The Public Relations and Publications Chairperson. (c) A Representative nominated from the Executive of each officially registered Club and Society on the Campus. (e) The Commuting Students Representative The Part-Time Representative (f) A Representative from each Faculty. (g) A Representative from each Hall. (3) FUNCTIONS The Vice President shall: (a) Chair the meetings of the Clubs and Societies Committee. (b) Officially appoint all the constituted and other members of the Clubs and Societies Committee during the Guild Transition Period. c) In the absence of the Vice President, the Guild Public Relations Officer may convene a meeting of the Committee. The Clubs and Societies Committee shall: (a) Have their first (1st) meetings during the Guild Transition Period and Summer Months. (b) Also meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first Semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the Vice President, (Chairperson of the Committee) if he/she deems it necessary. (c) In light of the large size of the Committee, have their meetings in very large rooms like a Lecture Theatre. (d) Prepare a Budget Proposal for Clubs and Societies to present at Guild Retreat in June. (e) Review the Clubs and Societies Budget Proposal before it goes to Guild Retreat in June. (f) Be responsible for ensuring that all registered Clubs and Societies receive their budgetary allocation from the Guild Council required by this Constitution.

a. Any application for recognition of a Club/Society shall be addressed in writing to the Guild Secretary and the Vice President. Membership of any such Club/Society must be no less than 15 full or associate members of the Guild. Notification of request for recognition shall be accompanied by a copy of the proposed Constitution of the club/society containing the aims/objectives of such club/society, as well as the register for the club/society signed by members.

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b. The Vice President shall ensure that the proposed aims and objectives of the Club/Society in no way conflict with the Constitution of the Guild of Students. c. The Vice President shall ensure that stipends, equipment and related materials allocated by the Guild Executive to clubs, societies and relevant standing committees are accounted for. d. The Executive of all Clubs or societies shall include at least the following positions: (1) President/Chairperson (2) Secretary (3) Treasurer, or (4) Secretary/Treasurer e. The privileges conferred by recognition are as follows: (1) The right to have a notice in the appropriate publication of the Guild. (2) The right to use the Notice Boards of the Guild. (3) The right to use the name of the University of the West Indies or the letters U.W.I, in the title of the Club/Society. (4) The right to erect Notice Boards subject to the approval, of the Grounds Building and Premises Committee of the University through the Guild Executive. f. Individual clubs may make rules for their management subject to the approval of the Clubs and Societies Committee. g. Guild recognition shall not imply any financial liability. Any such liability shall be subject to special agreement with the Guild Executive. (5) MEETINGS OF RECOGNIZED CLUBS/SOCIETIES a. Recognized clubs and societies shall hold meetings as they see fit, except in special circumstances when such meetings are not approved by the Clubs and Societies Committee. b. All clubs and societies shall have at least three meetings per semester. (6) PROPERTY OF RECOGNIZED CLUBS/SOCIETIES (a) The Secretary of each Club or Society shall be required, each year, before the end of the first Semester to furnish the Guild Treasurer with a complete inventory of the property of his/her club, which shall be forwarded to the Vice President, who has responsibilities for Properties and Assets of the Guild. (c) The Vice President, Properties and Special Initiatives shall arrange for the insurance of valuable equipment in the possession of various Clubs and Societies. (d) The Officers of Clubs and Societies shall be responsible for the steps to ensure that such property is properly secured. (7) MEMBERSHIP OF RECOGNIZED CLUBS/SOCIETIES (a) Any full member of the Guild of Students is eligible for membership in any club/society. Such Clubs/Societies may admit to membership such associate members of the Guild as they choose or any other person subject to the approval of the Clubs and Societies Committee. (b) Any external member of the Guild of Students, provided he/she is financially contributing to the Guild, shall be entitled to all privileges of full members of any
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recognized Club/Society upon signing the register, except that of holding office. Academic staff may only become full members of recognized Clubs/Societies upon obtaining membership of the Guild. (8) Recognized Clubs/Societies shall submit to the Vice President at the beginning of each Semester, details of proposed activities. Alterations to this schedule of activities should be conveyed to the Vice President as far as possible, in advance. (9) The year of office of the Clubs and Societies Committee shall begin and end with the year of office of the Guild Executive. (10) REPORTS AND BUDGETS (a) All Clubs/Societies shall submit their annual reports and budgets for the ensuing year by the first (1st) Business Day in March. (b) The Vice President, in consultation with the recognized Clubs/Societies prepares estimates of income and expenditure for presentation to the Guild Executive by the middle of March. The Clubs and Societies Committee shall allocate the Grant made by the Guild Executive among the said Clubs/Societies and exercise general control over its expenditure. c) All Clubs/Societies affiliated with the Clubs and Societies Committee must submit general financial reports to the Guild Treasurer at the end of every Semester. No grant will be issued by the Guild Council to any Club or Society, which does not comply with this regulation. (d) The Vice President shall prepare a report, which shall include, in summary form, a report of the activities of the recognized Clubs and Societies and a statement of their income and expenditure to be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Guild, during the first four (4) weeks of Semester 1.

