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ENERGISING/PUJA The Rudraksha are immersed in oil overnight .

Then they are washed with Panchamrit , while chanting Shiva Mantra Om Namah Shivaye and then the Rudraksha are washed with pure water chanting the Sadyojaat Mantra which is as follows. Om Sadyojaatam Prapadyaami Sadyojataajava Namah. Bhave Bhavenaati Bhave Bhavasvamaam Bhavodbhavay Namah. After this sandalwood paste, Ashatgandha(mixture of eight fragrances)and kesar(saffron) is rubbed on the beads chanting the following Vaamdev Mantra. Om Vamdevaya Namo Jyeshthaay Namah Shreshthay Namo Rudraay Namah Kaalay Namah Kala Vikarannaay Namo Bal Vikaranaay Namo Balaay Namo Bala Pramathanaay Namo Sarva Bhoot Damanaay Namo Manomanaay Namah. Next the following Aghor Mantra is chanted while offering incense. Om Aghorebhyo Ghorebhyo Ghor Ghor Tarebhaya Sarvebhya Sarva Sharvvebhyo Namaste Astu Rudra Roopebhyah. After this the Rudraksha are smeared with saffron chanting the following Tatpurush Mantra. Om Tatpurushaay Vidmahe Mahadevaay Dheemahi Tanno Rudrah Prachodayaat. Next the following Eeshaan Mantra is chanted on each bead. Om Eeshaanah Sarvavidyaanam Eeshwar Sarvabhootaanaam Brahmaadipati Brahmanaadhipati Brahma Shivome Astu Sadaa Shivom. Then the Specified mantra for each Mukhi Rudraksha is chanted on that bead . One Mukhi "Om Namah Shivaya, Om Hreem Namah"

Rudraksha is worn on the body it needs to be sanctified and energized also known as Pran Prathista prior to its use for the first time. Rudraksha is a divine bead and it bestows all sorts of spiritual , mental & Physical benefits to its wearer. However ,in order to get maximum benefits from Rudraksha. The method of blessings is given below : 1. Choose an auspicious day - Monday. (beacuse monday is Lord Shiva's day so it could be chosen.) 2. Wash Rudraksha with unboiled milk and water. 3. Apply sandalwood paste on it. 4. Offer Incense and flowers. 5. Chant "Om Namah Shivaya" 108 times. This Puja may be done by the wearer himself, or else one can take the services of the Guru or the priest of a temple for this procedure. Chant the specific mantra of the mukhis at least 9 times : One Mukhi Two Mukhi Three Mukhi Four Mukhi Five Mukhi Six Mukhi Seven Mukhi Eight Mukhi Nine Mukhi Ten Mukhi Eleven Mukhi Twelve Mukhi Thirteen Mukhi " Om Namaha Shivaya, Om Hreem Namaha " " Om Namah " " Om Kleem Namah " " Om Hreem Namah " " Om Hreem Namah " " Om Hreem Hum Namah " " Om Hum Namah " " Om Ganeshaya Namah " " Om Hreem Hum Namaha" " Om Hreem Namah " " Om Shree Rudray Namah" " Shree Suryay Namah " " Om Hreem Namah "

Fourteen Mukhi " Om Shivaya Namaha " This procedure will input the live energy within the Rudraksha which is called as "Prana Prathistha" . After immediately , the person should wear the Rudraksha within five days of "Prana Prathista". If you would like to enhance the effects of the different Rudraksha then the specific mantras for each of the Rudraksha could be repeated as often as you choose any time of the day . Also "Om Namah Shivaya" or "Namah Shivaya" mantra energizes the Rudraksha beads when chanted with them. Keep the beads as close to your skin as

possible. Rudraksha can also be kept in Puja room and prayed for benefits of your and your whole family.

