Newsletter 121014

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28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year B

14 October 2012

he young man in todays Gospel is a good young man. He has been good all his life. He is good enough to see Jesus, and be very respectful to Him. Jesus loves him, and tries very hard to help him. He raises the question who is good? He suggests, God alone. He waits for the young man to see what it means, for him to be calling Jesus good. We believe God is standing in front of him, but the young man fails to see. Jesus invites him to be perfect, to be well on the way to knowing and following Gods plan for him. It would mean, to leave everything else, and come, on the way, with Jesus. The young man falters, and fails there too. It may be that he was thinking of eternal life as something to get, and not, something to be on the way to, and have to follow Jesus, to it. As we do in our various ways of life, if we pray and worship. Then Jesus says it is hard to enter the kingdom of God, and especially so, for those who are rich. I find it revealing, and even sadly amusing, how astonished the disciples are. I mean, they think we all want to be rich. Dont we? Everyone! So who will be saved? Jesus says God will have to do it. Being really religious, then, is following Jesus, and not being good, ourselves. It is having God do the good in us. We are to keep in touch with God, pray, and do His will. Jesus mentions great rewards in doing this. I am a little shy about saying this, but, as a priest, I have found many brothers and sisters, and even children. I have been welcome, in many houses. I feel very much at home with people, everywhere. You will, too, the more you live, in the parish, and in your community. It is the promise of heaven, where we will all live, together, with God, and happy ever after. fr Duncan OP

The Newsletter of


Serving Leicesters Catholics since AD 1247
Entrance Antiphon: At 11am page nos in Missale: 1st Reading: Psalm +: 2nd Reading: Alleluia: Gospel: Communion Antiphon: If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But with you is found forgiveness, O God of Israel.

Mass Ordinary, p 13; Mass Proper, p 155 Sung setting: Mass VIII De Angelis, p 206; Credo III, p 216 Communion motet: Ave maris stella
Wisdom 7:7-11 Satisfy us with your mercy, O Lord, that we may rejoice. (Ps 90) Hebrews 4:12-13 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs Is the kingdom of heaven. Mark 10:17-30 Either: The rich suffer want and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no blessing. Or: When the Lord appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

WEEKDAY MASS IN LATIN. In addition to the Masses listed in the schedule on p 3, Holy Mass

will be offered in the Dominican rite from Monday to Saturday at 8am. There will be a meeting for those interested in reviving a Children's Liturgy after the 9:30am Mass TODAY Sunday 14 October during/after coffee. Please come, especially if you are a parent (and most especially if you are a teacher!!). Forty Hours Devotion THIS WEEK: We are holding 40 Hours Devotion here beginning with Mass of Exposition at on Thursday 18 October at 6:15pm, followed by adoration until midnight. Adoration will resume at 9am on Friday morning and continue through the night until the Mass of Reposition on Saturday 20 October at 6pm. Please sign up for some slots and encourage others, and please dress appropriately for the weather as we cannot afford to heat the church all night. This is an important time of prayer for us and for the whole Church as we begin the Year of Faith. We would also welcome donations for flowers, candles (we will need several hundred) and to defray other costs: there will be a special retiring collection today, and further contributions will be gratefully received by any of the friars. Interested in becoming a Catholic? The Into Faith Programme, or RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) will begin on Monday 5 November at 6:30pm in St Clements Hall and meet on Mondays thereafter. There will be six sessions before Christmas. This programme is aimed at those who are interested in becoming Catholics, whether they have not been baptised or baptised in a different Christian tradition. It also caters for adult Catholics who have not been confirmed, or those who simply feel it is time for a refresher course. Please contact Fr David for more details 0116 252 1512 or Baptism Preparation Sessions: if you wish to have your child baptised at Holy Cross, we now request that you attend a Baptism Preparation Session. These will take place on the first Sunday of each month, after the 9:30am Mass (so circa 10:30am). The sessions will reflect on the meaning of baptism and help you to prepare for this important event.

MONEY MATTERS: Last Weekends collections Offertory Collection 890.61 (of which 359.60 was Gift Aided, and 531.01 not). Figures for the boxes in the church will be reported next week. The retiring collection for the CAFOD Harvest Fast Day came to 359.11. This week there is special retiring collection for flowers, candles and other expenses associated with the Forty Hours devotions. Next week there is a retiring collection for World Mission Sunday. 200 Club. Last months winners were: 10, P Manjoro 150; 21, J Webb 100; and 17, M Taylor 50. Congratulations! If you havent yet returned your forms please do so straightaway. To join, simply pick up a form from the table in the church. Very many thanks for your continuing generosity.
The University Chaplaincy hosts a Nicodemus evening each Monday of term time from 8-9pm. Nicodemus came to the Lord by night. This is an opportunity for quiet, prayerful reflection in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed. The evening finishes with Benediction and all are welcome. Were sure youre not thinking about buying Christmas cards or Advent calendars just yet but ... Traidcraft cards will be on sale in the run up to, and as part Todays Gospel: It is easier for a camel to pass of, the Advent Market. 15% will go towards through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. For men, it is the markets profit. Theyll be sold from impossible [to be saved], but not for God. November 4th. Congratulations to Miss Catherine Esteban who was confirmed here on 23 September.
Closures of New Walk and other roads. LOROS (the Leicestershire & Rutland Hospice) is organising another marathon run this year today, Sunday 14 October. The marathon doesnt usually affect us much, except that roads will be closed to vehicles around Victoria Park and down to the station around the start time at 9.15am, and Wellington Street will be closed at some stage between Chatham Street and Welford Place. Also, from the Leicester Mercury: ... contractors [have begun] to lay down surfacing, which is made by mixing gravel with glue, on the 200-year-old footpath. The work, which will cost about 200,000, will also involve closing the section between King Street and the Waterloo Way bridge on [Sunday] October 21. [The Council has] said there would still be access to businesses on those days and that inconvenience would be kept to a minimum. Domestic matters: Please do remember to turn off or silence mobile phones in the church as the sound from them is most detrimental to the prayerful atmosphere which should prevail. And when young children are becoming noisy, please remember that the narthex at the back of the church is available: it has heating and loudspeakers. Theres no need to stay there for the whole of Mass; just as needed. Many thanks. Loading Bays. Please note that its not permissible to park in marked Loading Bays on Wellington Street and elsewhere. Parishioners have received tickets for doing this. Forthcoming events for your diary Sun 28 Oct Sun 2 Dec SPUCs annual cake stall after the 9.30 and 11am Masses. Parish Christmas Lunch. Sun 25 Nov Advent Market 8.30am 1.30pm. Mon 17 Dec Advent to Christmas - A Festival of Choirs.

