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Introduction to the UAE Social Studies

1. The United Arab Emirates has a long history which dates 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

back to 5500 BC. It is a part of the Middle East or the West Asia. It consists of seven (7) emirates, namely Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Sharjah, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah and Umm al-Quwain. It has vast reserve of oil resources. It is one of the wealthiest nations in the World. Abu Dhabi is its capital. Abu Dhabi means 'father of deer'. Dubai, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah are other major cities of the UAE. Chapter 1



1. Human beings prefer to live in groups. 2. Living and working together can be helpful to all. 3. A community is a place where people live, work and play 4. 5. 6. 7.

together. Working together is very important when you live in a community. The school is a small community. The Principal and teachers give education to students. They work together with this aim.

Review Questions 1. What is a community? 2. Name a community in which you are a part of.

Chapter 2



1. People are the same in all communities in some ways. 2. Most of their needs and wants are the same. 3. Food, water, houses, schools, hospitals, shops, etc are a few of 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

them. People need good jobs to take care of their families well. They need places like park to enjoy themselves with their families and friends. Some people live close to each other. They are called neighbors. People may come from different countries; but they all live in the same community. All the people work together to make our world a better place to live.

Review questions 1. What are the major needs and wants of the people? 2. What is the importance of job to people? 3. Who are neighbors?

Chapter 3



1. A village is a community of people live in a countryside. 2. Villages are smaller than towns. 3. Number of people living in a village will be lesser

compared to towns and cities 4. Roads and buildings also will be lesser. 5. Villagers lead a simple and peaceful life. 6. Villages have the environment free from pollution. 7. Most of the villagers are farmers. 8. Some of them are carpenters, potters, bricklayers and cobblers. 9. Few roads are there in the villages. 10. Most of the villages are found on the banks of the streams or rivers.
Review Questions 1. What is a village?

2. What is the main occupation (job/work) of the villagers?

Chapter 5

Content 1. Everyone in a community must obey laws.


2. A law is a rule that tells people to behave in their communities well. 3. Laws make our community a better place to live in. 4. A citizen is a member of a community or a country. 5. Following rules and laws is part of being a good citizen. 6. Helping others is another way to be a good citizen. 7. Most communities have the same laws and rules to protect their citizens. 8. Obeying traffic rules, keeping your city clean are a few ways by which one can be a good citizen. Review questions 1. What is a law? 2. Mention the use of laws? 3. Who is a citizen? 4. How can you be a good citizen?

Chapter 14



1. Everything that comes from nature are called natural. 2. Everything valuable to humans for making other things 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

are resources. A natural resource is something that comes from nature and valuable to people and can be continually restored. Water, sunlight, air and soil are a few examples. All the products we use have natural resources. Resources are treasures from the Earth that help us to live. We should conserve natural resources. 'Reduce, Recycle and Reuse' must be our motto. If you let vegetable, fruit, leaves and grass rot in a place they will turn into 'compost'.

Review questions 1. Write on 'natural resources'? 2. What is compost?

Chapter 6

Content plans.


1. A leader is someone who helps us to do the right things and make 2. A teacher is a leader in the classroom/school. 3. A police officer is also a leader. Review questions 1. Who is a leader? 2. Give a few examples for a leader.

Chapter 7



1. The leaders that are in charge of a country are called the

government. 2. The government leads a country and decides what laws are made. 3. The government takes care of the welfare and safety of the people.
Review questions 1. What is a government? 2. What are the functions of a government?

Lesson 8


The way we look

Almost six billion people live in this world, today. People are different from each other. People are different in shapes, colour of the skin, language, traditions, etc.


People in each part of the world have special ways of doings things. A custom is something that members of a group of people usually do. Customs include the way they greet each other, how they eat and the way to celebrate ienmportant times in their lives.

Greeting customs

People have different ways to do or say when they meet each other. In the Arab countries, people usually shake hands when they meet. In India, people put their hands together and bow their heads to greet each other.

Review questions. 1. What do you mean by 'custom'? 2. How do the people of Arab countries greet each other when they meet each other?

Eating customs

People eat differently in different countries. In India, people eat with their hands. Most of the people pray, before they eat, thanking God for the food. The Chinese use the chopsticks to eat food. The Europeans and Americans use spoon/fork/knife to eat food.


Celebrations are times for people to celebrate special occasions. Celebrations are important times in people's lives to enjoy themselves and get together.

Communities and families

Communities and families have different customs to do during the celebrations. Eid is an important festival when people visit each other and buy new clothes.

Review questions 1. How does the eating habit of the people differ from India to Europe? 2. What do you mean by 'celebrations'? Lesson 11


Arabs are those who speak Arabic as their first language. Arabs are united by language, culture and by history. Most of the Arabs are Muslims. But there are millions of Christian Arabs too.

Review Questions 1. Who are Arabs? 2. Name the factors which brings unity among the Arabs.

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