Rudraksha /

Introduction to Rudrakshas
The Tears of Lord Shiva that are the Rudraksha Beads have been worn by the Yogis of India and the Himalayas for thousands of years for the Fearless Life on their Path to Enlightenment and Liberation. The many Devotees of Truth who deliberately live their lives according to Eternal Natural Law that is Sanatana Dharma Know that Rudraksha Beads are a Gift from The Almighty God and are a Natural Birth Right of the Mankind. The Holy Rudraksha Beads are based in the Absolute Field of Consciousness and they manifest in the Relative Field for the good of all concerned to help relieve sin and suffering and pain world wide for all Cultures and all the Mankind?. It might be new for some to think that Natural Beads of vegetable matter from the Rudraksha Tree could affect the human neuro-physiology as they do in the ways described in the ancient Vedic literature. However, recent scientific research has again found Vedic Knowledge to be correct. Rudraksha beads are the original Vedic beads of power and have been used for thousands of years as an aid to self empowerment and the fearless Life. It has been shown that Rudraksha beads have electromagnetic properties and that they affect the human body when worn on the skin. In addition to this, scientific research has found that as the different faces or Mukhis occur on the different Beads the electromagnetic qualities change from bead to bead and affect the human neuro-physiology in different life supporting ways. In scientific terms the Rudraksha Beads are Dielectric as they store electrical energy and they have permanent magnetic properties that change with the different faced beads.

Properties found inherent in the Rudraksha bead are electromagnetic, paramagnetic, diamagnetic and dynamic polarity or the ability to change its polarity. It has also been shown that Rudraksha have anti-ageing properties based on their electromagnetism.

Life of Rudrakshas Beads

Could be any number of years. If well protected, can be passed on from generation to generation. Medical Facts Controlling blood pressure Take a glass of water. Dip two pieces of five Mukhis in it, preferably after sun set. Drink it when you get up in the morning, before any other intake. Do not use copper glasses. Controls Sudden Nervousness Keep a big size 5 Mukhi Rudraksha with you. Whenever you feel nervous due to sudden shock and feel cold, just hold it tight in your right palm for ten minutes. You will regain your confidence and body will start warming up.

Legend Behind Rudrakshas

The Tears of Lord Shiva that are the Rudraksha Beads have been worn by the Yogis of India and the Himalayas for thousands of years for the Fearless Life on their Path to Enlightenment and Liberation. The many Devotees of Truth who deliberately live their lives according to Eternal Natural Law that is Sanatana Dharma Know that Rudraksha Beads are a Gift from The Almighty God and are a Natural Birth Right of the Mankind. The Holy Rudraksha Beads are based in the Absolute Field of Consciousness and they manifest in the Relative Field for the good of all concerned to help relieve sin and suffering and pain world wide for all Cultures and all the Mankind. It might be new for some to think that Natural Beads of vegetable matter from the Rudraksha Tree could affect the human neuro-physiology as they do in the ways described in the ancient Vedic literature.

However, recent scientific research has again found Vedic Knowledge to be correct. Rudraksha beads are the original Vedic beads of power and have been used for thousands of years as an aid to self empowerment and the fearless Life. It has been shown that Rudraksha beads have electromagnetic properties and that they affect the human body when worn on the skin. In addition to this, scientific research has found that as the different faces or Mukhis occur on the different Beads the electromagnetic qualities change from bead to bead and affect the human neuro-physiology in different life supporting ways. In scientific terms the Rudraksha Beads are Dielectric as they store electrical energy and they have permanent magnetic properties that change with the different faced beads. Properties found inherent in the Rudraksha bead are electromagnetic, paramagnetic, diamagnetic and dynamic polarity or the ability to change its polarity. It has also been shown that Rudraksha have anti-ageing properties based on their electromagnetism.

Care & Precautions of Rudrakshas

Someone who desires seriously to come out of unwanted habits and live a life of purity can wear Rudrakshas and may find themselves free soon after wearing it. This has happened to many. It may happen to you also, if you strongly believe. In general the wearer and the worshipper of Rudraksha is blessed with prosperity, peace and health. yet there are certain precautions to be taken such as: Mala that we wear in neck is made up of 108 beads or 54. Japa mala could be as small as 27 beads. Do not use neck mala as japa mala or vice versa because purpose of each is different. Clean your mala / beads regularly after an interval of 15 days. Dip in Luke warm water. Add a liquid soap. Keep for about half an hour. remove and just wipe with soft cloth. Do not rub strongly or use wire brushes. Apply some mustard oil on the beads by using a brush. Before wearing, take mala or bead to a Shiva temple. Offer 'Rudra Abhishek' and then start wearing. Monday and Thursday are considered auspicious days. If your mala is blessed prior to purchase , you can wear it chanting Om Namah Shivya a minimum of 3 times .

