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L i v e H e alt hy . W or k H ea lth y . P la y H e al thy .

Health for Generations

Oc to be r /N o v e m be r 2 0 1 2 INSIDE THIS ISSUE:

We Choose Health
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We Choose Health Obesity/Healthy Living Cancer Access to Healthcare

South Central Illinois Health Consortium Receives Grant to Improve Health & Wellness
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) awarded almost $3.5 million in We Choose Health grants to communities ready to take on the challenge of reducing heart disease, cancer and diabetes. We Choose Health is a multi-year IDPH initiative to encourage and

Upcoming Events:
Oct. 13thRace for the Cure 5k at Clay County Hospital

support obesity and tobacco prevention in Illinois communities. The South Central Illinois Health Consortium (SCIHC) was selected as one of the recipients of the We Choose Health grants. SCIHC is a coalition committed to improving the health of the following 14 counties in South Central Illinois Clay County as well as Bond, Clinton, Crawford, Edwards, Effingham, Fayette, Jasper, Jefferson, Lawrence, Marion, Wabash, Washington, and Wayne counties. Five independent consultants have been hired to work with communities in the region to implement the following health programs: 1. Coordinated School Health Modelimplement in school districts a model addressing eight components: health education; physical education; health services; nutrition services; counseling, psychological and social services; healthy and safe school environments; health promotion for staff; and family/community involvement. 2. Baby Friendly Hospitalsadopt the World Health Organization initiative to make hospitals a supportive place for mothers who want to breastfeed. 3. Worksite Wellnessestablish policies to give employees opportunities to be physically active, eat healthy foods and live tobacco-free at work. 4. Smoke-Free Outdoor Spacessupport further policies that limit smoking outdoor areas such as parks and campuses. For more information, log onto

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Obesity/Health Living
We Choose HealthClay
County is one of the counties that will benefit from the We Choose Health Grant recently awarded by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Five consultants

Whats for Supper? - To

promote MyPlate, we will work with local businesses to provide nutrition information at various locations such as grocery stores, doctors offices, the hospital, gyms, etc.

Clay County Girl

were hired to promote the Coordinated School Health Model, Worksite Wellness, and Smoke-free Workplaces initiatives.

Healthy Living Tip:

Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that may help protect you from chronic diseases, including stroke and certain cancers. Take a few minutes to add more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Grab fresh or dried fruit to eat on the go. Bring cut-up vegetables or fruit from home. Add fruits and vegetables to your favorite recipe or snack. Serve fruits and vegetables to party guests.

Scouts In June 2012, the Girl Scouts developed and implemented a healthy living program for young girls.

Walk to School Day

McEndree School participated in International Walk to School Day on October 3rd.

Mothers Day AdsPrint
ads were run during May 2012 to promote mammography.

Healthy Families Illinois

HFI program started implementing womens health education in July 2012.




AmeriCorps volunteer has been obtained by the health department to promote the Break the Habit program until July 2013. The program provides free smoking cessation resources.

Health Fair Forms

Questions on PSAs & colonoscopies were added to the health fair screening forms.



Subcommittee has completed the media schedule to promote cancer education.

Access to Healthcare
Dialysis ServicesDaVita
(Home Dialysis Provider) will present data to the Hospital Committee in the coming months.


Specialists was recently

added as the clinics newest specialty service. Dermatology appointments are now available once a month.




ordsHospital EHR system was scheduled to go live on September 11th.

There is possibility to expand the number of appointments available if there is demand.

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