AWM Brochure v7 REVFinal2

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acc Re t ive w e a lt h

Building Life Plans, One Client at a Time

wHo we are

ccretive Wealth Management LLC was founded on the principle that understanding your current financial situation is vital to making the smart, prudent decisions that will help make your dreams a reality. You are unique. Your circumstances, responsibilities, and goals for tomorrow require financial strategies that are unique as well. our team

of experienced financial services professionals is dedicated to working with you to create a financial life plan that targets the short-term and long-term needs of you, your family, and your business. and were here to help you maintain the disciplined approach youll need to achieve those objectives.

We build life plans that generate strategic asset allocations, which are implemented in the form of unique portfolios for individuals, families, and businesses. As a client of accretive wealth management, you can expect: A thorough review of your financial situation

Creating Life Plan Active Management & Reporting


A life plan tailored to your specific needs for today and tomorrow Strategies that evolve with changes in the economy and your life Monthly reporting and online account information Regular communication Independent, sound advice Privacy and professionalism

Strategic Asset Allocation Comprehensive Investment Strategy

wHaT we oFFer
Comprehensive Wealth Management Strategies
Risk management tRust seRvices giFting

Business & succession Planning

cash Flow management

RetiRement Planning

education Planning

investment stRategies

How we Help You

RetiRement Planning
When we help you create a life plan, we do a comprehensive review of the assets you have now and the assets you expect to receive. Then we discuss what your goals are for the futurefor yourself, your family, and your business. We help you balance current and future needs with longterm goals on an ongoing basis, to establish a life plan designed to let you live comfortably now and when you retire.

education Planning
You want your children to have the best education possible. Does that begin now, or when they reach college age? How will you pay for it? We believe that covering educational expenses is an integral part of a life plan, and we will work with you to find the best way for you to structure your resources so that your children get the education they need without compromising your future.

investment stRategies
When we construct your portfolio, we do more than determine how much to allocate to different categories of investments and what types of securities you are comfortable investing in. We believe in strategic asset allocation, resulting in a global portfolio that is actively managed and tailored to your needs over time. The investment strategy that we create for you will be based on your expectations for inflows and outflows over short, medium, and long time horizons.

Risk management
A major step in mitigating risk in your life is to have a portfolio of tactically selected and diversified investments that is actively managed in response to changes in market conditions and your economic circumstances. But there are many ways your goals and objectives can be jeopardized. We will help you identify and implement the steps you need to take to protect what you value your children, your health, your home, your business and your legacy.

Now & IN THe FuTure

Business and succession Planning
Planning is the key to starting a new business or transitioning an established one. If you are a business owner, youve probably started thinking about what happens when you retire. We can help you assess your options: Will your children take over? Will your employees buy it? Will you sell to your partner or an outside party? The amount of money you or your heirs realize from a business transition depends on how well you plan your exit.

cash Flow management

Managing cash flow is an essential part of running a business, and we can help you structure your investments so that you will have the liquidity you needwhen you need it. With an Accretive Wealth portfolio that includes short-term and mediumterm securities in the appropriate proportions, you wont have to pay a premium to get the cash you need to operate your business efficiently.

tRust seRvices
Our mission is to help you create and manage wealth for yourself and for your heirs. When we work with you on your life plan, we will review your important documents to determine whether you should consider taking additional steps to preserve your assets. We have a broad network of experienced estate planning professionals who can help you set up appropriate trusts to protect your legacy and minimize taxes.

You can make tax-free gifts to your heirs while you are alive if your gifts are below annual limits. Numerous other strategies exist to share your wealth with loved ones and charities. If you have more assets than you could foreseeably need to maintain your lifestyle now and through your retirement, taking advantage of gifting provisions may be a good move for you. We can help you investigate your options and find solutions.

INVesTmeNT sTraTeGIes TaIloreD For You

e dont believe in the one-size-fits-all portfolio. Your portfolio strategy will have components tailored to your liquidity needs in the short and medium term as well as your desire for longer-term growth. The investments we choose will have undergone extensive analysis and be diversified across asset classes to minimize uctuations

in the value of your overall portfolio. as economic conditions changeand in response to the circumstances in your life we will adjust your portfolio so that it continues to target your needs and goals.


Your family and business financial circumstances are unique. Our first step in helping you build a life plan is developing a detailed understanding of where you are now and where you want to be in the future. Well have a lot of questions for you, such as: What are your goals? What types of investments are you comfortable with? Does your portfolio need to generate current income to maintain your lifestyle? When do you plan to retire?

Liquidity for now & Growth for later

our Team works For You

our Accretive Wealth Management team has the experience and knowledge to help you develop a comprehensive wealth management strategy designed to meet your current and future needs. we partner with established and well-respected providers of financial services in managing your investments.

We have chosen an industry leader to be the custodian of our clients assetsFidelity Investments. Fidelity is a private company formed in 1946 that had more than $3.4 trillion in assets under administration as of December 31, 2011. You will receive monthly account statements from Fidelity.

c e o & m a n a g i n g Pa R t n e R

This state-of-the-art financial planning software is an important part of the toolbox we use to catalogue your assets and liabilities and to determine how to help you increase your chances of achieving the long-term goals you have set for yourself, your family, and your business.

Faraz Sattar
After several years as the chief financial officer of a wealth management firm, Faraz Sattar decided that founding Accretive Wealth Management was the best way to put his experience to work on behalf of clients. In his 16 years in the financial services industry, Faraz has also served as manager of investment advisors, supervisor of IT and operations, head of finance and accounting functions, and a buy-side equity analyst, working for companies such as Contango Capital Advisors and Montgomery Asset Management. He holds a BS in finance from Bryant College.

We rely on one of the largest providers of wealth management solutions in the industry to devise the appropriate portfolio strategies for the unique needs of each of our clients. Envestnet offers us powerful analytical tools and financial technology. You will receive detailed quarterly performance statements from Envestnet.

In order to provide you with excellent service, we employ the powerful tools provided through Salesforce, the worldwide leader in on-demand customer relationship management services. Salesforce helps us to maintain accurate and up-to-date client data and helps us to reach out to you on a regular basis.

Our goal is to be the premier wealth management firm serving our communities, with an unwavering focus on helping our clients build life plans that will serve their needs and the needs of future generations.

12657 Alcosta Boulevard, Suite 150 San Ramon, CA 94583 925.365.1347

Accretive Wealth Management, LLC is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein.

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