Since Rudraksha is very divine and pure in its nature, It should be held in gold. Exceptions are permitted. Silver or strong RED / BLACK thread is fine. According to our holy books Rudraksha can be worn at all times . Some books say that Rudraksha could be taken off during sex , menstrual cycles , during visit to funeral grounds and during Bowel movements . Also it is advisable to take off beads while taking bath as excess soap dehydrates the beads of the natural Oil . They need to be worn with faith , respect and love . Is it that only Hindus can wear No, All can wear. Sun, Moon, Stars, Rivers and Plants have No Religion.

Importance of Rudrakshas
"Mlechkhho Vaapi chandalo Yukto Va sarvapaatakai,Rudraksha Dharayedyastu Sa Rudra Natra sanshaya". The men who are Mlechchha, chandaal (impious and inhumane) or he who is full of all kinds of vices get the form of Lord Rudra. There is no suspicion about it. "Dhyaan dharan Heenoapi Rudraksham Dharaya Budhah, Sarvapaap Vinirmukto sa yaati, Paramam gatim." A man with meditation and perseverance and a wise man who wears Rudraksha gets rid of all the sins and attains the supreme goal of the human life. "Shiva Poojayam Asya Mala Dharana ma vashyakam". It means that Rudraksha mala must be worn at the time of worshipping Lord Shiva. "Rudraksha Kewalam Waapi Yatra Kutra Mahamate, Sumantrakam Wa Mantren Rahitam Bhava Varjitam" "Yo Wa ko Wa naro Bhaktya Dharyellajjayaapi Wa, Sarvapaap Vinirmukta Samyagjnanam An Wapnuyaat" Rudraksha can be worn by chanting mantra or without chanting it , with reverence or without it, with devotion or without it, with shame or without same i.e. with whatsoever procedure a man who wears Rudraksha gets rid of all kinds of sins and gets knowledge well.

"Shiva bhaktya shantaya dadyadrudrakshashuttaman, Tasya Punyaphal syantam nacha ha vaktumats the Dhritrudraksha kanthaya yastvanna sam pryachchhatitri Saptakula mudadhritya Rudraalokam sa gachchhati." A Shiv bhakta i.e. devotee of Lord Shiva should be given Rudraksha for peace. The limitlessness of the result of its virtues cannot be described. A man, who gives food to the wearer of Rudraksha, reaches Rudraloka i.e. the kingdom of Lord Rudra after providing salvation to seven orders of his ancestors. If the wearer of the Rudraksha dies, he does not take another birth, he reaches the kingdom of Rudra. If a man who is wearing Rudraksha around the neck or an arm, dies, he lives in the kingdom of Rudra after providing salvation to 21 orders of his ancestors. A man who wears Rudraksha with Pearls, Coral, Crystal, Silver, Gold or other precious stone, takes the form of Lord Shiva. The devotee who worships Lord Shiva in the form of Rudraksha devotedly, becomes a king inspite of being poor. "Arudrakshadharo Bhootwa yadyat Karmach Vaidikam, Karoti Japahomaadi tat sarwe nisphalam bhavet" A man who perform Vedic rituals, chanting mantras, yajnas etc without wearing Rudraksha, gets no virtue or fruit.

Biomedical Properties of Rudraksha

The beneficial powers of Rudraksha are by virtue of its Electrical and Magnetic Properties.

