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Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator (UMVUE) a.

UMVUE (or Best Unbiased Estimator): -

Under the class of unbiased estimators { : E[ ] = } , if for any * we have

Var [ ] Var [ * ] for all , then is the UMVUE.

Note: is an unbiased estimator with uniformly minimum variance.

b. Ways to find UMVUE if exists: Considering lower bound of variance. Using sufficiency and completeness.

c. Cramer-Rao Inequality: Suppose that the regularity conditions hold, e.g. the range of the pdf {x : f ( x | ) > 0} is independent of . If W ( X) = W ( X 1 ,..., X n ) is any unbiased estimator of ( ) , then [ ( )]2

Var (W ( X))

E [( log f ( X | )) 2 ]

Define the information number as I n ( ) = E [(

log f ( X | )) 2 ] .

Note: I n ( ) depends only on f ( X | ) , not on ( ) . As I n ( ) gets bigger and then we have more information about , we have the smaller bound on the variance of the best unbiased estimator. If X 1 ,..., X n are iid, I n ( ) = n E [(
log f ( X | )) 2 ] = nI1 ( ) ,

Further, in general case, I n ( ) = n E [ -

2 log f ( X | )] . 2

Its easier

If an unbiased estimator W * ( X) attains its C-R lower bound, ( )]2 Var (W * ( X)) = I n ( ) [

W * ( X) is the UMVUE

Note: If the range of the pdf depends on , then the C-R lower bound is not applicable, that is, there may exist an unbiased estimator W ( X) with ( )]2 Var (W ( X)) < . I n ( ) [

Shortcoming: Even if the C-R lower bound is applicable, there is no guarantee that the bound is sharp, that is, the C-R lower bound is strictly smaller than the variance of any unbiased estimator, even for the UMVUE. ( )]2 * , where W * ( X) is the UMVUE. Var (W ( X)) > I n ( ) [ Use sufficiency and completeness to find the best unbiased estimator.

1. Let Y be a random variable having the binomial distribution, b( n, p ) . (a) Find the MLE p of p . (b) Find the Cramer-Rao lower bound. (c) Is MLE p the UMVUE ? 2. X 1 ,..., X n is a random sample from N ( ,1) .

(a) Find the method of moment estimatior(MME) of . (b) Find the Cramer-Rao lower bound. (c) Is MME the UMVUE ?
3. Let Y1 ,..., Yn be a random sample from the exponential distribution with p.d.f. f ( y) = 1

e , y > 0 , > 0

(a) Find the MLE of . (b) Find MLE of ( ) = 2 . (c) Find the Cramer-Rao lower bound for unbiased estimator of ( ) . (d) Can you find UMVUE of ( ) ?
x2 2 2

4. Let X 1 ,..., X n be a random sample from the p.d.f. f ( x | ) =

Find the Cramer-Rao lower bound on the variance of any unbiased estimate of . 5. X 1 ,..., X n is a random sample from U (0, ) . (a) Find the MLE of . Is MLE unbiased ? If it is not, please find a function of MLE that is unbiased. (b) Find the variance of this unbiased estimator. (c) Find the Cramer-Rao lower bound. Does the variance of unbiased estimator also achieve the Cramer-Rao lower bound ? 6. Let X 1 ,..., X n be a random sample from the p.d.f. f ( x | , ) = 1

, x 0 , >0

( x )

, <x < , 0 < <

(a) Find the MLE of .

Is it unbiased ? If it is not, please find that is unbiased. (b) Find the Cramer-Rao lower bound for variance of unbiased estimation of .
Does Var ( ) achieve the Cramer-Rao lower bound ?

7. Let X 1 ,..., X n be a random sample from a distribution with p.d.f.

x 1 , 0 < x < 1 f (x | ) = , otherwise 0

(a) Find the MLE of


(b) Find the Cramer-Rao lower bound for Is MLE of


the UMVUE ?

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