Year II

This weeks calendar & Mass Intentions

Psalter Week 4

Confessions 10.30 to 11.30 Fr Fabian, and 17.00 to 18.00 Fr Gregory Sunday 28th Sunday per annum. Vigil 18.00 Irene Olszewska Fr Duncan 8.00 Pro populo Fr Isidore Family 9.30 Thomas Boyle (sick) Fr Duncan 11.00 The Royal Familys intentions Fr Fabian OP Rite 12.30 Pat McCarthy Fr Thomas 19.00 Kiltegan Fathers intentions Fr Gregory Monday St Teresa of vila, virgin, doctor 10.00 Dermot Stafford 12.30 Holy Souls Tuesday Feria 10.00 Dead of the Order of Preachers 12.30 Patricia Higgins Wednesday St Ignatius of Antioch, bishop, martyr 10.00 Kiltegan Fathers intentions 12.30 Holy Souls Thursday ST LUKE, EVANGELIST 10.00 Deceased members of the Henderson family 12.30 Kiltegan Fathers intentions Friday Feria 10.00 Family of Dermot Stafford 12.30 Holy Souls Saturday Feria 10.00 Kiltegan Fathers intentions 12.30 Holy Souls Confessions 10.30 to 11.30 Fr David, and 17.00 to 18.00 Fr Thomas

REGULAR SERVICE TIMES MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS 7.30 Lauds 10.00 Mass 12.30 Mass (Rosary at 12.00) 17.45 Vespers OP Rite Masses as announced. WEDNESDAYS 10.30 Exposition until 12.30 11.45 Divine Mercy Chaplet, Rosary & Benediction SATURDAYS 9.00 Lauds 10.00 Mass 10.30 Novena to Our Lady 10.30 Confessions until 11.30 12.30 Mass (Rosary at 12.00) 17.00 Confessions until 18.00 17.45 Vespers 18.00 Vigil Mass for Sunday OP Rite Masses as announced. HOLYDAYS 18.00 (previous day) Vigil Mass 7.30 Lauds 10.00 Mass 12.30 Mass 17.45 Vespers 19.00 Mass BANK HOLIDAYS 7.30 Lauds 12.30 Mass, after which the church is closed SUNDAYS 8.00 Mass 9.00 Lauds 9.30 Mass (Family) 11.00 Mass (Solemn: Latin on 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays) 12.30 Mass (OP rite in Latin) 17.45 Vespers 18.00 Rosary 18.20 Sung Latin Compline 18.40 Benediction 19.00 Mass Royal Infirmary Chaplaincy: For urgent visits, ask ward staff to bleep the Roman Catholic Chaplain. For non-urgent visits, leave a message at the Priory or at the LRI Chaplains Office. Messages may not be picked up until the end of the day. Universities Chaplain: Fr David Rocks: 0116 252 1512 Parish Website: Website & Newsletter Editors: CONTACT DETAILS Holy Cross Priory 45 Wellington Street, LE1 6HW Priory phone: (0116) 255 3856 For home visits/recorded times of services: 255 3856 Fax: 255 5552 Parish Priest Fr Fabian Radcliffe 252 1515 & 07952 598735

WEEKDAY MASS IN LATIN. Holy Mass is offered in the Dominican rite from Monday to Saturday at 8am. Next Sunday 29th Sunday per annum. Today is World Mission Day: please pray for the missions, and all the work of evangelization. Readings: Isaiah 53:10-11 Hebrews 4:14-16 Mark 10:35-45 This years annual RSCM Choral Festival, in the form of Evensong, will take place at St James the Greater, London Road today Sunday 14th October at 4.00 p.m. Members of our Choir will be taking part and all are welcome. VACANCY: The Diocese wishes to appoint an Administrator for the Retired Priests Appeal. The position will be based at Newark, and will require varied hours based around a 22-hour week over 5 (or possibly 4) days. The contract will be a fixed term one for 18 months, possibly extendible to two years by agreement. For further details, including Job and Person specification, please look at the diocesan website. Holy Cross Year of Faith Pilgrimage to Fatima, Portugal, 11th - 15th June 2013, led by Fr. David Rocks. Leaflets with further details are available from Gail Neill or Fr. David. If you would like to book a place, please contact Gail Neill on 0116 221 8238. To secure a place you need to pay 100 deposit by the deadline of 28 October (cheques payable to Holy Cross Parish). Total cost of the trip is 530 which includes flights, insurance, coach transfers and half-board accommodation (does not include cost of travel from Leicester to London).

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