Electrical Properties
The ability to send out subtle electrical impulses & Inductive vibrations and act as a Dielectric as in a capacitor to store electrical energy.Our Human body, The Central Nervous System, Autonomous, Sympathetic & Para sympathetic Nervous System and Various other Organ systems in toto can be considered a complex Bio Electronic circuit.Constant pumping of blood by the heart, blood circulation, the transmission of various impulses -Touch, Noise, Smell, Sight, Taste to the brain and the continuous movement of Neurons and Neurotransmitters in the brain and Nervous system generates electrical impulses. This is termed as Bioelectricity. This flow of Bioelectricity facilitates movement of information from the brain to various parts of the body and back. What we feel, think, hear, taste, see. Perceive all depends on the subtle flow of Bioelectric current. This flow of Bioelectric current is occurs due to the existence of potential differences or the different energy levels between different parts of the body. As long as the flow of Bioelectricity is smooth the body functions normally and we have the feeling of being in control. But there is a third element to the body and brain bioelectronic circuit interface, that of the mind. Any activity that can produce stress or maladjustment can throw the streamlined activity, the

Electronic circuit of the body & mind out of gear. Human beings and all living beings are prone to stress continuously in the continuous fight for survival and prosperity. In modern age with intense competition the stress levels have increased tremendously. Almost every individual has problems of Stress and stress related ailments like insomnia, alcoholism, depression, maladjustments, heart diseases, skin diseases etc. Any doctor will confirm that almost 95% of the ailments are Psychosomatic or Stress related (i.e.) originating from the mind. When there is stress or maladjustment corresponding stress signals are sent to the Central Nervous systems, there is an increased activity or abnormal of neurons and neuro transmitters. The magnitude of change will depend on the cause and specific case. When such a thing occurs and it occurs continuously, streamlined flow of electrical signals throughout the mind-body interface is disrupted and it makes us feel uncomfortable and we are not able to act with our full efficiency. Our blood circulation becomes non-ideal and we feel various illnesses. Unfortunately this happens all the time. Rudraksha beads act as a stabilizing anchor. Rudraksha beads' electrical property can be broadly categorized into

There is continuous and subtle flow of bioelectrical signal throughout the body due to potential difference between parts of the Body. Rudraksha beads of particular Mukhis or Facets have a definitive Factor of Resistance. It is measured in Ohms. When these beads resist the flow of bioelectrical impulses a specific ampere of current flow is generated depending on the factor of resistance. This acts in tandem with heartbeat, streamlining it and sending out specific impulses to brain. These impulses stimulate certain positive brain chemicals. Making us feel better, more confidants, poised and more energetic. It has been observed that specific Mukhis or Facets of Rudraksha beads send out specific signals acting on a particular brain chemical and thereby by effecting specific positive changes in personality. It is well proven that the state of mind and our personality is governed almost completely by the Brain, its functioning and that of Central Nervous System

Capacitance or the Dielectric Properties

Rudraksha beads act as dielectric (i.e.) as a storage of electrical energy. This property of Rudraksha makes it capable in stabilizing and anchoring the Bioelectric current. The values are measured in units of Farad. This property is very helpful in controlling hyperactivity, palpitations of heart, streamlining heartbeat etc. Due to stress when there is increased physical activity heart beats faster and the overall activity of hormones and nervous system increases. This causes increased energy levels or increase in potential difference. As a result of this the magnitude of

the Bioelectric Current increases. Rudraksha beads acting as Dielectric store this excess Bioelectric Energy , thereby streamlining the overall activity to Normalcy.

Rudraksha beads by it have permanent magnetic properties. They have been observed to send out Inductive vibrations with frequencies measured in units of Henry (Volt Seconds/Ampere). This perhaps is the reason why people have felt better even when Rudraksha beads does not touch them physically. Magnetic Properties -Rudraksha beads have Both Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic with the most important property of Dynamic Polarity We all are most probably aware of the beneficial healing properties of magnets. Magnetic Healing is becoming extremely popular off late and everyone who have been using magnets for healing have been getting the benefits and found overall betterment and rejuvenation. Rudraksha beads retain most of the properties of Magnets but it is unparallel in one aspect, that of the ability to change it's polarity or the Property of Dynamic Polarity. The basic way of healing is based on the fact that the when the passage of arteries and veins which carry blood to and from Heart to all the parts of the body is blocked or reduced due to variety of reasons, various illnesses creep. Blood carries oxygen and energy to various parts of the body and cleanses it off waste materials. Any disruption of the smooth flow of Blood circulation is bound to cause illnesses. We experience pain and uneasiness due to improper blood circulation. Every cell in the blood as well as the Arteries and veins are charged either positively or negatively. Magnets have the poles Positive (+) and Negative (-). When magnets are passed on various parts of the body the opposite poles of the magnets and that of cells get attracted and there is an expansion of the passage .The Arteries and veins open up to facilitate streamlined blood circulation. When there is a streamlining of blood circulation most of the illnesses get automatically healed and we feel better and rejuvenated. But with magnets the polarity is fixed. When magnets are brought near a particular part of the body it opens up only those sections of veins and arteries where there is a matching of polarities hence complete healing and streamlining of blood circulation cannot be ensured. We experience healing and feel better but we can still go much further with Dynamic Polarity of Rudraksha beads. Rudraksha has the ability to Change it's polarity-The property of Dynamic Polarity. This in turn is by virtue of its property, Diamagnetism. Diamagnetism is termed as the ability of any material to acquire temporary magnetic property in presence of an external magnetic field. The polarity of the charge induced is opposite to that of the external field inducing the charge. Blood circulation and heart beat automatically induces a magnetic field around the body and particularly the heart