(1) The Sports Committee Chairperson(s) (S.C.C.) shall work in collaboration with the Office of Student Services and Development through the Sports Department. (2) He/She shall be an elected member to the Guild Executive. (3) COMPOSITION The Sports Committee shall be composed of: (a) The Sports Committee Chairperson(s). (b) Faculty and Hall Sports Representatives. (c) Any other members that the Committee deems fit for the adequate performance of its duties.

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(4) FUNCTIONS The Sports Committee Chairperson(s) shall: (a) Chair the meetings of the Sports Committee. (b) Officially appoint all the constituted and other members of the Sports Committee during the Guild Transition Period. (c) In the absence of the Sports Committee Chairperson, any other member of the Sports Committee may convene a meeting of the Committee. (d) Be the main liaison officer between the Guild and the University Sports Department. (e) Receive copies of all correspondence sent to the Sports Department from the Guild. (f) Represent the interests of the Guild at meetings convened by the Sports Department. (g) Circulate all fixtures of University sporting activities to the various Sports Representatives (h) In conjunction with the Sports Department, coordinate the sporting activities during the Universitys orientation programme. (i) See to the efficient running of intra-UWI sporting activities. (j) Submit two (2) reports per Semester to the Vice President, (k) Present estimates of Income and Expenditure to the Council by first (1st) Business Day in March. (l) Convene meetings of the Sports Committee fortnightly. The Sports Committee Chairperson(s) may call emergency meetings at any time. (m) Perform all other functions as may from time to time be conferred on him/her by this Constitution or its By-Laws. The Sports Committee shall: (a) Have their first (1st) meetings during the Guild Transition Period and Summer Months. (b) Also meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first Semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the Games Committee Chairperson if he/she deems it necessary. (c) Meet no less than four (4) times per Semester. (d) Be responsible for the T.E.A.M. INITIATIVE Programme. (e) Prepare a Budget Proposal for T.E.A.M. INITIATIVE to present at WJC Guild Retreat in June. (f) Review the T.E.A.M. INITIATIVE Budget Proposal before it goes to WJC Guild Retreat in June.

(1) COMPOSITION The Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Committee shall be composed of: (a) The Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Chairpersons (male and female). (b) The Vice President, (c) The Guild Treasurer who shall be Treasurer of the Committee. (d) The President.
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(e) The Public Relations Officer. (f) At least Three (3) other members appointed by the CEAC. The Committee shall elect a Secretary from among its members. (2) FUNCTIONS The Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Chairperson shall: (a) Chair the meetings of the Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Committee. (b) Officially appoint all the constituted and other members of the Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Committee during the Guild Transition Period. (c) In the absence of the Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Chairperson, the Vice President may convene a meeting of the Committee. (d) Also be referred to as the C.E.A.C. The Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Committee shall: (a) Have their first (1st) meetings during the Guild Transition Period and Summer Months. (b) Also meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first Semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the C.E.A.C. if he/she deems it necessary. (c) Be responsible for coordinating and overseeing all the cultural, entertainment and cocurricular activities of the Guild, with the exception of sports, as approved by the Guild Executive. (4) MEETINGS OF THE CULTURAL AND ENTERTAINMENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Notwithstanding what is contained in Section 42, the Cultural and Entertainment Affairs shall meet within three (3) weeks of the first Semester and thereafter at least twice per Semester. (5) VACANCIES (a) A vacancy in the office of the C.E.A.C. shall be filled in accordance with Section 25 of the Guild Constitution. (b) In the event that the post of President or any other member of the Committee of a Club or Society becomes vacant, such vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the relevant provisions for such eventuality in the Constitution of that Club or Society.

