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FORM 4 Chapter 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 NUCLEAR ENERGY ENERGY AND CHEMICAL CHANGES MATTER AND SUBSTANCE HEREDITY AND VARIATION BODY

COORDINATION SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION Analysing method of scientific investigation Realising the need to practise scienctific attitudes and noble values when carring out scientific investigations Understanding body coordination Understanding the human nervous system Analysing nervous coordination Understanding the role of proprioceptors in maintaining balance and coordination Understanding the human brain and its complexity Analysing coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system Evaluating the effects of drug abuse on body coordination and health Analysing the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination and health Understanding cell division Understanding the principles and mechanisme of inheritance Understanding mutation Evaluating the effects of genetic research on human life Analysing variation among living things Realising the need to adhere to a code of ethics in genetic research Analysing changes in the states of matter Understanding the structure of an atom Applying the idea of proton number and nucleon number in atoms of elements Understanding the classification of elements in the Periodic Table Understanding the properties of substances based on the particles present in them Understanding the properties and uses of metals and non-metals Analysing methods of purifying substances Appreciating the existence and uses of various substances of different characteristic. Understanding physical and chemical changes Analysing heat change in chemical reactions Synthesising the reactivity series of metals Applying theb concepts of reactivity series of metals Understanding electrolysis Understanding the production of electrical energy from chemical reactions Understanding chemical reactions that occur in the presence of light. Understanding radioactive substances Understanding the production of nuclear energy and its ises TOPIC

NUCLEAR ENERGY 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 CHEMICALS IN INDUSTRY Awareness of the need for proper handling of radioactive substances Synthesising the formation of image by plane mirrors and lenses Synthesising the formation of image by optical instruments analysing light dispersion Analysing light scattering LIGHT, COLOUR AND SIGHT analysing the addition and subtraction of coloured lights Applying the principle of subtraction of coloured light to explain the appearance of coloured objects Analysing the effect of mixing pigments Evaluating the importance of colour in daily Appreciating the benefits of various types of optical instruments to mankind Understanding the properties of alloys and their uses in industry Analysing the production and uses of ammonia in industry Analysing the effects of industrial waste disposal on the environment Realising the need for preservation and conservation of the environment from industrial waste pollution for the wellbeing of mankind

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