Region.Bioelectricty automatically gives raise to Biomagnetism Depending on the polarity of the Induced magnetic field. Rudraksha bead acquires a polarity that is opposite of the inducing field. As a result of this the opening up the passages of Arteries and Veins are far better than that of magnets. Much better healing and rejuvenation is experienced. Various Literatures mention of powerful Anti Ageing properties of Rudraksha beads This is mainly because of the Dynamic Polarity of the Rudraksha a bead thus the healing powers of Rudraksha are far superior to that of Magnets. In some sense Rudraksha beads can be termed to have some additional life or Intelligence as against Magnets.

Wearing Rudraksha for the first time

Before Rudraksha is worn on the body it needs to be sanctified and energized . We at Rudra Centre sanctify and energize (awaken) your Rudraksha by full Vedic rites before sending to you . Since we are based in India , our overhead costs are low . Thus we do not charge for blessings of Rudraksha which is this is done in Traditional Vedic Temple in Nagpur and some amount from our profit donated for the welfare of the Temple . The method of blessings which is done as underlined in our holy texts is given in Blessings section on site . In case you would like to sanctify the Rudraksha yourself , the simplest procedure is Choose an auspicious day . Monday are Lord Shiva days and could be chosen . Wash Rudraksha with unboiled milk and water. Apply sandalwood paste on it.Offer Incense and flowers. Chant "Om Namah Shivaya" 108 times. Chant the specific mantra of the mukhis minimum of 9 times. One Mukhi "Om Namah Shivaya, Om Hreem Namah". Two Mukhi "Shree Gauri Shankaraya Namah", 'Om Namah'. Three Mukhi "O Kleem Namah, Om Namah Shivaya". Four Mukhi "Om Hreem Namah". Five Mukhi "Om Namah Shivaya","Om Hreem Namah". Six Mukhi "Swami Kaartikeya Namah","Om Hreem Hum Namah". Seven Mukhi "Om MahaLaxmi Namah","Om Hum Namah". Eight Mukhi "Om Hum Namah, Om Ganeshaya Namah". Nine Mukhi "Nav Durgayi Namah","Om Hreem Hum Namah". Ten Mukhi "Shree Narayanaaye Namah"," Shree Vishnavai Namah","Om Hreem Namaha". Eleven Mukhi "Om Shree Rudraya Namah","Om Hreem Hum Namah". Twelve Mukhi "Shree Suryay Namah" "Om Krown Kshown Rown Namah".\\ Thirteen Mukhi "Om Hreem Namah". Fourteen Mukhi "Om Namah Shivaye". Upon completion of the above described steps wear your Rudraksha chanting Om Namah

Shivaye . The Rudraksha thus becomes divine , and creates a a divine armour around it's worshipper and bestows health ,wealth and success. If you would like to enhance the effects of the different Rudraksha then the specific mantras for each of the Rudraksha could be repeated as often as you choose any time of the day . Also Om Namah Shivaya or Namah Shivaya mantra energizes the Rudraksha beads when chanted with them . Keep the beads as close to your skin as possible and not in sight or touch of others . Rudraksha can also be kept in Puja room and prayed for the benefit of the whole family

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