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Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD

PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313, Israel; ;

91313 3144 "

12-10-11 Moseh Silman et al v Bituach Leumi et al (1572-08) in the Tel Aviv

District Court Notice of Simulated Service of August 30, 2012
Decision by Judge Hagai Brenner in re his own on disqualification for
a cause
In July 2012, social activist Moshe Silman self-immolated during social protest in Tel Aviv. The
opening lines of his suicide letter accuse the Tel Aviv District Court of obstructing his access to
justice. Review of the records of the Court reveals conduct of simulated litigation, involving
judges, clerks, and attorneys in the Tel Aviv District Court and in the Supreme Court of the State
of Israel. The Tel Aviv District Court continues to engage in simulated service of simulated
decisions in this case.


Page #

12-10-11 Moseh Silman et al v Bituach Leumi et al (1572-08) in the Tel Aviv District
Court Notice of Simulated Service of August 30, 2012 Decision by Judge Hagai
Brenner in re his own on disqualification for a cause [English translation - jz]
12-10-11 Moseh Silman et al v Bituach Leumi et al (1572-08) in the Tel Aviv District
Court Notice of Simulated Service of August 30, 2012 Decision by Judge Hagai
Brenner in re his own on disqualification for a cause [Hebrew original]

[1] 12-10-10 Human Right Alert's Appendix IV to Submission; 2013 UPR of the State of Israel Integrity, or lack thereof, in the electronic record systems in the courts of the State of Israel - the
case of Moshe Silman


Tel Aviv District Court

Moseh Silman et al
Bituach Leumi et al
Notice of Simulated Service of Judge Hagai Brenner's August 30, 2012 Decision
On October 2, 2012, Requester1, Dr Joseph Zernik, received by Israel Post on Jaffa Street,
Jerusalem, the following records:
1. "Transmittal Letter" by "Clerk's Signature". The Letter is unsigned, and the name
and authority of its sender are not noted in the signature box.
2. "Post-it Decision" by Judge Hagai Brenner, dated August 30, 2012, unsigned.
Therefore, Requester1 informs the parties and the court, that at best such records are simulated
court records. In case the Court intends to treat these records as valid court records, the office of
the Clerk of the Court is again requested to duly serve such records.
Mailing list
Date: October 11, 2012
Dr Joseph Zernik
PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313



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