(1) COMPOSITION The External Affairs Committee shall be composed of the following members: (a) The External Affairs Chairperson. (b) The Vice President. (c) The Public Relations Officer. (d) The Commuting Students Representative. (e) The Part-Time Representative. (f) Two other members appointed by the Guild Executive
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(2) FUNCTION The External Affairs Chairperson shall: (a) Chair the meetings of the External Affairs Committee. (b) Officially appoint all the constituted and other members of the External Affairs Committee during the Guild Transition Period. (c) In the absence of the External Affairs Chairperson, the Vice President may convene a meeting of the Committee. The External Affairs Committee shall: (a) Have their first (1st) meetings during the Guild Transition Period and Summer Months. (b) Also meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first Semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the External Affairs Chairperson if he/she deems it necessary. (c) Promote, foster, and develop the cultural, educational and social links with, and develop meaningful programs in the wider community, both national and international, which will aid in improving and maintaining a positive image of the University and its students. (d) Ensure that the main objective is to enhance and encourage the broadest of possible participation by students in such programs, which may from time to time be organized. (e) Act as the liaison body between the Guild and other unions both national and international, in accordance with the policies laid down by the Guild Executive. (3) The External Affairs Chairperson has the power to organize subcommittees for the effective functioning of the Committee. Subcommittees shall include: (a) External Affairs Sub-Committee (b) Outreach Sub-Committee (c) Special Events Sub-Committee

(1) COMPOSITION The Public Relations Committee shall be composed of: (a) The Public Relations and Publications Chairman. (b) The Vice President (c) The Guild Secretary. (d) The Hall Public Relations Officers (e) Three other members recognized by the Guild Executive to be beneficial to the operation of the Committee. (2) FUNCTIONS The Public Relations and Publications Chairman shall: (a) Chair the meetings of the Public Relations Committee. (b) Officially appoint all the constituted and other members of the Public Relations Committee during the Guild Transition Period.

UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

(c) In the absence of the Public Relations Officer, the Vice President may convene a meeting of the Committee. The Public Relations Committee shall: (a) Have their first (1st) meetings during the Guild Transition Period and Summer Months. (b) Also meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first Semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the Public Relations and Publications Chairman (Chairperson of the Committee) if he/she deems it necessary. (c) Seek to ensure special broadcasting facilities in national media. (3) The Public Relations Officer has the power to authorize subcommittees for the effective functioning of the Committee. Sub-committees shall focus on: (a) Media/Communication. (b) Fostering good relations between the U.W.I. Administration and the Guild. (c) Maintaining the Guild Website.

(1) ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GUILD PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE The Guild Publications Committee shall be a Standing Committee of the Guild and shall be subject to the directions and control of the Guild Executive. (2) COMPOSITION The Guild Publications Committee shall be composed of: (a) The Publications Committee Chairperson. (b) Vice President (c) Such editors of the Guilds official organ and any other Guild publication as may be allowed by the Guild Council. (d) Such subeditors of these Guild publications as may be allowed by the Guild Council. (e) A Treasurer of the Committee who shall be in charge of fundraising activities. (f) A Secretary of the Committee nominated from the members. (g) Two Guild Photographers who shall be appointed by the Guild Council on the recommendation of the Committee. (h) A Distribution/Marketing Manager of all publications to be approved by the Committee. The Publications Committee Chairperson has the power to authorize the following subcommittees: (a) Printing Sub-committee. (b) Scope Sub-committee. (3) FUNCTIONS The Publications Committee Chairperson shall: (a) Chair the meetings of the Publications Committee.

UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

(b) Officially appoint all the constituted and other members of the Publications Committee during the Guild Transition Period. (c) In the absence of the Publications Committee Chairperson, the Vice President may convene a meeting of the Committee. The Publications Committee shall: (a) Have their first (1st) meetings during the Guild Transition Period and Summer Months. (b) Also meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first Semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the Publications Committee Chairperson if he/she deems it necessary. The Publications Committee shall be responsible for: (a) The production and publication of the official organ of the Guild at least three times per semester. (b) The production of such other newspapers, books, magazines, articles, etc. as the Guild Executive shall desire to publish. (4) ELECTION OF MEMBERS (a) The Chairperson shall be appointed as under Clause 16 (2) of the Guild Constitution. (b) Other members must be nominated by the Chairperson within three (3) weeks of his/her appointment for approval by the Guild Council.

(1) ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COMMUTING STUDENTS COMMITTEE The Commuting Students Committee shall be a standing Committee of the Guild and shall be subject to the directions and control of the Guild Executive. (2) COMPOSITION The Commuting Students Committee shall be composed of: (a) The Commuting Students Representative. (c) The Faculty Representatives (e) At least three other members appointed by the Guild Executive. (3) FUNCTION The Commuting Students Committee shall: (a) Have their first (1st) meetings of the Commuting Students Committee during the Guild Transition Period and Summer Months. (b) Also meet within the first two (2) weeks of the first semester. The Committee may be convened at any time by the Commuting Students Representative (Chairperson of the Committee) if he/she deems it necessary. (c) Represent all the interests of the Commuting Students.

UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

(1) MEETINGS (a) Ordinary meetings of the Guild Council shall be called by the authority of the President. (b) At least three (3) days notice shall be given to every member of the Guild Council. (c) Notwithstanding the above, the President may call extraordinary meetings of the Guild Council and a minimum of twenty four (24) hours notice of such meetings shall be given to every member of the Guild Council. (3) One half of the members of the Guild Council shall constitute a quorum. (4) The meetings of the Guild Council shall be held in accordance with Section 31 of the Constitution. (5) VOTES OF CENSURE AND NO CONFIDENCE (a) Motions leading to votes of censure against and or no confidence in members of the Guild Council or any Committee of the Guild shall be considered at any General Meeting of the Guild as long as such motions arise from the business of the meeting. (b) Such motions shall be introduced at a meeting of the Guild which has a minimum of fifty (50) members in attendance. (c) The motion shall be passed by a majority of fifty (50) percent plus one of the members present and voting at the meeting. (d) Points of procedure not mentioned in these Standing Orders shall be ruled upon by the Chairperson of the meeting in accordance with the Rules of Procedure laid down in the booklet Rules of Order for Council and other Committees of the Guild of Students. (e) Questions relating to the validity of proceedings shall be directed by the Chairperson to the Guild Council if questions be posed by at least twenty (20) Guild members.

(1) Duties of the Returning Officer shall: (a) Subject to the approval of the Guild Executive, appoint such deputies as he/she shall deem necessary for the efficient conduct of the elections. (b) Collect the list of persons, eligible to vote in that election from the UWI Administration on written authorization of the Guild Executive. (c) Circulate using Notice Boards and campus media the by-laws governing Guild Elections. (d) At least ten (10) days before the date of any election the Returning Officer shall cause to be posted in suitable places, notices stating: (i)The date, time and place of the Election. (ii) The latest time for the receipt of nomination papers by the Returning Officer or his/her deputy, which shall be not less than twenty four (24) hours before the time fixed for the beginning of the election. (iii) The number of vacancies to be filled.

UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

(iv) The time up to which nominated candidates may withdraw by notice in writing and how and to whom this notice shall be sent. The time shall not be less than twenty four (24) hours before the day of the election. (2) Conduct of Elections (a) The dates for the election of officers and members of the Guild Council shall, subject to Section 20 of the Constitution, be decided by the Guild Executive. (b) A nomination paper shall contain the name of one candidate only, his/her level and status, and if appropriate his/her constituency together with the signature of the proposer and seconder and that of the person nominated. (c) All nomination papers shall be handed to the Returning Officer before the hour fixed under Subsection (4) (b) of this Constitution. (d) Not more than seventy two (72) hours after the time fixed for the close of the nominations, the Returning Officer shall have posted on all Notice Boards provided on Campus for Guild Notices, lists of the vacancies in each constituency, together with the names, levels, and statuses of the persons nominated. (e) Similar lists revised by way of deleting the names of candidates withdrawn shall be posted by the Returning Officer at least seventy two (72) hours before the time fixed for the beginning of the election. (f) Each voter shall sign a register before recording his vote. At the time, of the closing of the poll, the counterfoils of the ballot papers and the register shall be sealed and not opened except by an order for a scrutiny of the vote. (g) A voter may vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies. (h) A voter may give only one vote for any one vacancy. (i) Any infringement of subsections (g), (j), (k) or (l) shall invalidate the ballot in respect of which the infringements occur. (j) Ballot boxes shall be provided in such places as the Guild Executive shall direct, and shall be sealed up at the close of the poll until the counting of the votes. (k) The poll shall be opened from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the day of the election. (l) The result of the election shall be published within forty eight hours of the closing of the poll. (m)In the event of a tie in voting, a fresh poll shall be taken within five days between the hours of 12 noon and 8:00 p.m. (n) All questions relating to the validity of an election shall be determined by the Returning Officer. All such questions shall be raised in writing within two weeks of the election. (o) Voting papers shall not be destroyed before the lapse of two weeks after the result of the elections has been finally resolved. (p) No campaigning (distribution of material or verbal harassment) shall be conducted by candidates or their representatives within 300m in any direction of any polling station.

UWI, Mona-WJC Guild of Students Campus Committee Constitution (Revised) 2012-2013

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