OGR - Unit 1

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Akinbiyi Babarinde


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

Film Reviews CG Artists Toolkit Creative Partnership, so far Thumbnails

The Lost World

Synopsis/plot summary Arthur Conan Doyle, brief bio Social and cultural context Excerpts breakdown

Statement of Intent Visual Concepts

Influence Maps, Image 1 2 Overall Influence Map

Kry Thumbnails, Image 1 - 3

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

Film Reviews
Le Voyage dans la lune (1902) The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) Metropolis (1927) http://kinblob.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Film%20Reviews

CG Artists Toolkit
Life drawing http://kinblob.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Life%20Drawing Photoshop http://kinblob.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Photoshop Maya tutorials http://kinblob.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Maya


Creative Partnership, so far

Creative Partnership: Week 1 http://kinblob.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/creative-partners-week1.html

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

The Lost World

Synopsis/plot summary
The Lost world is narrated by and is seen through the point of view of Edward Malone, hes a news editor who wanted to go on an adventure to impress a girl (Gladys Hungerton). He goes on an expedition with Professor Challenger who is trying to prof the existence of this Lost World; he is joined by another scientist Summerlee and Lord John Roxton, who is a well experienced adventurer, the four men a guided by two locals; Gomez and their devoted negro Zambo, they travel through the Amazon until they reach the plateau Challenger talked about, Gomez then destroys the bridge in order to trap them. The plateau has with it as well as Dinosaurs and many other extinct animals, tribes which are at war with each other, one side consists of Ape Men and the other side are a human race who call themselves the Accala, the Four Men are caught in the middle of it after being captured by the Ape Men. They escape and then help The Accala tribe take over the plateau; when it was over the Accala werent willing to let the men go after seeing what they could do, somehow they escaped they Amazon through a tunnel, they get back to England and published their story but no one believed them. Back at the Amazon Roxton took a blue clay which contained diamonds worth up to $200,000 which the four characters split amongst each other, Summerlee retires to categorise fossils, Challenger build a private museum, and Roxton plans to go back to the Lost World, Malone goes back to the girl he was trying to impress in the first place but she got married while he was gone; as nothing was keeping him at home he decides to going Roxton on his second journey. Chapter 8 The characters just embarked on their journey into the unknown, they travel by canoe and by foot through the plateau till they reach the destination Professor Challenger talked about. Chapter 12 At this point in the book Malone has wondered away from the camp at night, he searches of more information in order to prove his worth to the group. He travels through more parts of the environment in the book, this chapter conveys the scale of the plateau and how insignificant the character is in the massive space his engulfed in. When Malone gets back to camp, its been raided and it seems as though everyones been captured he goes on a search for them and realised that although he saw blood on the for they couldnt have been taken by animals, and toward the end of the chapter he finds Zambo, who believes the devil got them.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

Arthur Conan Doyle, brief bio

Conan Doyle was a Scottish physician and writer famous for creating characters like Sherlock Holmes and Professor Challenger, he was born in Edinburgh on 22 May 1859 and died 7 July 1930, his work on characters like Sherlock Holmes and Professor Challenger went on to inspire many science fiction and Adventure novels.

Social and cultural context

The Lost World was published on 1912 and is written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, he was an author of many books and is known for creating stories and characters which defined genres, and he set a standard for detective stories with the creation of Sherlock Holmes. ...but where did he get his inspiration from Conan Doyle was a very odd character, he was almost as odd as the characters he made, he longed for adventures loved fast cars and hot air balloons. He believed in many things which he was ridiculed for, and in 1920 two English school girls took pictures of fairies in a garden which were later on known as the Cottingley Fairies, Doyle saw this as an opportunity to prove the existence of fantasy creatures and requested more images from the girls, he then based a book on the series of images by the two girls (The Coming of the Fairies), it wasnt until the girls were in their late 80s (1981) that they admitted to the whole thing being a hoax. The Lost World could have also been inspired by his experience with the Cottingley fairies, because in the ending of The Lost Planet Challenger is ridiculed for trying to proof the existence of the lost world, similar to the Doyles experience with fairies. In his later years Doyle started losing his loved ones, his wife died in 1906, his son (Kingsley) died before the end of World War I, his brother (Innes) died, his two brother in-laws and nephews died after the war; this pushed Doyle into depression and he then became interested in spiritualism, his fascination for the Metaphysical inspired another Professor Challenger book The Land of Mist which explores Edward Malons personal interest in Spiritualism, in the book he also talks about The War.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

Excerpts breakdown
What I aim to do with my 3 final images is to literally Illustrate the story with every image showing progress in the story as the characters move through the Amazon


My first Image Illustrates the beginning of the characters

journey, the highlighted sentences are the excerpts I was looking to create.

These two thumbnails show exactly what I eveision my one of the three digital painting should look like

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World


My second Image is set inside the Amazon as the characters

are going through it, these are the excerpts Im looking at for my second Image because it has a lot of detail and as a reader, it clearly describes to me how little the characters are in comparison to this big eco system theyve been engulffed.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World


My Third image is taken from excerpts in Chapter 12, the

Characters dont reach where planned to go at this point, but more of their environment is described from the perspective of one character and as fear/anticipation became a big thing in this chapter, it became the main inspiration for my third piece, the fear of the unknown

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

Statement of Intent
What I intend to do for my three digital paintings is to illustrate the story in the Lost World, having an image for the beginning a middle and an end for the story told in chapter 8 and 12 of the book. The overall feel for the three images would be dark, though the characters are searching for exotic creatures and walk through interesting vegetation and plants, the writer puts them in a very dangerous and they are in constant danger, I want the images to show how big and frightening the environment they are in is. I looked at Films like Jurassic Park and King Kong, which had a similar setting to this book, they took inspirations form real locations and made it fit the story they tried to tell, this is the strategy Im using. In the case of visual inspiration on Conan Doyles lost planet, he took a lot of inspiration from the untouched Landscape of Venezuelas border region and Brazil

I looked into many locations like this, because I want it to look as realistic it can get before I develop the images.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

I also looked at images which had interesting composition and used perspective in a way that would help me create the feeling I was looking for in my Images.

For example for thumbnail 16 I looked at an image which suggested that there was a lot more to the image that what was displayed by using perspective, so after seeing this composition I attempted to recreate it in the Amazon the characters were in.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

Visual Concepts
Influence Maps Image 1

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

Image 2

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

Image 3

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

Overall Influence Map

This was my first Influence Map, and its my main Influence Map for all my images, because I feel that it reflects what I aim to create for my final Images, the colour scheme I used above are dark and gloomy because the characters are constantly in danger and fear the unknown.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

Key Thumbnails
Image 1

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

Image 2

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

Image 3

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World

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