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Answers of Exercise

Destacar 10 palavras do texto construindo uma frase, com sequncia e lgica, com cada uma delas.

1. Memory: The memory is a devide to store data. 2. Computer: Is use computer every day. 3. Numbers: I like to work with numbers. 4. Ability : I have the ability to manage a sward 5. Information: Information, nowadays, is the most important thing to companies 6. Activities: Barbara does many activities during the week. 7. Logic: Tony has much difficult to understand logic. 8. Microprocessor: Her computers microprocessor was by Intel. 9. Data: His pen drives LAN store a great amount of data. 10. System: Windows is the most famous operational system in the world.

Read the first paragraph and answer the following questions:

a) What is the central processor? R: The central processor (CPU) is the computers chain.

b) What does it do? R: It controis data flow and performs arithmetic and logic calculation.

c) Why is the central processor the most important part of the system ? R: It is the most important part of system because it controls all the operation of the computer.

d) What is a microprocessor? R: A microprocessor is on integrated circuit. e) What does it contain? R: It does contain a complete CPU on a single chip.

You can agree or disagree with these statements. Justify your opinion. For this will need to begin your answer with one these expressions.

1. Thats wrong because the computers need humans to program and build them. 2. Thats right because many activities are related to computers. 3. I agree because they make our lives easier. 4. In my opinion, in fact, they can really hell us, for example, in the health area. 5. I agree entirely because we can find anything we want, and learn a lot. 6. Thats right because computers are present in all great jobs, mainly in our area. 7. Thats wrong because humans will always be necessary to computers. 8. In my opinion its tave because computers are essential now days. 9. I agree because every one should be free to express their opinion. 10. Thats right because humans build machines.

Observe these expressions below and write sentences with them that are true for you
a) I have use a computer. b) I always use a computer. c) I use a computer at home. d) I think computer are useful.


1 Physical parts of a computer; 2 Programs that control devices; 3 Entrada; 4 Operation controls the computer; 5 Machine that reads data performs calculations and provides results; 6 Integrated circuit control functions and decision making calculations on a computer;

5 C 1 H A R 4 2 6 3 D O M P U T



1-a) Ilustrao das partes principais de um computador

2-c) Ilustrar emu ma folha de papel sulfite, da maneira que preferir (recorte e colagem, desenho,etc) das idias principais do texto Computer in society.

Custos de aproximadamente dez anos mais tarde, como resultado do aumento das velocidades e capacidades, muito reduzida, e disponibilidade commercila, os computadores eram economicamente aplicada soluo de problemas businnes

Recentemente, no entanto, o computador, direta ou indiretamente tem afectado a vida de cada um de ns Ele beneficiou-nos atravs do monitoramento e controle de poluio do ar e da gua, melhorando a previso do tempo, facilitando mais effectie planejamento urbano e mais eficientes tcnicas de aplicao da lei, possibilitando avanos eletrnicos que foram aplicadas aos aparelhos domsticos melhoria, proporcionando o desenvolvimento das tcnicas mdicas para anlise e diagnstico e assim por diante Mas s o tempo dir se o uso do computador pode ser controlado de modo a reduzir, se no eliminar a multiplicidade de problemas que tm e continuaro a surgir novas reas de aplicao de computador que so descobertos. em qualquer caso, uma certa - os computadores esto aqui para ficar

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