Luncheon With Pat Boone For Richard Lugar

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Please join us

Pat Boone
along with

Jason Thompson & Bob Guy

ask you to join them at a luncheon in support of

Richard G. Lugar
United States Senator
Saturday, April 28, 2012 12:30 until 2:00 p.m.
Brandywine Complex 304 S. 6th Street Monticello, IN 47960 Business Casual Attire Senator Lugar has devoted his life to his faith, his family and to his friends. Like many Hoosiers, Dick Lugar answered the call to public service by joining the U.S. military, serving on a district school board and running for local office.Today, he is respected statewide and nationwide for his unique combination of intellect and compassion. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels describes Senator Dick Lugar as a national treasure that Indiana cannot afford to relinquish. This year, Senator Lugar faces a primary election opponent who has misfired and misled repeatedly on his record. Great resources are required to reinforce Senator Lugars true record opposing President Obamas liberal agenda, promoting jobs, cutting taxes, eliminating spending and reducing regulation. We hope you will help in this vital effort by joining us for a special afternoon as Senator Lugar and Pat Boone make remarks and respond to your questions. Please invest in Senator Lugars re-election, so he may continue to make a difference for Indiana and America. In an era when so much is wrong in our nations capital, Hoosiers can proudly say, Senator Dick Lugar represents us and he does so with civility, discipline, wisdom and vision. $50 per person please.
Includes commemorative DVD/CD, American Glory, from Pat Boone! Kindly RSVP by April 24. For questions contact Gail Lowry, 317-443-1509 or
paid for by friends of dick lugar

$50 per person please.

q Yes, I (we) will attend the luncheon on April 28th for Senator Lugar. q Enclosed is a contribution of $_____________. q No, I (we) cannot attend this event but enclosed is a special gift of $_____________. Corporate Contributions are prohibited by Federal law. Individuals may give a total of $5,000 ($2,500 for the Primary Election & $2,500 for the General Election) ______________________________ n

r. s. v. p.

Please make personal or PAC checks payable to Friends of Dick Lugar P. O. Box 55952 l Indianapolis, IN 46205-0952
I wish to use my personal credit card (please select): q MasterCard q VISA q American Express q Discover Name as it appears on card________________________________________________ Authorized Signature_____________________________________________________ Gift $__________ Card #_____________________________________ Exp. Date_____

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Political donations are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
*Federal election law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle. Contributions from corporations, federal government contractors and foreign nationals are prohibited by federal law. PAC contributions are allowed up to $5,000 for the Primary Election and $5,000 for the General Election. Individuals may donate up to $5,000 ($2,500 for the Primary Election and $2,500 for the General Election)
paid for by friends of dick lugar

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