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4 theSun | TUESDAY JANUARY 20 2009

news without borders

UM denies funding
Three robbers shot dead
selected candidates
by Kristene Silva Marie

KUALA LUMPUR: Universiti Malaya (UM) has denied

by Charles Ramendran State police chief DCP Datuk Khalid Abu looking for a man behind the forging of a newspaper report that it took sides and funded the Bakar said the suspects realised they were road tax stickers in a house in Taman campaigning of pro-establishment candidates in the
being trailed near Kajang and started firing Damai Perdana in Cheras. campus elections yesterday.
KAJANG: An Indonesian rob-and-rape at the unmarked police car. Kajang OCPD ACP Shakaruddin Che UM deputy vice-chancellor (student affairs and
gang’s two-year reign of terror ended when “The police detectives returned fire, kill- Mood said police raided a house at 2am but alumni) Associate Prof Datuk Dr Azarae Haji Idris said all
three suspects were killed in a shootout with ing three of them. Two others fled on foot a woman suspect sped off in a car. costs were borne by the candidates themselves
police near the Sungai Ramal toll plaza near in the dark,” he added. “The suspect was caught after a and the UM administration had nothing to
here early yesterday. Khalid said the 40-year-old “Ronald” short chase. The woman, a Thai do with the campaigning.
Two others managed to escape in the was among the three shot dead. The other national, is the wife of a man “All candidates were given an
dark. two dead gang members are aged 27 and who is under restricted resi- equal budget to help them run
The “Ronald Gang”, so named after its 30. dence for car theft activities. their campaigns. Other than
leader who was among the dead, had pulled Police recovered a loaded handgun, The Proton Perdana she that, we also allocated some
off about 50 robberies in several states, flee- several handtools and a sickle from the drove was a stolen car.” for organising the election
ing with hundreds of thousands of ringgit gang’s car. Police found several process,” he added.
On Friday, Oriental
in valuables and cash from the homes of He said the gang preyed mainly on the forged road tax documents
Daily News reported how
corporate figures and expatriates. homes of corporate figures in at least seven and seized a computer and
UM funded RM10,000 on
The gang members, who had been states in the peninsula and was known to printer.
each pro-establishment
entering the country regularly with valid assault their victims after tying them up. Shakaruddin said candidate and a three-
travel documents, smuggled their loot out The gang members had also raped one the 32-year-old woman, day-two-night campaigning
of the country and returned within weeks of their victims in a robbery in Johor and pregnant and a mother of strategy camp on Pangkor
for more “jobs”. police are checking whether they were be- two, told police she did not Island.
Selangor state serious crime police hind similar sexual assaults in other cases. know the whereabouts of her A random check on the
had trailed the gang members, who were Police have mounted a search for the husband. She was released on campus election campaign
travelling in a car reported stolen in Kuala two gang members on the run. bail due to her health found many posters and
Lumpur, until the shootout at 2am. In another unrelated case, police are condition. banners (pix) strung up by
candidates from Aspirasi

Be consistent in foreign policy,

(pro-establishment), Ga-
gasan (anti-establishment)
and Independents vying for

Santiago urges Malaysia

seats in the student repre-
sentative council for every
academic year.
The undergraduates are
by Karen Arukesamy tarian aid for Gaza and Sri Lanka but the aid Ayadurai said Malaysia contesting for 41 seats in cannot go through because of the blockades needed to facilitate hu- the council – 32 faculty
by the Israeli and Sri Lankan armies. manitarian aid for the war and nine campus seats.
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s foreign policy Santiago also slammed Home Minister victims in Sri Lanka.
“should be consistent” in supporting and Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar’s statement that “It would be very good if
providing aid for all war victims, says Klang MP “Malaysia does not support Sri Lanka”, saying: the government can help by
Charles Santiago. “It does not make sense as they are all war starting a fund for Sri Lankan
“Our government’s policy is quite clear that victims.” war victims just like the Gaza
people who are defenceless and powerless Sharing a similar view, Kota Damansara fund,” she said.
should be supported and it is a good policy. assemblyman and Parti Sosialis Malaysia presi- She said it was not easy for NGOs to
But that support must also be extended to all dent Dr Mohd Nasir said: “We seem to have deliver humanitarian aid in Sri Lanka due to
victims of war, not just one community,” he double standards. It seems like Palestine is okay the blockades but it could be done with the
added. (to provide support) but Sri Lanka is not (okay government’s intervention.
Speaking in a dialogue on human rights to provide support).
violation, organised by Global Peace Initiative “It is genocide and in both cases the US is
Kuala Lumpur, Santiago urged the government in support of the Israeli and Sri Lankan govern-
to help the war victims in Sri Lanka and Africa,
just like how it is helping the Palestinians now.
Said Nasir: “The common misconception
Baby girl found in garbage bin
“The foreign policy must be a consistent is that the Gaza war is between the Jews and KUALA LUMPUR: A healthy Jalil Hassan said the guard wit- the object but was stopped by
policy for all at all times,” said Santiago, urging Muslims. It is about the occupation of land three-month-old baby girl was nessed an argument between the man who dragged her into
the government to get Asean and the United and getting full support from the super pow- found by a security guard in a a man and woman in a car be- the car and sped off,” he said.
Nations General Assembly involved, and to ers which is the same in Sri Lanka between garbage bin near the Jelatek fore the man threw an object, Jalil said police were in the
refer Sri Lanka to the international war crimes the Sinhalese and Tamils. So why the double LRT Station, here, early yester- taken from the car boot, into midst of tracking down the
tribunal. standard?” day. the garbage bin. couple, based on their car reg-
“Right now, there is a dire need for humani- NGO Tech Outreach chairman Dr Selvamalar Ampang Jaya OCPD ACP “The woman tried to retrieve istration number. – Bernama

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