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Mid Term

Student: Sonia Romina Suarez M.N 2564 1)Define the following as clearly as you can: C.A.L.L. (Computer Assisted Language Learning) embraces a wide range of ICT applications and approaches to teaching and learning foreign languages. Word Cloud: It is a representation of a group of words that appear in a text, which give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the text, you can form clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. It can be used in order to show new vocabulary or introduce a new topic using keywords. Cloze test: It is a text in which there are some blanks which the students have to complete thinking and looking the correct words that are missing. This type of exercise helps the students to use their knowledge about the theme before seen in class and connect the ideas from the text to make sense. OLPC: (One Laptop Per Child) It is a program that provide computers to children of developing countries, so they can have access to the information technology as a new form of education. To digitize: It is to put into digital form, as for use in a computer. To google: It is one of the most used search engines on the Internet. Google can help you with whatever you need from doing your homework to go shopping. 2) "The history of technology in education" and "A brief history of thechnology" have some things in common: *Both name the use of VHS tape and the VCR in the past. *They also show the uses of presentations in order to give the classes. *The classes were interactive. *Access to information. *You can be communicated with people of different parts of the world. *Both speak of education useing technology. *Both videos conclude with the idea that the technology will continue growing in the classrooms.

b- The article refer to the origin of internet, it support the idea that the internet did not have a creator or a specific time, it was a long process which had several stages and need of many contributions,the artcile give us more information about internet, the article focuses on Internet. While the videos refer to the changes that were emerging in education because of the technology, any technology not only those with internet access. 3) OLPC and Conectar Igualdad are programmes that are intended to give each children a computer in order to reduce the digital divide and also help with their learning. Although they have the same purpose they have some diffrences: *OLPC was created by a private organization, while Conectar Igualdad was created by the government. *OLPC's computers are cheaper than the others. *OLPC are intended for children between four and twelve years old while Conectar Igualdad is given for children that are in the high school. *OLPC was given in different countries such us Uruguay, Paraguay while Conectar Igualdad is an Argentinian's proyect. 4)Computer-mediated communication is defined as any communicative transaction that occurs through the use of two or more networked computers. While the term has traditionally referred to those communications that occur via computer-mediated formats (e.g., instant messages, e-mails, chat rooms). It is the same when we talk about Internet- based communication because it also referred to the contact that you can have with other people through internet useing a computer in order to send an instant message, a e-mail, phone calls,video conferences etc. 5)- A-The phrase "Web 2.0" comes from the business world, and while it has the ring of a marketing catch-phrase, actually describes a significant transition in the use of the Internet, or the World Wide Web. In it almost anyone can become a publisher, or a content producer. -B-The expression Internet 2.0 is not correct, because when we talk about this expression we are referring to Web 2.0. -C-We can not use the terms Internet and World Wide Web interchangeable because they are not the same, when we reffer to the World Wide Web, it is a system of hypertext and / or hypermedia linked and accessible via internet, we use the web to transmit information and internert is the base. The web is inside of Internet. -D- We use both, because at first we need to have access to internet in order to

use any website. -E-We use them in order to find information, to communicate with others, to do some homework, to watch videos etc. -F-The Web 2.0 is a good and a new way for students and teachers to learn useing blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, social networks that have the potential to complement, enhance and add new dimensions to the collaborative and participatory classroom, breaking the unidirectional learning. 6) I choose Language's classes in order to use B-learning, because I think that these classes will be more interesting useing theses tools, it is a good way to choose different texts, this will help students to develop their ability to read, because practicing is the best way to learn. I would use this tool in order to my students could interact and stablish a conversation with other people to practice the English language. It tool is a good way to create discussion questionnaires. It is an entertaining exercise that keeps the student thinking about the homework given. with this tool we can create a collective participation in the learning process in the classroom. 7) Questions sm=uEdC29ks4wAoSZQJfySULCQcgvsxLLkwbUBdugbxMmA_3D_0A PREVIEW_MODE=DO_NOT_USE_THIS_LINK_FOR_COLLECTION&sm=EGIi2ylZgt %2bvkdC4GcfzdEV%2bzHMyigprgQt959pVo9o%3d


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