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the massive use of fossil fuels, as the coal and the petroleum, in the most diverse human activities

has originated the appearance, to planetary scale, of a well-known phenomenon as global heating of the atmosphere or effect hothouse. It is called of this way because the process that is developed in the atmosphere of the earth is similar to the one that takes place inside a hothouse. because of this phenomenon and long term, it originates a progressive increase of the temperature in the whole planet, which allows many experts that it can be the cause of dangerous radical changes in the terrestrial climate to suspect. the scientists believe that the increase in several grades of the global temperature of the planet could give place to deep changes in the climatology of certain regions that would become authentic deserts or they would suffer serious problems of supply of water. it is a consistent phenomenon in a modification of the process of the normal heating of the terrestrial surface. the solar rays that arrive to the terrestrial atmosphere and they penetrate in her, until arriving to the floor, they heat it. under normal conditions, the floor returns part from this radiation to the atmosphere and it escapes again from its consenting to the external space from where it proceeded. however, the presence of atmospheric pollution in the high layers of our atmosphere, retains this energy, which causes that the global temperature of the earth increases. this way, the progressive elevation of the global temperature of the planet supposes the imminent danger of the appearance of changes, more or less radicals, in the behavior of the climate. this phenomenon is also favored by the gases which come from the combustion processes, as well as for the extension of the intensive cattle raising in the whole planet, and it supposes a serious threat for the prosperity and the well-being of the nations. the fight is centered in the reduction from the emissions to the atmosphere of the resulting gases of the combustion. this supposes that all the countries must control the activities that can influence negatively in the behavior of the atmosphere in a future. thanks to the meteorological satellites it is possible to know the evolution of the terrestrial climate, as well as the levels of temperature that are reached in the different parts of the atmosphere. the registrations of these parameters allow to make maps in reinforcements colors the those that is indicated, for example the distribution of the temperatures. this way it is very easy to appreciate where a value is maximum and where it reaches its minimum, besides being reflected the intensity of its variation between both ends.

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